Popular Post vinapu Posted December 2, 2013 Popular Post Posted December 2, 2013 For day to day report of trip refer to my “Off to Thailand thread” MASSAGES and MASSAGE PLACES Biggest joy for me in Thailand. On vacations we should do what we do not do at home and for me among other things it means subjecting myself to massage mutilation. Basically there are 3 kinds of them –oil, cream and Thai –this is dry massage and at times may be painful it’s why used word mutilation. If its too painful just say so to a boy and he will ease up. If using oil or cream treatments keep in mind that you may get rash from time to time from exposure to fragrances you skin may not like I indulged myself with 1-3 a day , visited 18 massage places in Bangkok for and 4 in Pattaya for a total of 22. It means 26 massages as at 3 places I had seconds with different boys / Arena, Bangkok Massage and Fan Club / and at Banana Club returned to the same masseur. I do so many for 2 reasons – I see direct benefit to my body and feeling well factor and credit them for fact that in 2 weeks my longest stretch of sleep was no more than 3-4 hours and still at no time felt sleepy or yawning. Second or may be even first reason are after massage services and thrill of discovery of what happens and how . And no , I’m not such a sex pig with enormous libido to overuse them , rather after massage I like prolonged body contact and mutual feeling with more than that at times. Always respect boys likes and don’t likes as some straights don’t do kisses or being tough too aggressively in the anal area . As with every encounter , if both sides are comfortable, things are nicer and smoother. I like my boys on muscly side and it’s easier to find them in massage places for obvious reason although had couple surprisingly strong massages delivered by skinny twinks and cute boys. Over the years I also found my offs more pleasant with massage rather go-go boys. Usually I go for long time off and feel that go-go’s are rushing things a bit . Likely reason is that bars are open longer hours so they can return and land chance of another trick while massage places are closed earlier like 10.30 p. m.-12.00 so for boys it like last minute overtime. And so it was this time with 10 out 15 offs being massage boys. Not that all of those worked out very well but with new boys there’s always risk it will not and with previously known boredom factor sometimes kicks in / not this time though /. Quality of massage places and number of boys available varies from place to place and as for boys even from hour to hour or day to day but on my pretty big statistic sample I need to say that all massages I received were very good to excellent with none of ‘ pat the cat ‘ quality. Quality of massage has nothing to do with quality of venue itself , its just a boy’s skills and likely dose of chemistry between two of you. / Or three if you are taking 4 hands treatment / I usually opt for longer 1.5 or 2 hours treatments if available to avoid rushing things and with view for some quiet or no so quiet time together after massage . In such a case you may watch the clock, either one on your hands or there’s usually one on the wall as sometimes your purchased time may be shortened. I do not think boys are trying to skip time , it rather comes naturally but if you pay for more time feel entitled to use it. Usually I tell them do not rush massage as we have that much time for disposal. Extras were always offered, even if it did not look like throughout the course of massage - this coveted moment always arrived. Sometimes question was asked or sign-showed explicitly , sometimes it started as apparently random tough of your nether area, your wandering hands were not pushed away at certain moment, your foot was strategically placed where you could feel his pubes or you felt something hard pressing your behind somewhere, but it always arrived. Even if you did not shower together, boy was completely dressed during massage or positioned himself that you couldn’t tough him moment of indication always came. Now you know what I mean by the thrill of discovery. And you go from there depending of what is on offer and how you feel. Cost of massage varies usually with quality of place and kind of massage , it may start with 200-250 for 1 hour Thai to as much as 1000 for oil or cream at SENSO. Longer session obviously cost more but increase is not always linear and extra 200 -300 may buy you twice as much time. As for tips , minimum tip is usually indicated on the menu, again sometimes it’s the same for shorter and longer courses , sometimes more it requested for longer sessions. If boy at regular places offers possibilities of extras he will indicate how much he expects or if you will be instigator, he will ask how much you will give him. If no extras were offered /requested