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Guest shyatfirst


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Guest MikkeS69

Thanks for all replies, I appreciate them.
I think that the price of that course is quite correct and I don't doubt that at all... the he just never started it ;-)


And one more point... I am not too old, over weight nor ugly ;-)


Thanks for all replies, I appreciate them.

I think that the price of that course is quite correct and I don't doubt that at all... the he just never started it ;-)


And one more point... I am not too old, over weight nor ugly ;-)

 Oh, well, in that case, I always wanted to learn German so maybe you can help me to attend a language course?

I am slim, young, attractive,  and can make you verrry happy.


Guest ronthai

Come on guys, he was a newbie and did get done, what else is new.

Most of us had friends and told us all the horror stories and we still fell for the Thai guy, because we need to learn by experience.


NO, your, mine, his, its, theirs, anybodies BF is not different.

IT IS ALWAYS MONEY, and some are very good at it.


VERY good in making you fall in love to some degree, but remember ...

... IF you fell in love, it means you had a great, Great GREAT time and that on it own is worth the money isn't it.


Don't know how long the holiday was in this case, but 32.000 (and sure a lot more, while staying together), is just a holiday investment.


Lets hope the farang meets a similar same guy next time, but not falls in love, just enjoys the time and gives him a fair payday when goes back home.

Guest MikkeS69

Alright I am a newbie and thank you for telling me this sad situation in Thailand. If I understand right, there is no possibility to have normal relationship in Pattaya between a Thai guy and a turist. Turist must pay for sex in one way or another.


I do have relationships or or just sex in my normal environment Scandinavia with men age range 20-40 years old... and never paid a dime for that.

When I met this Thai guy (25 years old)  in the same way I meet men in my normal environment I just thought this could hapen in the same way...

Yes we had sex,... we got to know eachother, we fell in love... so he said to me several times... we thought about the future...

but the time when I realised that all things he told was lies and it was just a game for him, just made me very sad.


Yes I enjoyed sex, and that can not take away from me... but now I know better... Thailand is not a place for me to have relationships with Thai guys. Just paid sex... and that is not for me... yet.

Guest ronthai

You can have great short term (=holiday) or longterm (years, if regular holidays or live here) relationships with Thais..


ALL you need to remember is:

YOU are a farang, whom will always have more money.

The Thai guys/people love money they treat it almost as a GOD.

Therefore you should think of it more as a FRIEND with Benefits, who gives you his body and lovely attention and you give him money.


It is very well possible to have a good relationship with a Thai guy, but NOT western style/way.

Thai and Western cultures are too different.


My opinion is that most Western Guys are open to accept Thai culture and come to a 50-50 "deal".

The problem is the Thais do NOT comes to the 50-50 deal, they have 100-0 (maybe 80-20)


Once you learn this, you can be very happy with a Thai guy as long as you have money (in 95% of all situations).


Try and look at it as an advantage, since they use us ...

... after a few years they get older and you want a fresh flower from the "Garden of Hell"


1 last payoff day and next one please ...


... that is of course only if you are NOT lucky enough to have found one of the 5% REAL Thai Guys, whom actually does loves you when he says it.


Now that should keep life interesting in Thailand.


Alright I am a newbie and thank you for telling me this sad situation in Thailand. If I understand right, there is no possibility to have normal relationship in Pattaya between a Thai guy and a turist. Turist must pay for sex in one way or another.


Mikke; (just realized your name is Mikke and not Mike); in a sense the exchange of money is the normal relationship in Thailand in one way or the other.


What Ronthai wrote is on-target. Even if someone meets a REAL Thai Guy, as I (believe) have there is still the issue of money.


I don't think money issue is unique to farang  - Thai relationship, rather applies to most if not all person of means - poor person relationships.

Mikke, no need to feel bitter,one may find love everywhere and no need to write Thais off, just use luvthai advice above and try not to be blind 

Guest abang1961

Sometimes, we can differentiate love from lust, like from love.

Worst, love is an overtly-used word and I-love-you, the commonest phrase used by Thai money-boys aka companions.


It is simple Mathematics and Economics 101.

The young succulent Thai boy-man offers his youth and body in exchange for your farang's wallet.

It is simply barter and no one gets hurt if and only if, it is strictly no-strings attached.

Once we go ga-ga, the sick parent, the sick cow tales will roll out.


Enjoy all you can afford but do not get burnt.

Treat them as holiday romance... something to treasure and forget...



** A treat from the 1970s..Summer Night from Grease..



Tell me more....

