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do you like the writing style in the bangkokbois blog

do you like bangkokbois style  

30 members have voted

  1. 1. do you like the writing style in the bangkokbois blog

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I'm not sure I should vote as I'm really not sure what question you are posing. If you're truly only asking about writing style in the literal sense - whether the guy writes well - the answer from me would be a resounding "yes" from me (at least most of the time); however, if you're asking about the guy's content and attitude, I personally I find his smart-ass and allegedly superior attitude to be a bit off-putting at times.


Clarify your question and I'll vote.

Guest jomtien

I can't vote. There is no option for "I've never read the blog".

Guest fountainhall

I have only read some of the many articles. I like the style in many (as already posted), and am in total agreement re some like the TurtleAss awards for Beachlover and Air Asia, an airline I have vehemently criticised on this Board. I recall his writing that the TA Awards accounted for something like 83% of the traffic to his site.


I'm not sure I should vote as I'm really not sure what question you are posing. If you're truly only asking about writing style in the literal sense - whether the guy writes well - the answer from me would be a resounding "yes" from me (at least most of the time); however, if you're asking about the guy's content and attitude, I personally I find his smart-ass and allegedly superior attitude to be a bit off-putting at times.


interesting - perhaps it is just me but if I am trying to decide if I like the "style" of blog or a specific article I can't ignore content and attitude - I think "style" goes beyond just good grammar.


when I say I like the bangkokbois blog's "style" it is because I like his choice of content, and I like the way he presents the content - the wit, the sarcasm, the turn of phrase, the use of language, the captions that go with the images, etc


even in the strictest "literal sense" I don't think you can ignore content and attidude and context when considering whether a piece is "well written" - do you use the same critera to judge a piece in the Bangkok Post, the New York Times, the North Korean Nationalist Daily and Fox News?



Guest thaiworthy
do you use the same critera to judge a piece in the Bangkok Post, the New York Times, the North Korean Nationalist Daily and Fox News?


What's this?! You forgot to include the warning label on a pack of cigarettes.


do you use the same critera to judge a piece in the Bangkok Post, the New York Times, the North Korean Nationalist Daily and Fox News?


Somewhat a non-sequitur. I'm guessing now that you're using "style" to mean both writing ability and content.


I can separate the writing style from the content and attitude expressed and that's why I asked the question. For example, William F. Buckley wrote very well but I rarely agreed with the attitudes and content (often right-wing Republicanism) he often expressed in spite of the "50-cent words" he used to dress up rather plebian concepts.


In any event, almost all of this particular blogger's content is well written in my view (as you say, he's very good at turning a phrase and use of the language) and I at times have enjoyed the insights and attitudes he's expressed on some topics; however, he's a master of sarcasm and, in my view, full of himself at times. It seems that he spends a great deal of time honing his words and, while I fully understand his right to say anything he wants, I at times get the drift he gets orgasmic delight in attempting to cleverly put somebody else down.


I've never liked the concept of internet anonymity which provides license for some people to say things they wouldn't have the guts to say to another person's face.

Guest thaiworthy

Well, the poll has now been up for awhile and there is a clear majority against bkkguy’s assertion. This exactly bears out what Fountainhall posted on another thread. Will bkkguy now withdraw his comments?


Well, the poll has now been up for awhile and there is a clear majority against bkkguy’s assertion. This exactly bears out what Fountainhall posted on another thread. Will bkkguy now withdraw his comments?


a "clear majority" - 5 for, 3 against, a total of 8 votes from 609 members - less than 1.5% of the target population have voted and the sampling was by self-selection and you are claiming what exactly has been "proved" here?


I have a good manual on common problems with the interpretation of statistics if you would like to borrow it


but even if you want to ignore the rigors of valid statistical analysis then looking at the top regular posters here 3 didn't like and 1 liked, so you and fountainhall will have to try a bit harder if you seriously want to prove my assessment wrong!



what exactly has been "proved" here?