I tip boy cost of massage, if he will became available for additional activities I tip either agreed amount if discussed or at least minimum tip but no less than 1000 per 1 hr. session even if minimum tip is less than that. For longer sessions I will add up to a minimum depending on length, performance and original minimum tip and often it becomes 1500-2000. Mamasans if they did not help me , just facilitate administration, tip nothing, if they were helpful 50-100 baht. At few places when mamasan was handsome muscly man I tipped them 100 and in exchange requested a big hug –always a case at Bangkok Massage in Soi Twilight where both of them are type just described. Below is description of BKK places I visited: Sukhumvit area: Guy Spa, soi 19, ASOK BTS station, easy walk Located in short sub-soi, no boys outside, pretty nice selection of handsome masseurs with more than dozen boys available, mostly manly types. Took 4 hands massage. Shower in the room, before massage shower alone, after with both of them, both masseurs undressed for most of session. Great session, fun. Uniman Spa – Korean Town, 4 th floor , soi 12, ASOK BTS, opposite side of Sukhumvit than other three described, no boys outside, at least dozen available inside, mostly manly types. Shower inside room, shower alone before massage , together after. Boy undressed very fast. Great session, my mistake I went there only my last day. Hero – end of soi 11, sign outside , no idea why some people are reporting place is hard to find. Easy walk from Nana BTS or take motorsai for a hop. King of massage places in opinion of many, I second it. No boys on street, some in the garden inside compound, lots of muscly boys behind the glass wall, abundance of choice, helpful mamasan, no pressure to choose. Small restaurant inside with view of glassed boys area. Lots of other customers , at times you may wait for room available. Treated myself to a VIP room at 1500 for 2 hour session, looks like hotel room with normal bed. Shower inside, boy undressed and hard from beginning, showered together before and after massage. Great place and session. A must visit place. Banana Club –soi 11 as well , underrated place, deserves better publicity. Boys apparently all gay. No boys outside, big lobby so boys are at distance. Owner very helpful and I liked his attitude when he mentioned why minimum tip increases with length of session – to be fair to everybody. Less expensive than Hero. Went twice , first time only few boys on duty, second time more than dozen. Locker and shower outside the room, showered together before and after. Boy undressed all the time. One of three best massages on this trip, only one when went back to see the same boy. Became big fan of the place. Malaysia Hotel area: Magic Hands on Soi Ngham Duplee / there’s another unit closer to Malaysia Hotel as well on side street/ Few boys outside, good mix of twinky and manly types, more inside. Shower outside the room, showered alone before massage , together after. Big massage room with raised massage bed and mattress on the floor beside, very handy for after activities, well used by us. Not a fancy place but very good , no rush session. Boy undressed gradually during session which again I consider one of three best on this trip. Sawatedee Spa, City Court complex across the Rama 4 str eet from Soi Ngham Duplee, easy walking distance from Lumpinee and Malaysia Hotels a little hard to find-see my Off to Thailand post how to get there. Was there early , it appeared only 1 boy was available assigned to me. No boys outside. Shower inside the room, showered alone before and after, boy dressed fully and it was serious massage session I lost every hope for extra action but lose hope not! After session offer come along with possibility of getting closer and get more intimate feeling of masseur power. All good then. Sathorn area: Aqua Spa – soi Pikun, little hard to find but really walking distance from Chong Nonsi BTS. Big place, no boys outside , only few inside but possibly more is available according to another report. Locker and shower outside the room, shower alone before , together after. Boy undressed gradually during session. Great massage and enjoyable afters. Arena – short walking distance from Chong Nonsi, on the corner of Silom and Narathiwas, on 3 rd floor. Always few boys outside and more inside , mostly muscly types. Usually first place I visit in BKK in tribute of now closed HIS massage in the same building which was my first place on my first manscapade in LOS. Went twice , on second visit much more boys than on first one. Shower inside of room, both boys undressed during massage , showered together before and after. Boys undressed during massage. Advertising low minimum tip of 500 which includes shower, massage and hand job according to the website. You want