zombie Posted October 9, 2014 Posted October 9, 2014 Last night I was enjoying myself with some others in Toy Boy, when suddenly a large group of loud mouthed Chinese females-led by a tour operator- barge into the bar, take over almost one side of the place and start screaming non stop as they consume their beer bottles and command boys of their choosing come down and sit with them. To make way for the rabble, regular gay customers are shunted to the side lines, most of whom decide to pay up and leave. The bitches get louder and louder and even try to pinch boys already sitting with customers. Some of them order the stage to be cleared to parade themselves on it as shown below. By this time most of the gays already in the bar have left and several other potential gay customers who had come to the bar entrance once they see what is going on inside the bar conclude, rightly, to go elsewhere. When these females decide it is time to do a conga around the bar, it is well past the time for my group to get out. Is there no where safe for us gays?! vinapu and kokopelli 2 Quote
williewillie Posted October 9, 2014 Posted October 9, 2014 Only one of the horrors but one should remember that Toy Boys is a boybar, not a gay bar. Their baht is as good as ours and I don't believe many of the boys only want old men. 99% of the time the "bitches" are not an issue. More frequent at Boyzboyzboyz shows vinapu 1 Quote
zombie Posted October 9, 2014 Author Posted October 9, 2014 Willie: do not dispute most of what you say. Maybe you or anyone else here can suggest where in Pattaya there is a gay bar which is not at risk of being invaded by females in their hordes. Or is it the case that you say there are no gay bars in Pattaya? Quote
firecat69 Posted October 9, 2014 Posted October 9, 2014 Well that would be like saying there are no straight bars in Pattaya. Been in plenty of them with straight friends. Also plenty of Gay women in Lady Bars.. Bar is a Bar. Discrimination in any form should not be allowed. The scene you described is certainly very unusual , normally a few women in the Bar causes no concern , unless you are only interested in the straight boys and are afraid of the competition. The masculine Gay Boys want nothing to do with women. Quote
zombie Posted October 9, 2014 Author Posted October 9, 2014 The discrimination was that the gay customers were ordered to move aside to allow the chinese to occupy most of one side of the bar; then the boys were ordered off the stage to let the screaming women to take over the stage and dance as shown in the photo. I wonder if I and a group of other gays went to a go go bar in walking street and ordered the girls off the stage, and my group started to gyrate on the stage instead....how would the straight customers react?! Quote
firecat69 Posted October 9, 2014 Posted October 9, 2014 I actually have seen that happen and like most things in any GoGo Bar, NO BIG DEAL. Pat at BoyToy is there to make money. He has quite an Asian customer base. The only Bar in Pattaya that has substantial Asian customers all the time. Unlike BKK where almost all the customers are Asian. If he feels he has to cater to them once in awhile then I can put up with it and go to another Bar if it bothers me that much. He must be doing something right when 2 nights ago FunnyBoys was closed with no boys and no customers . 50 ft away ToyBoys had 25+ boys and plenty of customers. I like it when someone is running a business successfully even if I don't agree with everything they do!! vinapu 1 Quote
Guest Aussiebi14 Posted October 9, 2014 Posted October 9, 2014 Did the chinese girls off any boys ? Quote
brall3 Posted October 9, 2014 Posted October 9, 2014 There is an old American expression: "Money talks and bullshit walks." It appears that this is true universally, especially in Thailand. People in business are there to make money and their loyalty is to the almighty currency. Like some customers, I get annoyed when I see a flow of females invade an establishment which caters to gays. So, I just pay my bill and leave. In BKK going someplace else which is void of females is getting more difficult day by day. Such is life. Quote
Guest anonone Posted October 9, 2014 Posted October 9, 2014 Willie: do not dispute most of what you say. Maybe you or anyone else here can suggest where in Pattaya there is a gay bar which is not at risk of being invaded by females in their hordes. Or is it the case that you say there are no gay bars in Pattaya? Females are a very rare sight in Sunee. I have heard of Male/Female couple showing up at Eros I believe, but I have never seen it myself. Occasional Lady Boy at Nice Boys, which I have no problem with...have even sat with some for awhile. They are not shy about playing with the Boys. LOL Quote
