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Guest surfcrest

No, actually Khor Tose...I am quite happy....ecstatic as a matter of fact.

All of the membership is free to their own opinions...I certainly don't tell them what to think.

Insinuating that what is posted on my Board represents how I think is lunacy.

Certainly you and I don't think alike, whether it's about this issue or about Bon Tong.


As for trailrider / kjun12...and so many, many other names....he and I converse by email frequently.

About as frequently as he tries to re-register with us as someone else.

Perhaps it is you who's obsessed with....what was his name again?


Lighten up pal!




No, actually Khor Tose...I am quite happy....ecstatic as a matter of fact.

All of the membership is free to their own opinions...I certainly don't tell them what to think.

Insinuating that what is posted on my Board represents how I think is lunacy.

Certainly you and I don't think alike, whether it's about this issue or about Bon Tong.


As for trailrider / kjun12...and so many, many other names....he and I converse by email frequently.

About as frequently as he tries to re-register with us as someone else.

Perhaps it is you who's obsessed with....what was his name again?


Lighten up pal!

You may be right that trailrider is Khun 12, but   You know this because you talk to Khujn12  often!  Wow--maybe you deserve the imperial WE after all---NOT.  As for Bon ton, all I have ever said about him is that he is misleading people by failing to tell them about what are the real areas of Chiang Mai that are popular with gays, for strickly persoinal reasons.   One might think that maybe you shoulod actually leave Pattaya and see for yourself were people go in Chiang Mai.but I am sure the voices you must hear must guide you.  All of my information did come from your board, and the majority came from you.  If you do not muzzle people why can't the new gay life in Thailand board be mentioned?   

Hmmmm, trailrider says he is does not know you and wonders why you left your board to attack him.  That is the same thing I wondered.  Hardly sounds like a man who is estatic and happy.  No need for me to lighten up as I am being nice and telling you what I think is true and correct.  However, i understand that you feel threatened by anyone telling you things you don't want to hear.  Sort of like someone telling you you were wrong to accuse that boy of ripping you off.  It must of been a surprise to you to learn it was on camera and you were wrong, but fortunitely your paranoia allowed you to say the tape must be fixed and you refused to be shown the truth.   I just love the way your mind works.  Weehoo Weehoo. 


As for Bon Ton, the only thing I have ever said about him is that he fails to tell people the truth about where the busiest gay life/action is in Chiang Mai for selfish personal reasons.   If  you wish to prove me wrong all you all you have to do is come to Chiang mai--unannounced--on any  night and I will take you to Secrets, CU Bar and So Be it and then to several places he recommends that are not gay and not safe and let you see for yourself.  Altough from you past record I doubt you would do anything to be proven wrong and, in fact, I kind of like the idea of your reliance on this person.  He is just what you may deserve.


poor zombie, he started this thread and got lost in the shuffle.

surfcrest runs a great forum/site and has the worst nightmare in gaythailand forum history

as his enemy. A totally obsessed maniac who started another forum as he was selling his

to surfcrest and then his non stop campaign to damage and insult surfcrest.

No doubt I will earn the hatred of the maniac and become a thread on his hate forum now.

Very difficult to deal with very sick minds and surfcrest is a survivor and a hero in my


I am not ass kissing here as I am also a fan of trailrider and hope he stays the course.

Guest surfcrest

However, i understand that you feel threatened by anyone telling you things you don't want to hear.

How do you profess to know so much about me KhorTose?

What is the source of these "understandings" you have?




Hmmmm, trailrider says he is does not know you and wonders why you left your board to attack him.

One thing I hate is that some people do not feel that moderators or owners or admins on on board can participate on another board. This is just pure Bullshit IMHO.


I was told once on SGT years back that I should stay on GT.


Surfcrest is welcome on this or any other board to post and participate. The fact that he owns another board has ZERO to do with his ability to post here.

Guest surfcrest

Thank you very much Michael. Hopefully, everyone knows that we welcome everyone at Sawatdee and everyone is welcome to their own opinions...including Khor Tose.


I've realized in these past six months that I can't please everyone and so I do what I can to please as many as possible. Perhaps there will be an opportunity someday to welcome kjun12 back, provided he can stick to being one person at a time. As I said, we are regular pen pals and so there would be plenty of opportunity to open up that discussion someday, so long as our membership approves.



