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Racism , Alive & Well in Bangkok

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  On 10/31/2014 at 6:21 PM, NIrishGuy said:

But I'm guessing you may well have had a few racists IN you ! :-)

no amount of "Vanish" can wash some dirty minds


  On 10/31/2014 at 4:21 PM, a447a said:

Because, as a local, he earns less than you.

and he knows what local price will be.


Dual pricing is not a Thai thing , it's pretty known all over the world. Not a pleasant thing but usually harm to our pocket is not that big as farmer017  noticed above.


Sometimes I haggle just for fun and to see how low they go and still pay what was quoted at first place as long as it's reasonable.


Difference between West and Third World is that in the Third World countries  we are gouged as visitors and at home  in the West we are gouged as locals, however we 'll turn ass is always behind.


I'm with you, Vinapu, when it comes to haggling.


I'll haggle to bring the price down but will then pay something in between what he asked for and what I said I'd pay. That way, we are both winners and no one loses face. For me, that's always the name of the game.


For example, in Phnom Penh, the first tuk tuk I took (!) asked for $4 to go from my hotel to the riverside. I beat him down to $2 but actually paid him $3, so be both went away happy. Or sometimes I negotiate a lower price but then give him a tip.


There is no comparison between racism/racial discrimination and economic exploitation. I am appalled that anyone would even try to equate the two topics. A. Lincoln, Mandela, and others are turning over in their graves at the thought.


The guy from Australia who wrote "just shut up", please, the world knows about Australia's racial history. "just shut up", tell this to the millions who where killed because of the color of their skin, or their religion, or sexual orientation, or disease such as AIDS, etc. etc. How sad that you are so insensitive, especially as a gay person. I fell sorry for you.

  On 10/31/2014 at 1:43 PM, chiangklang said:

Well I am from Australia, why do I pay more for everything then my Thai boyfriend


You're being overly dramatic. While there are indeed venues and vendors where foreigners are made to pay more than locals, it's nowhere close to "everywhere". In fact, at least for the stuff I'm buying on a regular basis here in Thailand, it's very rare. Taking advantage of someone who isn't familiar with the prices, on the other hand, is not uncommon even among Thais. So it's often more a question of knowing the prices and haggling than actual racial discrimination.


And really, taking advantage of someone who is perceived as rich and clueless hardly qualifies as racism anyway.


"And really, taking advantage of someone who is perceived as rich and clueless hardly qualifies as racism anyway."


Indeed a very profound and truthful statement, Alexx.

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