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When will sex tourism become cashless in Thailand?

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At home in the Netherlands I never use cash anymore since a few years.  But each time I travel to Thailand I am forced to visit ATMs

Why don’t the boys use an app that shows a QR code that you scan with your phone to pay them? No cash required  

Does anyone of you ever pay the massage fee or the bill for the drinks at a bar with your Mastercard or Visa debit card at a POS terminal at the bar? Do these venues have POS terminals that accept bank cards? I have never consciously seen one  



A large number of Pattaya moneyboys puts up a post on Facebook in the lead up to birthday with a QR code for anyone to send them a donation, and most Thai will be able to take payment by QR code if needed.

The non Thais are less likely to have a Thai bank account, mostly down to lack of trust and lack of knowledge on how to open an account

My BF sent one guy 5 Baht  recently after he posted, said thats all the beggar deserved!

  On 10/25/2024 at 7:33 PM, colmx said:

The non Thais are less likely to have a Thai bank account, mostly down to lack of trust and lack of knowledge on how to open an account



I safely assume that there are many Thais , tilling the soil in some Ubon Nowhere  who don't have bank account and it's for simple reason , not enough spare income to bother.

As popularity of cheque cashing outlets in cities of rich world attests , even in our countries many people are going without bank account due to lack of money or sophistication or not meeting criteria to open one. 

  On 10/25/2024 at 6:27 PM, Travelingguy said:

I prefer to pay cash for certain things.  I have paid massage shops with credit card, but the tip has been in cash and I prefer that.  At home, I will pay the restaurant bill with a card, but the tip for the server is usually in cash.  I can be sure that they are getting the money, and they do not have to go through their boss.  

Also, for certain venues, I am more comfortable not using a card and just paying in cash which is more anonymous 


song to my ears above. 

As a matter of my own policy I very rarely use plastic when I travel and if I do, only in places making impression of reputable - airlines , hotels, department or chain stores and such but even there I try to avoid it.

I don't use smartphone for financial transactions unless there's absolutely no other option. 

Reason : I noticed that  I keep better tally of my expenses when supply of money on me  is somewhat limited.  


I hope Thailand, the Philippines, Vietnam and Singapore never go cashless, cash is king, only time I have ever used plastic in any country I have visited was to pay for hotels or some dental work in Bangkok on one occasion. I would also use the card for an emergency if it arose and that would preferably be through a bank not the atm, I hate the thought of countries going cashless but the scammers and criminals won't mind as they would step up their online scamming to new levels. 

  On 10/25/2024 at 3:26 PM, abidismaili said:

Why don’t the boys use an app that shows a QR code that you scan with your phone to pay them? No cash required  

Does anyone of you ever pay the massage fee or the bill for the drinks at a bar with your Mastercard or Visa debit card at a POS terminal at the bar? Do these venues have POS terminals that accept bank cards? I have never consciously seen one  


I think I've written about this in another post, but I would like both options - cash and cashless to be available. QR payments aren't available to foreign tourists (unless they have a Thai bank account), with the exception of some asian countries (Singapore and Malaysia I think) who have a reciprocal agreement. But if this wide widely available, I would use it to pay at restaurants, street food stalls, markets etc., but would tip boys in cash.

I would say that credit card terminals are available at most bars - I paid with credit card at Dreamboys once on my final night when I was low on cash. 

  On 10/26/2024 at 2:55 AM, reader said:

Spend your cash in a bar or massage shop and it disappears into the currency system.

Charge your purchase to a credit or debit card, and transaction is preserved for eternity. 

Up to you.


I think the accountability issue is important. As mentioned before, China likes card or phone payments,  to keep tabs on who does what. It may be that Thailand is not that sophisticated,  but who knows. 


Incidentally,  I read today that all 7/11 stores in Thailand  will be moving to scan and pay next month.

  On 10/27/2024 at 11:43 AM, Keithambrose said:

Incidentally,  I read today that all 7/11 stores in Thailand  will be moving to scan and pay next month.


as long as it's one of few payment options available it's fine

  On 10/27/2024 at 1:32 PM, abidismaili said:

Probably won’t work then for people without a Thai bank account I understand from the above. So the tourist still needs to use cash I guess. 


not only tourists but also Thais without bank account and illegal immigrants working in may industries

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