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Two thoughts occur to me:


If I had to choose whether to join Facebook or start a Blog, I'd choose the latter.


I skimmed through SimonLover's Blog in a matter of a few minutes. That has to be wrong, doesn't it. He's clearly put a hell of a lot of time and effort into it, a real labour of love, only for me to zip through it almost certainly never to return (unless I see a future link to it on another Message Board thread). Trouble is, for most of us non-bloggers there are so many of them. The best ones need the reader to invest time navigating the site to get the best out of them. That's something I for one am unwilling to do - there isn't a single Blog I read on a regular basis. More fool me perhaps.


So, back to that hypothetical choice above. If I choose to set up my own Blog it'd be heartbreaking in those moments of reflection to realise hardly anybody was reading it and all my hard work was unappreciated! Maybe I should opt for Facebook after all - lots of people clammouring to be your friends and oh so keen to know all about you. Except, what I leant today, courtesy of Fountainhall, is that everything you say about yourself (see the Facebook Games thread) is an open book as far as those nasty invasive spammers are concerned. Maybe they'll invade my Blog too, but so what, I'm sure I can find a way to outwit them!




Two thoughts occur to me:


If I had to choose whether to join Facebook or start a Blog, I'd choose the latter.



Agree and two of the best are by board members. Check out bao-bao's at


and shamelessmack's blog at



You will not be disappointed.

Guest anonone

Good examples so far.

I had already checked out bao and shameless mack. 2 very good blogs.

Simon was OK, some very nice pictures (for those that share an affinity to Asian men wearing speedos), but I did not care for his writing style as much.


The best blog I have found is http://www.ricequeendiary.com/


I love everything about this blog. The content, writing style, photos, organization...


I love the way he attempts to gleam nuggets of the Thai boy culture, while admitting he probably has no idea what he is talking about. Intelligent and self-deprecating - 2 great characteristics to have at the same time.


Unfortunately, he seems to be on a break as the last post was August of 2010. I still check on his blog about once a week just to see if he makes a return. I also occasionally re-visit some of the entries and still find some "a-ha" moments that help explain something I saw while in Thailand.


I am sure most of you have already discovered it, but if you have not, I would encourage you to take the time to explore. Great stuff.

You will not be disappointed.

Thanks KhorTose, I've had a peek at Bao-Bao's Blog and I'm very impressed. Not looked at Shameless Mack - may do that another time.


Anonone posted as I was composing my reply so looks like another good recommendation there.


I thought I'd take another look at the Articles in Thailand section. There are 18 topics listed, covering such things as Thai toilets, Ladyboys, food, massage etc. Bao Bao himself has contributed to the toilet thread. All but one is authored by Gay Thailand, as was, now known as Michael. Very useful for new visitors, or those of us who've been to Thailand many times but just need to check up on some aspect or to see what others have had to say. One concern is they were originally written in 2006 and whilst I am sure most of the articles are still very relevant, there is always the chance they may have dated (I don't know without reading them all and I haven't done that). There is also the City Guides section accessed via the main page.


Comparing Gay Thailand with a Blog written from a gay perspective, such as Bao Bao's, leads to to wonder which may be the better resource, or do they complement one another so as to be both indispensable? And what about the Forum? Personally I am inclined to avoid many of the threads started on the various message board forums, this one and others. Very often the 'facts' posted are personal experiences which maybe subjective or they are just another poster's opinions. Nothing wrong with that but if you want hard facts best not to rely on them. Topics can also easily be led astray or hi-jacked, although a lot depends on the particular board's moderating skills.


Having weighed up Message Board / Articles versus Blog as gay resource for visitors and ex-pats, I think my preference would be the blog. Provided it is well-written and updated on a regular basis the blog has a lot more appeal. Part of that is the inclusion of photos, in fact I would go so far as to say a blog without them would be a mere shadow. In fairness I should point out that many of the Boards attract wonderful photographic travel reports from their members from time to time and the best of these would easily rival anything a blogger could accomplish. I agree that blogs are, by definition, intensely personal, so you really do have to trust the blogger! I have yet to do so but I would guess once you've tuned in to your favourite blog on a regular basis, he'll have you eating out of his hand.


you can easily find other gay blogs in the links in those mentioned already. One of them also has many Malay/KUL-blog-links.

The best one for me has alas closed some time ago, I dont know if it is still read-able online, but was gayboybangkok.blogspot or .com (I think-have to check), by a German, Chris Koeln.



Having weighed up Message Board / Articles versus Blog as gay resource for visitors and ex-pats, I think my preference would be the blog.


A good start, but what are you trying to do. Find out about Thailand or Thai culture, or get a feel for life in Thailand as an ex-pat. You have sort of lost me as I am not really sure what you are looking for. If you are a sex tourist there is one set of recommendations, If you are looking to retire there is another set, and it still is not that simple. For example, if you want to find a good BF, I wiould give you one type of advice and if you wanted to play around another. Then there is the possibility that you want to know how much money you need, what kind of housing is best, car, thai law, etc. I hate to say it, since you seem to spurn them, but the very best way is to read the threads. By reading the thread you can get many different answers, but if you look hard I think you will soon discern there are truths in there you can use. Still not sure about something, post a question and you will get your answer. By reading and posting on a good message board you will also find some really good people you can PM for more direct conversation. There are many bright people that are out there that DO have the answers you are looking for, you should really make use of their experience.


