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Guest beachlover

Have you seen a boy transform into a money boy?

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Guest beachlover

I made this post on another forum and got some interesting responses so thought I'd post it here too. I've edited it better now so you guys get the better version!




How a boy turns into a money boy

Have you ever watched a Thai boy you knew as innocent and genuine turn into a full blown money boy over a period of time? I have and I will admit I watched this change with a little sadness.


Most of the boys I chat up in Thai clubs and discos are ordinary working or middle class Thai boys - waiters, call centre workers, students, small business owners, professionals - who are just out to have a great night out dancing and drinking with their friends. But I have been with two boys who I think were "probably" money boys. Didn't know it at the time and only realised it later when thinking back about the encounter since they made no indications of wanting anything more than to hook up for some fun in bed, which is fair enough. They were charming and good fun.


But one Thai boy I had a few encounters with STARTED as a recently-graduated student and later became a money boy. Call me sensitive, but I found it sad watching a young, genuine and fairly innocent boy turn into a money boy with no other form of gainful employment and no ambitions other than to party and enjoy an easy life.


The first encounter

Let's call him "G". I first met G at GOD a couple of years ago. It was one of my first nights in Bangkok that trip and I was bouncing around alone on the second floor checking out the crowd wondering if I could meet someone nice. One of his friends saw I was alone, smiled and invited me over to join them. Thais are great like this. So welcoming.


They were a really friendly and fun group of friends from Nong Khai, Isaan, all 20 to 22 year old fresh-faced cuties! None of them lived in Bangkok. They'd just graduated from high school and were celebrating with a holiday together in Bangkok.


I had heaps of fun dancing with and getting to know these boys. I wanted to buy them all a drink but they refused as they already had a big bottle of whiskey and mixers, which they wanted me to help them finish. They were all super-nice to me, the newcomer.


G struck me as being the cutest. We kind of connected, flirted and I ended up with him. When his friends left to go home they sort of assumed he was staying at the club with me. I invited him back to my little room at the Bally's Studio Suites Silom and had pretty amazing time right up until the sun came up. The hotel cafe was down the corridor from my room (level 6 or 7, I think) so I brought him breakfast in bed, Thai noodles and fresh fruit, which he gratefully accepted.


The second encounter

A couple of months later, I was back in Bangkok and was surprised to see him a second time, this time at DJ Station. He was with a different group of friends this time. I had a crazy time out clubbing with them that night. This time I took him back to the Dusit Thani and had a couple of amazing nights with him again.


I got to know him a bit better this time. He had a couple of relatives also living and working in Bangkok. He was looking for work but seemed a bit lost about what he wanted to do or become. He was 22 but really had the maturity and sense of responsibility of a teenager. He didn't seem to have any ambition at all. Wasn't giving any thought at all to his future. I found this kind of sad, but I was still new to Thailand at the time and didn't think much more about it. We parted ways. He said, "thank you for the good time".


The last encounter

Fast forward 1-2 years later to earlier this year (2010) when I saw him for a third time. I was in DJ Station on a weeknight. Dance floor was probably only half full and I was wondering if I'd get acquainted with anyone at all tonight. I went upstairs where there was a thin crowd and was surprised to bump into his familiar face. I got chatting to him. He was with a group of friends. I noticed a couple of farangs with them too.


I bought all his friends and the (surprised) farangs a round of drinks. Then got chatting with him to catch up. He told me what he had been up to. It became pretty apparent he was full blown money boy now, hanging out at DJ Station every night.


The change

His character had changed. He was still very cute and still had this gentle, charming and caring persona, which I liked. But something else had changed.


It wasn't that he had become a slick and phony-sounding money boy. He wasn't. He was still gentle and caring. But two years of living with an easy, care free party lifestyle had changed him. Behind the smile and the excellent English he now spoke, he had this frivolous and worry free air about him. He had become even more lazy and drawn to taking the easy path. There was no ambition to work, achieve anything or be productive other than prostituting himself to earn money in any way. No thinking about the future or consequences. He was only interested in the easy path, partying his nights away at DJ Station and sleeping during the day.