Guest surfcrest

I would also like to say, in respect to the OP that Sawatdee Gay Thailand would like to see our friends; Gay Thailand, Gaybuttonthai and bahtstop be successful too.


As Sawatdee evolves into something bigger than just a message board, we are going to have more tools and resources available to us and so I would like our friends to know that we would be happy to provide whatever support or assistance we can. We're just an email away.




poor zombie, he started this thread and got lost in the shuffle.

surfcrest runs a great forum/site and has the worst nightmare in gaythailand forum history

as his enemy. A totally obsessed maniac who started another forum as he was selling his

to surfcrest and then his non stop campaign to damage and insult surfcrest.

No doubt I will earn the hatred of the maniac and become a thread on his hate forum now.

Very difficult to deal with very sick minds and surfcrest is a survivor and a hero in my


I am not ass kissing here as I am also a fan of trailrider and hope he stays the course.

Willie you are beyond doubt one of the best new posters ever to join this board.  I completely agree with you about Neal and I will not defend him.  However, I sadly set through the whole fight and read the hundreds of posts about Neal and about the Pattaya bitch board ad infinium, ad nauseum.  Yes, Neal is a maniac, but I saw little difference with Shurf being any more sane or reasonable.  To me they were two insane bitter old ladies engaged in a fight with no end and seem to delight in feeding off each other.  Not even close to a hero in my book.  Surf finally posted a rule that no more talk of Neal, and I applauded it.  Then he and some of his members started talking about Neal--not as much, but still on going.  A new Pattaya board opened up and even from Chiang Mai I knew who it was running it and it was not Neal.  Everyone but Surf wished it well.  He forbid talking about it as it might be Neal. SANE--HARDLY

Surf now says his board is open to all opinions and his new cover page is going to be open to all.  However, he appears to be turning it over to Bon Bon--a well know character (I am being kind) know to many in Chiang Mai.  Bon Ton has been doing everything to smear and ignore bars and places HE does not like in Chiang Mai.  He describes the night bazaar area bars as dangerous and comment that farangs and thais have had fights there.  The only farang that has ever beejn hurt there was Bon Ton, that I know of, and most of the people who know the story think he deserved it.  I will be willing to bet that places in Chiang mai that Bon Ton does not want people to know about will not be on this cover page.  The regulars know about these places and they are well attended, but because of bon ton new people will be coming to Chiang Mai and leaving saying there is no real action here and I find that sad. 

No for the first time since you started posting I find I cannot agree with you.  It spite of what the super shallow Michael has posted, I do not attack people or board owners who come to this board to post.  Gaybutton and Surf have posted have both posted here and had no negitive comments from me,  I even "liked" the last post Gaybutton made, and I "liked" and made a favorable comment on surfs post right after he said no more neal talk.  No I object only tp to anyone who just drops in and starts attacking members like surf did and  like gaybutton use to do.  Yes, he had a fight with Khun12 on his board, and trailrider may be khun12 for all I know, but why would a happy hero feel the need to come to this board and blast this man , Is itr possible that he is afraid that the man might be a successful poster here, and thast would make him look bad for not being able to handle him on his board.   More paranoia?  Can you think of another reason?  I like you willie and hope on this subject we can agree to disagree and still be friends. 


One thing I hate is that some people do not feel that moderators or owners or admins on on board can participate on another board. This is just pure Bullshit IMHO.


I was told once on SGT years back that I should stay on GT.


Surfcrest is welcome on this or any other board to post and participate. The fact that he owns another board has ZERO to do with his ability to post here.

All right we have heard the from the King of shallow.  Mr no depth Michael.  I know you will not take this as an insult as you seem all to proud of your total lack of any ability to talk about anything but boys.  I do not attack board owners or anyone wlse who is not attacking another board member, but since I do not post on the porn pages you probably have not noticed.  Surf you should be proud that Michael seems to be speaking in your behalf.  This is the same man who hired gaybutton and then found a sneaky way to get rid of him when he finally figured out he was driving down the board count and his porn site was losing business.  This is the same man who thought LMTU and beachlover (even after he posted personal information on a member) were great posters as the they brought the numbers ups.  This is the same man who drove Fountainhall off this board as the could man could talk about something other then how many boys he took to bed tonight.  Yes, Suf, you definitely mean a lot to Michael.  I am sure he puts you almost as high of his posting count.


