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Guest anonone

Popular Thai Music

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Guest anonone

Does anyone have links to videos of some of the popular Thai music? 


It seems there are 5-10 Thai songs that get a lot of play at the late night clubs and some of the other venues.  I recognize them when they are played, and even can (badly) sing along during parts, but I would really like to have a way to listen to them while at home.


Bonus if they have Romanized lyrics...and double bonus if they also have English translations.


This whole thing came up a couple weeks ago when I was chatting with a beer bar boy about learning languages.  He had some great videos loaded on his phone of American music with lyrics in English, as well as translations in Thai.  He talked about how much it helped his English skills. 


I have not been taking Thai lessons lately...way to busy...but would love to get some of these songs on my iPad to keep practice with on planes and such.  And I would also love to know what all these Thai songs mean.  Just in case I am singing along about my love for katoey....or my bout of syphilis...or some other embarrassing episode.  LOL




Hmmmm.....a bit difficult since you don't say what style of music you like.  When I first came to Thailand in the late 90's, they were playing a lot of heavy base music, mostly rock-and-roll (the cutesy pop stuff started a few years later).  Anyway, one of the all-time classic rock-and-roll tunes was Som Sarn (ซมซาน) by Sek Loso.  Here's one version of that performed by Sek and Thongchai McIntyre (Bird) at a 2004 concert in Bangkok:



Guest anonone

Thanks for those 2 quick suggestions.


I suppose I should have been more specific. I am probably referring more to Isan songs....at least that is what I think as they are played a lot at tam nam Isan. But not the sappy, twangy songs. They are more pop/dance sounding.


I have been downloading some standard Thai songs off YouTube already...carabao, and yes, some sek loso, calories blah blah, etc.

Guest buckbee

Do you prefer Isarn Mor Lum (folk) or Isarn Luk Tung (country)?

Guest anonone

Wow buckbee...seems you know Thai music pretty well.


Ja Rern Ja Rern is close to the style of music, but I don't recall hearing that particular song.


I will try to get some more details from BF...maybe even have him search for me. 


A lot of Thai music videos come with a karaoke track that is Romanized. Some of them also have an annoying melody track added in though too.


You might want to just poke around YouTube searching for Thai MV. I noticed a link to a playlist some one set up called country MV 2013 that you might want to take a look through.


My own taste runs more to Thai indie/rock bands (moderndog, etc) so most likely not what you are looking for. I spend a couple of hours when I am at work each day listening to Thai radio online. I use an app called TuneIn radio but there are many others out there. You can search for stations in a number of ways including by country. I usually listen to Fat Radio (104.5) but there are others when their stream is not working well.

Guest anonone

Just as an update, I found one of the songs I was looking for....



Unfortunately, it does not have romanized sub-titles or translation, but at least I am making progress.  LOL


And it is a much better version at the club, with Thai boys dancing energetically.


Some Thai songs from my YouTube playlist that haven't been deleted over the years. Unfortunately, many "official" Thai music videos are deleted by the record labels sooner or later.


Let's start with some Isaan music.





I like this nice, sad girl who has been plaid with by her mean lover. Although she's a girl.




Ice Saranyu and Golf Pichaya are cuties, at least in my book. Whether they can actually sing or not. I saw both of them perform years ago, but of course they wouldn't remember me. ;)





Guest anonone


Thanks for those youtubes.  I liked the 2nd song a lot.  It was not one of the songs I was specifically looking for, but in the same style and a lot of fun. 


And the links are great as well. 

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