TotallyOz Posted November 27, 2006 Posted November 27, 2006 For some posters, we have told them very politely to be nice and not stir up trouble. Most heed the call. Some do not. When we have a problem with someone making posts that are inappropriate we put them on Moderated Status. What this means is that a moderator must approve their post before it goes live. We do this to ensure the continued success of the board. Today, we have placed over 5 people on Moderated Status. We still want you to post but we will need to approve those posts before they are live. For members who have been active for a while on the board, we have limited this Moderated Status to 10 days to see how things go. When we have a new member that starts posting, we put them on Moderated Status indefinitely. We do apologize for this inconvenience to some posters but let me refer those of you that can't get along with each other to 2 other forums that are great: Thanks for your participation! GT Quote
Guest KhunPA Posted November 28, 2006 Posted November 28, 2006 Quote We do apologize for this inconvenience to some posters but let me refer those of you that can't get along with each other to 2 other forums that are great I wonder if those other forums will appreciate your attempt to dump your problem children on them. Quote
Gaybutton Posted November 28, 2006 Posted November 28, 2006 KhunPA said: I wonder if those other forums will appreciate your attempt to dump your problem children on them. I don't think they'll mind at all. Those same "problem children" have already been posting on those boards for quite some time. Quote
Guest letmetellu Posted November 28, 2006 Posted November 28, 2006 Good idea MR. Gaythailand I have no idea why some childish school bullies and there friends more like a little mafia, want to continue to spoil every ones fun, but Im afraid that is the nature of the beast, with some Gay and Straights I assume, they have had a hard time of there Gay life, some have to hide the fact that they are Gay and it seems put on a Big act some even to there Motorbike friends who would Kill them if they knew they were gay I hear, it seems to really make a screw loose in there head, if they come across someone who seems to like a fun time and really stands up to them. Its a shame when some posters who no one would normally have hardly noticed, seem to like to hit a guy whose only real crime is he is a prolific writer and has a lot of nice friends, it would seem half the people like me, the rest seem to go from who cares,! to hate and Bitterness, I have been called just about everything on theses forums, Bankrupt, Run off with out paying bills, trying to say I am paying for a mad Bikers dinks gathering, when in reality he was the one who tried to take over my post to make him self famous, as no one has heard of him hardly, Im getting paid for all my posts from Gay Businesses, multi-Millionaire eccentric, Fun Guy, Bad guy, I have the power to close bars, the list is endless, but really I dont mind if you get my name right, because you are the one who must have the Nasty Back ground as I am only trying to Inform and be a bit fun, but if it makes you feel better good luck to you, for all I can do is consider all the made up stories a compliment, as they cant get there posts famous on there own, by the quality of there writing alone. this is the last ill say about the matter. I personally would love to get on with everyone but of course that is not possible, so I go for halfway and it is about that, my army of loyal friends know all about me and I have nothing to hide from them, Im a normal guy not perfect but not bad, all I am doing is in my own jolly way just trying to Inform others who either would like to dip there toe and visit Thailand or have left Thailand an d want to find out any Interesting facts they can find to satisfy there post vacation depression for Thailand. Unfortunately like myself if no one tried to knock me down in flames usually to let other say, look at me I've sorted him out, but really they are saying Im a bully why should he know it all so much and i dont, you can say what you like about m,e as long as it is not slander or libelous then I jump on them from a very high height as any one would. I have some very Nice and influential friends in Thailand who have been writing on the Forums before and now would not be seen dead writing no matter how addictive it can be, because they have been flamed so much it became Impossible the same as me, because many people know me and I stand up and stick up for my self , its like Wyatt Earp you have a new gun slinger in town who think they can take me on so Im talking to the many guyz who write to ask how I can stand this bombardment of insults, I say if all they can say Im collecting money or running up bills its nothing compared to what they use to say about me and some of my dear friends, who threw the towel in, as they were beyond Insults all madness really, but that's what happens if your coming over as a strong guy who talks the truth only. Im afraid the truth hurt these devil Flamers more then lies ever can. What these nasty bitter people dont understand is they think readers are stupid but they in reality the reader can read through the insult,s and see the insulter has a serious mental problem who really needs help....... , or loving, something they never get because they do not now how to give it. But I do wish we could all get on but you never can with screwed up minds, so its best to have fun with them. Quote
Guest wowpow Posted November 28, 2006 Posted November 28, 2006 "When we have a new member that starts posting, we put them on Moderated Status indefinitely". I can see why - to stop those encumbered with 'moderation delays' to use another name. It does seem a bit immoderate to make this 'indefinite' I suspect that the numbers of new members posting may fall which would be a shame. There again I'm sure that you will be keeping all options under review. Quote