more it’ll be more. One of my regulars hails from there so I’m not concerned with selection but they have several types to choose. Both boys offed long time / one , my regular, twice / and on two occasions when I had massage there during day Arena did not charge me any off fee for taking boy out. Nice and generous. I have always good experience there although one of the offs requested pretty steep tip after long time, idea of 5000 dismissed and sent home with 3000, did not seem happy and I’m still perplexed where such amount came from. Senso - soi Sala Daeng, short walk down the soi from namesake BTS station. No boys outside, when there 6 boys available, all grade A +++ muscular types. Lobby pretty small, so boys may be to close for comfort to some. Most expensive but also most classy place. 1 hr massage 990, room like hotel room with all bells and whistles, started showering alone but boy joined me before I was finished, Showered together after session. Undressed early d uring massage . Good massage and lots of fun. Left place smiling. Adonis – soi Convent , closer to Sathorn end of soi. No boys outside, several boys available , good mix of types from twinks to very manly. Somehow I don’t recall shower arrangement but boy was a gem and I arranged for long time off in advance. Great massage session. For off fee was collected before we left place and included boy’s tip which was paid to him by manager right away. I like it as it protects interests of boy in case client will be tempted to screw things up. Along with Banana this is underrated place IMO. Fan Club - soi Convent, closer to Silom end of soi Big place , few boys outside and many more inside, always good selection. Was there twice, both muscular types but they have good mix. Nicely appointed, big room, shower inside, showered together before and after and boys undressed for massage. Silom places: There are many of them on both sides of Silom, usually with few cute boys handing leflets outside so decided to try two : Relax Massage – in Silom 64 building on Patpong side of Silom. Apparently straight place but boy was very nice , decided to be adventurous. From street level we went to place on 3 rd floor, showered alone of course, when in cubicle behind the courtain invited to lower by underwear . Massage was surprisingly good since it was delivered by pretty twinky boy whose fingers wandered randomly here and there at times. In deep conspiracy whispering he offered more than massage for tip of 1000, gladly accepted just for fun. Delivered nicely. Showered alone after of course. I liked massage and adventure so few days later decided to repeat and try Playboy Massage – on opposite side of Silom. Almost the same , lonely shower, good, regular massage, wandering hands his and mine and proposal in conspiracy. Lots of fun in hands of warm twink. As a bonus learned that next door is Internet café. Lots of fun for me and a boy. Next door to Tawan bar there’s : SUN Massage, few boys are sitting outside with more inside. Website shows few nicely appointed rooms but for my 1 hour massage after lonely shower I was placed in rather dingy cubicle where boy delivered very good massage , one of three best I had on this trip. He worked so fast I was under impression he has 3 if not 4 hands. Boy was fully dressed but after few misplaced strokes extra proposal arrived followed by quotation and acceptance from my side. Full dress became no dress and fun ensured. A little mechanical but still fun. Shower together after. Soi Twilight: Bangkok Massage – always several boys sitting outside, in May I had boy assigned from rotation now it looks you have your pick. One of my regulars works there / the same I got assigned / so I dropped by for a chat daily , offed him 2 times long time , on my first night short time massage in my room, on last day got massaged by him at their place. So one may say I’m biased. Had massage with another boy as well. Very beautiful Thai décor inside. Most boys on muscular side, shower outside cubicle , showered together before and after . Minimum tip = cost of massage, extras always offered and massages very good, never feel rushed there. Bonny - few steps down the soi, beside Dick’s café. Similar format and pricing to Bangkok Massage and similar type of boys. One of them was eye hunting me when I was dining at Dicks so we arranged for a massage , converted later to expected long time off , for some reason boy changed availability , informed me up front and reduced his price to short time rate - fair conduct. X-Size Massage - across the soi from Bonny, mostly twinkly boys so not my type, decided to give them a chance though and diminutive Cambodian delivered surprisingly strong massage on the big bed, shower in the room and showered together before and after. Only place where on the menu I noticed explicitly ‘sex