Guest trailrider Posted October 25, 2013 Posted October 25, 2013 I was very surprised to find the Saxophone Pub listed on this site as a "Gay Bar." It is certainly not that even though it is a fun place to visit. Still, I cannot fathom why it is listed here as a Gay Bar. Quote
TotallyOz Posted October 25, 2013 Posted October 25, 2013 I like going to Jazz and Blues places and I take my boys with me. While they are not gay, I have never once had any problem. In fact, in on Jazz club in Pattaya, I had a birthday there and about 20 gay boys and ladyboys and we all had a blast. Quote
firecat69 Posted October 25, 2013 Posted October 25, 2013 I think that of course many Gays enjoy Jazz and Blues and Scooby found that Saxophone Pub is welcoming environment to all. It maybe was meant as a listing where everyone is welcome. I for one am happy to know of this Club even though it is not specifically a Gay Club. Certainly many Gay Clubs attract a mixed audience and certainly in Bangkok the reverse is true!! Quote
williewillie Posted October 25, 2013 Posted October 25, 2013 of course, trailrider is correct. I can't think of a bar or restaurant that isn't gay friendly in Thailand. It is misleading to label the place as a gay bar. Is it a gay bar or not? If not, simply correct. Quote
TotallyOz Posted October 25, 2013 Posted October 25, 2013 of course, trailrider is correct. I can't think of a bar or restaurant that isn't gay friendly in Thailand. It is misleading to label the place as a gay bar. Is it a gay bar or not? If not, simply correct. Would you consider New Orleans in Boyztown a gay restaurant? Or, Dick's Cafe in Bangkok? Quote
vinapu Posted October 25, 2013 Posted October 25, 2013 Would you consider New Orleans in Boyztown a gay restaurant? Or, Dick's Cafe in Bangkok? Dick's Café I would as chances of seeing straights there are not much higher than seeing Jewish person in an attendance of Catholic Mass IMHO. Boyztown can't comment yet but time is coming Quote
firecat69 Posted October 25, 2013 Posted October 25, 2013 of course, trailrider is correct. I can't think of a bar or restaurant that isn't gay friendly in Thailand. It is misleading to label the place as a gay bar. Is it a gay bar or not? If not, simply correct. This a ridiculous argument. Gay people love Jazz and Blues. Saxophone Pub is a wonderful club for such things. It is also welcoming to all persuasions. These are listings of businesses that Gay people would enjoy , they don't have to be a strictly Gay Clubs sto be put in the listings. If you know of a Jazz and Blues Club that allows Gays only then please give it to Scooby. Otherwise can we recognize that because a business is listed on a Gay Site does not make it a Gay Business. If anyone bothered to look many of the Restaurants and Hotels listed are certainly not Gay Hotels or restaurants. They attract a mixed clientele and are listed either because of the area they are in or the fact that they are not dicriminatory against Gays etc.. Unlike other message Boards this is a site that provides information for gay travellers to Thailand. Hopefully to make their trip more complete and enjoyable. Scooby is trying to update those listings and I for one appreciate being told about all sorts of venues that I might enjoy! And an additional thought I am sure Saxophone Pub would love all the Gay customers it can get. Since gay visitors in Bangkok spend more then straight visitors as they do all over the world. Quote
williewillie Posted October 26, 2013 Posted October 26, 2013 Dicks Café definitely a gaybar. New Orleans in Boyztown area has new owner and is definitely not a gay restaurant but gay friendly and of course in a gay area. The new owner isn't gay and the old owner wasn't either. There are plenty of straight girlie bars and straight beer bars on the same soi. My point is that it is misleading to label a bar as a gaybar when it isn't. I fear losing new posters like trail rider when we argue over what is a gay bar. I am still recovering from the loss of fountainhall and glad to see firecat and devint filling the gap but the forum needs new blood and semantics is a sure way of turning off new posters. I think some take this as a personal attack on the owner. It is simply calling a spade a spade. Quote