He had no responsibility and no care about what lay ahead for him or anyone else. He was taking his chances, hoping to find a farang to take care of him, I think.


One of his friends had gotten married to a farang and gone off to live with them in Europe. He talked about this enthusiastically, hoping this might happen to him. It would be an easy way out of his non-existent future in Thailand (non existent because he had no inclination to build a future for himself).


"Hey, don't look at me like that"

Maybe I'm being too judgmental. But I find all this infinitely sad to observe.


Here is a healthy young man, in the prime of his youth. He has more energy and endurance now than he will ever have in his life. Now is the surely best time to carve out a living for himself. To make it happen, whether by studying, training or working to build a business or a career with good future prospects. But all this man is doing is passing it away partying his nights away at DJ Station looking for a new trick every night.


I enjoyed chatting to him to catch up and he was really happy to see me again. But after a while I said it was really nice to see him again. "You don't want to go with me?" he asked. I wasn't really keen.


Sure he was still as cute and charming as ever, but I guess I was a bit put off.


I can't remember the exact words I used but I referred to money in some way. He said, "yes, if you go with me now you must give me money." He said the other boys had told him this. It was as if he saw my eyes change and felt a bit guilty because his eyes looked down and he said, "hey, don't look at me like that". I didn't mean to make him feel bad. Maybe it was more the guilt in his mind than any difference in my eyes.


Eventually, to be nice I slipped him 200 baht and told him it was in case he needed a taxi later. I said it was really nice to see him again and wished all the best of luck for the future (I meant it, he's a sweet boy, even if lazy and lacking guidance) and then went back downstairs.


I guess everyone travels a different path in life, but I wonder where G will be 4-5 years from now.


The contrast in character

Downstairs, I ended up meeting a group of older Thai guys, aged mid-twenties to early thirties and having a great time with them. They were a group of friends - and interesting bunch of Thai guys who were working professionals or small business owners ranging from an interior designer to a restaurant owner - who were out letting their hair down for the night.


Like the money boy group, they were lots of fun and I had a great time getting to know them. But the difference was they seemed a bit more meaningful. They were letting their hair down for the night, knowing they had to be back at work the next day, as we all do, to earn a living. They all had goals, aspirations and responsibilities.


Looking back, I found the contrast in energy between the first and second group from that night interesting...


Your thoughts?

Going back to the topic of G's transformation, have any of you watched such a change?


What thoughts did you have and how did you feel about it? Any sadness at all? Were you worried for him?


Interesting story Beachlover. Thank you for sharing that. I can relate. I have not experienced that in Thailand as much as in USA as I knew many boys before they started working in the business and it does change them. Regardless of what anyone says, it is not an easy job and often times their personality changes for the worst. I think it is a combination of dealing with shitty customers and getting advice from other working boys.


oh dear-it must be obsessing you a lot-as this is the next forum you post it on. You must have noted that all these 3/4 gay fora mainly attract the same people (at least I do not bother to have different names everywhere). I gave you my answer already.

But ADD now a little in a positive way as to the points you raised:

just realise how well this DF=dear friend now gains extra skills for Thai life. Better english, better bargaining skills, meeting heaps of interesting people (well-we gays know a wee bit more of this world as those silly brainless str8s-dont we?) who may have openings for interesting jobs, or are even willing to sponsor a stint-or 2 in some foreign interesting country, like Swissuhlend.

Besides-he graduated from a minor uni-which means his education is barely equal to a finished grammarschool in the UK. As a Isan-boy any HiSo BKK-boss looks down on him. Maybe he would get a job like hoteldesk or other very boring offith. I bet not even qualified for a bank or the like. Expected monthly pay: 8-10.K/THB/duan-at the MOST.

PLus you do not see that those Thai guys think that every eve in a bar (ear splitting deafening music, you get to see the very latest new mobuy as soon as its in a shop, no lao-khao or even Sangsom but Johnny red or even black; now THATS Life in the hi-stream-you have made it in life-a normal job would never finance that.