massage ‘ whatever it means, price was 1000 if recall. Masage there wouuld be another great experience but it was me who failed as twinks are not my thing and its hard to enjoy things we don’t. BBB Inn, around the corner from the soi, massage boys available 7/24, many types , at times slightly pushy for a deal if you are resident but it’s good humored push. You can take a massage in your room and receive 20% discount or in their rooms if you are just dropping by. Bit more expensive than places in the soi with 1 hr massage at 600 and minimum tip 1000 but if you are resident turns to be cheap. Great if you feel bored during day, just go down and you have company. The same if you wake up scared in middle of the night, there’s always consolator who will chase ghosts away. Great if your off did not work out for some reason or can’t stay as long as you’d wish, walk him down and grab next one from lobby. Had one massage on this trip only, more for company than for massage as with 5 night spent there I feel obligated to buy at least one massage for in-house boys. / In May I had 3 in house massage there/. But he delivered his part satisfactory reminded at times that he should pretend that carcass massaged is more important than TV in the room. Learned too late that provider of one of three best massages is moonlighting there at night after his place is closed so missed an opportunity to host him in my room for long-time and there was right chemistry too. In PATTAYA during my 2 days I visited 4 places: Magnolia –absolute queen of places there very classy place , massage room like higher end hotel room with massage table and king sized bed. No boys outside, you are shown on the tablet of who is available at the moment. Big bathroom , showered alone before and together after. Very good massage for most part of which boy was dressed and positioned himself in such a way it was hard to tough him so I thought it will be just a massage but at end hope was restored. Work first, pleasure after was boy’s motto. Second part started with question ‘did you like my massage” and long answer followed , at end an appointment was booked for a supper, breakfast and in between at my hotel. Night part was not that great but this is not story for this massage thread – 100 % satisfaction here . High class and prices are very reasonable – 1.1/2 hr massage in VIP room 900. It’s quite a distance from Boyztown, almost s at Sukhumvit, walked 20 minutes but you can call and they will pick you up or jump on baht bus. Since I walked to them , after massage boss himself dropped me at Tukcom in his truck. First class service there never stops Derby at Jomtien complex, Boys are sitting outside so you see who is available, big place, locker , shower outside of room. Showered alone befor , together after. Boy undressed from the start and , best body of them all I met this trip, it was like hugging an Olympian ! Not expensive and great experience there. In Boyztown itself there are few places but I used two: Former Scandic Massage now BoyClub, beside Toy Boys. Mostly manly boys outside, spied one very muscly man boy. Massage fee and minimum tip collected up front –sign that they may have troubles with non-paying clients. Shower outside room, showered separately, massage great and using different technique but boy had underwear on till end of massage. Impressed with massage , body and undies content arranged to long-time off, turned not that great but again massage part was excellent. Copa - they always have friendly boys looking for business outside, on arrival one even greeted me with “come to us , sexy men here” sporting nice bulge in his jeans but on day of my departure in the morning only 1 boy was available, again on twinkly side but I needed god bye Pattaya massage so went for it. Massage rooms are in hotel part sharing the same corridor, shower inside room, showered together before and after, boy undressed and surprisingly strong massage delivered by a twink. So left PTY happy thank to him. Ratings - 3 best: best facilities: Magnolia, Senso, FanClub Best décor: Bangkok Massage, Magnolia, Senso Best massage: Banana, Sun, Magic Hands Most fun : Guy Spa, Senso, Magic Hands Best chemistry: Banana, Adonis, Bangkok Massage Best choice of boys: Hero, Fan Club, Adonis Most smiling boys : Guy Spa, Hero, Uniman Best thrill: Relax, Playboys, Sawatdee Spa Best access from BTS : Playboys, Relax, Uniman, Arena / all under 3 minutes / Most boys on display outside: Bangkok Massage, Bonny, Boy Club./Scandic / Friendliest service : Arena, Magnolia, Bangkok Massage If you have only time or money to visit three: Banana, Hero , Adonis First three I likely visit next time: BBB Inn, Arena ,Bangkok Massage Three to avoid : none , none , none THINKS I REGRET There are always thinks we missed or did not do and regret later on. Here’s