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Maybe police raid on Soi Twilight

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I was sitting with a Cambodian friend at Hot Male tonight. A couple of his friends (Cambodian)came by and said the police raided Fresh Boys. They said no one was arrested, but anybody than did not have a work permit had to leave. They had legal passports, but police wanted permits.

I didn't see anything going on or any boys talking about it other than what was told to us by these two boys. They said they would probably be back to work tomorrow.


I went to Hot Male tonight. Something was up, as only 4 boys working bar downstairs, usually about 10

I went upstairs and only 12 boys on stage. Usually 30 or more on a Friday night. One of my mamasan friends saw me and knows I like Vietnamese boys. He came over and said only Thai boys working tonight. I asked where everyone was. Avoided the question, but said everybody back tomorrow.

One of my friends that works there has been off this week and was do back tonight . He sent me a text a little while ago saying, I will see you you tomorrow. I asked why not back today. He said police going thru the clubs today checking paperwork. He knew things would be off so just took an extra day.


Can someone explain to me why if work permits are needed do bars employ these boys who do not have a permit?

The bar owner is not afraid he will loose his licence? Or is it really so easy to bribe the police?

Then still you take quite a risk. What if you encounter an officer who does not want to be bribed? Then you have two charges against you.


Why take the risk? Bangkok is a big city. Many Thai gay boys who want to work in a bar. Why do they hire boys who do not have a permit? Taking into account the risks I outlined above?


I'd like to see the policeman that won't accept a bribe . Most of the bars have to pay.

The police are back again tonight. Most non-Thai boys sent home about 8pm. This is 3 nights in a row, not sure what's up.

I asked my Cambodian friend who has a work permit why he didn't work Friday. He said his Boss just didn't want to deal with the police and only wanted Thai boys working.

  On 5/9/2015 at 2:51 PM, paulsf said:

I'd like to see the policeman that won't accept a bribe . Most of the bars have to pay.



So the police are only doing these raids for some extra income? Because if there are no legal consequences for the bar owners when they are caught, then what other reason can there be? The local government must know about this. So that government is also OK that the police can be bribed? National government also has no issue with it? It is just a fact of life and no-one cares? Seems to me the police is also not afraid THEY are caught. Because I am sure accepting bribes is officially a crime. But also goes without punishment.


So technically Thailand police is a criminal organization? :-) I mean most members daily violating at least the anti-bribery law. 

Police officers can't have much self respect. They know they are criminals themselves.


Police action still messing things up tonight. That's 4 nights in a row. Difficult to have shows and keep customers as not enough boys in some clubs. Tonight was a bit better. They only allowed Thai boys onstage . Non-Thai boys could be in the clubs but had to stay fully clothed and sitting in the audience seats. When customers would come in, they would try to sit close to them and get noticed.

I was told they are hoping things will get back to normal Monday or Tuesday night.


sounds similar to what happened early March, when the day before an important Buddhist holiday a police order came out for all dance clubs to close at midnight. The night before the holiday that's normal, but the order was supposed to be effective for the next 2 weeks. No reason given, no reliable source. Apparently, individual clubs were just told by "their" officer. No formal announcements, nothing. Then 3 days later, the whole thing was called off just as out of the blue as it had come. 


The best explanation for this and the current Soi Twilight issue IMO: this is Thailand, 'nuff said.


Now it's almost comical. Thai boys can dance on stage in their shorts, business as usual. Non-Thai boys can be on stage, but they have to wear long pants, but can work shirtless. It's better than nothing, at least they can be on stage. But when you see half dressed and half undressed, looks a bit strange. Many shows get cancelled because they don't have enough Thai boys.

I heard Dream Boys is all Thai boys anyway so they are still packing them in.

Management is hoping things will be back to normal this weekend. Costing them lots of money.



So technically Thailand police is a criminal organization? :-) I mean most members daily violating at least the anti-bribery law. 

Police officers can't have much self respect. They know they are criminals themselves.

You are quick off the mark!

  On 5/15/2015 at 4:50 PM, gerefan said:

You are quick off the mark!


Ok. I had put a smiley after my remark by the way. I was just wondering why so many raids are done if there are no legal consequences for the bar owners. They just pay the police I was told and then can continu their practice. They will not loose their license. If this all is true, than to the casual observer (read: me) it appears that these raids are only done to earn some extra income. 

  On 5/15/2015 at 5:47 PM, abidismaili said:

than to the casual observer (read: me) it appears that these raids are only done to earn some extra income. 

or they can report to their superiors that some action was undertaken and moral order restored

Guest abang1961

With the exception of my country...


I'm from Asia and understands that almost all civil servants (uniformed or not) are lowly-paid employees.

There is so much hierarchy and unless there is a sudden promotion, the ascension upwards is almost non-existent.

So the public service seems to be the "iron" bowl for most of the "impoverished" people who has little or no sense of upward mobility.  They survive hand to mouth and any bit of extras (regardless how small and how "illegal" is welcome.


Taking bribes or offering protection in lieu of payment is quite normal...So in the case of the bar operators, paying means lesser friction with the law.. Think of this, if Thailand wants to clean up, almost 20% of the population will suffer...not just those in the sex trade but the entire tourism sector...


A case to look at is Hong Kong ... the locals "complain" about their main landers and that constitutes to a significant drop in the tourist arrival.... So, for the Thai enforcement team, should we say "Keep up the good work"?


Vinapu you kind of hit the issue with "Superiors". I got a bit more info, though with language issues its a bit hard to get it exact.

It appears there are 2 policemen that handle the goings on in Soi Twilight. Their superiors came to them and said there were talks from very high up to create trouble in the sex clubs in the city. The superiors told the 2 policemen to try to clean up their area a bit so there would not be any big raids. They, fearing loss of income....told club owners, Thai only, no sex on stage. Things from high up quieted down and clubs were told non-Thais could wear clothes onstage. This makes for fast getaway if necessary.

Things are a bit better this weekend. Non-Thai still in long pants, but no shirts ok. And Non-Thai boys are back doing shows, nudity ok,but quickly back to clothes when done.

I was eating at Dicks last night and noticed several boys at the massage places next door were also wearing long pants, so rules extending to all places.


Talking to a couple of Non-Thai friends of mine, a couple of mamasans and owner of one club, they think the worse is over, but they are still a bit uncomfortable about the situation, not sure if something is still going to come down from the top.

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