TotallyOz Posted October 26, 2013 Posted October 26, 2013 Dicks Café definitely a gaybar. New Orleans in Boyztown area has new owner and is definitely not a gay restaurant but gay friendly and of course in a gay area. The new owner isn't gay and the old owner wasn't either. There are plenty of straight girlie bars and straight beer bars on the same soi. My point is that it is misleading to label a bar as a gaybar when it isn't. I fear losing new posters like trail rider when we argue over what is a gay bar. I am still recovering from the loss of fountainhall and glad to see firecat and devint filling the gap but the forum needs new blood and semantics is a sure way of turning off new posters. I think some take this as a personal attack on the owner. It is simply calling a spade a spade. Not to argue semantics with you, but the bar was listed as just a bar in Bangkok. Read the thread in question: It was listed as a place to go and in the GAY BANGKOK forum for visitors. It was not said that the bar was gay. I know. I know. Facts are irrelevant to you as you want to make a point that you miss Fountainhall. So do I. But, I didn't realize that he was important to this thread. Oh, sorry, I guess you just brought him up to say that debating a bar is something FH would not like or enjoy. LOL You didn't know him too well, if you think that. I am so glad you are recovering from his loss. I hate to see someone in agony and pain. I know you have a sensitive soul and the boys at the round table are dressing in black for months now. It is OK. We love sensitive people here too! And, the black pedi coats some of you boys are wearing in order to morn are divine and even Lady Bunny would be envious. Wait. Your post must be about someone in this thread being rude to the OP to scare him off? Have you read the comments here? Has anyone been rude to him? Did anyone question his integrity? The answer to both is no. If you expect someone to make a comment about a business and no one posts other comments, then you don't have a forum. This is a forum that is open for discussion for any subject. Just because a few people disagree with you or the OP does not give cause to run and hide. On the contrary, it gives cause for more discussion and debate. Why on earth would you consider the comments in this thread as being mean to the OP? I don't see them at all. But, my dear, I am not as sensitive as you I guess. I do not take the OP's comments as an attack against the owner. The owner is working hard on the site and I respect that. But, my comments are just directed as your change of direction of the thread and the assertion that other comments in the thread were an attack on the OP. That is just not the case. And, I am only calling a spade a spade. Quote
firecat69 Posted October 26, 2013 Posted October 26, 2013 It would be nice to hear from the OP as to whether he thinks he was attacked or in retrospect and reading the listing again whether he understands that Saxophone Pub was never called a Gay Bar. Quote
Guest trailrider Posted October 26, 2013 Posted October 26, 2013 I don't know any of you guys or your history here or otherwise. Saxophone Pub is a great place. No doubt about this. What I do know is that Saxophone is listed in the Gay Bar section of Bangkok in this site and it is NOT a gay bar. Some of you appear to want to go through all sorts of machinations to prove that it is properly listed here but that is just not so. Now, I really don't care that it is a reccomended place as it should be but it is, and I repeat, NOT a gay bar. The second point I would like to made is that I don't feel like I was attacked but I do feel that some of you defend the site and its owner too vociferously and this could have the effect of dampening a desire to post. I did not mean my post as an attack on this site or the owner. I was just pointing out a fact. Thank you! Quote
firecat69 Posted October 26, 2013 Posted October 26, 2013 I don't know what you are talking about by machinations. It is no different then all the Hotels and Restaurants that are listed which are also not Gay Hotels or Gay Restaurants. I suppose Scooby could have separate listings for Gay or Gay friendly establishments but I don't see the point . I guess I would be bothered if the owners of the Club said they would rather not have any gay customers and would we please not mention them in our listings. I doubt that's going to happen since I am sure the 1500 views the thread got as well as comments will provide business to them and a lot of visibility for which they paid nothing. Also your statement about defending the owner vociferously is just plain not true and I would love you to point out where you think that is the case. As Michael mentioned this is a Forum for discussion. If you post here you can expect responses. You may or may not agree with the responses but that is what a Forum is about. Your next post may be something that someone disagrees with and I may support your point. At any rate if you were in charge would you have Scooby not mention any business that is not exclusively Gay. There would be very few businesses mentioned because except for male massage parlors ( and even those sometimes) there is no business that is exclusively GAY. vinapu 1 Quote