my list: -went to Uniman too late missing possible great long-time off -made 2nd visit to Banana to see boy again on the last day instead earlier missing , missing , missing him - did not explore contents of bulge of Copa sexy man -did not stay in Pattaya longer missing most of bars , their shows and boys as well as night stroll through the Walking Street. -missed again SENSO spa in Thonburi but at least I know now where it is - did not have a chance to off Yo #76 from Dreamboys once more/ he left for few weeks -did not off boy from Tawan -missed Super A and Nature Boy - did not have a chance to share beer with resident or visiting members of this forum. -did not made second visit to HERO -did not off one handsome street trader on Suriwong -did not spent any time with one of hosts in Soi Twilight host bars Not all offs were good but I chalked everything off to an experience so none is on the list above. SIGNS THAT OFF WILL NOT WORK OUT We tend to look through rosy glasses when marching with offed boy but I noticed few early warning signals which may indicate disappointment cooking : -boy tells you uninvited what he wants / to see this show, to eat there, to go for drink, to tip this waiter to sit at this table…., you get the drift/ Only exception I’d allow is if you want to walk and he prefers taxi as he may not want to be seen marching with farang. - at room he is turning TV not even looking for your approval or is checking his messages on the smartphone or ultimate sign he needs to call somebody urgently- -delays undressing part, tells you he is shy to shower together or wants to sleep in his underwear even if he lets you freely to explore it contents. -tells you what side of bed he wants before you even ask him Those were my experiences so be warned Promise not to bore you with my trip anymore unless asked question williewillie, ChristianPFC, sammo55 and 2 others 5 Quote
firecat69 Posted December 2, 2013 Posted December 2, 2013 Fabulous detailed report! Might even make me try a few more massages on my upcoming trip!! vinapu 1 Quote
Guest Posted December 2, 2013 Posted December 2, 2013 Thanks for the excellent report. If using oil or cream treatments keep in mind that you may get rash from time to time from exposure to fragrances your skin may not likeI have sometimes found that problem too & would like to find some way to avoid it. Am tempted to bring something with antiseptic properties, like tea tree oil. Quote
vinapu Posted December 2, 2013 Author Posted December 2, 2013 Thanks for the excellent report. I have sometimes found that problem too & would like to find some way to avoid it. Am tempted to bring something with antiseptic properties, like tea tree oil. They wouldn't mind if you bring your own oil or cream, my favourite is peppermint for it's cooling feeling and a nice tingle in more sensitive areas. Some places had no-fragrance cream or baby oil / Magnolia / when asked . Quote
vinapu Posted December 2, 2013 Author Posted December 2, 2013 Fabulous detailed report! Might even make me try a few more massages on my upcoming trip!! I'm glad you liked it, I was thinking about breaking it for few parts for better read but I think one piece story makes better sense even if too long Quote
williewillie Posted December 2, 2013 Posted December 2, 2013 Wow! yet another contender for best thread of the year. Not a bad idea by the way for owner to consider as we are at end of the calendar year. Superb writing and so much action and info. Enjoy the lack of narcissistic style some posters irritate us with and just a joy to enjoy. vinapu 1 Quote
Guest Markblue Posted December 2, 2013 Posted December 2, 2013 Great report Vinapu, Iiteraly hooked on reading your posts and I'm quite sad to reach the end of your final report Do massage places allow couples to book a VIP room with 3 masseurs I.e. if I walk in with a buddy of mine can we ask go be in the same room? Also, when you say showers are outside of the room does that mean other clients will be walking by? I also wanted you to ask a silly question since I have a strong undies fetish, would the boys accept it if I offer to buy their undies? I know it might sound stupid but it's just a question I always had in mind. I have been to Senso before and enjoyed the massage and happy ending, I visited urban male though and my experience was somewhat ordinary. Thanks again for the great reporting! Quote
bkkmfj2648 Posted December 2, 2013 Posted December 2, 2013 Wow - Vinapu, This is your BEST trip report yet. I truly enjoyed it - I think because I have a similar massage passion like you. I will conserve your report so I can use it for my upcoming trip later this month. Thanks again. M. vinapu 1 Quote
