Members Suckrates Posted November 20, 2024 Members Posted November 20, 2024 OPINION: Since the election which ended in Trumps win, resident troll EmmetK has been working overtime to foment and spread Pro-Trump propaganda on this site. At any time of day you can see his posts in every single thread on this Forum, often countering and dismissing comments from other members that are Never Trumpers....discounting FACTS and common sense info for his own Partisan "fantasy". He counters EVERY post made by members. The irritating part is that his posts arent simply "comments", they are ridiculing, antagonizing, often "parody" posts to boost Trump and promote his dangerous and harmful agenda HERE...... Trump WON, YES, but everything else he posts is BULLSHIT. Has EmmetK taken over the Politics forum and turned it into a Pro-Trump battleground and headquarters ? Dont get me wrong, he has EVERY right to post and comment anyway he feels fit, but the antagonism, and incessant attempts to "convert" forum members "To the trump train", when the Trump train is clearly a Facist , authoritarian movement, is troubling and off-putting, and makes ME not want to participate and have civil discourse and debate Here. Not sure if other members feel the same, so I speak for myself, and have taken Kesslars position to sometimes just "vent"...... Here's a taste of his latest post..... WTF is that ???? Get run over if you oppose Trump ? Sounds like a dangerous dictator to me. Trump may be trying to take Democracy out of out government, but can we allow EmmetK to take the democracy out of our forum ? "Sucky" Historical Note: EmmetK was Bozo the Klown over at the other site COM, where he was instrumental in the demise of the political forum by running that Trump Train ad nauseum, and employing the same strategy he is using HERE against its other members that werent aligned with him. It just goes to prove that regardless of his name, Bozo or Emmet, , a Klown is a KLOWN ! stevenkesslar 1 Quote
Moses Posted November 20, 2024 Posted November 20, 2024 He just pays you back. If you continuously pull the pendulum in one direction, it will definitely break off and hit you on the forehead. Quote
Members Suckrates Posted November 20, 2024 Author Members Posted November 20, 2024 20 minutes ago, Moses said: He just pays you back. If you continuously pull the pendulum in one direction, it will definitely break off and hit you on the forehead. Its not payback, although you and your countrymen might see it that way. Its indoctrination, and NO Trump train is running over ME. stevenkesslar 1 Quote
Moses Posted November 20, 2024 Posted November 20, 2024 You and your "friends" from camp of dems whole summer bombarded this subforum - just scroll list of threads and watch who is author. Now you have pushback, and funny thing in your own treads. And you can see, what politic of personal attacks and attacks on Trump gave opposite result. You did the same what your dementive leaders did: personal attacks instead of propaganda of democracy. Or should I count nasty behavior as a democracy example? Now, after catastrophic failure, you continue to do the same. Do you think it will bring new heads to Democratic camp? Meanwhile you have only 4 years to fix your mistakes. Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted November 20, 2024 Members Posted November 20, 2024 3 hours ago, Moses said: He just pays you back. If you continuously pull the pendulum in one direction, it will definitely break off and hit you on the forehead. Yeah. Kind of like how Genocide Man is paying Ukraine back. And showing how Putin loves Ukrainian women and children. But speaking of genocidal monsters, let's talk about Bibi The Baby Killer. It's the best window into the soul of our pro-genocide Jew @EmmetKruelty. @EmmetKruelty openly and proudly says he does not care about facts about Israel's genocide. He will not read facts about Israel's genocide. And he could give a flying fuck what young American Jews think. He wants Bibi The Baby Killer unleashed. He says this openly, and proudly. If Palestinians don't like the slaughter of their women and children, who cares? They're Palestinians! We try very hard not to kill people who have no right to object to us killing them. And if Jews don't like Bibi's mass slaughter, that is anti-Semitic Jew-hating propaganda. Anything that does not support Bibi The Baby Killer unleashing his genocide is Jew-hating propaganda. Anyone who does not support Bibi The Baby Killer unleashing genocide is a Jew hater. Sure makes Judaism sound like a great religion, doesn't it? It's Roy