williewillie Posted October 26, 2013 Posted October 26, 2013 My last comment here. Michael takes my comments very personally and behaves as if he was still the owner of this site. It doesn't matter to me if he is the owner. I do believe fountainhall retired, due in part to semantic battles with Michael and I do believe it is not helpful to the forum. Our new poster trailrider expressed somewhat similar thoughts. I hope he stays as the forum needs fresh blood or it becomes a blog of 2 or 3 posters. Perhaps that is what the owner wants, perhaps not. Whenever any criticism is made of the forum, Michael jumps in and gets very defensive. I believe fountainhall left due to this. I have no doubt Michael would like me to do the same. You can't have such thin skin and run a forum. Constructive criticism is helpful. Semantics turn a forum into a blog. I do feel unwelcome by Michael and his side comments towards me are personal. Is it a gaybar is not a personal attack. The semantics bore me. Quote
TotallyOz Posted October 26, 2013 Posted October 26, 2013 My last comment here. Michael takes my comments very personally and behaves as if he was still the owner of this site. It doesn't matter to me if he is the owner. I do believe fountainhall retired, due in part to semantic battles with Michael and I do believe it is not helpful to the forum. Our new poster trailrider expressed somewhat similar thoughts. I hope he stays as the forum needs fresh blood or it becomes a blog of 2 or 3 posters. Perhaps that is what the owner wants, perhaps not. Whenever any criticism is made of the forum, Michael jumps in and gets very defensive. I believe fountainhall left due to this. I have no doubt Michael would like me to do the same. You can't have such thin skin and run a forum. Constructive criticism is helpful. Semantics turn a forum into a blog. I do feel unwelcome by Michael and his side comments towards me are personal. Is it a gaybar is not a personal attack. The semantics bore me. I am so sorry willy willy if you thought I was attacking you. It was not my intent and I do apologize for it. You have stated we never met before and while your monkier has a certain way of writing that brings back memories of another poster on this site from years gone by, I can assure you that I have not one time ever wished you were not on this site. To the contrary, I think you have had some great contributions to the site from time to time. Now, as you can see from the above, and if you read over my last 500 or so posts on this board, you will see that I am complimentary 99 percent of the time. You seem to wish that the 1 percent didn't exist. Well, it does. I have a right to disagree with someone. And, yes, I know from your friends in Pattaya that you think I still own the site. I don't. But, you can live in your fantasy that I still do and thus I should not be allowed to make comments when I disagree with someone. If you know me, and you do, you know that I do not mind speaking my mind on many topics. I don't think a message board should prohibit me from doing that just because you feel I jump in to protect another poster. Fountainhall left the site of his own accord. Not asked by anyone to leave. I won't speculate as to why he left but you may be right. It may have been one thread on this site that we disagreed. But, it could have been something else. I don't know. When you say, "you can't have such a thin skin and run a forum" I just had to laugh. First I don't run this forum. I don't run the site. And, I have never had a thin skin. But, I have also never been one to let someone throw out bullshit without giving them a shovel and asking them why they came to the place to shit. It doesn't matter if I run a site or not, I have never had a problem with expressing my opinion and while you may wish my opinion was the same as yours, it is not. It most likely will never be the same on many issues. I am OK with that. I am sorry that you are offended by this. The truth is your comment: "I fear losing new posters like trail rider when we argue over what is a gay bar. I am still recovering from the loss of fountainhall and glad to see firecat and devint filling the gap but the forum needs new blood and semantics is a sure way of turning off new posters. I think some take this as a personal attack on the owner. It is simply calling a spade a spade." This post was the one that caused me to post my true feelings. Perhaps, I should have just bowed and said, Oh my goodness Willy, you are so right. Semantics are a way to turn off new posters. I'll agree not to be catty any longer. Let me buy a round of drinks for the boys at the round table and make life good again. Please forgive me for speaking my mind or expressing my opinion. LOL Nope. Sorry. Didn't happen. Won't happen. Can't happen. Quote
