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Guest HeyGay

Looks like its days are numbered

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my statement of facts...


The "truth" of what was involved with the incident or why the bar owner exited the scene is irrelevant in my view. You printed third-hand gossip you acknowledge you got from barstaff (and, allegedly, from all the "in-the-know" types you apparently always hang around) about somebody's personal life that's not part of the public domain, at least in my view. As I noted before, it's none of your business and certainly none of mine. I'd guess "Mike" (whoever he maybe), any others personally involved, and all of their friends are simply elated that you repeated it here.

Guest fountainhall

I love to answer them back, because no one can attack the truth and turn it into a negative.

Yes, but there's a real problem here. You frequently use this tactic; yet fail to acknowledge that the "truth" is only the truth as you see it. When, according to the way you write, it is perfectly obvious your "truth" is speculative, your next tactic is always to turn on those who criticise, state that "they have lost the argument" and imply it is an "insult" on your integrity.


Well, I know what I think about such tactics - and it seems others agree. And that's the truth! :lol:


. . . when I do answer attackers, they never write again on the subject.

Oh, really? Don't bet the bank on that!


I fail to see any valid reason whatsoever to pry into Mike's personal affairs, or anyone else's for that matter. I don't see the argument as being who knows what and the reliability of where the information comes from. I see the argument as whether anyone should be taking it upon himself to post personal information about other people without first obtaining their permission to do so. I see nothing in any posts on this thread that so much as even suggests Mike gave such permission.


In the case of Mike from La Cage, in my opinion the only important matter valid for posting is he has not been in the bar and most likely will not be back. Other than that, I feel if personal information is to posted, then he should be the one who posts it himself or at least be posted only with his permission to do so.


If he gave his permission, I have no argument. Did he give his permission?


Posting about the current status of the bar is one thing. Posting Mike's personal information without his permission is totally different and nobody's business but his own in the first place.

Guest HeyGay

In the case of Mike from La Cage, in my opinion the only important matter valid for posting is he has not been in the bar and most likely will not be back. Other than that, I feel if personal information is to posted, then he should be the one who posts it himself or at least be posted only with his permission to do so.




Oh Dear GB, your late, we was waiting for you to post your personal opinion, as every one else is here, but if you notice I'm not writing about MIKE its just unfortunate that he is in the middle of it, I am expressing the words of his ex-boyfriend joe, who told me his part of the story also the rest from the staff that work there, filled in the bits that was left out.


If you hear what they really said and if I wrote that, yes I can understand any one not agreeing with the sorry tail, but I did not, I only wrote what is common knowledge and the true facts, so no one else can make up lies about the saga unfolding.


I am expressing the words of his ex-boyfriend joe, who told me his part of the story also the rest from the staff that work there, filled in the bits that was left out.


Oh, I see. That makes sense now. You were telling what the actual boyfriend said about Mike and not what Mike had told you. That makes perfect sense now.


See guys. This was not gossip. He was expressing what the BF told him about Mike. That is not gossip now is it? That is almost as reliable as the standards from Pattaya Mail.








I am expressing the words of his ex-boyfriend joe, who told me his part of the story also the rest from the staff that work there, filled in the bits that was left out.

That makes it perfectly ok to write that post, doesn't it? And, of course, you just had to post it. Naturally you made sure to let them know you intended to inform the world of what they said and made sure it was perfectly ok with them for you to post that, didn't you? Of course you did. After all, you would never dream of posting without asking them first if it's ok and of course your post had nothing at all to do with personal information about Mike. Why, that should be obvious to anyone who reads it.


I nearly forgot that whenever someone has "inside information," they always go running to you with it. Not anyone else, just you. How could I possibly have forgotten that?


I nearly forgot that whenever someone has "inside information," they always go running to you with it. Not anyone else, just you. How could I possibly have forgotten that?


Hold on here buddy. I think there are more gossip whores around the Plaza that all hear and repeat over and over the same stories. I heard there is even one group at VIP tables that share the information willingly. I wonder if he heard the story from them? :)

Hold on here buddy.

Are you actually saying you see no difference between idle gossipy chit-chat among some gossip queens in Sunee Plaza and posting this kind of "information"? I see a tremendous difference.


You're entitled to your opinion. And I'm entitled to mine. My opinion? I think what HeyGay did stinks.


Now we'll see how many people think HeyGay did nothing wrong by his post and how many lean more toward my point of view.


Are you actually saying you see no difference between idle gossipy chit-chat among some gossip queens in Sunee Plaza and this kind of posting? I see a tremendous difference.


You're entitled to your opinion. And I'm entitled to mine. My opinion? I think what Hey Gay did stinks.


I agree with you. I think it sticks. I also think that group gossip stinks as well. Gossip is gossip and it is just as harmful for one to tell tons of people who then share with others and who knows what else and one that posts on a forum. IMHO, both stink. But, some can't smell the shit if they are too close.



Guest tdperhs

I wonder how many people would have rushed to the defense of the person whose privacy is considered to be violated had that person been LMTU or BL or someone else who enjoys an equal measure of love, respect as these two.