Smiles Posted November 28, 2006 Posted November 28, 2006 GayThailand said: " ... we have told them very politely to be nice and not stir up trouble .... We do apologize for this inconvenience to some posters but let me refer those of you that can't get along with each other to 2 other forums that are great: Thanks for your participation! GT ... " Good luck GT. Regarding the "other" 2 message boards (which you have mentioned above, so I feel quite comfortable in doing likewise ... I'm sure the Moderator will agree): Sawatdee may not be so 'nice' at times - often even 'stirring', I concede - but at least the topics are started (and replied to) by a plethora of different posters, rather than 50% (I counted) of the topics being started (and replied to!) by either yourself or Gaybutton. That in itself tells me that the whole cloth of offerings there are as varied in their information, story-telling, opinions, or just-plain-bullsh*t, as the participation here is thin and predicatable, given the ratio of postings pouring from the keyboard fingers of two men named "G". As for Baht-Stop . . . it's a Hedda vanity board in every aspect except the name. The ratio there has even less depth than here ... 70% of the postings on the "H" forum are from The Ego and his Id, a ponderously boring pamphlateer named Snowy. And one would sound less than objective I suppose if one casually mentioned that each post by said duo is simply the same tired old variation on a theme. ( The theme needing no further advertisement from me ). Cheers ... Quote
Guest Aunty Posted November 28, 2006 Posted November 28, 2006 Bugger, I've missed all the fun again! :-( Still I congratulate GayThailand on doing this. My own opinion on moderation has changed almost 180 degrees. I've left Sawatdee because I got sick to death of one poster dogging, denigrating and insulting my every post, my every comment, my every word on that board, and in a manner that clearly belied a very mentally disturbed individual. And what did the moderaotors Quote
TotallyOz Posted November 28, 2006 Author Posted November 28, 2006 wowpow said: "When we have a new member that starts posting, we put them on Moderated Status indefinitely". I can see why - to stop those encumbered with 'moderation delays' to use another name. It does seem a bit immoderate to make this 'indefinite' I suspect that the numbers of new members posting may fall which would be a shame. Sorry WowPow. I should have said that only those problem new posters are put on moderated status. Not every new member. Smiles said: Good luck GT. Thanks Smiles. Always nice to have your support. Aunty said: Bugger, I've missed all the fun again! :-( You can always join in late. We will keep the bar open as long as we know you are coming. Quote
Gaybutton Posted November 28, 2006 Posted November 28, 2006 Aunty said: I whole heartedly congratulate GayThailand and Gaybutton et al., for not allowing their board to be usurped by disaffected and disturbed individuals, and by default, permitting themselves to become accomplices and enablers of the abuse and contempt of others. I appreciate that very much, Aunty, and I know how frustrating it must have been for you. I realize many people dislike it very much when a board takes steps to bring things under control, but unfortunately this sort of problem plagues all three of the most popular gay Thailand message boards. It was not easy to come to this decision and I assure you there was much discussion between the moderators and GayThailand before we were able to come to a consensus as to how best to handle this. There is always a set of people who want to try to control the message boards and feel it is their right and privilege to dominate and be abusive. If these same people were cooperative from the outset, then taking steps would not be necessary. But if we don't take steps to bring things under control, then they take control and those kinds of posts never stop. So, we're stopping them. Again, GayThailand and the moderators set the rules and policies of this message board. Those who wish to violate them are going to have to find somewhere else to post. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Posts that comply with the rules and policies of this message board stay. Posts that don't get wiped. It's just as simple as that. If that makes me, GayThailand, or the other moderators control freaks, then we're going to be control freaks. One thing needs to be clear to everyone. We are not going to let this board degenerate into a battleground for those who think this is the place for them to post abusive messages. We try our best to bring the best of gay Thailand to this board. Personal squabbles between posters have no place here and we're all through allowing this board to provide such a place. Those who wish to post flame posts are wasting their time here. As soon as we see them, they're gone. Two messages on this thread have already been removed for just that reason. Quote
TotallyOz Posted November 28, 2006 Author Posted November 28, 2006 Aunty said: But we can all chip in and start topics on this board to try and keep it a more lively place. Great. I hope so. I'll be away from the Land of Smiles a few months and my postings will not be as frequent. Chip in as much as possible. Greatly appreciated. Quote
Guest Hedda Posted November 28, 2006 Posted November 28, 2006 Quote Two messages on this thread have already been removed for just that reason. Obviously, the moderators have to call them as they see it and there's no sense second-guessing their decisions on when and how to control their board by deleting posts we've never seen. I do suggest, however, that it might be more helpful for the board and members if the text of offending posts were deleted by the moderator, with a note, but the post itself was allowed to remain in blank form to identify the author and time of posting. Right now, I dont have a clue as to who's been doing the offensive posting and I am curious as a regular poster to see when and whose posts are getting deleted. I suspect others are too. It's your call, but I think leaving the edited blank post in the thread might be a better way to handle it for informational purposes for everyone's sake. _______ PS: We all love you too, Smiles, dear. It's always nice to hear from you, even if it's only to remind us that you're still nursing that huge chip on your monitor. Quote