Guest MikkeS69

I am not stupid nor blind... I just did not have any experiences handling situation where this sweet and kind loved one tells me just one continuous lie. He did not just repeated me "I love you" he also told me why he loved me...

I am not bitter only sad... I lost a very dear friend and I was hurt by him.

I was only asking from you is this the case with all Thai guys, and you answered me... and the answer was guite clear.

Now I know it better ;-)

Guest ronthai

In his own way he probably did have feelings for you.

They might lie and cheat and scam, but that is just a Thai thing and not even only towards us, but also towards each other.

They are still humans with the same feelings and emotions we have, Thais just handle it different, which means mostly ignore/suppress them.

Even when they go home after maybe 1-2 years not having seen the family, no hug nothing just a Thai wai gesture


Honest is just not that highly rated for Thais, but if we make a mistake, oops you will get.


Once in time you get a feel for how things work here in Thailand, it is a great place for holiday or home, not perfect, but better then back home



Worst, love is an overtly-used word and I-love-you, the commonest phrase used by Thai money-boys aka companions.



Now I count my blessings as i can't recall any Thai boy who told me " I love you" , so it looks I'm not a candidate for framing. 


On another hand when one told me ' I like you" all of the sudden  in middle of the quiet night I must say I liked it very much and still smile when recall it.


Being butterfly has advantages. 


I was only asking from you is this the case with all Thai guys, and you answered me... and the answer was guite clear.


Be careful not to go from one extreme to the other. First being infatuated with someone who didn't really love you, as you found out the hard way, and now joining the ranks of the jaded ones who mistakenly think all Thai guys are the same, while they've limited their experiences to a very particular subset.


Thais who are different from those who make themselves readily available to visiting tourists do exist, but it can be quite an effort to meet them, and most of them aren't living in Pattaya either. If you wanted to find a good American housewife, Las Vegas probably wouldn't be the first place you should be looking either. ;)


Keep in mind that you were on a holiday, so what kind of a relationship can you really expect to have when you're here for just a couple of weeks? Instead of going for Thais who aren't after your money, you might well be better off to play along with those who do, enjoying the fun while it lasts and avoiding to be scammed next time around, now that you've learned that lesson.

Guest MikkeS69

I have found that the gay world goes around in a bit different way than straight world and gay sex is also available so easily with the help of these modern equipments. And I am  not trying to find a perfect house wife either.

I know that good boys go to heaven and bad boys go to Pattaya... But still I thought that I could find honest gay men  either Thai or  some other nationality in Pattaya. And  I thought so until I woke up ;-)

If I ever come over again, I know now that it is just a game to play... And on the next time it will be fair for both of us... I could be a very good player ;-)


I don't think it's a game, in game must be winner  and loser. They have bodies and we have funds , it very fair exchange with both sides getting what they want.


If one side lives with illusion of finding love during  few weeks stay and another has illusion of landing life long farang sponsor there are to be disappointments  with bots sides having sad stories to tell.


First sentence of last paragraph of Alexx post should be hanging as a motto in all of our hotel rooms when we are vacationing in Thailand.


MikkeS69, I know what you mean. In that respect, I think Bangkok is a much better hunting ground. Compared to Pattaya, it seems much easier to find guys who are more or less just looking for sex. I've met great guys using GayRomeo and apps like Grindr and Jack'd, and once you know what to look for, it's easy to know who's in it for the money and who's just horny. Needless to say, you have to be compatible with them, if they're not interested they just won't write back, like in any other big city.

Guest MikkeS69

I don't see the situation like they have the bodies and I have just the money.. I have a body too and I don't feel like it lowers my value or status and makes me pay more for sex or pay at all. I was obviously in a wrong scene. Now I see it clearly ;-)


Guest MikkeS69

I am actually very much into underwear... it is like fetish to me ;-) This pair has been given me by mother nature ;-).

I do have hundreds of other styles and colors but they are much newer.


 I have a body too and I don't feel like it lowers my value or status and makes me pay more for sex or pay at all. I was obviously in a wrong scene. Now I see it clearly ;-)


As for paying  for sex from your narrative it seems that if was your decision, not that you were forced to  by the boy.


Didn't cross your mind that scene was right but   you picked up wrong role to play, lover instead of buyer.


Very few travelers to Pattaya are landing there without knowing what scene they will see there, after all I can see many competitors  to the tittle of world's sex capital.

Guest MikkeS69

I guess my therapy is about to get its end and it is time to thank you all who had energy to post to this chain.


Now I am much wiser and know these simple facts I should have known from the day one I landed into a land of smile.


Sorry to shock you with my selfie... omg you all must just get blind when see a naked body with a hardon.

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