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All this hoopla over Trumps "enemy from within" comments are somewhat accurate, but with a caveat....

I agree our enemy IS from within BUT it isnt the citizens that oppose Trump, as HE claims.    Lets be clear here, the enemy from within are the MAGA supporters whose end goal is to destroy our government and legal system, support our foreign dictatorial enemies, and squash Democracy and freedom and replace it with autocratic Rule with Trump as leader.  

So when Trump says what we might think is crazy shit, we need to give it some thought and realize what he actually means.... With his enemy comment he is actually telling us WHO he and his supporters ARE (the enemy), and what it means for America.  He is telling us that if we Oppose him, he and his coalition are OUR enemies and will be coming for US.....

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Donald J Trump is showing us in the final days of his campaign that he can be as vulgar, violent and batshit crazy as he wants to be and people will still adore and VOTE for him.  The rails are off, and he is showing us what we will get this time around, am old vaudeville buffoon, unfocused, unencumbered, unhinged and undemocratic.

The Trump train is rolling towards the finish line and his arrogant confidence is showing that Win or Lose, HE INTENDS TO WIN, and he has worked for 4 years to put everything in place for him to TAKE the election should he legitimately lose.   

As for Harris, there is nothing more she can show or tell the american public re: who she is or what her presidency will do.  The bottom line problem for Harris is that she is still a woman, and one of color, and in our country THAT one thing is a problem for a huge slice of eligible voters.     

So I will be having a huge Garagae sale this weekend to sell off all my belongings so when I move out of the country, I can start fresh, without the threat of Trump.  Ya'll are welcome so ya'll come !!  😏

Yep, according to the Orange menace, physically attacking police officers and breaking into a government building attempting to overthrow the government is A-OK!
Good message to send on day one.
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Trumps release of ALL the J6 CONVICTED insurrections basically told them "If you defend MY corruption and criminal acts, I've got your backs and will protect YOU "


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There should be NO surprises with Trump, he told us ALL what he intended to do, and 49.9% of Americans were just fine with it !  


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I grew up in the 60's and remember Kent State well. It was one of the few times I saw tears in my father's eyes! Unfortunately, Smelvis is a sick man-baby and will relish when such another Kent State massacre happens!

He loves violence.

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