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Trip report Jan/Feb 2025 - Cebu & beyond - Research if an elderly gay retiree can live comfortably in Cebu

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Please note that the above trip report update = Day 43 (09 February 2025) – Day 3 / Night 4 on Boracay

is INCOMPLETE - as the gayguides.com server is refusing any additional updates.

I will write to @TotallyOz to see if the situation can be resolved.

After this situation is resolved I will then either repost the above update or create a new one.

I am sorry for this inconvenience.


I almost feel guilty reading your reports above as it's starting to feel like a personal travel recommendation blug 🙂  This as I've literally just booked 8 nights at the Fairways and Bluewater Resort in Borocay for us and reading your report is giving us lots of great tips (again) and also backing up a lot of the research we'd carried out before booking too re nice places to eat etc.  Keep up the good work ! :)  lol 

26 minutes ago, macaroni21 said:

You originally refered to the pier as Pontoon Pier, but lately, you're calling it the Platoon Pier. Auto-correct somewhere?

I think that my mother's hereditary dementia is acting up.

It's official name is: Pontoon Bridge.


The problem that I have is that my brain associates it to being a "pier" instead of a "bridge". And with this brain confusion I start to call this bridge/pier by other names.  Poor excuse on my part - I need to pay more attention to details.

In my mind, a bridge has two sides and you use a bridge to cross from side a to side b.

In the case of Boracay, this Pontoon "bridge" has no other side - as it just ends at the sea - which is used to allow the larger ships/boats to temporarily moor in the deeper part of the water to allow their passengers to embark or disembark.


Also, I associate the word, "Pontoon" with the military - when they need to establish a floating structure.  When I look at Boracay - the LAST think that I associate this paradise with is the military.

So, big brain fart on my part....



Typos and confusion are one of the main reasons why I prefer to blog over at Shamelessmack than put trip reports here. I need the luxury of time to proof read and make corrections.

Like so many others, an instant post here on this forum will usually contain multiple typos and mistakes. Just look at my post about scam centres on Myanmar border. Embarrassingly full of mistakes. For example, I typed "reploying" instead of "redeploying".

22 minutes ago, macaroni21 said:

Like so many others, an instant post here on this forum will usually contain multiple typos and mistakes.

I agree 200%.

One of the BIG negatives with posting on this forum is that the EDIT option disappears after I believe 15 minutes - so I try really hard to perform a pre-edit in Word and then a post-edit after I post here in this forum - but sometimes mistakes and typos sneak through.  My "Platoon" vs. "Pontoon" error was exacerbated by the gayguides.com server acting up in that I kept encountering:

  • slow response posting and editing times,
  • Upload failures,
  • time outs where the EDIT option would already expire due to the slowness of the server.

so, this particular update to this thread was very problematic.  Normally, the gayguides.com server performs very well.


1 hour ago, bkkmfj2648 said:

so, this particular update to this thread was very problematic.  Normally, the gayguides.com server performs very well.

Well, at least you seem to have the discipline of taking notes each day, so even if the forum goes into freeze mode for a few days, the information is still with you. (I am assuming you've got notes seeing how you're able to write trip reports several days after the actual date).

I try to take notes myself when I am travelling, but I'm not always consistent about it. 

I remember a few years back, I tried to write a trip report directly into this forum about M-star massage in Silom soi 6. The first gremlin was my referring to the place as M-sense. Fortunately I realised my mistake before I clicked SEND. While I was editing the post, I saw more mistakes, including referring to Soi 6 as Soi 8. And then I was mortified to realise that my description of the M-star visit was heavily confused with a separate visit I made to 9-teen massage across the soi. In trying to clean up the post, I got the 2 visits more and more confused, and without any notes in hand, it became impossible to disentangle the facts. The only thing I could do was to delete the whole thing 😭


Ok, before your Filipino story goes back to Cebu, a few more questions about Boracay. I am not interested in retiring to Cebu, but I may be interested in visiting Boracay.

1. Did you see any money changers or ATMs of international banks?

2. What was the ratio of domestic to foreign tourists? Were packaged visitors (e.g. from China or Italy) numerous?

3. (You may not want to answer this question, I will understand). Did you and Mr B share a room, and if so was it twin beds or a double bed and was there any reaction from hotel reception?

4. I see from Google maps that Boracay doesn't really face any big expanse of water. Certainly it doesn't face the Pacific ocean, not even the south china sea, but it is sort of behind some other islands. How much wave action was there? Like Jomtien or less than that? Calm seas may account for the algae bloom.

5. Any idea when is low season?

24 minutes ago, macaroni21 said:

1. Did you see any money changers or ATMs of international banks?

Here in Cebu I primarily use the BPI (Bank of the Philippine Islands) ATMs.  I note that I saw some of these BPI ATMs here in Boracay - but I did not use any.  The reason why I prefer BPI over the other Philippine banks is that I had the best success when using their ATMs over the other banks (mainly MetroBank).  I heard that BDO Bank is also ok for international bank cards.

I have used my USA bank card, and my European bank card, and my HongKong bank card and they all worked in the BPI machine - so I would consider that as passing the international bank test.  Note that there is a fixed ATM usage fee of 250 pesos.