Rogie Posted October 26, 2013 Posted October 26, 2013 I wonder if some of us aren't restricting what can and can't be written about on this message board to some kind of positive discrimination. It's a cruel world out there in mainstream life, taking daily knocks as they come and go, so yes it's nice sometimes to switch off and curl up in your comfy sofa with a good book or the boxed set of your favourite TV series. In a similar way it's nice to read and participate in message board forums whose philosophy you closely identify with and where life's rough edges are smoothed off and you find yourself nodding in agreement or having a chuckle. The more a forum caters for your own particular likes and interests the more capital you invest in it. So if you take it seriously, great. Nothing wrong with that. But taking it seriously carries a risk - the risk of overreaction. Go with the flow and you will seldom go wrong. I know that sounds bland and unexciting, but letting the 'raised voices' peter out is preferable IMO than getting bogged down in, to take the current bogeyman, semantics. So I have no intention of taking sides on this as it's a storm on a teacup as far as I'm concerned. But it's any member's right to voice his concerns and to hear what others have to say, so just as this particular issue doesn't get me worked up there may well be other issues I feel strongly about that leave others scratching their heads in bemusement. C'est la vie . . . Quote
firecat69 Posted October 26, 2013 Posted October 26, 2013 WillieWillie, I have to laugh at your most recent post. Over and over again you keep bringing up Fountainhall. I miss him also. I especially miss his photos which were some of the best I have ever seen from a non professional. Nobody drove him away from here. He left of his own accord for his own reasons. Unlike many of us he is still working for a living and I suspect he found that the time he was spending on this Board was limiting his other activities. It is not the first time he left and when he has rested , hopefully he will find time to return. But you bringing him up over and over is ridiculous. I do not remember you entering into any discussions with FH on this board and if there were a few they were certainly limited to just that a very few. So why do you keep bringing him up when you were adding nothing to this Board when he was its most prolific poster. This Board is no different then other Boards in that 90% of the viewers are guests rather then posters or members. The difference in this site is that it is far more then a message board. This discussion about whether Saxophone Pub should be listed or not could never take place on any other Board because none of them provide any listings or information. They are strictly discussion forums with personal opinions . I would certainly hope that you continue to post here and maybe initiate some posts rather then just reply to what other have posted because in truth that is what any Board needs. If you and Michael continue to have these battles then that is ok as long as they continue to be respectful . I will continue to post and reply to posts both in positive and negative ways depending on the post. Anyone who can't take the back and forth discussion of anything they may post has no reason to be on a Forum. Rogie I do agree with what you posted as I was about to post this but sometimes a discussion takes on its own life and then it slowly disappears as I believe this thread is about to. HeHe vinapu 1 Quote
khaolakguy Posted October 26, 2013 Posted October 26, 2013 Some guys get very adverserial here when contradicted. Saxophone clearly shouldn't be listed as gay. Other restaurants that are not guy but are listed, have it specified that they are not gay but gay friendly. You need to be consistent. If you are listing restaurants on a gay site it would be assumed that they are gay friendly anyway. "Gay men love blues and jazz" is one of the silliest generalities I've read recently. Gay men love cock, that's why they are called gay. They aren't called gay because they love jazz! williewillie, kokopelli, colmx and 1 other 4 Quote
