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Guest thrillbill8

? 4 Americans

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Guest thrillbill8

I have an Asian friend who received his Green Card and is now living in America. He is trying to make it on his own which is tough... I was wondering, does the US government have any "subsidies" to help such people with Green Cards. For example, I was wondering if he would be qualified for government assistance for HUD housing... things like that. I have tried to find info on the internet but can't find the correct websight. (Strange how the illegal Mexicans can get free medical care and schooling for their children in the States.)


Sorry this isn't an stimulating topic for most of U. :blink:

Guest MonkeySee

I wish your Asian friend much luck in surviving America on his own. I do not know if HUD housing assistance is available for holders of green cards. I do know in order to qualify for HUD housing assistance; one must be in a certain income bracket. Your friend would have to contact the local public housing authority in the city in which he lives. HUD distributes the assistance through local authority and if you goggle

Guest lvdkeyes

For emergency medical care in the US all your friend would have to do is go to an emergency room. They will care for him if it is a true emergency. If he needs to be admitted they may transfer him to a county hospital or keep him there. All hospitals in US are required to provide some charity beds.

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