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America... Thrust out into the open🫣

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Trump is creating ALL this shit to justify his Dictatorship.....  He has not shown an iota of evidence to support any of his deep state claims, but his "believers" dont seem to need or want any evidence, proof, or facts...   As long as he looks tough and cruel and keeps discriminating against minorites,  they cream their pants...  And he wants the rest of us to become Hopeless and despondent thinking there is nothing we can do to STOP him....

America hasnt ever met a Dictator they couldnt STOP...  KEEP THE FAITH.... it aint over till the Fat ORANGE Man sings ! 

 orange fat angry and ridiculous Prompts | Stable Diffusion Online

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2 hours ago, bucknaway said:

Donald Trump is not taking any prisoners during this term in office. His exposing them all and for now the Democrats are running scared. 



Did Pavlov's dog have a name?  Serious question.


Ivan Pavlov, a Russian physiologist, had many dogs in his experiments, including Bierka, Krasavietz, Beck, Milkah, Ikar, Joy, Tungus, Arleekin, Rusian, Toi, and Murashka. 

Henceforth I will call you @FucknJoy.   Joy sounds like a nice name for you.  It shows some grace.  Like I hope you have Joy when you flail around with your mindless MAGA conditioned reflexes.  But, flip side, you do like to fuck with people.  And you could care less how many children in Africa - or the US - die today because of what Musk is doing today.  You actually just celebrated killing brown-skinned immigrants in one of your stupid videos.

John Harris was right.  I got in almost a screaming match with him in college, when he was the editor of our college newspaper.  He had edited some stuff I wrote about a lefty college professor because he said it was too biased.  I argued that all journalism is biased.  He said that we should at least strive not to be biased.  I thought and said that is just self-delusion.  That really pissed him off, as I recall it.

The world has changed.  I had no idea that my lefty college professor would become a US Senator, or John would found Politico.  I now actually wish he had been right.  It feels like it has gone too far.  Not so much because we have media that takes a strong and biased opinion.  That's fine.  The problem to me is that too many people only read one side. 

Right or wrong, I have always been a liberal who wants to know both sides.  And maybe it is just my bias.  But I think a lot of college educated liberals are like me.   They wants facts, and truth.  I think it shows up all the time.  Liberals will say, " Yeah. Biden is too old, and he is losing it."   MAGA cultists won't say that about their God.  Right now they are literally celebrating open racism and hate.

You revel in being @FuckNJoy.  You have now posted several videos that intentionally edit out the other side. And intentionally deceive viewers by saying Trump really didn't cruelly attack a handicapped reporter.  Or people all love Trump, except for this small minority.  This is just another example of how you love being @FuckNJoy, Trump's puppy dog looking for his treat. Or you are whacking off your two inch dick attacking more Black people.  Or whatever gets you off.

Have fun.

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4 hours ago, bucknaway said:

Donald Trump is not taking any prisoners during this term in office. His exposing them all and for now the Democrats are running scared. 



Buckle your seat belts, or stop reading now.

This post veers deep into policy and speculation.   And it is mostly about race.  I could be dead wrong.  I often am.  But right now I am celebrating the utter short-sightedness and stupidity of Team MAGA.   

I have to stipulate I don't mean historically Democratic Black or Hispanic or Muslim voters.   We all now know many were pissed about inflation.  Or rent.  Or broken promises.  Or dead Palestinians.   And so they voted for Trump.  I mean the rock solid "we'll believe anything he says or does" MAGA hard core.  The ones who think Jan. 6th was a Day of Love.  And are jubilant about beating cops when it helps Trump.

You have been given an historic opportunity.  And every day seems to shout at me, "We are blowing it.  We are such losers that, after losing in 2018 and 2020 and 2022,  fate (COVID + inflation) throws us a lifeline.  And we fuck it all up."   

Lest anyone think I am just a dumb White liberal, the former Black head of the RNC said exactly what I just said.  He said Trump's Republican Party is a "zombie party" that will fall apart quickly if and when the Democrats get their shit together.  I agree.  It was the inflation, stupid.  What was Kamala supposed to do?