And you say he is still isan-style charming, taking care of people, even if they are customers, has more brains as a lad str8 from the farm-so he fullfills what many sexpats are looking for and are willing to pay high prices for. A real gem in this Thai MB-world!


Sorry to say, this story sounds like hundreds of trashy gay novelettes written over the years, only the location has been changed. I read one decades ago and then gave up on them. Face facts. Anyone, even graduates, seduced by the money available to cute guys stands the risk of becoming a rent boy. If you think that isn't going to change his personality, then - sorry again - it's time to enter the real world.


I've read other posters comments about security at the Dusit Thani on this and a couple of other Boards. I've also been there a few times in person and seen the high level of security. I thought it's one of the most difficult hotels for getting boys up to your room. I'm glad for beachlover he seems to have no problem with it.

Guest beachlover
  On 12/2/2010 at 5:03 PM, GayThailand said:
in USA...I think it is a combination of dealing with shitty customers and getting advice from other working boys.

Fair enough. I think prostitution might be fairly different in the US and other developed countries where most of them charge strictly by the hour and at quite high rates (comparable to high-end professional services).

Guest beachlover
  On 12/3/2010 at 3:02 AM, pong said:

oh dear-it must be obsessing you a lot-as this is the next forum you post it on. You must have noted that all these 3/4 gay fora mainly attract the same people (at least I do not bother to have different names everywhere). I gave you my answer already.

I know I know... There is no gun to your head making you answer again but thank you for replying twice. Your writing is so cute I love reading it. :rolleyes:


I thought I would copy and paste it here too since, most of the regular members on GayThailand.com do not post on www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com and vice versa. For example, GT, PeterRS and lvdkeyes don't post on SGT (GT occasionally).


  On 12/3/2010 at 3:02 AM, pong said:

just realise how well this DF=dear friend now gains extra skills for Thai life. Better english, better bargaining skills, meeting heaps of interesting people (well-we gays know a wee bit more of this world as those silly brainless str8s-dont we?) who may have openings for interesting jobs, or are even willing to sponsor a stint-or 2 in some foreign interesting country, like Swissuhlend.

That's true... the exposure to a broader range of people and improved English language skills can be quite beneficial.


I wouldn't call him a "DF" though LOL. Just a casual one-nighter type affair.


[quote name=pong' timestamp='129134532

7' post='45716]

Besides-he graduated from a minor uni-which means his education is barely equal to a finished grammarschool in the UK.

No, not even that. He only graduated from high school when he was 20. No tertiary.


  On 12/3/2010 at 3:02 AM, pong said:
And you say he is still isan-style charming, taking care of people, even if they are customers, has more brains as a lad str8 from the farm-so he fullfills what many sexpats are looking for and are willing to pay high prices for. A real gem in this Thai MB-world!

Yeah true... for a while he would be a real catch. Totally cute. Very charming and caring. But the lack of direction, impulsiveness, lack of planning skills and low ambition are risks for anyone interested in anything more than a quick fling...

Guest lvdkeyes
  On 12/3/2010 at 2:35 PM, beachlover said:

lvdkeyes don't post on SGT




Are you sure of that?

Guest beachlover

FYI, I posted the story here too: http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/gay-thailand-f9/transforming-into-money-boy-t20418.html ... got some interesting responses.


  On 12/3/2010 at 4:37 AM, PeterRS said:
I've read other posters comments about security at the Dusit Thani on this and a couple of other Boards. I've also been there a few times in person and seen the high level of security. I thought it's one of the most difficult hotels for getting boys up to your room. I'm glad for beachlover he seems to have no problem with it.

So have I. But I've stayed there three times and never had a problem bringing a guest back to my room myself. Last trip the security seemed more laxed than usual. They let a boy up to my room without calling first - though granted, he was well groomed and visited the previous day.