All right we have heard the from the King of shallow.  Mr no depth Michael.  I know you will not take this as an insult as you seem all to proud of your total lack of any ability to talk about anything but boys.  I do not attack board owners or anyone wlse who is not attacking another board member, but since I do not post on the porn pages you probably have not noticed.  Surf you should be proud that Michael seems to be speaking in your behalf.  This is the same man who hired gaybutton and then found a sneaky way to get rid of him when he finally figured out he was driving down the board count and his porn site was losing business.  This is the same man who thought LMTU and beachlover (even after he posted personal information on a member) were great posters as the they brought the numbers ups.  This is the same man who drove Fountainhall off this board as the could man could talk about something other then how many boys he took to bed tonight.  Yes, Suf, you definitely mean a lot to Michael.  I am sure he puts you almost as high of his posting count.

LOL I guess I thought for years you were just a sad old man that was incapable of being kind to others. I was wrong and for that I do apologize. You are as paranoid as others have stated in the past.


Your post also shows not only how ignorant you are but how deep your blinders go. You seem obsessed with stating I constantly post about how many guys I have bedded in a night. Can you perhaps go over posting history this year (9 months should be sufficient) and see how many of them are about what you think they are about? And, when you do, just simply say, "I apologize for being wrong." Anything other than that would be simply delusional.


The truth is you and I got along fine until you demanded a poster get banner. I disagreed with your obsession then and I still do. You got upset that I didn't see things your way. Unfortunately, not everyone will agree with you on issues and back then I thought you were paranoid.


In this thread, I did not attack you. But, I did stand up for Surfcrest's right to post here. Again, you take that as an attack from me. Who is paranoid now?

Guest surfcrest

Surf finally posted a rule that no more talk of Neal, and I applauded it.

No, I did not. Check the Posting Rules & Guidelines.


Then he and some of his members started talking about Neal--not as much, but still on going.

Really? Where are you seeing all of this and for what little you heard…this has upset you this much? Are you asking for more moderation? Come on!


A new Pattaya board opened up and even from Chiang Mai I knew who it was running it and it was not Neal. Everyone but Surf wished it well. He forbid talking about it as it might be Neal. SANE—HARDLY

No, I did not. I said that we would not be supporting it.




Surf now says his board is open to all opinions and his new cover page is going to be open to all. However, he appears to be turning it over to Bon Bon--a well know character (I am being kind) know to many in Chiang Mai.

No, Bon Tong has nothing to do with SGT other than I’ve agreed to put his very cool looking ad up, in hopes that it would attract more cool ads like that. And, unlike you, I find him to be a very nice guy.


No I object only tp to anyone who just drops in and starts attacking members like surf did and like gaybutton use to do.

Attack? Don’t you think that’s a little over the top, or are you just quoting your fellow mate from Chiang Mai trailrider? What I wrote is on this very thread…no need to exaggerate. Firecat69, Michael and kjun12 have been members for many years and so when one of them all of the sudden starts calling himself trailrider and fires a comment over the bow as though he were still kjun12…then something needs to be said. Why do you think it is that members dislike hydra games?


Is itr possible that he is afraid that the man might be a successful poster here, and thast would make him look bad for not being able to handle him on his board.

No again. There are only a few rules to our Board. If you break them enough times, I’m not going to provide an unlimited amount of opportunities for redemption. You are merely speculating to suggest I can’t handle him….case in point…he’s been handled.


Yes, Suf, you definitely mean a lot to Michael.

So? You seem to worry a great deal about other people when the real opportunity stares back to you from the mirror.




Thanks for replies to my initial post. I hope in future to make a more positive contribution to this forum. Ironically it seems to often be the case that the posting topics that get the most responses (and interest) are those that have an attitude or edge to them.

 I have looked at some other gay Thailand forums and this forum  in my opinion could learn from their presentation, layout, coloring etc. I think one problem I have is the gaythailand home page is too cluttered plus literally as I write this reply the black border on each side of the reply box are so negative and looks like carpeting at a typical funeral parlour!




It should not be hard to understand that this is not a message board like most or all of the other sites.  This is a real website with lots of information for many people who have no interest in the message board.


That being the case then it follows that you would think the site looks cluttered.  However for the vast majority of visitors, they appreciate all the information provided and if they are interested in reading message boards only then they certainly have other choices as do you where there is less clutter.