A good start is this message board. When it is not invaded by some old failure looking for a fight it is composed of many people who are both educated and politically aware. Give us a try by telling us exactly what you want to know, for what reason.


you can easily find other gay blogs in the links in those mentioned already. One of them also has many Malay/KUL-blog-links.

The best one for me has alas closed some time ago, I dont know if it is still read-able online, but was gayboybangkok.blogspot or .com (I think-have to check), by a German, Chris Koeln.




A good start, but what are you trying to do. Find out about Thailand or Thai culture, or get a feel for life in Thailand as an ex-pat. You have sort of lost me as I am not really sure what you are looking for.

Many thanks for taking the trouble to reply in detail KhorTose. I am guilty, as I often am, of rabbiting on in my own sweet way and losing my audience - I wouldn't make a very good Pied Piper!


What I was trying to do was weigh up blogs versus Message Boards as a general resource for the gay or gay oriented traveller and ex-pat. Although I tried to keep it general I was obviously influenced by my own set of circumstances. . .I've been coming to Thailand as a visitor since 1995, now I seldom go to the bars and very rarely off a boy - so for me NOW, I am more interested in taking part in interesting Forum discussions or reading the odd in-depth Blog article or personal reflection on Thai ways; their lifestyles and quirks, culture, history, politics etc. I read Baht Stop to keep up with the political scene as I am based in the UK. I read this board because it has interesting and wide-ranging topics that are not confined to Thailand - (believe it or not there are times when I feel I've had Thailand up to here!) and like contributing in an atmosphere where posters respect one another. I also selectively read Gaybutton's Board but seldom post because, sorry to say this, I do not feel the quality of the average poster there is conducive to my doing so - I don't feel that comfortable. That might sound snobbish, and if that is the way that comes across, maybe I am. Every Board, every Blog, has its strengths and weaknesses.


As stated above, there are some very fine blogs out there.

Ricequeen diary is possibly the most informative, although sadly no longer updated. Shamelessmack & Bao Bao are excellent too.

Gayboythailand was the wittiest, although sadly this shut down some time ago.


I'm sure there are some other good ones out there that we've missed.


As for this forum, well we're trying to encourage intelligent debate & usually succeeding, due to co-operative members.


What I was trying to do was weigh up blogs versus Message Boards as a general resource for the gay or gay oriented traveller and ex-pat. Although I tried to keep it general I was obviously influenced by my own set of circumstances. . .I've been coming to Thailand as a visitor since 1995, now I seldom go to the bars and very rarely off a boy - so for me NOW, I am more interested in taking part in interesting Forum discussions or reading the odd in-depth Blog article or personal reflection on Thai ways; their lifestyles and quirks, culture, history, politics etc.


All right,. From what you stated above I now know what would be perfect for you. Next time you are in Thailand come up to Chiang Mai and meet some of the best ex-pats in Thailand. Chiang Mai is more for those who want one boy friends, a healthy mixed straight and gay community, good food, and a far less hectic scene then you will ever find in the South, and some very bright people. :rolleyes: Okay I may be the exception to the last, but do give us a try. In the meantime, I am very glad to see you on this board and appreciate your insightful input.


A picture blog. I don't quite approve of all the content, but there are some nice photos.




Next time you are in Thailand come up to Chiang Mai and meet some of the best ex-pats in Thailand.

Thank you for that most excellent suggestion. I like Chiang Mai very much but I've only ever stayed a few days at most so nowhere enough time to do it, and it's more laid-back citizens, justice.


This thread's about Blogs, so I don't want to go farther off-topic, but it would be interesting to know what criteria ex-pat farangs use to decide where in Thailand to settle.


This thread's about Blogs, so I don't want to go farther off-topic, but it would be interesting to know what criteria ex-pat farangs use to decide where in Thailand to settle.


It may be a little off topic, but you asked.


That depends on the Farang and what he is looking for. Let us start with sex: If you like fem boys, most people head for Pattaya or Bangkok, but there are some up here in Chiang mai, but you have to find them as they are seldom in the clubs. Butch boys are more common up North but many bars down South cater to just this crowd. With the advent of Gay Romeo, you can find any type of boy anywhere. So that should not be a criteria that takes up that much of your time.


Financial considerations: In order of cost the most expensive is Bangkok, followed by Pattaya, then Chiang Mai, Hua Hin and the rest of the country towns. For example you could probably live in Udon Thani for half the cost of living in Bangkok. Until the advent of GayRomeo it was somewhat difficult to meet interested Asians in these smaller places, but that is not a problem anymore, but do take into account that English skills are weaker in the outskirts.


