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My Emerging List Of Trump Failures And Deaths @EmmetK does not care about

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As @EmmetKruelty posts his pro-Trump propaganda incessantly, he seems to be unwilling to address some of Trump's abject failures in his first term.  Some of which led to the deaths of tens of thousands of Americans.   What a shocker that @EmmetKruelty would rather just post propaganda posters.

And some of his propaganda is cruel and sick.  He's saying transgender kids should be thrown under his cruelty train.  No more compassion for them!

1.  @EmmetKruelty does not care that Tom Homan, as former head of ICE, promised to stop fentanyl from flooding into America, and failed miserably.  The massive spike in fentanyl use and fentanyl deaths took hold on Trump's watch, with Homan in the lead for much of that period.  Drug deaths skyrocketed by tens of thousands of Americans a year.   

So far, Homan is one of the few top leaders from Trump 1.0 that Trump has brought back.   So the message this sends is:  who cares?   Trump bringing Homan back shows that being loyal on Fox News is more important than Homan's abject failure, that led to the death of tens of thousands of Americans.  Trump is rewarding failure.  Meanwhile, the number of drug overdose deaths has declined under Biden/Harris.  

2.  @EmmetKruelty does not care that Tom Homan threatened to illegally deport American children on Fox.  @EmmetKruelty bragged about it.   Tom Homan himself walked it back weeks later on Fox News.  Probably because he cares more about what the law says than @EmmetKruelty, who loves to celebrate lawlessness and cruelty.

3.  @EmmetKruelty does not care that Donald Trump is the Murder President of America, by presiding over the biggest spike in murder in US history.

  • The number of murders in the U.S. rose by 5,795 from 2019 to 2020, when Donald Trump was president. That’s the largest one-year increase since such data began being systematically recorded in the early 1960s.


Trump's complete failure in his first term, and the massive spike in murders, is of no concern to @EmmetKruelty when he posts about how Trump will make America "safer."  Again, the message is that results mean nothing, and it is not relevant to ask why Trump actually made America more murderous.  If we are defining "safer" by murders, Biden/Harris made America safer.

4.  @EmmetKruelty does not care about laws that protect minorities.  He suggests, quite stupidly, that Scott Turner, nominated for HUD, will "end all racial preferences for federal housing on DAY ONE."  First, @EmmetKruelty did not quote Turner, because facts are irrelevant to @EmmetKruelty.  Second, Turner's job is to uphold laws like the Fair Housing Act, which specifically protect the rights of Blacks, and other minorities.  LGBTQ people have often used these types of laws to protect their rights.  Which @EmmetKruelty obviously does not care about, since he frequently trashes transgender people. 

Mostly, @EmmetKruelty likes to single out Black women, who he calls smelly, stupid, and lazy.   At best, @EmmetKruelty is expressing his distaste for racial quotas, which are mostly unpopular and often illegal.   But racial preferences, and the specific elevation and protection of minority rights, are a part of US law that Trump's right-wing SCOTUS has not yet taken away.

The failure to protect minority rights, including LGBTQ rights, was an abject failure of Trump 1.0.   @EmmetKruelty clearly does not care.

The Real List of Trump’s “Unprecedented Steps” for the LGBTQ Community

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