Cohn. It's Goebbels. It's Putin. Surely, coming from Genocide World, these all must sound like familiar arguments. Anyway, this is what somebody @EmmetKruelty must think of us a total Jew hater thinks This dude actually calls Bibi The Baby Killer and his extremist supporters "racist". Ugh! How anti-Semitic is that? Quote “Defeating Hamas cannot be defined as killing another 20,000 innocent people in Gaza — not even killing another 2,000 Hamas terrorists,” he said. Quote “The problem is Netanyahu’s coalition is made up of extreme right wingers, including some messianic, racist Jewish supremacy guys. I compare them to the Proud Boys in America. But the leaders of the Proud Boys are in prison now, at least temporarily. In Israel, they’re in the government.” Quote “The moment the firing stops, there will immediately be the intensive resumption of the criminal cases against Bibi. There will be a demand for a national inquiry committee to investigate everything which led to the security and political lapses that allowed Oct. 7, and the demands will mount for his resignation and for an early election,” he said. So who is this anti-Semitic and Jew hating asshole, who @EmmetKruelty in all his close-minded lust for genocide could give a flying fuck about? Ehud Barak, former Israeli Prime Minister, Chief of Staff of the IDF, and Defense Minister. Jew hater! Anti-Semite! The makings of a grand Trump deal in the Middle East Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak says it’s possible the new U.S. administration may enter into interconnected talks with Putin about Ukraine, Iran and the Middle East. Since this thread is about @EmmetKruelty, I will only say things about that article that help shine a light into @EmmetKruelty's dark, cruel heart. First, Barak is a man of peace. He and Clinton came close to delivering peace decades ago. I will always blame Arafat for rejecting that peace deal, which would have left Palestinians immensely better off than they are today. That said, rejecting peace is not the same as asking Israel to elect a genocidal monster, and keep him in power. Second, if what that article lays out is even possible, it is certainly worth a try. The Russian Federation will eventually collapse of its own rot and weakness and corruption, anyway. Just like the Soviet Union, which was a far stronger and better nation than Genocide World. I am a pragmatic whore. If we could call a truce and stop the slaughter in two parts of the world, most pragmatic and humane people would like that. Third, there is always this view of Trump that he is going to be the opposite of what he always is. It's true that Trump and Jared Kushner are always happy to enrich themselves by getting into bed with rich and autocratic Arab leaders. No questions asked. Putin of course asks no questions, either. And Bibi The Baby Killer and Trump share pollsters, and rich right wing Jewish donors. But the idea that Trump can force Bibi The Baby Killer to make peace with the targets of his genocide is kind of ridiculous. I have deep admiration for Ehud Barak. But this sounds let desperate people saying desperate things. I sure hope I am wrong, like I was about Harris winning the election. The main reason I don't think I am wrong, as the article notes, is Bibi The Baby Killer is absolutely committed to his genocide. And for political reasons he has to be. That is why his racist team of haters keeps him in power. It's a bit like Genocide Man, although there is no democracy in Russia. How could Putin run Genocide World if he were not Genocide Man? Quote Such an emphasis on diplomacy by the incoming administration might not delight Netanyahu and the ultranationalists in his coalition government though ... Of course, Netanyahu also needs the war in Gaza to continue. Indeed. Where does @EmmetKruelty fit into this mess? Duh! BRING ON GENOCIDE! UNLEASH BIBI THE BABY KILLER! FACTS DO NOT MATTER! ANYONE WHO OPPOSES BIBI THE BABY KILLER IS A JEW HATER! EVEN JEWS! EVEN THE FORMER HEAD OF THE IDF! It's deeply sick, cruel, and genocidal. But coming from Genocide World, surely you can understand, @Moses. Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted November 20, 2024 Members Posted November 20, 2024 55 minutes ago, Moses said: And you can see, what politic of personal attacks and attacks on Trump gave opposite result. Do you have any proof of that? All the proof suggests the exact opposite. I post a lot of facts, because I care about facts. So here is one. Republicans have been comparing Joe Biden to Jimmy Carter for years. And they have a point. Carter had a 37 % approval rating when he lost in a massive landslide in 1980. Democrats lost 12 Senate seats and 34 House seats. That landslide defined a political generation, and also led to the collapse of the Soviet Union. Peace through strength. Joe Biden's party just lost in a close race. Democrats lost no House seats. We may still gain one. We lost no Governor races. We won four Senate seats in states Trump just won, narrowly. Which breaks the pattern that Democrats can't win in states that vote for Trump. So, yes, it was a bitter defeat for Harris. People, including me, are feeling the pain. But the idea that it was a landslide is ridiculous. Carter's losing margin was 9.7 %. Harris lost (so far) by 1.7 %. If Trump's win is a landslide, then Joe Biden's win in 2020, when he won by 7 million votes, was the biggest landslide in human history. Instead, the lying and anti-democratic core of MAGA is still saying the 2020 election was stolen. They are deeply unprincipled. I have a niece who feels this way, who I love going to nice places with. She is wrong, and unprincipled. But I still love her. All the polls taken of voters - CNN, Fox/Votecast, Edison - show that people very concerned with US democracy and Trump's authoritarianism voted overwhelmingly for Harris. There was another group - about 10 % of voters - who said democracy and authoritarianism were big concerns, but the economy was a bigger concern. They leaned to Trump, hoping he will "fix" the economy. Whether it makes sense that tax cuts for billionaire Trump donors will "fix" the economy is irrelevant. They voted based on the economy, stupid. That group, which we know has lots of Latinos and/or younger voters, handed Trump his narrow win. Was it a realignment? Give me a fucking break! It was one election. This is also clear in a brand new Harris poll by Mark Penn, taken after the election. (Penn, by the way, was exactly right in his polling: it was a close election that Trump won.) 68 % of voters say their greatest hope for Trump 2.0 is "end inflation and price increases." That is why he won. When asked to name their top fear of Trump 2.0, 78% of Democrats and 49 % of Independents fear "Trump acting like a dictator." Trump won the Independent vote. So that means many Independents had to vote for him based on the economy, stupid. Despite their fear of his dictatorial tendencies. 53 % of all voters and 55 % of Independents say Trump's criminal trials should continue. They won't, of course. But there was no mandate for lawlessness and dictatorship in this election. There is a mandate to make things more affordable. So it's impossible to prove that all the campaigning about democracy and dictatorship moved the dial with 100 % certainty. But there is already a Mount Everest of facts suggesting it did. We now know polls taken right before Biden dropped out suggested he was so unpopular he would lose in a landslide, with Trump getting 400+ electoral votes. That is not quite as horrific as what happened to Jimmy Carter in 1980, who also had high inflation and a very low approval rating. Democrats were on track to a brutal shellacking that never happened. I think it was because Harris did a good job making the case against Trump. The fact that the argument against Trump did not work quite enough is not the same as saying it did not work at all. There is unlimited data coming in that lots of people voted for Trump despite their fears of what he will do. And he still could not get a majority. He is now at 49.9 % of the vote. Again, I know this thread is about @EmmetKruelty. He is a symbol for the hate, the cruelty, and the over reach of Trump. He wants to be as cruel as possible to Palestinians, to The Illegals, to The Gays who are transgender, and to anyone else that he wishes to be close-minded and cruel to. He could give a flying fuck that the polls say this is NOT what Americans voted for. And it is not what they want. He is happily ignorant. He says this clearly. "NO! NO! NO! I WILL NOT READ A THING! JEW HATER!" He is happily and gloriously spewing division and cruelty. Quote
Moses Posted November 20, 2024 Posted November 20, 2024 And again personal attacks and bla-bla-bla about reps. Exactly that did Kamala and lost. And you still uses her methods. Your job, if you want to attract new members on your side - tell about strong points of Democratic party and it politic. And you wrote two long posts and still said zero words. People like you is main reason of failure. You do not attract supporters, but only scare away the undecided. You scare away with your aggressive and uncultured behavior. You are useless. And maybe even harmful. You know why you are looser (not you personally but all people here with aggressive behavior)? Because you always remind to the undecided what another option exists. You just advertise Resps in every your post, and write about them more words than you write about own party. stevenkesslar and EmmetK 1 1 Quote