I wonder how many people would have rushed to the defense of the person whose privacy is considered to be violated had that person been LMTU

I can't answer the part about how many, but I know of at least one who would have. Me. I don't care who it is or what the reason is, but I don't think a message board should be used to violate anyone's privacy under any circumstances. There is no excuse for it.


To me, violating someone's privacy on any of these message boards, no matter what the reason might be, is the worst possible type of violation and I would hope no responsible board owner or board moderator would tolerate it.



Now we'll see how many people think HeyGay did nothing wrong by his post and how many lean more toward my point of view.


I lean toward your point of view, GB. As far as those VIPs at Corner Bar, they are not gossiping, they are just sharing information and experiences in a spirit of friendly good fellowship.

Guest thaiworthy

I lean toward your point of view, GB. As far as those VIPs at Corner Bar, they are not gossiping, they are just sharing information and experiences in a spirit of friendly good fellowship.


Whatever you want to call it, it's human nature. However, I do think posting such info takes to another level. But it depends on what's said and how it is said, especially when someone makes light of another's misfortune. When in doubt, don't say anything at all.


I wonder how many people would have rushed to the defense of the person whose privacy is considered to be violated had that person been LMTU or BL or someone else who enjoys an equal measure of love, respect as these two.


I wonder that as well.



I don't think a message board should be used to violate anyone's privacy under any circumstances. There is no excuse for it.


Agree. I just take it a step further than you and say that the gossip that goes around in those little groups should also be considered a violation of privacy. That is where you and I disagree. You seem to be OK with the gossip as long as it is not posted. I am not OK with it being posted and I am not OK with it going on face to face.


I lean toward your point of view, GB. As far as those VIPs at Corner Bar, they are not gossiping, they are just sharing information and experiences in a spirit of friendly good fellowship.


And, HeyGay's post was only sharing information and experience in a spirit of friendly good fellowship as well.




Come one, you honestly see a difference? Really? Truly?


I like the guys in the group at the Corner Bar. I have sat on many occasions and had wonderful chats and conversations. When the conversation moves to the gossip, I just get up and excuse myself and say that I am on my way to Nice Boys or some other bar. However, don't kid yourself and think that the "friendly chat" when it turns to gossip doesn't get spread and then posted on the message boards. I have seen this on MANY occasions. As I have been a witness first hand to this, my proof is irrefutable. :) LOL


Whatever you want to call it, it's human nature. However, I do think posting such info takes to another level. But it depends on what's said and how it is said, especially when someone makes light of another's misfortune. When in doubt, don't say anything at all.


Thaiworthy, I agree with you 100 percent. The sad part is many thrive on others misfortunes. Look at the gossip rags and how well they sell. People seem to love to see those who are elevated in any way fall.


Your last comment "when in doubt, don't say anything at all" is the best advice given for anyone. My mother use to say this to me. I think it holds value today as much as my childhood.


Having grown up in a small town in the deep South, I know the harmful effects of gossip and I know some guys in Pattaya are worst than the church ladies in my home town. I have seen the destruction that it can cause and I think harmful.


You seem to be OK with the gossip as long as it is not posted. I am not OK with it being posted and I am not OK with it going on face to face.

That's a different issue. You're not going to diminish the seriousness of posting personal information about people by saying verbal gossip is wrong too. Right or wrong, it's an exercise in futility to think back-fence gossip will ever stop. It won't and you can't do anything about what people will chit-chat about.


Yes, I do see it as an entirely different and an infinitely more serious and far reaching matter when someone's personal information is posted on a message board without permission. Talk is one thing. Putting it in writing and publicly posting it is something else. That can and should be forbidden and that's the issue.


You're not going to diminish the seriousness of posting personal information about people by saying verbal gossip is wrong too.


I am not going to diminish the seriousness of posting personal information if you are not going to diminish the seriousness of verbal gossip. :)




Putting it in writing and publicly posting it is something else. That can and should be forbidden and that's the issue.


I agree and, while Michael has a point about the issue of gossip in general, talking privately with trusted friends is far different than publicly publishing the gossip. And you're right about what's at issue in this thread (and I don't think it's the concept of gossip in general).


I can't count the number of times I've sat in a bar in Thailand and heard stories (gossip) from bar employees and managers about this and that - and, come to think of it, a small portion of that has actually been about a few posters we all know - but I don't repeat the stuff and I'd hope somebody would severely wack me over the head if I ever posted it anywhere.

Guest HeyGay

. Oh this is fun! before we know it, this will be the Number 1 site for action, Interesting Information, and freedom of speech, where we can have a sensible debate, that is not all one sided and amazingly censored, thanks guys for being servile or is it civil, my English is so bad, now I can get down to answering your Interesting but vastly Bias and distorted comments, from the usual out spoken Gang of 3.