vinapu Posted December 2, 2013 Author Posted December 2, 2013 Great report Vinapu, Iiteraly hooked on reading your posts and I'm quite sad to reach the end of your final report Do massage places allow couples to book a VIP room with 3 masseurs I.e. if I walk in with a buddy of mine can we ask go be in the same room? Also, when you say showers are outside of the room does that mean other clients will be walking by? I also wanted you to ask a silly question since I have a strong undies fetish, would the boys accept it if I offer to buy their undies? I know it might sound stupid but it's just a question I always had in mind. I have been to Senso before and enjoyed the massage and happy ending, I visited urban male though and my experience was somewhat ordinary. Thanks again for the great reporting! If you are sad just imagine how sad was I when boarding plane to return exactly 1 week ago ! But hope of return some day keeps me breathing. As for your question I don 't see any problem as long as they will have boys willing to work together. Some VIP or even ordinary rooms are quite spacious. From what I saw certainly Hero, Magnolia and Magic Hands had rooms spacious enough. But this is question you need to ask directly when there as some boys are not as adventurous. One of my regular boys rejected flat out idea of 4 hands massage even with boy from another place and you don't want to force boys to do things they don't like even if they agree out of need for money as this is not a receipt for good encounter. Showers outside of room exactly mean they possibly you may cross your path with another clients but where's problem? You will be draped in towel anyway and so will them. Likely they saw you in the lobby minutes ago anyways. You will not be showering with them,. Usually if there's congestion boys are keeping their clients in room /cubicle until shower will become available so discretion is maintained somehow. As for your fetish question there's nothing stupid , likely boys saw and heard it all and much more, just ask the boy. I can see they will be happy to trade undies for cash. I'd have pair of new ones just in case they agree right away so you can give them something to were till end of working day. Word of warning-Thai boys are extremely clean so if you are looking for "man scent " on their undies you may arrange for this beforehand so they will wear it for a while. On occasion when I'm getting close to their undies they always and I do it often as I consider boy in undies more sexy than plain naked , their garments smell fresh and clean even at end of day. Your comment just placed UrbanMale on my list of places to visit on my next trip. Quote
Guest trailrider Posted December 3, 2013 Posted December 3, 2013 Thank you for your excellent report. It was most welcome and appreciated. You certainly got around. Quote
fedssocr Posted December 3, 2013 Posted December 3, 2013 Great report. I've always been intrigued by Banana Club but have never stopped inside. You're almost the second coming of ShamelessMack ... I still really miss his blog. vinapu 1 Quote
pong Posted December 3, 2013 Posted December 3, 2013 Good extensive report, indeed approaching shamefullMack. How dit you find these places? That personal experience can differ I can confirm. I was not so happy with Hero, nor with dirty unkempt Arena. In the more Thai style places you do not discuss tips, for Thai the stated min. is simply the tip expected. If you come back, my rec. would be a little further along Sukhumvit; Albury, Jey. Banana is just 1 of many in the tourist zone Sukhumvit, but has indeed a very informative owner, a Singy guy named Calvin. vinapu 1 Quote
ChristianPFC Posted December 3, 2013 Posted December 3, 2013 Thank you very much, comprehensive by my standards. Can't ask for more detail. Regarding masseur starting nude or gradually undressing, my (limited in comparison to you, about 15 massages in this entire year) experience is difference. One started shirtless, all others were fully dressed and stayed fully dressed, until I requested they take off shirt and trousers. Even one massage that was called "body to body"! Not a problem, as I like running my hands over and under boys' shirts and shorts before taking them off, but during massage they are out of reach. vinapu 1 Quote
xiluzer Posted December 3, 2013 Posted December 3, 2013 Great great great report! I hope you will try Albury and V Club 7 in your next adventure in Bangkok. PS: i am a Senso fan, but lately the number of boys has dwindled down, some have ran off working in other massage places. Bummer! Quote