williewillie Posted October 9, 2014 Posted October 9, 2014 Good to see understanding responses. I've heard angry farangs appalled that women were in "gay bars". I used to tell them the bars were boy bars, not gay bars, despite the fact that they cater to older gay men. Many bar boys prefer women offing them. The women often want the boys to party with, go to kareokes and discos. Sex often doesn't happen and the boys aren't tipped as much as expected from old men for sex. Sometimes boys just want to have fun. Firecat is right and one sometimes sees the gay boys try to avoid the women's attention and getting offed. I've heard the Japanese women are the most liberated and have the money, and they want sex. The Chinese, Taiwanese favor Toy Boys and the Japanese favor A-Bomb Boys. Boyzboyzboyz seems the favorite of all nationalities of women. Of course this is in Pattaya. vinapu 1 Quote
williewillie Posted October 9, 2014 Posted October 9, 2014 Willie: do not dispute most of what you say. Maybe you or anyone else here can suggest where in Pattaya there is a gay bar which is not at risk of being invaded by females in their hordes. Or is it the case that you say there are no gay bars in Pattaya? I've been in Toy Boys hundreds of times over the past decade.I can't recall ever seeing a group of women there. Large groups of asian men are common and they can command the boys attention with drink set-ups and animated antics. Sometimes a large group of asian will include very hot asian guys and I can understand them getting the boys attention. Even Panarama, which is close to being a gay bar can have women sometimes. No leather, biker, or any fetish type bars that would exclude women. Best bet would be Sanuk Sauna in Pattaya but maybe some women cleaners or staff. Of course, Sanuk not a bar. vinapu 1 Quote
Guest Posted October 9, 2014 Posted October 9, 2014 Money talks & the owner of Toy Boys is entitled to make money how he pleases. However, if he's going to alienate his core gay customer base, then he had better be confident the income from the Chinese female tourists will compensate for that lost. Moving existing customers to make way for these slappers is very bad form, as is tolerating their unreasonable behaviour. I also think if a bar wants to operate a men only or a women only policy, that should be their choice. Customers can take it or leave it. There are other examples of access restriction by sex -e.g. in certain religions or women only train carriages in Japan. Finally, if gay bars are going to encourage female Chinese tourists, they could at least ensure their behaviour is acceptable. Quote
ChristianPFC Posted October 9, 2014 Posted October 9, 2014 Unacceptable behaviour (the loud-mouthed Chinese females, getting on the stage; and the Thai staff moving other customers to the side). I have no problem with women in bars, as long as they behave. They should book the bar for a private party. I certainly do want to get into such a situation as a customer. Quote
firecat69 Posted October 9, 2014 Posted October 9, 2014 I never saw such a Big To Do about nothing. I don't like going into Bars where customers are going down on Boys in public or the reverse and I can think of lots of things I don't like. So I leave . I am not entitled to tell the owner how to run his Bar if I was in BKK I would be telling owner to stop raping me on drink prices. I actually tried that with the #1 Bar by far. He laughed at me as well he should have because it is none of my business how he runs his Bar nor is it anyone else's. He is jammed with Asians who feel they are getting good value and the hell with the Caucasians. It is no one else's business especially someone like Christian who would put all the Bars out of business with what he spends.. I have been in ToyBoys at least 100 times and I have never seen what the OP experienced. Therefore at least for now I would guess it is not important. I would have left but I certainly would not assume that is the norm and I would be back in the next night. And like I said before Pat seems to be running a very successful operation both for drinks and offs so I am sure he could care less about 1 or 2 people being upset at the spectacle of women having a good time. Christian big of you to have no problem with women as long as they behave . Who makes you the decision maker. The only decision a customer can make is to leave. I am willing to bet that anyone who did leave was back in the Bar the next night if they were out! vinapu 1 Quote