I was conveying the words of the main guy who told me the information, given in the post, the other people Involved namely Mike, are I'm afraid collateral damage or fall out, from what happened, as I said he is the Innocent person who was dragged into this Horrid mess and had to flee the Country over night, this is all I wrote about MIKE, the main part of what I was saying is about Joe the ex-lover, ("You all keeping up so far,, then ill continue, before you all jump on little Old me at once 'May Jipp' ") .:blink:


How can It be gossip, hear say or innuendoes, if the main person in this sad saga Joe, is giving his views on how he sees the demise of the Situation quickly unfoldeing, and the fact that he has had to sell all the Tv's and anything he can find around the building, because of his out of control gambling habbit, which Incidentally is a business in his name and with all tense and purposes his anyway, he says. all he wanted is what was his, to pay off the mafia.


So very little to do with MIKE once again, he is the Innocent party in this on going Soap opera, that the whole town seems to be Interested in and is still Unfolding, as I have had a lot of new Information with evidence to which I will concede and not write here, as its about Mike and this sorry affair.


As I said before this story is about Joe and not MIKE, I feel so sorry for MIKE, as he has put his all into trying to keep Sunee area alive and not have the carpet pull out from Under him, just because as I have said so many times before, he had to rely on a Thai lady boy. I can tell you other bars, but I wont mention their name here, who also have to rely on the lady boy licensee to survive and have lady Femme boys as staff, even though the owners know the more than 3 out of ten Femme Boys workinto put up with any amount of drama, blackmail and be forced, to employ other g in any bar is a financial disaster, just waiting to happen as it has here and many other places..

Guest fountainhall

As I said before this story is about Joe and not MIKE

And you still think all this is "fun" (your description)? Shame on you!


I can tell you other bars but I wont mention them who also have to rely on the lady boy licensee to survive and have to put up with any amount of drama blackmail and be forced, to employ other lady Femme boys as staff even though the owners know the more that 3 out of ten working in any bar is a financial killer.

Here's yet another little tidbit - the one about "other bars" - with which you like to pepper your posts but without any actual facts to back it up. Well, Let Me Tell You something. At every turn and in virtually every second post, you raise your voice to the heavens, roar your abhorrence of anyone who is not a "man", and then, Jimmy Swaggart-like, preach the inevitable collapse of bars employing those who are not "men".


But as we know all too well, the problem with many of these so-called moral evangelists is that they turned out - and continue to turn out (witness Marcus Lam) - to be fakes, furtively enjoying the fruits of the very sins they claimed they despised.


So, give it a break, HeyGay/LMTU or whoever you are. The constant repetition is just plain boring!

Guest HeyGay

And you still think all this is "fun" (your description)? Shame on you!



But as we know all too well, the problem with many of these so-called moral evangelists is that they turned out - and continue to turn out (witness Marcus Lam) - to be fakes, furtively enjoying the fruits of the very sins they claimed they despised.


So, give it a break, HeyGay/LMTU or whoever you are. The constant repetition is just plain boring!


Yes you will have to stop looking in the mirror and talking to yourself, you are saying the same thing over again, stop repeating your self, come out with some facts or speak the people in the know, as I did.


You will really end up like an evangelist with Fake Info and standing on your pulpit trying to convince us all, your right all the time, when we all know, really your well meaning diatribe is coming over as pompous, with nothing new to say.



Guest fountainhall

Yes you will have to stop looking in the mirror and talking to yourself, you are saying the same thing over again, stop repeating your self, come out with some facts or speak the people in the know, as I did.

True to form and precisely as I predicted earlier in this thread -


. . . your next tactic is always to turn on those who criticise, state that "they have lost the argument" and imply it is an "insult" on your integrity.

Guest voldemar

No, the real shame in my view is somebody posting private gossip about somebody's private behavior that's, frankly, none of our business. You're obviously no a friend of his.


[To my knowledge, I've never met the guy nor was ever in his bar; nevertheless, I actually feel sorry for the guy after reading this inconsiderate hack job]

This is a version of Bob's post. Now, he really trying to shame the poster and he is trying to qualify him over here.

IT IS A DIRECT ATTACK TO THE POSTER. Let me emphasize that I do not try to protect here HEY GAY (he is pretty capable of doing this himself. I do not like the idea that Bob is giving here free hand in bullying other posters. I ,of course, realize that posters like Khore Tose would love to see me eaving and I will do but beforehand, let me just reiterate that Bob violates posting rules left and right. Why? Who is this Bob?

What qualifies him to make verdicts about other people?

Why he was allowed to say that I am lying (about my American citizenship)? Why he called me Anti-American? On what grounds?

He is the one who is permanently lying over here. This is the person who is intellectually dishonest, bigoted and disgisting.

Now, I, of course, clearly violate the boarding rules over here. But this is my last popst, anyway.

I quit because of the fucking, miserable jerk Bob who never posted anything of slightest interset and who should have been banned from all message boards long time ago.

Bye, I do not really learn anything new from this board, anyway.

I am sending Email to Scooby with the request to delete my membership from this site.


I ,of course, realize that posters like Khore Tose would love to see me eaving and I will do b


No, I do not want you to leave the board. If I wanted you to do anything it would be to act more adult. You really should come back in two days and re-read your message. I can't believe you behave this way all of the time, and I hope you get over whatever is driving you at the moment.

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