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Bangkok Riots

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dozens of fairly reliable sites and newspprs.

MOst likely is this: that friend has heard that in Ram-some 15/16 kms away, yesterday eve/night 2 people were killed in skirmishes between redshirts, being called upon from Isanlands to get paid for coming to BKK here in the big stadium there in clashes with protest-supprting students. Now student brawls-even leading to wounds and sometimes death-are no news here and happen near daily, though more between vocational ''colleges'' that are all bombarded to be ''unis'.. Some even say that the students misuse the protests as flag for those ongoing brawls and fights. I really DK what the truth is-if one could even ever find ''truth''' in this.

THeir leader has called their gathering at stadium off and sent them home. Maybe they lack the money to pay them for longer time.

Ram has for PLU the Lamsalee bars and sauna's like Farose2 and some 2-3 more. it is also TH biggest uni with over 100.000 students and is a real cheap student area.

I do not see any ''riots'' here and a much more fun and sanuk atmosfere as was during the red -also rent-a-mob- protest 3 year ago at same place.

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