Moses Posted November 20, 2024 Posted November 20, 2024 Have you ever seen how Christian priests address those who accidentally drop in to church? They don't yell at them, they greet them kindly and talk about love for God and about God's love. They don't start talking about Islam, Judaism, shamanism and don't start comparing Christianity to them. They talk about love, invite them to meetings and prayers. In their presentation, their church is the only possible choice because there is only one. And what do you do? EmmetK and stevenkesslar 1 1 Quote
Moses Posted November 20, 2024 Posted November 20, 2024 Just imagine: you meet a familiar couple of guys in a black suit and skinny tie, and with a Bible in their hands, and one of them, instead of smiling and asking "Would you like to talk about our Lord?" starts yelling "Muslims are idiots, Jews are stupid fanatics, Buddhists are perverts!" with a grinning face and spitting (the equivalent of caps lock, big font and a dozen exclamation marks on a forum). Is there a chance that you will remember Jesus and want to become his follower? You'll just run away from them, thinking they're crazy. That's what 13 million people did on November 6. Quote
Members Suckrates Posted November 20, 2024 Author Members Posted November 20, 2024 6 minutes ago, Moses said: Just imagine: you meet a familiar couple of guys in a black suit and skinny tie, and with a Bible in their hands, and one of them, instead of smiling and asking "Would you like to talk about our Lord?" starts yelling "Muslims are idiots, Jews are stupid fanatics, Buddhists are perverts!" with a grinning face and spitting (the equivalent of caps lock, big font and a dozen exclamation marks on a forum). Is there a chance that you will remember Jesus and want to become his follower? You'll just run away from them, thinking they're crazy. That's what 13 million people did on November 6. And in 2 years, they will be running BACK.... Trump will fail at his mission and supportive Americans (except EmmetK) will turn on him, and it WILL BE ugly. . stevenkesslar 1 Quote
Moses Posted November 20, 2024 Posted November 20, 2024 2 minutes ago, Suckrates said: And in 2 years, they will be running BACK.... Trump will fail at his mission and supportive Americans (except EmmetK) will turn on him, and it WILL BE ugly. and your argument again is about how bad is "another religion" instead of saying about own... if he will fail, then it will be his fail, not your victory Quote
Members Suckrates Posted November 20, 2024 Author Members Posted November 20, 2024 17 minutes ago, Moses said: and your argument again is about how bad is "another religion" instead of saying about own... if he will fail, then it will be his fail, not your victory Did I say it would be MY victory ? Dont put words in my mouth comrade.... If EmmetK were Trump, YOU would be JD Vance, or worse, Elon Musk. Obviously your ideas of Democracy are limited and flawed, since you never lived in one, and supporting a forum member that is clearly anti-democratic makes sense in your case, although still distasteful and in the minority here. But since we are still a free country, for now, enjoy your Bromance with EmmetKlown.... Everyone needs a "friend" stevenkesslar 1 Quote
Moses Posted November 20, 2024 Posted November 20, 2024 1 minute ago, Suckrates said: If EmmetK were Trump, YOU would be JD Vance, or worse, Elon Musk. Obviously your ideas of Democracy are limited and flawed, since you never lived in one, and supporting a forum member that is clearly anti-democratic makes sense in your case, although still distasteful and in the minority here. But since we are still a free country, for now, enjoy your Bromance with EmmetKlown.... Everyone needs a "friend" When opponent has no arguments, then he starts personal attacks... EmmetK 1 Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted November 21, 2024 Members Posted November 21, 2024 4 hours ago, Moses said: Your job, if you want to attract new members on your side - tell about strong points of Democratic party and it politic. And you wrote two long posts and still said zero words. People like you is main reason of failure. Thanks for your expert advice. People all over the world look to Russia for advice on