Speaking of what stuff costs, here's something I suspect our dumb dog doesn't know.  And probably can't appreciate, with his dumb dog reflexes.  If he read Black reporters who work for Politico, instead of attacking Black men as a DEI hire, he might up his skill set just a little. One can always hope.  


That absolutely blew my mind.  First, just the facts.  Then a liberal biased interpretation of the facts.  This is complex and divisive stuff that many books and articles have been written about, several of which I have been extensively quoted in.  But facts are facts.

Under Clinton, working class homeownership soared.  That was an intentional policy.  It helped the White working class a lot.  But it particularly helped non-White Hispanics or Asians or Blacks, who mostly are disproportionately behind Whites in gaining access to homes and net worth.  Which they often use to create businesses.  Owning a home is the American dream for a reason. 

Some conservatives lie like dumb dogs and argue Bill Clinton created the horrible subprime mess.  But, if true, all those mortgages made from 1993 to 2000 under Clinton should have and would have gone bad in the 2001 recession.  No such thing happened.  The mortgages that blew up starting in about 2006 were almost all originated from 2002 on, when W. was POTUS.  And when Republicans ran all the regulatory agencies and Congressional committees that governed this.  These are facts.  Republicans can't deny that all the shitty predatory mortgages that blew up the US and stole wealth and homes from Black families in particular were mostly made when they had one party control.

So what blows my mind in that chart above is that in a little over one year Trump reversed all the damage done by W.  Much of which played out when Obama was POTUS, and the ticking time bomb mortgages originated under W. exploded one by one.  Because my complicated point is about race, I will focus on Blacks. Even though this trend is true of all non-White as well as White home buyers.  Black homeownership went from a high of 49.7 % in 2004, to a low of 40.6 % in Q2 2019, to a high of 47 % just one year later.  That is an amazing reversal,  both ways.

The reversal down is because it took Clinton an eight year Presidency to, IMHO, very wisely figure out how to turn homeownership into an engine for working class wealth creation for all races.  Again, owning a home is the American dream.  Clinton did not discover some new law of science.  But he made shit work.  And it worked great until W.'s Republicans and their special interest Wall Street and financial industry donors fucked it all up. 

The Trump reversal is even more amazing.  It does prove that a rising tide lifts all boats, at least sometimes.  Trump did in one year what it took Clinton two terms to do, to exaggerate a bit like @FuckNJoy does.  And he did what Biden talked about, but could not actually deliver on. 

And I am being intentionally generous to Trump.  Because it arguably was the bond market or the mortgage market, not Trump, that did it.  Whatever the cause, when 30 year fixed rate mortgages fell below 4 % in 2019, lots of smart people of all races saw their opportunity and jumped at it.  

  • A $200,000 mortgage at 3.65% has a monthly cost for principal and interest of $915
  • That’s $553 a month less than the long-term average

By 2025 standards, that is dirt cheap.  Kudos to all the Black and Hispanic and Asian American and White working class families who were smart enough to buy homes and lock in low fixed rate mortgages then.  And it did get even better under Biden in 2021, when pretty much nobody wanted to move.  And then ..................................... it's the inflation, stupid.

I don't hold a grudge with any Black or Hispanic family that voted for Trump in 2024.  I could make a great argument that it was actually a logical thing to do.  This would be one of my main arguments.  It's way too complicated an argument, if anyone bothers to read this.  But it's true.  Meanwhile, Ole Joe talked the talk but could not deliver.

To set up bringing this to 2025, I will jump into fantasy and say this.  If I were Trump, I would not only argue I am the least racist guy I know.  I would also insist I want to be the DEI President.  This ain't your Grandpa's Republican Party.  We are truly colorblind.  But we also know our diversity is what makes us strong.  Most Americans believe that.   And Trump proved with abortion that he can get away with shit like that.  The Christian right resents his backtracking on abortion.  They want Mike Pence back.  But they voted for Trump, anyway.  Mostly, I assume, because he delivered his right wing SCOTUS.  Actions speak louder than words.

Sadly for his love affair with Blacks, as well as anyone else that is "DEI dead" these days, Trump's current actions will speak louder than words, too.

How Democrats lost the DEI war

Conservatives won the culture war by riding the backlash to Black Lives Matter protests.