vinapu Posted December 3, 2013 Author Posted December 3, 2013 Good extensive report, indeed approaching shamefullMack. How dit you find these places? That personal experience can differ I can confirm. I was not so happy with Hero, nor with dirty unkempt Arena. In the more Thai style places you do not discuss tips, for Thai the stated min. is simply the tip expected. If you come back, my rec. would be a little further along Sukhumvit; Albury, Jey. Banana is just 1 of many in the tourist zone Sukhumvit, but has indeed a very informative owner, a Singy guy named Calvin. Cleanliness was generally very good, in few places / Sun, X-size Massage / showers could be cleaner , I guess I have higher tolerance for dirt backpacking thorough Thirld World countries for most of my vacations during quite a long life. Sheets and towels always clean everywhere - this I'd notice. Arena saw better days but since I like the place I may overlook peeling paint in the lobby. General impression I have is that lower the price , less kempt place is, there's logic in it, right. Notable exception - Bangkok Massage and Magnolia which may be pricey for PTY but not compared to BKK. If tips were discussed it was when boy offered extra and stated price, few times I asked boys how much they want but answer was always expected ''up to you". One of Pattaya massage boys quoted 5000 for long time out of blue, settled fast for half which was too much for PTY but I was kind of salivating over prospective night together and felt generous. Turned out dud with nice body though. Only disagreement over tip was my last night off where boy clearly was expecting more than 3000 offered but I stand my ground. This is my personal max for long time never crossed so far. You are right -stated minimum it's what they universally expect , tested this few times and watched face expression. But if I'm happy I pay more and others should too IMHO specially if full monty is included in the package. Short time with massage boy should be about the same like with go-go. He is not parading in his speedos but works hard for his tip- as noted , not even one massage was 'pat of the cat ' quality. And need to put up with farangs wandering hands too Generally I feel blessed as rarely I have price arguments and only once in 9 trips it turned heated / this trip with one of Dreamboys, details in Off to Thailand thread /. I'm not one of those tourists who are infesting markets all over the world squeezing last halfpenny out of locals for sake of getting best available deal for cola or mango trying to get lowest local price, neither I'm stupid first timer willing to pay $ 4 for banana just because I'm asked. I will follow your Sukhumvit recommendation in future, was in Albury at old soi 11 location few years back and on this trip all 4 places I visited in the area I left smiling and happy. Calvin at Banana is really classy owner - I think he takes good care of his boys. I liked his comment that tip for longer time should be higher to be fair to everybody and when I told him I'm happy with repeat with one of his boys he mused that I should try others too. Quote
vinapu Posted December 3, 2013 Author Posted December 3, 2013 Thank you very much, comprehensive by my standards. Can't ask for more detail. Trying to pay back for all info I got from this board over the years when I was reader only. I hope old hands like it but really write with newbies in mind. Traveler by heart I'm always thrilled to compare place I read about with real when finally there. Your standards are very high so thank you for a compliment. I have different method of accounting and spending control though. I count money in the morning when boy left, compare to previous day count - this way I know what I spent, doesn't matter it was beer , pear or condom. When leaving room I have always fixed amount of cash on me- to avoid overspending when excited or losing everything to theft or neglect. In LOS it's 4200 during day, 400 more when hitting bars at night. Quote
vinapu Posted December 3, 2013 Author Posted December 3, 2013 Great great great report! I hope you will try Albury and V Club 7 in your next adventure in Bangkok. PS: i am a Senso fan, but lately the number of boys has dwindled down, some have ran off working in other massage places. Bummer! I will. You may be right about boys at Senso, with their prices it may be not enough traffic, I met on eat FanCLUB -former A from Senso now Man / that's his nick / there. I was disappointed as none of three boys I was salivating over their website was available when there but still they had impressive line up - 6 boys only at 4 p.m. all 1 st class look wise. I see some justification for their prices , the same goes with Dreamboys. Quote
Trumples Posted December 4, 2013 Posted December 4, 2013 Thanks Vinapu for that great article. I agree completely with you about Banana, in the past few years it's the only place I visit when in Bangkok. Mr Kevin is a great wealth of information and I have the same guy every time I visit. Looking forward to my week there over Christmas and then a fortnight in Pattaya when your article will be of much value. vinapu 1 Quote