how to make democracy genocide work. Your point is both 100 % right, and 100 % wrong. Here's where you are 100 % wrong. This election was a referendum first and foremost on inflation and immigration, as it turned out. The polls of actual voters were incredibly clear about that. Had there been zero inflation after COVID, Harris would have won. Biden would have won if he did not drop out, probably. I've read at least a dozen conservative pieces saying the Democrats "blew it" because of inflation. Not one of them is realistic, or even vaguely logical, about how the world was supposed to stop either COVID, or the inflation that followed. One reasonable estimate I read is that Biden's liberal, and popular, pro-working class legislation - like stimulus checks and child tax credits - added something like 0.3 % to the inflation rate experienced in the US and all over the world, anyway. So in practical terms it works out this way for a Latino working class family. Their grocery bill is $300 more a month, due to inflation. And maybe $15 of that is the stimulus effect of Biden's working class programs. You get a $300 a month child tax credit to offset it. If that's the deal, the Latino working class family is way better off having 9 % inflation, rather than 8.7 % inflation, and a $300 tax credit. Even when inflation goes away, as it has, the child tax credit stays. That was the plan. The problem is Democrats did not have the votes. The expanded tax credits died after one year of cutting child poverty in half. And lots of other things - like child care promises - did not get close to being met. Again, Democrats did not have the votes. There is a word for this: democracy. I can personally relate, since all my tenants - nine in total - are working class families, almost all with kids or grandkids. And they are about half White families and half Black or Brown families. The expanded child tax credits helped them. Not a lot, but a little. When they went away, after one year, it made their lives a little harder. If Joe Biden was fighting like hell for them, they did not get the memo. In Genocide World, the solution is simple. Genocide Man can kill his opponents, send them to jail, or send them to be processed into meat in Ukraine. Even in Genocide World Putin has to spend the nation's wealth paying off poor families to send their men to be processed into meat. We don't do that here. The child tax credits paid poor children to not be poor, basically. Which leads us to the flip side, where you are 100 % right. Many Democrats wanted to ignore Democrats like Ruy Teixeira, saying you need to focus on the moderate, patriotic and diverse working class. Now they no longer can. Our coalition problems with the working class are now obvious. So Democrats will need to figure that out. More than anything, what Latino men - and all men and women - want to do is work hard and get ahead. That said, ideas like Social Security, Medicare, Obamacare, Medicaid, child tax credits, and government help for schools and child care are wildly popular. As are tax increases on billionaires to pay for it. So either Democrats fight like hell to win working class votes, or they don't. A lot of my more affluent Gay friends don't care about most of these pocketbook issues, except for Social Security. So they will have to decide whether they want to be part of a coalition that absolutely needs Latino working class men, who are mostly quite tolerant of LGBTQ rights. Or whether we would rather have them vote for Trump. This should not be hard. First, inflation will not be the issue in 2026 or 2028. Hopefully. Maybe it will be, if Trump tries the crazier versions of his tariffs. Which will punish the working class he says he wants to help. Unless Trump gets more graceful rather than more senile as he ages, the issue in 2026 and 2028 will be Trump. And he has basically promised tax cuts for billionaires. Oh, and maybe he won't tax tips. As this plays out, I am more and more pleased that Trump won a narrow trifecta and will barely have the votes to get what he wants. That way, whatever happens is on him. Maybe peace will break out in Israel. Maybe Trump will decide child tax credits and child care for working class Latino parents trumps tax cuts for his billionaire donors. And himself. And Elon Musk. But probably not. He'll unleash tax cuts for billionaires, and Bibi The Baby Killer's genocide, more likely. We'll see. I hope I am wrong again. Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted November 21, 2024 Members Posted November 21, 2024 3 hours ago, Moses said: Just imagine: you meet a familiar couple of guys in a black suit and skinny tie, and with a Bible in their hands, and one of them, instead of smiling and asking "Would you like to talk about our Lord?" starts yelling "Muslims are idiots..." Sweetie. That was 2016. Get with the times. Trump has moved on from scapegoating Muslims. Now he is scapegoating The Illegals and some of the The Gays. And the proper word for them is "vermin". Quote