That being said speaking in generalizations mean next to nothing. If you have a specific website that you think looks better because of certain coloring etc then please name it .  Then Scooby can at least look t it and see if your sweeping comments have any facts behind them.


Since I regularly visit and post on the other Boards , I am unable to see your point but am certainly open to you providing something for me to look at which I may have missed.

Guest buckbee

Hi zombie, Ya certainly stirred the pot and created some discussion :) Keep it up!


While I share some of KhorTos's views, especially in reference to fountainhall, lmtu and beachlover,

I disagree strongly on his viewpoint about surfcrest. I missed the Bonton controversy and have no

thoughts about it.


I do applaud the openness of this forum to allow the full fronted attacks on Michael and surfcrest to stand and not

be deleted. It is rare on gaythailand forums to allow attacks on forum owners.

I also applaud all of surfcrest's effort against the maniac and can easily see why he had to

resort to strong measures against the maniac.


While I share some of KhorTos's views, especially in reference to fountainhall, lmtu and beachlover,

I disagree strongly on his viewpoint about surfcrest. I missed the Bonton controversy and have no

thoughts about it.


I do applaud the openness of this forum to allow the full fronted attacks on Michael and surfcrest to stand and not

be deleted. It is rare on gaythailand forums to allow attacks on forum owners.

I also applaud all of surfcrest's effort against the maniac and can easily see why he had to

resort to strong measures against the maniac.

Dear Willie,


I share some of your views as well (not all but some). However, please don't lump me in with surfcrest as an owner. I do not own this board and while I am sure your intent was not to insinuate I do, I just want to be sure we are clear.


Scooby so low profile I forget who is the boss. Nice to know we see some things the same.

Even firecat agreed with me when I posted a "mea culpa" posting. It would be boring if we all

thought the same all the time.


As if to prove my point, take a look at the new style SGT. It is uncluttered, with a totally white background and plenty of attractive colors.

Now all that is needed there is some interesting topics.................




The truth is you and I got along fine until you demanded a poster get banner. I disagreed with your obsession then and I still do. You got upset that I didn't see things your way. Unfortunately, not everyone will agree with you on issues and back then I thought you were paranoid.


In this thread, I did not attack you. But, I did stand up for Surfcrest's right to post here. Again, you take that as an attack from me. Who is paranoid now?

All right, I have gone from a lonely old man to a paranoid.  I have no idea who these others are as I have never heard this before, but I will gladly take on the title if it makes you feel superior.  At least you did not use the “WE” like surf does, but just me and others.  Michael you cannot even travel abroad without a blow by blow report of where you went, what five star hotel you stayed in and what saunas you go into and what boys you met.  Every single country in the world must look just like another sauna to you.  You would go to Paris and never know there was a Musee de Louvre.   Your whole world is sex.  You can’t even talk about pizza places and hamburger places in Bangkok without mentioning you took regular boy 1 and regular boy 2 and his friends with you.  Gee, I often wonder what the boys feel about being just a regular boy # instead of a special boy, but that is just good old superficial you.  You not only don’t give a damn about the regular posters on this board, but I seriously doubt you give a damn about anyone but yourself.  However, I erred when I called you the King of shallow as you are not a king but a silly queen.  So allow me to correct it now as you are the Queen of shallow.   No Michael we did not get along fine, prior to your defense of Beach, and furthermore, it was not me that first demanded that beachlover be banned.  I spotted him at first, and he went away only to come back after several weeks.  I kept my mouth shut until Thaiworthy ande Fountainhall spotted him and it was they who demanded he be banned.  I only got into it after your spirited defense of this major idiot.  You see Michael unknown to you Beach went on Spike’s SGT after getting tossed off here and spoke about being kicked off.  He put all the blame on Bob and then said that he was told he could come back after a while and start posting again.  I was waiting to see what kind of person would welcome this nut case back and there you were, the only member of this board to mount a defense of this man.  By the end of the argument there where at least five people demanding he be banned and you still fighting for him.  Yes, paranoia, or 1 + 1 = 2.  Others can make up their minds.  IMHO—your favorite expression—you are also the reason I think Fountainhall left.  Not only because he had to battle you over LMTU and Beachlover, but because of some of the nasty comments you made to him.  Finally, I have no objection to surf posting here.  However if he comes on this board just to continue a fight with an ex board member then I will get into it with him as IIMHO I think that is  not appropriate.  I find it strange that you dispute my right to tell him he is out of line in doing this.  Oh that is right, I am a regular member of this board and I don’t count.  Gee I keep forgetting how important we are to you.


