Members stevenkesslar Posted Monday at 09:48 PM Members Posted Monday at 09:48 PM This is just a different dumb ass version of the yapping dog's Canada v. US. A big lose-lose for the US and our allies, that the insolent pig does not seem to realize strengthens China. There’s Only One Winner in a U.S.-EU Trade War: China Here’s how a common U.S.-EU trade strategy on China can help avoid a transatlantic trade war. Quote If Trump is serious about “America First,” there’s one thing he should come to terms with — it shouldn’t mean “America Alone.” More leverage at the negotiating table with China, a healthy U.S. economy without inflation, and a prosperous Germany that could turn around a stumbling EU would be in the interest of the American people and Europe. I think the verdict is in last Friday that, given the choice between America First or America Alone, Trump will take America Alone. If he can't have America First on his terms, he'd rather not have it at all. He'll see America Alone as a victory. MAGA will yappingly agree. The big problem with this article's idea is simple: no tariffs is like saying bad shit about his pal Vlad to Trump. Don't even bother. Ain't gonna fly. The insolent pig's brain thinks like a child seeking retribution. It can't handle the complexity of what this author lays out. As a Democrat my basic instinct would always be to celebrate when the SPD wins in Germany. I remember the days when the SPD's Gerhard Schroeder and Putin were allied in trying to stop the US from invading Iraq. It absolutely infuriated Republican friends that I agreed with Schroeder and Putin. They thought I was un-American. Look how that played out. 😉 So right now I feel like it is a happy coincidence that Germany elected a very pro-NATO and pro-US and hard ass conservative leader instead. If you throw Merz and Donald Tusk and Macron and Starmer in a room, you may have a Europe that can be solid behind Ukraine. Trump won't be. The author of this article is right that Trump now has a natural ally in Germany - if Trump thought like Reagan did. But he doesn't. He is just an insolent pig, traitorous to allies. So now the question is whether the EU, with a strong German leader, can get its shit together while Trump focuses on breaking as much shit as he can. Quote 500 Million Europeans Ask 300 Million Americans to Protect Them from 140 Million Russians! - Donald Tusk Quote