That was written by a Black reporter who works for Politico who extensively interviewed Black experts and organizations like the NAACP.  In other words, this guy is an incompetent DEI hire who works for a leftist Democratic mouthpiece who interviews Communists and terrorists.  Who knows?  Some might even be Gay.  Horrors! 

For purposes of this topic, I hope people - especially African Americans - do feel this is who Democrats actually want to protect, and lift up.  And now White guys on dumb Tik Tok videos are declaring, "Open season.  I was racist before racist was cool."

I personally take the headline above as a statement of emotion, not fact.  Like, is same sex marriage gone? No.  Are all Blacks being fired from the FAA?  No.  Musk and Trump fired a White guy who was unanimously approved by Congress, three plane crashes ago.  My point is that I think the Black reporter who wrote this is probably showing his bias, and his humanity.   And saying, in subtext, this feels like a terrible loss. 

If so, I feel for him.  But I think it is a big battle lost in a war that Democrats are winning.  Obama still was our first DEI President.  He won't be our last.

I could say a lot about the article, which is a great read.  But I will focus on one fact he states, which I view as a dagger in the heart of MAGA:


“The federal government used to be the safe place to get a job,” said a Black federal worker, granted anonymity to speak freely. “But not anymore.”



It's a fair point to say that Trump rallies really are a bunch of mostly White people, and they don't play Beyonce music.  It's also fair to say Democrats were stupid NOT to showcase more White males at their convention.  But my argument is that what matters a hell of a lot more is whether Black families could afford to buy homes when Donald Trump was POTUS.  Whether it was his policy or not, that's not a reason for Black families to see him as the worst racist ever. 

That obviously helped him in 2024 with Blacks.  And Hispanics.  And Asian Americans.  This is a "racially sensitive" issue with some Blacks who don't really want to own the fact that Trump got more Black votes than in 2020.

I'm not Black.  But I think that line in that article is a kiss of death for MAGA.  What Trump and Musk are saying right now, in all their beautiful White wisdom, is this:  "The door is closed.  You are not welcome.  Get the fuck out.  Now.  You stupid incompetent DEI hire.  Normalize hatred.  I was racist before racist was cool."

It's only government employees, of course.  Who the fuck cares?  But my guess is that is kind of like telling an African American, "Who cares about the lives USAID saves?  They're all Africans."  


In 2013, 20.76% of the United States Agency for International Development's (USAID) workforce was Black or African American. This was 6.36% higher than the percentage of minorities in the national civilian labor force. 

Like subprime, this will be a bomb that goes off slowly.  But once it is rigged, it is very hard to reverse.

I take that article as a searing confirmation that Blacks have already started to get the message.  The door is shut.  You are not welcome.  Get the fuck out.

And our dumb dog with no brain, just conditioned reflexes, is yapping in joy, waiting for his Trump treat.

That said, maybe @FuckNJoy is really fucking with us.  Maybe he is a whip smart conservative Black college graduate, who just likes Trump's policies.  

Makes no difference in terms of the outcome.  I don't think he is going to like how this plays out in the long run.   

But since he wants to get it out in the open and expose the truth, there it is.




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4 hours ago, bucknaway said:


Could you do me a little favor, @FuckNJoy?

I'm fine with brief videos of White guys that make me dumber.

Could you just make them handsome White guys?

And porn would be fine.

Could you also make them well hung?  Just asking for my beloved Sister In Cock.

P.S.  Please do not consider this "LGBT activism" in any way shape or form which I know you and MAGA oppose.


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27 minutes ago, bucknaway said:

 When you post one of your "breaking" videos about MAGA news, please answer my question from another thread.

Why are you attacking "LGBT activism"?

What do you have against Gay men?

I take it as a personal insult.  I spent years on LGBTQ activism.

Why are you applauding the homophobic attacks and attacking Gay activism?

Please explain.  I think we have the right to know, since you want to "inform" us.

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20 minutes ago, bucknaway said:



This is Bullshit and Ridiculous at the same time.   The person they should be investigating is MUSK, a person who financially benefits from the government MORE than any other person than perhaps Trump....

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6 minutes ago, Goober said:

Why have there been so many deadly plane crashes since donOLD took office?


