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How has the economic crisis affected your travel or life in Gay Thailand?

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I know many people aren't able to afford the frequent travels they once were to good old gay friendly Thailand. I know that my trips have been cut down drastically over the last 2 years. The airfare is to the point that I am not willing to pay to go to Thailand as much as it is much more cost effective to go to Brazil or other places.


For those living in Thailand, how has the economic downturn affected your day to day life? If you were on a fixed budget, is the cost of living there really affected?


For those like me that travel there, has your trips became less frequent? Do you find you spend less money when you go there? Go out less? Change the location of your hotels or your daily routine?

For those like me that travel there, has your trips became less frequent?

Lots of good questions!


I go nearly as often. So about 2 times a year. Whereas 3 or 4 years ago I would have considered nipping over for a short visit (which for me is about a month) to squeeze an extra one in, now I would not. Reasons: appreciation of baht vs UKP and ever-increasing airfares - I'm on a fixed income.


At least one trip per year my itinerary also includes Australia when I am away for 2 months in total; 1 month Thailand (2 weeks on the way and 2 weeks on the way back) and 1 month Aus. By the way, Australia is expensive now, but as I stay with family that keeps my costs reasonably under control.


My first visit was just before the economic crisis and I've had one long trip each year since -ie no change.


The time I spend in Asia is limited by the holiday allowance from my employer, not by financial constraints. Making my cash last for 4 weeks is no problem, although I do search out good value accommodation.

Now if I had enough free time to stay there for several months, then finances would be more of a limitation. In that case, I would probably reduce costs by spending some more time in Laos & Cambodia.


As it is, the only real difference due to the economic crisis is exchange rates. I think about expenditure more at 48 baht to the pound than 65 baht to the pound. Also, in Bangkok, money does get spent at an alarming rate. So I don't stay there for long.


For me, it would cost more to fly to Brazil.

From Europe, I don't think there's a "low air fare" alternative to Thailand. Prague is an option for a weekend, but it's not a serious competitor to SE Asia for a long winter break. Costs, climate and fewer attractions see to that.


I have noticed some people who used to post extensively about their Thai trips haven't reported a single visit over the last 2 years. Presumably cost is a factor.


For those living in Thailand, how has the economic downturn affected your day to day life? If you were on a fixed budget, is the cost of living there really affected?


I'm not sure what a "fixed budget" really means but I've really seen no evidence that the economic downturn has affected the cost of day to day life here in Chiangmai. Prices have slowly gone up over the last few years - the usual suspects such as food and gasoline - but I haven't noticed much difference (but, admittedly, I'm not on a restricted or tight budget).


The biggest cost difference I've noticd the last 4-5 years is the cost of flying to and from the US once a year. That cost has probably gone up at least 50% (think I paid about $1,100.00 once for the evergreen deluxe/elite class on EVA but now it's over $1,800.00).


Long-term, the exchange rates make some difference. And, for those from the US on a tight budget while here, I'm sure the recent changes (from 29 to 31 baht per dollar) will make some difference. But I still pine for the days a decade+ ago when you could get 44-45 baht to the dollar!

Guest luvthai

The only change I have made is to fly less often but extend my length of stay to maximize my time in thailand. I use to fly 4 times a year but have cut it to 2 times a year. I did have to cancel my October trip due to family illness (elderly parent not doing well). But hope to be able to travel again soon.


I've always flown economy and also tend to pay around 1000 baht for a room. Sometimes I've taken even cheaper rooms, but have not enjoyed the experience. If anything, I'll be spending slightly more in this area.


The premium for flying business class works out at something like $1 a minute. I usually get an emergency exit window seat, this is comfortable enough for everything but sleeping. Therefore losing about 3~4 hours sleep is the main economy penalty, which doesn't justify the upgrade cost.


Our members who fly first or business class and use more expensive hotels also have the option of downgrading, which is one good way to make the money last further.

Guest anonone

I am traveling to Thailand just as often as possible, at least 4 times a year. As someone else has already mentioned, my time in Thailand is also constrained by holiday allotment from employer. It is not limited by financial / economic circumstances.


I could go less often for longer visits to save some money, but I just cannot be away from Thailand for that long of time. I continue to search for ways to spend more time in Thailand while maintaining an acceptable income level. No easy answer for that one yet.