Guest TruthTeller Posted November 28, 2006 Posted November 28, 2006 Hello, my name is TruthTeller. I am moderated. OK. I said it. Now, that is half the battle. I think this is a violation of my First Amendment rights. I have decided to contact the ACLU. Why does the owner of a site get to decide what is posted in a message board? The idea that I should be free to post is guaranteed in the Constitution. Where did my mind go? I forget this is a privately owned forum and site. I Quote
Gaybutton Posted November 28, 2006 Posted November 28, 2006 Hedda said: I do suggest, however, that it might be more helpful for the board and members if the text of offending posts were deleted by the moderator, with a note, but the post itself was allowed to remain in blank form to identify the author and time of posting. That would be fine with me if it were possible. All I am able to do as a moderator is either let a post stand or delete it entirely. I do not have the ability to enter someone else's post and edit it. Actually, it might be better the way it is. I don't want to end up being accused of entering someone's post and changing what was said. Quote
Guest TruthTeller Posted November 28, 2006 Posted November 28, 2006 letmetellu said: I have no idea why some childish school bullies and there friends more like a little mafia, It is this way in every segment of society. Gay, Straight, Bi or undecided; it matters not your race, color or religion. Bullies make their way into every school yard and Pattaya is perhaps the biggest school yard of them all so it is no wonder that there are so many larger than life bullies there. Quote
Gaybutton Posted November 28, 2006 Posted November 28, 2006 TruthTeller said: Where did my mind go? That's what I'd like to know. You contact the authorities and then the authorites will contact us. I'm waiting to see which authority is going to inform every message board in existence that the owner of the board no longer has the right to control what is posted and anyone can post whatever they please. Until then, we're the ones who run this web site as we see fit. Quote
Smiles Posted November 28, 2006 Posted November 28, 2006 Gaybutton said: " ... I do not have the ability to enter someone else's post and edit it. . . . Actually, it might be better the way it is. I don't want to end up being accused of entering someone's post and changing what was said .... " . . . even though every quivering fibre of your body tells you you'd just die to have that ability Cheers ... Quote
Gaybutton Posted November 29, 2006 Posted November 29, 2006 Smiles said: . . . even though every quivering fibre of your body tells you you'd just die to have that ability Cheers ... Heyyyyyy, I get it, Smiles. That's a good one. You know, sometimes you're very funny. And then there's now. Quote
PattayaMale Posted November 29, 2006 Posted November 29, 2006 I think the policy of moderation is a good one. I remember that other boards in the past had even shut down because of abusive posters. However I also remember a Board that seemed "over" moderated. It too shut down and seemed to have only one poster most of the time, the owner of the board. I wish that GB did not feel it was necessary to expand on GT's informative post about "moderated status" as I too feel GB is at times overly sensitive to what be sarcastic and non abusive posts. I think GB has a lot of good information and it is great that he takes all the time he does to share it. Moderators have a tough job. But when someone needs always to have "last word", then it can appear that that person may feel his views are superior to others. At least that is how I see it. Wasn't it just a short time ago that some people were being made "invisible"? No offense meant... Quote
Guest Pearl69er Posted November 29, 2006 Posted November 29, 2006 wooohh. This does sound serious. I wonder if I'm moderated ?. And I wonder if all the other people I'm said to be are as well !! Quote
Guest cialis Posted November 29, 2006 Posted November 29, 2006 I am also moderated. Not sure why except that I might have disagreed with GB or GT or both at some time. Perhaps they or someone could let me know why my posts are being moderated. Maybe this post will not be allowed as well. Quote
Gaybutton Posted November 30, 2006 Posted November 30, 2006 PattayaMale said: I wish that GB did not feel it was necessary to expand on GT's informative post about "moderated status" as I too feel GB is at times overly sensitive to what be sarcastic and non abusive posts. I think GB has a lot of good information and it is great that he takes all the time he does to share it. Moderators have a tough job. But when someone needs always to have "last word", then it can appear that that person may feel his views are superior to others. At least that is how I see it. I have no way of knowing whether any posts I write are the last word or not. If someone else decides to post on the same thread after I post, then I suppose mine isn't the last word. Anyway, my apologies for all my shortcomings . . . Quote
PattayaMale Posted November 30, 2006 Posted November 30, 2006 Please GB...did you see where I said no offence meant. I was not trying to be hurtful. I am not sure my post even needed a reply...except to get the last word You post great information all the time and have been very helpful. I am sorry I gave you the wrong impression. Quote