Travellerdave Posted October 9, 2014 Posted October 9, 2014 Ive been in Toyboys quite a few times and have never seen the Screaming Chinese phenominum, however it strikes me as an unwelcome development - perhaps the "thin edge of the wedge". We regard Boystown, Sunee, and the Dongtan Gay Beach as "our" (ie older gay farangs) territory, and we are disturbed by such invasions. Quote
vinapu Posted October 9, 2014 Posted October 9, 2014 I need to say I agree with all posts above, rare phenomena for me. Ladies would not bother me but their screaming would but if they had a good time I guess I'd stay and watch what happens. No shortage of place in BT if one wants to leave. I used to hate ladies in our bars but after they complemented my choice of boys I don't mind and at times even I plant myself beside just to see their antics / and to land another complement about my boy/ As long as those girls bought drinks and they did no need to bar in stop them having fun at their own expense. When they were on stage I'd send my boy with 50 baht to tip one of his choice , just for a fun. Bigger problem would be visit of bunch of straight men who would not buy anything , made some derogatory comments about boys and customers and gays in general and left after several minutes. Apparently it happens from time to time, ,even it was mentioned on another board recently although I never witness that. At Classic last year I saw straight couple kissing passionately in the first row for quite a long time during show. But they offed boy, most attractive from a bunch I haste to say and he looked happy going with them so where's harm? We may be disturbed by such invasions but may be they help bars to stay in the business so ultimately we'd benefit. colmx 1 Quote
firecat69 Posted October 10, 2014 Posted October 10, 2014 Ive been in Toyboys quite a few times and have never seen the Screaming Chinese phenominum, however it strikes me as an unwelcome development - perhaps the "thin edge of the wedge". We regard Boystown, Sunee, and the Dongtan Gay Beach as "our" (ie older gay farangs) territory, and we are disturbed by such invasions. This has been happening for years in Pattaya. What supposedly was Gay Beach in Jomtien for years has had Floppy tit women in the Gay areas. The Gay Hotels in Boystown advertise and encourage bookings by straights because they cannot survive without the business. The biggest shows in Pattaya have predominately Ladyboy performers and attract many from all walks of life. All over the world restaurants owned by Gays and initially supported by Gays have been discovered by the straight crowd because of the quality of their offerings. In many cities of the world what were considered Gay areas have become gentrified with people from all walks of life. It's called progress. Inclusion rather then discrimination. The difference between my generation and the children of that generation in their attitudes towards the Gay Community is just amazing. Those are the things most of us wanted to happen. Is it the same all over the world ? Of course not. There will come a day when nobody will refer to Clubs as Gay Clubs but just Clubs and that means we need to learn how to deal with it. I have certainly seen plenty of bad behavior in Gay and Straight clubs and that behavior is seen in the eyes of the beholder which at times is colored by reverse discrimination on our parts. vinapu and ceejay 2 Quote
t0oL1 Posted October 10, 2014 Posted October 10, 2014 Throw them Toy Boys bar but don't let them find out about Funny Boys. Most times Toy Boys are so few customers, glad they are getting some business and the boys having fun. Quote
TotallyOz Posted October 10, 2014 Posted October 10, 2014 I have been to so many gay bars in NYC with female friends and they were stopped at the door and the bouncer tried not to let them in. We were usually able to convince them but there were times when we had to see the manager or owner. But, I have never had an issue with women in the bars. Sure, if they were there and took the boy I wanted, I might get sad but money is money.I am not sure why allowing women alienates gay customers. I just don't get it. I have also heard that having ladyboys on stage alienates gay customers. Again, I don't get it.I had a group of very young male farangs with me a few years back and they were called on the stage in several bars to dance. A few even got down to their underwear. I am sure that was offensive to some as they were not offable or Asian. But, hell, in a bar isn't the point to have a good time. Having a few people enjoying themselves a bit too much from time to time should be expected. I hate even worse going into a bar where the guys on stage are in a coma.I just don’t see any issue at all with the women on stage. I do have an issue with them moving customers. If I had sat there and were asked to move, I’d most likely move unless that seat was important to me. If that were the case, I’d ask for a refund and leave or I’d move. But, if there is a show going on and I went to get a good seat or sit to where I could see the boys easy, I would not be happy to move. I have been asked in Dream Boys in Bangkok before and I simply said no. I didn’t want to pay that price for a shitty seat. Can someone please explain to me why having a lady in a boy bar is offensive to gays? Do you really think all the boys on stage are gay? Quote