I also agree that airfare has become a more expensive portion of travel expense, though not at all prohibitive. I am easily finding economy fares of $1,200 USD for most travel dates, though these are not upgradeable (a deal breaker for me).


I also agree that Bangkok is a much more expensive destination that Pattaya or others. Hotels are not an important part of the experience for me, so I typically stay at very inexpensive guesthouses.


I tend to be very "active" during my visits, probably due to their short duration. I am not as concerned about daily spend during my visits as I am interested in having a great time. A lot of bar-hopping, massages, dining, and new friends.


For me, the limiting factor is holiday allotment. I go once in summer for about 20 days and once in winter for about 20 days (always trying to include as much weekends and public holidays as possible). I would like to go three times a year, but then with shorter stays airfares would have an unreasonable part of the total cost of the holiday. Airfares is the major single cost. I always fly economy, often with a stopover. I spend on average 1000 Baht per night for hotel. Since I first came in August 2009, nothing has changed.


For me, the up-gradable fares from Economy to Business are killers especially on Delta. Likewise a long flight in Economy would be a killer. The good old days are done and gone.


The direct economy fare amounts to something like 20% of my total holiday cost. They could increase it by 50% and I would still go to Thailand.


Michael clearly has the option of Brazil as a cheaper alternative destination, which must be a big factor. That may be the case starting from the USA, but from where I start, it is cheaper to fly to Thailand.

Maybe US and European residents would have different views on the Brazil v Thailand debate?


I know many people aren't able to afford the frequent travels they once were to good old gay friendly Thailand. I know that my trips have been cut down drastically over the last 2 years. The airfare is to the point that I am not willing to pay to go to Thailand as much as it is much more cost effective to go to Brazil or other places.


For those living in Thailand, how has the economic downturn affected your day to day life? If you were on a fixed budget, is the cost of living there really affected?


For those like me that travel there, has your trips became less frequent? Do you find you spend less money when you go there? Go out less? Change the location of your hotels or your daily routine?


I always enjoy when my friend Michael starts one of these discussions , waiting to see if someone will challenge him which of course I will. There is little difference in airfares to Brazil and Thailand especially in the upgradeable fares which is the only way Michael flies (in Business Class comfort).


What difference there is quickly eaten up by Hotel rates that are 3 to 5 times the cost of Hotels in Thailand. That plus the fact that for long term visits the comparisons of serviced apartments is almost a joke. Nothing in Brazil worth mentioning and apartments for real long term stays are some of the highest in the world.


Food and Boys are fairly comparable in price now that the Brazilian currency has plummeted but should it strengthen to its level of 3 months ago then everything would be considerably more expensive then Thailand.



Bottom line a one month trip to Brazil vs. Thailand from the West coast of the USA staying in comparable Hotels and partaking of the local boys will cost you considerably more then Thailand. From the east coast the comparison gets closer because of airfares .


However 2 weeks in 5 star Hotels in Thailand will cost you $3000 where as Brazil it will be at least $5500 and the comparison continues as you go down in quality of the Hotels.


Also in most case no comparison between 2 and 3 star Hotels in the 2 countries. The overall quality of Hotels in Thailand are far superior to Hotels in Brazil at the lower end.



So bottom line Brazil is a country to be enjoyed for many things but one of them is not an overall lower cost of your vacation in comparison to Thailand!!!

Guest thaiworthy
So bottom line Brazil is a country to be enjoyed for many things but one of them is not an overall lower cost of your vacation in comparison to Thailand!!!


I'm pretty sure Michael knows only too well the difference in prices between Bangkok and Rio. Let's face it, he may be a spoiled but giddy kiddy that can't make up his mind which little treat is next on his menu. Don't pay too much attention to what he says he's going to do, he can change his mind in an instant, and then back again, so I listen to his proclamations of intent and then smile slyly to myself. And I'm not sure if I were him that I wouldn't do the same. Good on him! This is truly a fun way to approach your travels. Complaining about prices helps to identify you among your peers. (That's what I think, anyway.) He'll spend what it takes to have a good time, despite the economic crisis.


Imagine the ability to go anywhere you wanted at any time you wanted. And why not? What could be better than that?