TMax Posted December 4, 2013 Posted December 4, 2013 Thanks for the report, make me wish I was there now. vinapu 1 Quote
vinapu Posted December 4, 2013 Author Posted December 4, 2013 Thanks Vinapu for that great article. I agree completely with you about Banana, in the past few years it's the only place I visit when in Bangkok. Mr Kevin is a great wealth of information and I have the same guy every time I visit. Looking forward to my week there over Christmas and then a fortnight in Pattaya when your article will be of much value. I did not spent much time in Pattaya regretfully but definitely recommend massages at Magnolia and with Wat at Derby Massage , Jomtien complex. Liked show at BBB and line-up of boys at ABomb too Quote
pong Posted December 6, 2013 Posted December 6, 2013 some more explanation: THAI msg is done with clothes on and will usually not give much of thes eresults. OIL msg is obviously naked and you shower before and after. It requires a different technique from the masseur as Thai and many of the guys do not have that ready (most Thai can do Thai msg as they get it from about birth). I think this is possibly the explan. for our lieber Christian. A variation of oil is named AROMA and is with flavoured oils, in fact cream is the same, but with cream. You can choose the flavours-they will have scenting bottles. menthol or peppermint may be with it-or not. Takray=lemongrass is my favorite. Oil as such is mostly babyoil, but can vary a lot in quaility and stickyness-the bad ones take more times to get it off as putting it on your body. Some shops also offer gel msg-with lube. There are loads of basic mistakes that boys can make with oil msg, the old shamefull mack listed them somehow. In BKK boys sitting outside is for me a sure sign that its is main tourist zone or an ordinary msg shop. The ''secret'' code is to ask for oil msg (or cream/aroma) from a man, this is simply code for ''more is wanted''. Also if a high min. tip is mentioned, you can be sure more as just msg will be offered for that. In most places I have been to, in such cases msr. started naked (50%) or just in slip or shorts or phaakamaa (sarong). I prefer the low mattress on the ground, but many places also have western style msg beds and some offer choice. LOoks to me you have the listings from nickygaybkk, due to quote about Banana (that they are all gay is certainly not true for 100%). On the site thaimassageboy.com many of the further away places advertise and many more on thai sites like tmmsociety or gthai.net. On TMB click on pricelist for basic info-subscribe to see more of the boys and info. vinapu 1 Quote
vinapu Posted December 6, 2013 Author Posted December 6, 2013 Thank you for nice wrap around various kinds of massages. Looks we are both big fans of massages. Claim about Banana boys being all gay I picked up from some post somewhere or may be nickygaybkk, no idea that is true or not , why I used word apparently . Issue of gay or gay for pay may be important for some but for me personally not at all .In fact I may venture I had more joy with straights with wife and kids on the last trip than with gay boys. It's like straights are trying to perform better and are more forwarding with straight answers : I like this , I don' like that, I do this if you want but prefer not to , this kind of things. As it was said millions times before all boils down to chemistry between two of us, sometimes is apparent from the start, sometimes if surfaces half way through encounter. Eh, those were days ! Quote
1moRussian Posted December 6, 2013 Posted December 6, 2013 Thanks for the report! Especially liked "3 best" section (As I have realized now, I booked a condo near to Hero and Banana - looks like good location) Quote
vinapu Posted December 7, 2013 Author Posted December 7, 2013 Thanks for the report! Especially liked "3 best" section (As I have realized now, I booked a condo near to Hero and Banana - looks like good location) Thank you, actually I put some thought into 3 best section and I'm glad somebody likes it. You will be happy in Sukhumvit area, quite a few nice massage places there if you are interested and not that far from Silom. Night market along Sukhumvit will keep you entertained and if you shopper quite a few very classy shopping centers along BTS line, some direct link to BTS stations so no need even to go to street level. Although I personally like Silom area better, closer to Soi Twilight and to the river and much less farangs parading with Thai 'wives' . Quote
Guest Posted December 8, 2013 Posted December 8, 2013 They wouldn't mind if you bring your own oil or cream, my favourite is peppermint for it's cooling feeling and a nice tingle in more sensitive areas. Some places had no-fragrance cream or baby oil / Magnolia / when asked . What about bringing a large bottle of that Japanese style lube......? Should be fun. Quote