That's fairly obvious, isn't it? Somebody made an assertion in another thread that "'most' posters here do not like the style in the bangkokbois blog" and so then posted this poll to gain the evidence that his assertion was correct. Rather than taking a swipe at Khun TW about statistical analysis, perhaps a wiser course would be to acknowledge that the polling adventure was slightly less than successful.


Rather than taking a swipe at Khun TW about statistical analysis, perhaps a wiser course would be to acknowledge that the polling adventure was slightly less than successful.


so the poll has so far not produced a statistically significant result, so I have not commented on it, but then the esteemed Khun TW makes a statistically unsupportable claim about the result - sorry, obviously I should have known better than to challenge such a worthy opinion!



Guest thaiworthy
I have a good manual on common problems with the interpretation of statistics if you would like to borrow it.


Then why did you start the poll? If the results are that open to interpretation, are you planning to manipulate the results in your favor? I can think of no other reason, other than to prove yourself right.


so the poll has so far not produced a statistically significant result, so I have not commented on it . . .




Could you possibly be more vague? How far is so far? When does voting end, or is that at your convenient discretion, too?


Do you really think all 609 members are going to participate in your poll? How many members would be required to vote to satisfy your criteria?


a "clear majority" - 5 for, 3 against, a total of 8 votes from 609 members - less than 1.5% of the target population have voted and the sampling was by self-selection and you are claiming what exactly has been "proved" here?


I have a good manual on common problems with the interpretation of statistics if you would like to borrow it



bkkguy; perhaps you would like to expand upon statistical analysis of the vote using info from your manual?

For starters, what is the target population? For example, if one is polling a vote in a city, such as Gayville population 100,000, the target population is only the registered voters and not the entire population. The question here is what is the target population of GayThailand? All the registered members or perhaps just those who have posted at least one time? There is a great difference. Or maybe the sample population is only those who have viewed this particular topic not counting the repeat views. Or is it just the 8 who actually voted?


Often enough some polls measuring the probability of a candidate being elected, say to President of US, are based on a sample size of 1000 out of a voter population of 100 million. Likely your manual has some tables or formulas which would help to verify the results of the poll.


are you planning to manipulate the results in your favor?


all I have said is that the results are so far not statistically significant, you are the one who said "there is a clear majority against bkkguy’s assertion" so don't question my plans - you have already manipulated the results in your favour!


Likely your manual has some tables or formulas which would help to verify the results of the poll.


yes it does - to obtain a statistically significant result with a 95% confidence level and a confidence interval of 5 for the population of registered users of this site would require a sample size 247


but as you say the population size is the key - this thread has had 421 views and for that size population the required sample size is 201 but how do you calculate unique views and thus a sample size? and what percentage of those who have seen this post have also seen the bangkokbois blog or would go and read the blog before they voted? even if you do a best guess of 20 that would require a sample size of 19


and the fact that this is a self-selecting sample means the results have to be interpreted with even more caution



How many members would be required to vote to satisfy your criteria?


as I have explained above, statistically it is difficult to determine, but if you want a strictly personal opinion I would say that if 10-15 regular posters here had voted then this would probably be a reasonable response because this would include enough of the people I think I know the opinion of about this blog from posts here and elsewhere, and these where the people I was thinking of when I made the original comment about the blog!


I don't think 10-15 responses from regular posters here is an unrealistic expectation so if you want to continue to question my motives for starting the poll the go right ahead, but I couldn't be bothered responding further


and if you or kokopelli or anyone else needs more theory then go and research it yourself - Statistics 101 is not that difficult a topic!




No need for me to repeat (again) Statistics 101. My degree is in Physics with minor in Math but that was a long time ago. Before I made my post I had done the math and do agree that the results of the poll are not significant. Also agree that 15+ responses would be needed to get more meaningful results. My guess is that many or most posters have not read the bangkokbois blog and have had little knowledge of his writing style. I have read it just a few times and did enjoy his use of language especially in the Turtle Ass Awards.