kokopelli Posted October 10, 2014 Posted October 10, 2014 No problem with me with screaming women in a gay go-go club; I just go elsewhere as fast as I can. Quote
ChristianPFC Posted October 10, 2014 Posted October 10, 2014 The view on this issue is a bit obscured by "screaming Chinese females". Gender and nationality does not matter, the important part that they disturbed other customers and the owner/manager/staff didn't prevent them from doing so; even encouraged it by moving other customers (very rude by my standards, shows complete lack of respect). It doesn't matter if it's straight Chinese woman or gay White men who disturb other customers. Fortunately I have never been in such a situation, and it's difficult to tell if I would argue with staff about moving (suggesting I leave immediately without paying) or be so surprised that I don't realize I'm being screwed and follow their orders. vinapu 1 Quote
firecat69 Posted October 10, 2014 Posted October 10, 2014 Throw them Toy Boys bar but don't let them find out about Funny Boys. Most times Toy Boys are so few customers, glad they are getting some business and the boys having fun. Sorry you just don't know what you are talking about . I stop in both every time I am in BT. If you get to Toy after 10pm 1/2 boys are gone to offs and they still have 20 or more. FB is evidently so badly managed now that at 930pm on Monday they shut door because they had no boys. Excuse was they all went to concert. Right! When Mama Rose was there you could choose between the concert or your job. At the same time TB had 12 customers and 25 + Boys. and any night you stop in both even at the end of Rose' management there are more boys and a wider variety in TB. But all those boys work there just because there are so many offs. FB too many customers spend the night eating the free peanuts and nursing 1 drink. Quote
zombie Posted October 10, 2014 Author Posted October 10, 2014 Some very interesting replies to my post, so thanks to everyone. I do not, nor should I have any problem with the gender of any customer in the bars providing they have no problem with me. However as Christian rightly says: "Unacceptable behaviour (the loud-mouthed Chinese females, getting on the stage; and the Thai staff moving other customers to the side). " My group had the best seats in the house but we were asked to move to inferior seating just to accommodate the Chinese plus we were there to look at guys on stage not a bunch of short time tourists taking over the dancing! Of course if I am ever again asked to move in any bar(except for good reason) I will not move but pay up and leave immediately. To answer the question by Aussiebi14: I do not know if any of the boys were offed as when the conga started with the noise levels reaching ear splitting level, I and my group paid up and escaped. Thank u anoone for your helpful suggestions for other bars. kokopelli and vinapu 2 Quote
williewillie Posted October 10, 2014 Posted October 10, 2014 The Chinese females were in Boyzboyzboyz last night. There was a male leader with them. One female leaped on the stage during a shower scene and pulled each of the five boys undershorts out and put in some baht. Quite rude and I saw green banknotes, so cheap as well. The boys looked at her but nobody wai. Most of the hooting and hollering was from my group, who were celebrating a birthday. The show is evolving and with less boys, still very hot and sexy. Not too crowed last night. Quote
Guest LoveThailand Posted October 10, 2014 Posted October 10, 2014 My very strong personal preference: no females in a bar. This could be politically/culturally etc wrong - but I do like all male company at a bar. I have experienced the presense of a few females at go go bars in Pty and BKK - in some cases - when there was 2 or 3 - it was ok - they came with males and behaved in a civil way (obviously curious about a gay place). On a few occasions I even exchanged some words with some of them. An invasion of screaming female only package tour gang - NO. I, like Kokopelli, pay and leave. I cannot ennjoy myself under such circumstances - so why stay? Quote