Over the course of 12 days, starting on Jan. 29, 2025, a total of 85 people have died in four major U.S. aviation incidents.

There has not been a deadly incident involving a U.S. airliner since 2009. 


DEAD people are Medals of Honor for Trump and his corruption.   Get those body bags ready....RFK Jr is coming !  

"I'll get those numbers UP"

With RFK Jr.'s nomination for health secretary, his 'Make American Healthy Again' movement is poised for real power.

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2 hours ago, bucknaway said:



Why are you celebrating Trump's attacks on "LGBT activism"?

You posted this Tik Tok video of Trump's "wins" he has delivered on behalf of me, and the American people.  It says he is going after "LGBT activism."

Is opposing "LGBT activism" a win?   What kind of activism?  Support for same sex marriage?

Are you trying to normalize Gay hate?

Do you hate Gay men?

Why do you think 48 % of Americans, including probably most Gay men, already disapprove of what Trump is doing?

Did you celebrate Gay hate before it was cool?

Since you are supporting homophobes and attacking "LGBT activism" I think Gay men here who have spent years fighting for Gay rights and other "LGBT activism" have a right to know why you support these attacks on us.

A cruel coward.  Sheesh!


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6 hours ago, bucknaway said:


So you want Trump and Musk to attack people who make money?   That's funny.

What about the Gay mafia?  There's a bunch of rich Gay men who donated lots of money for years, so that we could have same sex marriage and equality.

Do you hate these Gay men, cruel coward?

Do you want the attack on "LGBT activism" you applaud to include attacking these rich Gay men, cruel coward?  Because each and every one of them have financially supported a lot of the "LGBT activism" you are cheering Trump for attacking.

Which "LGBT activism" wins do you want Trump to un-win, and brag about, cruel coward?

Why are you a cruel coward, anyway?  Why won't you even defend your attacks on Gay men, cruel coward?

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President Musk is using the American govt as his own personal "RAGE ROOM"..... and MAGAts are LOVING every minute.    Just go in and break all the shit and tear things down,  and make the LIBS scream by doing it.   Its some sic Fantasy, or maybe even a FETISH,  but its working so far, at least for the base that elected Trump who appointed Musk.....

The demented duo are DARING anyone to TRY and Stop them, and they will take this Destruction FEVER as far as they can.....   They dont care about Courts,  they will IGNORE Court orders, and the meaner and harder they go the more MAGA is pushing them to do MORE.....   Thats what fuels them...  They blame their mandate from the American people, but that "mandate" is not a mandate and only 50% of the country...    So they are performing for 50% of the country.   Weakening the PUBLIC, they believe makes THEM stronger, and their goal is to take away EVERY right or benefit thats helps you to make you weak and subservient, while the money they "saved" goes straight to THEIR own pockets....And Trump will use Musk until every item of P2025 is ticked off,  then kick him to the curb and blame HIM for the rampage. 

We've seen this before but not on this scale ....ITS EVIL !   

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  • Members
4 hours ago, bucknaway said:

Why are you celebrating Trump's attacks on "LGBT activism"?

Why are you celebrating Trump's attacks on "LGBT activism"?

Why are you celebrating Trump's attacks on "LGBT activism"?

Why are you celebrating Trump's attacks on "LGBT activism"?

Why are you celebrating Trump's attacks on "LGBT activism"?

You posted this Tik Tok video of Trump's "wins" he has delivered on behalf of me, and the American people.  It says he is going after "LGBT activism."

Is opposing "LGBT activism" a win?   What kind of activism?  Support for same sex marriage?

Are you trying to normalize Gay hate?

Do you hate Gay men?

Why do you think 48 % of Americans, including probably most Gay men, already disapprove of what Trump is doing?

Did you celebrate Gay hate before it was cool?

Why do you support Trump's attacks on "LGBT activism"?

Are you happy that Trump is rolling back decades of Gay progress?

Speak, cruel coward.  Explain why you seem to support normalizing Gay hate.

Trump’s Anti-DEI Edicts Just Scared a Big Sponsor Away From a Major Pride Event

Booz Allen’s decision to cancel a sponsorship ought to worry anyone who cares about Washington culture.

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