As a foot note to my post above, what Kuhn Thaiworthy posted that 5 out of 8 votes is a clear majority is quite true. Laws have been passed and elections decided on a much smaller percentage of votes cast. For example the US Supreme Court recently upheld the Affordable Care Act by a vote of 5 to 4. And yes, I know that a poll and a vote are not the same.


bkkguy- you mentioned 609 members on this forum. I did notice that there are 609 pages of members names. Actual membership is closer to 12,000. A quick count of members who made a least one post is about 638. From what I could see there are about 60 currently active posters but that is an estimate.

Just looking at the names of bygone posters did bring back memories.

I at times have enjoyed the insights and attitudes he's expressed on some topics; however, he's a master of sarcasm and, in my view, full of himself at times. It seems that he spends a great deal of time honing his words and, while I fully understand his right to say anything he wants, I at times get the drift he gets orgasmic delight in attempting to cleverly put somebody else down.


I've never liked the concept of internet anonymity which provides license for some people to say things they wouldn't have the guts to say to another person's face.


I agree with most all of that, Bob. It was the nasty writing style that earned my vote. Sarcasm is one thing - character defamation is entirely another.


A friend who teaches overseas tells their students "if you can find it online, so can I", and I'm not at all sure what he posts is actually all his, but he can be entertaining when he chooses to be, and I don't mean the times he's just being a bully from behind a high fence.  But, this IS the internet, and there's room for all types. There are those who don't care for my blog, but so it goes. I don't do attack posts. Takes the fun out of things, I think.

I don't do attack posts. Takes the fun out of things, I think.


While I realize you're not really expounding on why you don't do attack posts, it'd be my view that the fact you don't do them or have the desire to do them says a fair amount about you and your character.  (I don't need to add this for you or most others but, to avoid any misinterpretation by those who can't parse meanings, that's a compliment).


Contrary to the Op's view, I have no problem in having a separate opinion about content and writing style.  The blogger's writing style is rather excellent in my view (and it would seem that most have that view); however, most of his content (what he thinks about other message boards or posters thereon, for example) is meaningless to me in that I don't really care what he thinks about such topics.  What provides some interest to me, though, is why he feels the need to publicly share those thoughts (is there some form of "the world is clamoring to hear me" belief going on there?) and/or what process is going on which somehow turns putting down others into some sense of self-gratification for the writer.  Hell if I know but I don't consider it healthy adult behavior.

Guest timmberty

ive been reading that blog for well over a year now .. and often leave comments on it.

its very well written, tho that doesnt mean to say its always worth reading ..

a lot of the stories are just reworded repeats.. you cant write something new everyday about gay thailand.

he often berates people for making long posts on message boards .. then uses a 4000 word post on his blog to do so ... so he could be discribed as a hypocrite.

but its often very witty .... but also can be quite boring .. how many pictures of mostly naked guys does one need to look at ?

this is the reason i have not voted .. as there is not a space for *not bothered one way or other.

he does give a link to another blog called ibonito blog this is a blog about different parts of asia as well as a lot of thailand ... its not so word orientated, but has some fantastic photos on it ... well worth a read.


I am in a minority on this board, but I have always enjoyed his post and check out his blog at least once a month.  He is not always right on and I have disagreed with him about somethings and some people, but he is always worth reading.  I agree that his funnies are very funny.


I look at it almost daily, don't read much , only topics of  interest to me but that blog is wealth of information and plenty of eye candy too, he is not always right but  this can be said about all of  us,


Another blog I check daily is ChristianPFC 's, he put lots of staff of interest for ordinary tourist , not just gay



Another blog I check daily is ChristianPFC 's, he put lots of staff of interest for ordinary tourist , not just gay


wow how have I missed that?

sounds interesting


Please do  repost your blog address, Christian. I found it once but lost it.  Whenever I google Christian's blog I only see blogs regarding Christians, the devotees of Christ, not the devotee of Thai boys.

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