Some people like LMTU (HeyGay here) and Lunchtime 'O Booze say they had problems at the Dusit here - http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/gay-thailand-f9/dusit-hotel-t17133.html - (N.b. thread might be confusing because all of LMTU's posts [under the handle, "bottomsup"] were wiped by the mod)


I think either times have changed (more laxed policy) or those who complain were stopped because (1) they were a bit uncouth or undesirable looking, (2) their guest was a lady boy or dressed like a gogo boy or street boy or (3) there was a huge age difference and this looked bad.


The boys I invite back are dressed pretty normally in whatever boys go clubbing in - jeans and a t-shirt maybe - and I'm around the same age so it looks very ordinary. We get nothing but smiles and wais. Love it.

Guest beachlover
  On 12/3/2010 at 2:40 PM, lvdkeyes said:

Are you sure of that?

Nope... Assumed. I had no idea you might be posting there. What's your handle?

  On 12/3/2010 at 2:35 PM, beachlover said:

I thought I would copy and paste it here too since, most of the regular members on GayThailand.com do not post on www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com and vice versa. For example, GT, PeterRS and lvdkeyes don't post on SGT (GT occasionally).


I appreciated your posting it here as I had not read it or seen it. I look at all the boards once a week or every other week and that is about it. Some topics jump out at me and others don't. I don't have much time so spend on all the boards so I concentrate my effort here. So, I for one, appreciate your bringing it over as I found it very interesting and enjoyable to read and think about.

Guest beachlover
  On 12/3/2010 at 5:02 PM, lvdkeyes said:

You know what is said about ASSUME.

Yes... it's upsets cranky and overly serious/sensitive men. :p

Guest lvdkeyes

You'd better watch yourself with your personal attacks. Remember, you were banned from another site.

Guest jomtien

Everyone take a deep breath and play nice now......thank you.


Not really sure how we got from the great topic Beachlover wrote to an off topic pissing contest. But, it would be nice if all parties stuck to the original topic. No one is an ass for assuming someone doesn't post on another board. No one is cranky / sensitive because they point out (without saying it) someone is calling them an ass. I read this over and over and saw no personal attacks. What I did see was a pissing contest that was carried over from another board. Leave it there. Don't bring it here. It is not welcome here.

Guest lvdkeyes

We got off the topic when BL posted that I didn't post on SGT.


The adage I inferred is a well known one: When you ASSUME, you make an ASS out of you and me too.


If calling someone cranky and overly serious/sensitive is not an insult/personal attack, I don't know what is.


The so called "pissing contest" was started on THIS board way back when BL first came on and annoyed many members with his sweeping generalizations and blitzing the board with responses to age old threads just to try to win a contest. That contest was derailed by mainly BL. Some of those members have stopped posting on this board. It then continued on the other board.


Could we stop the bickering please? People don't log on here to read personal attacks.

Guest beachlover

Some of the comments for this thread on the other board are interesting: http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/gay-thailand-f9/transforming-into-money-boy-t20418.html


  On 12/5/2010 at 6:25 PM, GayThailand said:

Not really sure how we got from the great topic Beachlover wrote to an off topic pissing contest. But, it would be nice if all parties stuck to the original topic. No one is an ass for assuming someone doesn't post on another board. No one is cranky / sensitive because they point out (without saying it) someone is calling them an ass. I read this over and over and saw no personal attacks. What I did see was a pissing contest that was carried over from another board. Leave it there. Don't bring it here. It is not welcome here.

I agree. Well put.


  On 12/6/2010 at 1:19 AM, lvdkeyes said:
Some of those members have stopped posting on this board.

I believe that's an assumption. :)

Guest imin2it2ru

You're funny beachlover and you have a great sense of humor!

Question for you? are there any gay nude private beaches in Thailand?

Also, i like your story and understand your disappointment in the G boy but as Barbara once said "you got to let people be people".


OK then-just one more response as to the original Q: have you seen?

Yes I have-fairly close by, but in quite another way as you describe.

Years ago, when I was still tied to the schoool-holidays, I already visited Thaild and usually stayed at some cheap guesthouse near KhaoSarn. At that time they also had a quite big restrt.