Scooby so low profile I forget who is the boss. Nice to know we see some things the same.

Even firecat agreed with me when I posted a "mea culpa" posting. It would be boring if we all

thought the same all the time.

I agree,  very boring.  It does me no good to reply to Surf.  Almost everything in his reply is not quite the truth, and part of it I cannot even understand.  As I said there is no hurry, you are a smart man and I am sure you will eventually see how right I am about this man.  No hurry at all.   However, let me point out some things that you may not know.  If you do know these things I do apologize for boring you but maybe others do not know this either.

The fight between Neal and Surf was clearly started by Surf.  He went into Neal's club--Happy something--and then posted on SGT that he had been ripped off by one of Neal's boys who had shortchanged him.  He stated he gave the boy a 1000 BHT note and the boy only gave him change for 500 BHT.  Neal almost immediately looked at his tapes and found that Surf was wrong and invited surf down to look for himself.  Surf refused saying he did not have to look at tapes saying that he knew already what happened and he basically refuse to believe he was wrong , in spite of, the evidence that Neal offered to show him.  That is when the fight started.  Almost the whole board agreed with Neal and surf disappeared from the board with the final statement that he would not go into Neal's club as he was not sure what would happen to him.  A man who refuses to believe he is wrong and that others are manipulation the truth just to make him look bad does not sound sane to me.  Also please note the following.  There may be no rule about not talking about Neal now, but there was.  If you go back to when surf first posted here you can see me complimenting him on having that rule which he soon broke himself..  He even put a like on my post---duhhh and now he denys it.  Sane--hardly.  Furthermore I would like you to note that when he says he would not support that new board it is not him saying that, but "WE" again.  He is not surf doing these things but WE are doing it.  Now carefully read the last sentence in his reply and tell me what he is trying to say.  I gave up.  Finally, if I was told a man was manipulation a gay guide to make it appear that one area had all the business and another area of town was empty---which is the opposite of the truth would you then call him a good guy.  I am not the only person from Chiang mai, I would think he might ask someone else what the truth is, but Surf is never wrong.  Hardly the reaction of a sane man.  Watch and make up your own mind, as I said before--no hurry.  Somethings can;'t be hidden.

Guest surfcrest

It does me no good to reply to Surf....blah....blah....blah....blah

It sounds as if you were there KhorTose, where about were you sitting?




All right, I have gone from a lonely old man to a paranoid.  I have no idea who these others are as I have never heard this before, but I will gladly take on the title if it makes you feel superior.  At least you did not use the “WE” like surf does, but just me and others.  Michael you cannot even travel abroad without a blow by blow report of where you went, what five star hotel you stayed in and what saunas you go into and what boys you met.  Every single country in the world must look just like another sauna to you.  You would go to Paris and never know there was a Musee de Louvre.   Your whole world is sex.  You can’t even talk about pizza places and hamburger places in Bangkok without mentioning you took regular boy 1 and regular boy 2 and his friends with you.  Gee, I often wonder what the boys feel about being just a regular boy # instead of a special boy, but that is just good old superficial you.  You not only don’t give a damn about the regular posters on this board, but I seriously doubt you give a damn about anyone but yourself.  However, I erred when I called you the King of shallow as you are not a king but a silly queen.  So allow me to correct it now as you are the Queen of shallow.

Again, LOL. I'll be the Queen of Shallow and you can be the Queen of Stupidity (a title I give to you for not knowing your ass from a hole in the ground)! 2 Queens and no Kings, what are we to do?

Guest scottishguy

Hmmm, I have to say that it is not Surfcrest who is coming across as "paranoid" or "insane" on these matters.


Further - what does any of this old CCTV dispute have to do with GayThailand.com - isn't dragging old, tired, and worn-out arguments from one board to another the sort of thing certain people specifically said they abhorred? 




[i tried to use the "quote" feature but it's not working at the moment; in any event, I'm responding to the second paragraph of Scotty's post]


Bingo, Scotty! 

I have no desire to get into this slagfest and wish everyone would refrain from discussing - politely or otherwise (unfortunately, the "otherwise" seems to be winning that game) - crap that happened on other boards.

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