This Boracay and Wise web pages may help: https://www.boracayinsider.com/atms/



29 minutes ago, macaroni21 said:

2. What was the ratio of domestic to foreign tourists? Were packaged visitors (e.g. from China or Italy) numerous?

There was a dramatic difference on the weekend - where the number of domestic tourists greatly increased (mainly on Saturday / Sunday).  For the other days, it was primarily foreign tourists.  So, during the weekend I could say 50% domestic and 50% foreign.  Outside of the weekend, the ratio felt like 30% domestic and 70% foreign.

For packaged visitors, I only saw small groups of Koreans - but I do not know if they were part of a package tour or just a bunch of Koreans traveling together.  For the EU tourists they were predominately French and Italian - but they were not high in numbers nor in packaged tour groups.  There were also some Russians - but nowhere near the number of Russians that we see in Pattaya / Jomtien.

33 minutes ago, macaroni21 said:

3. (You may not want to answer this question, I will understand). Did you and Mr B share a room, and if so was it twin beds or a double bed and was there any reaction from hotel reception?

We had requested from the hotel 2 twin beds but what we got instead was a king size bed.  So, we slept together but there was no hanky-pank.  The hotel reception did not hesitate with our check-in or room assignment.  Even the larger staff never said anything or batted an eye.  We did see other gays around but there was never any feeling of being under observation or harassment.   I am sure that many people thought that Mr. B. and I were a couple - where I was the old retired sugar daddy with my young Filipino boytoy.  

37 minutes ago, macaroni21 said:

4. I see from Google maps that Boracay doesn't really face any big expanse of water. Certainly it doesn't face the Pacific ocean, not even the south china sea, but it is sort of behind some other islands. How much wave action was there? Like Jomtien or less than that? Calm seas may account for the algae bloom.

The wave action was light and placid on the western side of Boracay where we were and was similar to Jomtien - but much cleaner than Jomtien - no brown coffee color.  However, on the other eastern side of Boracay, there were waves and it was much more windier on that side of the island - which was conducive to the amount of wingfoiling, windsurfing, and kitesurfing we saw there.  The waves were not huge but the water was much more agitated than on the other side of the island.

We were told that the annual algae bloom season is from February to May and is caused by the run off caused by the rainy season which brings fertilizer nitrates and related runoff into the sea and with the warming of the sea temperature.

54 minutes ago, macaroni21 said:

5. Any idea when is low season?

They say low season is from June to November because that is when the wet season (rain and occasional typhoons) is.  We need to remember that in December 2021 the super typhoon Odette hit Cebu - which rarely ever gets any typhoons.  I believe that the last major typhoon (Ursula) to hit Boracay was in December (Christmas) of 2019.  So, I might be cautious of December - even though December is not listed as being in low season from a weather point of view.

27 minutes ago, EricV said:

I thought this might fit in here: looks like the Thai government is revisiting the tax rules for money transferred from abroad

Wow - hallelujah!!!   If this really does come true.

I think the key phrase written in that Pattaya Mail article is this one:


Finance minister Pichai Chunhavajira said a change in the global economic situation was relevant but did not elaborate.

hmm, what could that be?

Perhaps the USA pulling out of the OECD because of their emphasis on the idea of implementing a Global Minimum Taxation scheme which the new administration has deemed as being "extraterritorial" and discriminatory towards American citizens and American businesses.  Related legal article can be seen here at:


This was already forecasted by Mr. Benjamin Hart from Integrity Legal when he gave his recent Thailand tax presentation to the PCEC (Pattaya City Expat Club) earlier this week on Wednesday 12 February 2025.


This important PCEC meeting was recorded and can be watched on their YouTube channel at:



1 hour ago, macaroni21 said:

Similar to travelling from Jomtien into Bangkok.

wow yes - I had not yet made that association.  Bravo!!

The primary problem with the Philippines is the bad infrastructure, such as lack of good roads to handle all of the traffic.  Alternative transportation is available, such as jeepneys (bahtbus), buses, motorbikes, taxis, and tricycles - but they all need to travel on the same clogged up roads.  Walking is another strategy, but often you need to walk amongst the traffic due to a lack of sidewalks - which can be dangerous when the impatient motorbikes aggressively ride in that tiny space between the cars and the edge of the road and/or wall.

The 3 bubble (Jim Carrey Truman Show) communities that I wrote about extensively in this trip report all have excellent sidewalks, and transportation within these planned communities is efficient and comfortable - but these 3 bubble "fake" communities only represent like 1% to 2% of the land mass of the greater CEBU area - so, if you want to live here - you are forced to step out of these bubble communities and deal with the true reality of the chaos, traffic, pollution, noise, etc. 



If I were you I would quickly try the same route using Grab and see how that works out in comparison, preferably on the same day of week so it factors out traffic variability by day of week. It is 16 km (10 miles to Americans) and even if the car managed no more than 30 km/hour (20 miles/hour), it should only be half an hour.

If one were living there, it's not a trip one would need to make every day. One can plan for twice a week and get all  downtown chores done; the Grab costs twice a week shouldn't add up to that much.

3 hours ago, reader said:


How many kleenex boxes did you consume?  For me many - as this was such a heartwarming movie.

 'How to Make Millions Before Grandma Dies' =  "Lahn Mah" หลานม่า





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