One guy, from Isan of course, was always on the lookout for money and ways to gain some. He once scolded me as I had no clue to what the highest prize in the lottery here was (well-we have at least 100+ anyway). He was not pretty, cute or even really gay. He probably got induced by another guy who told the gogobar-trade would be making much easier and better money. But he was quite unaware of the requierments of such a job. After a month or 2 he had learnt the hard way that no offs mean no money in the till. And had to find another job.

For a few monthes there was a cute (for most) small-twinky and really gay Isan boy (and making no secret about that)-attempting to study at Ramkamhaeng uni. He was after Japanese guys and succeeded once in hooking one up and staying together-in his room- for a few monthes. But that failed, as did his studies, so after that for a short time before he could return to the old job, he had to turn to sell body-or at least to find a few friends willing to lend a bit. Mixed success in that-I think that area is simply not fit for the trade. I still see him sometimes-he looks the same as nearly 10 years ago, but is both sadder and wiser-but also still hooked on JPNese.

Even though many girls there have succeeded in hooking up with farang boyfriends-up till paid vacations in USA or Europe or even marriage and setting up shared bisnis somewhere. Quite different from the usual known Thai bargirls scene. There is even a book written on that fenomenon (not by me- after I had seen it, I realised the one who had).

Guest beachlover

Cool... Thanks for sharing. Sounds like the common thread with these boys is they look for a high-risk, low probability/success short cut rather than plan and commit themselves earnestly to a more sure path.


I did the same at one point in my life (took a high-risk path, still involved a lot of work) so I can understand that. Like imin2it2ru said, you got to let people be people!

Guest tdperhs

About two years ago, I accompanied a young friend on a visit to Satuek. Satuek is not much of a town. The "You are entering..." and "You are leaving..." signs are on the same posts. Almost immediately I met four of my friend's childhood friends. Only one had a job and lived with his mother. The others lived in a small one-bedroom apartment. The one with the job paid the monthly rent on the house and sometimes used his truck to ferry the others to Buriram whenever someone came upon enough money to support a party.

I quickly came to know three of them, socially as well as biblically and willingly allowed myself to be separated from a reasonable amount of cash. But I got my share of bang for the buck and was satisfied with the outcome.

A week later, my friend, who was a live-in friend, not a lover, got a call from Satuek. Two of the boys wanted to come to Pattaya. They weren't asking for money, just a place to dump while they looked for jobs. I had plenty of room, why not?

Nick was a lady boy, thin, but his face was not very attractive. The other one, Jack (not real names) was a boy-next-door type, much like the boy in BL's avatar, with pretty decent skills in English and personality for days. Within three days he had a job and my understanding is he worked for about three months and found a steady who is still his boyfriend. He told me he turned down two people before he settled on a Brit. He has been with him since. Having relocated north from Pattaya, I have not seen Jack for about a year but mutual acquaintances tell me he is doing fine.

Nick never went anywhere except back to Satuek. One day I ran into him on a street in Issan. He was down with nothing except the bra on his chest. I gave him a temporary job as housekeeper. That was six months ago. He is still here. He does a good job for which he gets better than standard wage, much of which he saves or gives to his mother who won't let him into her house. I can't keep him for much longer. With the value of the dollar dropping and having a permanent housekeeper as well, Nick is fast becoming an unaffordable luxury.

As to the original question: obviously I am happy about Jack's success story and I would be thrilled if the same thing happened to Nick.

Guest beachlover

Thanks for sharing that, Tdperhs. It's a contrasting story and interesting how one does well but sad how the other ends up in a rather pitiful situation. In a way, maybe the lure of a risky but easy path is a bad thing.


I hope Nick finds a better way to earn himself a better living. That's a bit wrong that his Mum won't let him in the house, yet he sends money to her isn't it?

  On 12/14/2010 at 11:00 AM, beachlover said:
I hope Nick finds a better way to earn himself a better living. That's a bit wrong that his Mum won't let him in the house, yet he sends money to her isn't it?


I cannot think of any reason why he should send a penny to someone who won't let him in the house. Even more so, if he can barely make ends meet.

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