Shopping and the ability to obtain needful things: Bangkok has everything, but unless it is a specialty item stores and malls arn't that hard to find in the country.


Healthcare: All the major cities have good hospitals and the level of care is fair to good. Bangkok and Pattaya have the best hospitals as they are set up just to cater to farangs.


Transportation: If getting around is important the best connections are in Bangkok, Pattaya,, and Chiang Mai, Both Bangkok and Chiang mai have Interfational flights, but Bangkok has 50 to Chiang mai's one. You do not need a car/motorcy in most cities, but would need one in the outlying towns,


Pace of life: Hectic in Bangkok, less so in Pattaya and even less in Chiang mai. Police routinely collect tea money in Bangkok and Pattaya from farangs, and abet rackets like the infamous jet skis Rarely do you find that in Chiang Mai and other areas.


Local Culture/entertainment:The Thai culture is made up of many influences. More homogeneous in the South. Up North you have Thai, Lanna Thai, Lao (Issan), Shan, Karen, and fifty+ different hill tribes. All three major cities have entertainment like concerts, movies, cultural events, etc. Pattaya has a beach and Chiang Mai has mountains and jungle trails with hiking and other outdoor things prominent..


From a personal point of view the most important consideration is Friends and activities:: Bangkok and Pattaya have thousands of temporary tourist and many full time farangs. It is very important to take a good look at who resides where. Bangkok and Pattaya have large gay communities, but I have found little or no mixing between the gay communities and the straight retired community. In Chiang mai and I suspect in the smaller towns there is only one community and everyone is friendly to everyone. As to the class of people who find in each town, I am not going to get myself into trouble here. You look hard and make that decision yourself.


All of the above is only my opinion and i am sure others may see thing differently, so in the final analysis it is "UP TO YOU".


PS: Left out Phuket, as I have found no redeeming reason for anyone to live there. :rolleyes:

Guest fountainhall

I decided on Bangkok, partly because I had known and visited the city regularly for over 20 years, had friends here, and since I work around the region, it was vital that I be near a major airport with a good selection of flights. I agree it is a bit more expensive, but it has everything a big city has to offer. And I do prefer city life.


When I stop working and travel becomes less important, if I had to move I'd certainly choose Chiang Mai.


I decided on Bangkok, partly because I had known and visited the city regularly for over 20 years, had friends here, and since I work around the region, it was vital that I be near a major airport with a good selection of flights. I agree it is a bit more expensive, but it has everything a big city has to offer. And I do prefer city life.


When I stop working and travel becomes less important, if I had to move I'd certainly choose Chiang Mai.


You would be more then welcome.


Thanks for the kind words, folks. I don't claim to be any sort of expert on Thailand, but I learned long ago that the sharing of thoughts, ideas and opinions in a respectful way is the most entertaining - for this old pup, anyway. Probably just the aging process!


For those who could use a smile or two, here's a video clip I put together of children I've photographed while out and about there. If there's a way to embed the clip here I don't know how to do it, so here's the link:


Guest fountainhall

Gorgeous photos, baobao! Thanks so much for reminding us all that we do live in The Land of Smiles, whatever gripes we may occasionally express.


Embedding is easy. Just type


youtube (in square brackets)


/youtube (in square brackets)


and paste in the link between. I tried to write it with the brackets in place, but then the programme does something weird!


I've taken the liberty of doing it for you



This thread's about Blogs, so I don't want to go farther off-topic, but it would be interesting to know what criteria ex-pat farangs use to decide where in Thailand to settle.

That's more interesting than my original topic, so feel free to take the thread in that direction.

The best one for me has alas closed some time ago, I dont know if it is still read-able online, but was gayboybangkok.blogspot or .com (I think-have to check), by a German, Chris Koeln.


The URL is http://bangkokboy.de/

This is the only blog about Gay Thailand in German language I know about.

It's closely related to http://www.gaythailand.de/ There are a lot of articles that have the same style (i.e. are written by the same author).


There was a thread about gay blogs when this forum changed the owner.

Guest fountainhall

You would be more then welcome.

Many thanks, KhorTose

Guest GaySacGuy

Shameless Mack is coming up as private and needing password, etc. Anyone have any knowledge how to get access???


It's my hope that life has just been too busy for Mack to post as regularly has in the past and not that he's wrestling with a case of blog burn-out, which has happened often enough with otherwise enjoyable sites.


Mine is closing in on 400 posts, and while it has a wider range of subject matter to work with it's still somewhat of a challenge to compose, prepare and assemble images and get a piece posted that might be of interest to a general audience.


Naturally, there are always critics - it's far easier to bitch from the sidelines than it is to come up with regular original content - but they're entitled to their opinions, and people have been kind enough to send positive feedback, too.


I haven't agreed with everything Mack's posted, but I still checked it regularly for something new. I hope he (and Rice Queen) re-activate their sites, and if Mack sees this, I hope he'll share info about invites if that's the direction he's finding it necessary to go.

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