Imagine the ability to go anywhere you wanted at any time you wanted. And why not? What could be better than that?


Yes, I frequently imagine a life like that too.

One day, I should get off my **** and take some action to make this happen. For anyone that's got there already, congratulations to them!


You guys have me pegged on being very giddy kiddy and not knowing where I'll end up next. But, money is a factor. I don't have unlimited amounts of money and I like to make it last. If the hotels in Brazil were cheaper I'll be there more. If airfares to Thailand were what they were years ago, I'll be there more. Perhaps I just need a middle ground.


I have never been good at staying anywhere for long periods of time but I like having options. With airfares to Thailand going up and hotels to Brazil going up, I have some decisions to make. The end result may be I'll spend more time in Barcelona or Prague but I know know. I am hoping the American dollar gains strength. I have hopes but they are not high hopes.


So, like all, I'll have to decide. I will not be spending 5,000 UDS on a business class ticket to Thailand or Brazil several times a year. It just won't happen. I also won't be spending 400 a night in Sao Paulo for a nice hotel. It just won't happen.


Perhaps I just just buy a bar in Pattaya and settle down and live off my liquor sales? (to myself for not traveling so much)


I don't have unlimited amounts of money....


Perhaps I just just buy a bar in Pattaya and settle down and live off my liquor sales?


Given your first statement, you might not qualify for the proposed business career! As we've heard so many times, you only need a large fortune to turn it into a small fortune owning a bar in Thailand! :p


I'd sooner go play in traffic than even contemplate owning a bar in the Land of Smiles....



So, like all, I'll have to decide. I will not be spending 5,000 UDS on a business class ticket to Thailand or Brazil several times a year. It just won't happen. I also won't be spending 400 a night in Sao Paulo for a nice hotel. It just won't happen.


Perhaps I just just buy a bar in Pattaya and settle down and live off my liquor sales? (to myself for not traveling so much)


Stop crying. Just do what you did this last time, stay in 1 place for 5 months and then you only have 2 of those expensive Business Class tickets a year or get an exit row seat with the rest of us poor people and take 2 sleeping pills and you will have an xtra $12,000 bucks a year to spend at Hero.


And of course you could use some of those million miles you have and pay nothing for your tickets. Not good for maintaining Grand Pooba Status!!!

Guest thaiworthy
The end result may be I'll spend more time in Barcelona or Prague but I know know.

You go to Barcelona and Prague too?! This is in addition to Thailand and Rio? Oh, YOU POOR DEAR! How tragic for you! I know I'll be crying my eyes out that you to have to suffer thru deciding from only 4 world-wide gay meccas to choose from. I'm sure if I gather my resources here online right now, I might be able to find you other places as well.


Ok, I thought about it. But NOPE. Sorry. I guess you'll have to struggle with those 4 measly locations as we do our one and only beloved Thailand.


Perhaps I just just buy a bar in Pattaya and settle down and live off my liquor sales? (to myself for not traveling so much)

Why don't you buy Corner Bar then? It's up for sale last I heard. It's perfect for you. That's where GB's famous Barmy Army meets and CB Michael would love you if you bought it by the King's Birthday. That is his deadline. You could do this without batting an eye (unless you were wearing ladyboy mascara). However, my crystal ball tells me you would get the itch to get out of it after a scant 5 months, so mebbe you'd better not buy it, after all.


I think we know you better than you know yourself! ^_^


Based in Europe, I can fly to Prague,Barcelona or Berlin much more cheaply and more importantly, just for a weekend. Now if I extended that stay to 2 weeks & indulged at a similar level to when in Thailand, then it would still be cheaper to go to Thailand for those 2 weeks. And a lot more fun. So I don't see how going from the US to Europe can be economising, unless you prefer very short trips.


Also, if I was flying business class & staying in high end hotels, I would not economise by cancelling trips.

The best option would be to trade down to economy travel and cheaper hotels. Pay for an airport lounge (good value), turn up early to check in and bag an emergency exit row. Or better still, find an airline that allows you to pre book that row (pay the fee if necessary).


As for the USD strengthening, well over the long term that is unlikely. So have a look at whatever proportion of your income is invested & start diversifying some of that into Asia, Brazil or wherever else you will want to still visit in 20 years time.

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