Members Suckrates Posted November 24, 2024 Author Members Posted November 24, 2024 Just like Trump has turned the map of America RED, EmmetK has managed to turn this board PURPLE with this purple "E: icon showing up on every single post.... So whether HE is just an insane Trump loyalist or a Bot whose algorithm has been put on steroids, his takeover of this board is as smooth as Trumps is of the country, What remains to be seen is if Americans and members are gonna take it ? We may have no choice at least for the first 2 years. I believe that EmmetK is the crazy REAL person Bozo T Klown , former Trump lunatic from COM, but what do I really know.? All I know is that I hope the Trump team is paying Emmy really well for his 24/7 service, and he probably would get OVERTIME pay if they didnt cut that benefit ? No worries Emmy, noone can say you arent a loyalist, something Trump holds Very dear... I will recommend you for his Press secretary, because like Sean Spicer, the 1st wont last long, even if SHE is pretty and young....And with ALL your experience HERE.... YOU R QUALIFIED for the job ! (PS come back in about 8 minutes for EmmetK's rebuttal comment).... Quote
EmmetK Posted November 24, 2024 Posted November 24, 2024 Am I a human or a BOT? Maybe I am a BOT, but maybe I'm NOT. When Trump says he will Make America GREAT again... I look into the heavens, and I say, Thank you Lord, Amen. ALL ABOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOARD! TRUMP2024 MAGA Quote
Bingo T Dog Posted November 24, 2024 Posted November 24, 2024 54 minutes ago, EmmetK said: When Trump says he will Make America GREAT again... I look into the heavens, lookin 1 Quote
Members Suckrates Posted November 24, 2024 Author Members Posted November 24, 2024 The ONLY time I will look to the heavens is when they announce Trumps DEATH ! 😈 Quote
EmmetK Posted November 24, 2024 Posted November 24, 2024 What a nasty and awful thing to say, but given the source, I am not surprised. Someone needs to take his TDS medication, and get on board the Trump train. Despite his diet of Big Macs, cokes, and chocolate cake, hopefully, Donald Trump has another 15 or 20 years left. And even of the Constitution is not changed to allow Trump to serve another term or two, his legacy will live on forever in granite: TRUMP2024 MAGA ALL ABOOOOOARD! Quote
Moses Posted November 25, 2024 Posted November 25, 2024 20 hours ago, Suckrates said: Just like Trump has turned the map of America RED It is not Trump made America red. You should thank selfish egoists Joe and Kamala. Trump got just +600K to his past results at 2020. But Dems lost 13 mln voters. People just ran. THAT made America red - fail of Dem's ruling in 2020-2024 plus misunderstanding needs of people: third gender's toilets are bad substitution to empty freezers. 42.1 mln of US population use SNAPS (12.6% of population). EmmetK 1 Quote
Members Suckrates Posted November 25, 2024 Author Members Posted November 25, 2024 Jesus, How many friggin times can you post "All Aboard the Trump Train, Whoo Hoo" ? Not many people here are buying tickets.... Go cast a wider net elsewhere. Quote
EmmetK Posted November 25, 2024 Posted November 25, 2024 7 minutes ago, Suckrates said: Jesus, How many friggin times can you post "All Aboard the Trump Train, Whoo Hoo" ? Not many people here are buying tickets.... Go cast a wider net elsewhere. I don't understand why you, or any other American, wouldn't want America to be GREAT again. Makes no sense. If Morning Joe and Mika can swallow their pride and jump on board the Trump train, any woke/lefty/liberal can do it. ALL ABOARD THE TRUMP TRAIN GET YOUR TICKETS NOW TRUMP2024 MAGA Quote
Bingo T Dog Posted November 25, 2024 Posted November 25, 2024 WE REMEMBER THE FIRST TRUMP 4 YEARS. Quote
EmmetK Posted November 25, 2024 Posted November 25, 2024 And four years later.... Trump was elected in an electoral landslide to finish the job he started during his first term. I wonder how that happened? Lol Maybe because nobody cares about Jan6th. And when the J6 patriots are pardoned, there will be a party in the White House for them. ALL ABOARD THE MAGA EXPRESS! GET YOUR TICKETS NOW! TRUMP2024 MAGA Quote