Rogie Posted October 26, 2013 Posted October 26, 2013 Yes you're right Firecat, some discussions do take on a life of their own. Heck I'm even contributing again despite having said I wasn't going to take sides! The entry on the Gay Bangkok Business sub-Forum never said it was a gay club. What may have confused one or two people is the inclusion of 'Gay Bangkok' at the end of the description. The Saxophone Pub and Restaurant Blue(s) and Jazz In Gay Bangkok That's clearly a management decision to do that and all listings have the same 'Gay Bangkok' suffix. That applies to any establishment be they gay, gay friendly or other. I mean I don't know what a gay man would have to do to ruffle the feathers of a Thai-run business, there won't be rainbow flags all over the place, they're not necessary! vinapu 1 Quote
firecat69 Posted October 26, 2013 Posted October 26, 2013 Exactly!!! 90% of the Hotels listed are not strictly Gay Hotels , yet not a whimper has been made about them being listed under Gay Hotels. Same with the restaurants. For some reason the word Gay Bar means something different. Well in Thailand it frequently means little. On certain nights Gay Go Go bars have lots of straight women customers looking for cock as Khaolaguy might say. Soi 4 is loaded with restaurants that could and are listed under Gay Restaurants yet many nights their customers are a completely mixed crowd with many straight couples. I can go on and on. One of the nice things in Thailand is that the lines between gay and straight are frequently blurred and so it should be all over the world. Quote
Guest anonone Posted October 26, 2013 Posted October 26, 2013 Some guys get very adverserial here when contradicted. Saxophone clearly shouldn't be listed as gay. Other restaurants that are not guy but are listed, have it specified that they are not gay but gay friendly. You need to be consistent. If you are listing restaurants on a gay site it would be assumed that they are gay friendly anyway. "Gay men love blues and jazz" is one of the silliest generalities I've read recently. Gay men love cock, that's why they are called gay. They aren't called gay because they love jazz! Probably a typo. Gay men love blues and jizz" was probably the intent. LOL Quote
vinapu Posted October 27, 2013 Posted October 27, 2013 Some guys get very adverserial here when contradicted. Saxophone clearly shouldn't be listed as gay. Other restaurants that are not guy but are listed, have it specified that they are not gay but gay friendly. You need to be consistent. If you are listing restaurants on a gay site it would be assumed that they are gay friendly anyway. "Gay men love blues and jazz" is one of the silliest generalities I've read recently. Gay men love cock, that's why they are called gay. They aren't called gay because they love jazz! You are right, best music is silence. My apologies if I offended anybody by the statement above Quote
Bob Posted October 27, 2013 Posted October 27, 2013 I do believe fountainhall retired Fountainhill is a friend of mine and he has specifically chosen not to post his reasons for taking a breather. I know those reasons but I'm not about to publicly post private communications I have with him. But, if it helps to stop your repeatedly bringing up the topic (for the apparent reason to attempt to take a swipe at Michael and/or other posters), you're speculations are wrong. Quote
williewillie Posted October 27, 2013 Posted October 27, 2013 mea culpa- 1-I am now certain that the squabble fountainhall had with Michael right before he retired was coincidental and not the actual cause of his leaving. Just coincidental after all. 2-I have no memory of posting that I never knew or met Michael. I am sure it will be easy to find the reference. 3-I must have made a mistake when I did a search for the sale of this site and found none. No doubt my error. Funny how one can be so sure of something and make a mistake. 4-I must have misinterpreted what I perceived as unwelcoming and didn't realize the welcome mat was out and I was an asset here. 5-I stated earlier it was my last word in the thread. so it looks like I am the compulsive liar, the one who is obsessed with defunct posters and have a narcissistic personality disorder. self enlightenment is refreshing. Quote
firecat69 Posted October 27, 2013 Posted October 27, 2013 5-I stated earlier it was my last word in the thread. so it looks like I am the compulsive liar, the one who is obsessed with defunct posters and have a narcissistic personality disorder. self enlightenment is refreshing. Finally a truthful statement! HeHeHe Quote