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Putin hurts Everyone including Thailand

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Guest LoveThailand

Presumably not Russians. He has about 86% approval rate among them. Bus so probably did Hitler during his heyday.


They are getting killed financially and Putin runs the polls, so they are worthless! Some of the old people from Soviet Union days may like what he is doing but I don't imagine the young people who like to travel and buy Western Goods appreciating his misdeeds.


Big difference between  mouthing that you like him and meaning it . After all the secret police are in full damage control.


Same thing in Iran, if you eliminated the Secret Police the mullahs would be overthrown in 2 weeks. Obama has made a lot of mistake but his biggest IMHO was not speaking out when the young people were rioting in Tehran. We might have gotten rid of those bums in power!


not trying to defend any nasty regimes but can't help to notice that overthrowing bums in power in Iraq and Libya so far did not seem to improve lot of ordinary people in   both countries and Secret Polices were less murderous than unruly zealots who replaced them. 


Sometimes it seems it takes years for freedom to bear it's fruits


Well there is a difference when the USA sticks its nose in and creates removing the bums in power and when the people actually do it.


Plus Iraq has never really been a country. It was a make believe country of disparate factions that have nothing in common.


Iran on the other hand has actually been a country for thousands of years although with different names. A rich history and culture .

  Yes they somehow got the Mullahs when the Shah was deposed but I still think the time will come when the educated young people will take back the country and do the same thing to the Mullahs that their parents did to the Shah.


Which is why the sanctions should have never been lifted and in fact should have been increased until the bums were thrown out.


God I hate agreeing with the Idiot Republicans!


Right article, wrong topic header. 


Rouble exchange rate and oil price - the only reason of declining flow of Russians to Thailand.


1.Thailand becomes too expensive (2 times) for blue collars, so they again take tours to Egypt and Turkey instead of Thailand.


2. Price of renting apts in Moscow (and other big cities)  drops down 30% in roubles (that means in USD almost 3 times): half of property market is empty now cuz labor migrants went to homelands - salaries in roubles are still the same in Russia, but in migrants home currencies salaries became 2 times less.In past about 200 000 of Russians had residence in Thailand while left own apts in Russia to rent to migrants. Now they haven't money from rent, so lend-lords flow back to Russia.


And almost nobody cares about Putin here, but many ppl start new day from checking oil price.

Guest abang1961

Yeah, I really don't like this character.. 

Is he who wants to dominate the world, just like any dictator/tyrant in the past?


He admits to Crimea, one year after the event.

Does he want to crumble the economy further and force life of the Russians to return to the 60s and 70s, the Cold war era?

Take a leaf from the Chinese leaders - push economic growth first before anything....


He's just a faschist dictator.  Now looks awfully like 1939, except our politicians have not realised there is a need to rearm.


There will come a day when the US decides it doesn't need to get involved in European squabbles (rather like 1939~1941).

So west Europe needs enough defensive capability of its own.


OK, we are in NATO.   However, contracts can be broken.   A fine example is where Russia, the US and the UK agreed to guarantee Ukrainian borders in return for them giving up nuclear weapons.  That has not been honoured.

Guest Steve1903

Presumably not Russians. He has about 86% approval rate among them. Bus so probably did Hitler during his heyday.

Kim Jung Un would get a 100% approval rating in NK but it doesn;'t mean anyone likes him.


Well there is a difference when the USA sticks its nose in and creates removing the bums in power and when the people actually do it.


Plus Iraq has never really been a country. It was a make believe country of disparate factions that have nothing in common.


Iran on the other hand has actually been a country for thousands of years although with different names. A rich history and culture .

  Yes they somehow got the Mullahs when the Shah was deposed but I still think the time will come when the educated young people will take back the country and do the same thing to the Mullahs that their parents did to the Shah.


Which is why the sanctions should have never been lifted and in fact should have been increased until the bums were thrown out.


God I hate agreeing with the Idiot Republicans!

It is the President who conducts foreign policy and Andy Borowitz has the perfect solution.



Guest ronnie4you

Russians have been quite noticeable in my recent trips to Pattaya, but I have not been there lately. My observation was how badly dressed they are, with mismatched tops and bottoms and general lack of attention to their appearance. This is not necessarily bad, it may mean they just are not into those sorts of things.

One thing for sure, you can't get much cuter than a cute young Russian guy.

Guest ButterballBruce


One thing for sure, you can't get much cuter than a cute young Russian guy.


Especially if you're an old, decrepit farang with ciggy breath!


No "culture and history" in Iraq?

The region between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers is often referred to as Mesopotamia and thought to be the birthplace of writing and the world's oldest civilizations.(wiki)

With Russia its similar to Europe, the "Euro" has lost a lot of.........- fom 45 to 34 in a few months (vs.Baht)


z909: "He's just a faschist dictator" - maybe, but elected..... "So west Europe needs enough defensive capability of its own." Russia pays for arms less than Germany /France together and about 15% of US - where is a "danger"? Maybe in your fantasy.......


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