Members Suckrates Posted August 11, 2024 Author Members Posted August 11, 2024 "Photoshopped" pic of Trump rally to make the crowd look LARGER and fill-in the empty seats.... Trump is a Fraud in EVERY part if his life. They quadrupled portions of the audience. stevenkesslar 1 Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted August 11, 2024 Members Posted August 11, 2024 40 minutes ago, Suckrates said: Hillary was selling "first female President of the USA"..... She thought THAT would take her over the finish line. Americans chose a racist autocrat... I'll dispute that. Again, I am Lichtmanite. Which is to say I'm a pragmatist. If a guy predicts 10 times who will be elected, and gets its right 10 times, and says "Here's why" I want to listen. His point is simple and common sense. Americans vote thumbs up or down on the party in power. If that party did a good enough job, they get four more years. If they didn't, we get a political earthquake. So the issue in 2016 was not really Hillary. Or Biden, if he had run and lost, which Lichtman thinks he would have. It was that there just wasn't enough there in Obama's second term for four more years of "this". I agree with that analysis. We know from history that running for any President's third term is always difficult, but not impossible. (Bush 41 did, but after Reagan won in two landslides.) I think if the Republicans had instead nominated someone like John Kasich he would have won more decisively in 2016. And he probably would have been re-elected in 2020, because he would have governed better. (Kasich was elected overwhelmingly as Ohio Guv.) The fact that Trump is a racist autocrat helps explain why he lost in 2020 more than why he won in 2016, I think. And I'm 99 % sure later this month Lichtman will predict Harris will win. One way to think about it is that if Trump were Reagan, if he really inspired people, if he moved "Reagan Democrats" to his side like actually happened in 1980 and 1984, maybe Trump would beat Harris. But, no. As you say, he is a racist autocrat who actually turns people off. Republicans will hold their nose and vote for Harris because they don't want that racist autocrat cop beating woman raping business cheating lying felon back. Those are just the facts. And it makes complete common sense. He is a racist autocrat. He appeals to a narrow cult, many of whom like authoritarian bullies. He is a loser. He and his cult leaders lost in 2018, 2020, 2022, and 2023. He will lose again in 2024. Quote
Members Pete1111 Posted August 15, 2024 Members Posted August 15, 2024 Why does the lamestream media allow Trump to lie, again and again, with no fact checking. Don't believe your eyes... Quote
Members Suckrates Posted August 15, 2024 Author Members Posted August 15, 2024 15 minutes ago, Pete1111 said: Why does the lamestream media allow Trump to lie, again and again, with no fact checking. Don't believe your eyes... Its an old tactic he has been using for decades, pretending to wave at massive crowds of adoring fans. Its called GASLIGHTING, and the media is guilty of indulging his Fantasy, conveniently forgetting to show the other side where theres noone, or crowds reacting to something OTHER THAN him. Its the OLD Trump show..... Please vote so we can get rid of this rotten Orange. Marc in Calif, stevenkesslar and kokopelli3 2 1 Quote
Members Suckrates Posted August 17, 2024 Author Members Posted August 17, 2024 Stay ALERT Americans... Each day at every rally, Trump drops a few tidbit clues about how he is gonna claim the upcoming election was rigged. He has already said Cackles is "invalid" because she was a swap-out for Biden. Now he is claims that Judge Marchand, is refusing to delay his sentencing till AFTER the election, and that is "interference". Plus all his statements about corruption in state election boards, eventhough he has installed his buddies on every swing state board, who are counting down till Trump gives them the "go ahead" signal..... So the die is cast, and I hope the Dems and our govt agencies are prepared for what we know is coming...Get that National Guard ready.. Quote
Members Suckrates Posted August 18, 2024 Author Members Posted August 18, 2024 Does anyone wanna place a bet that EmmetK will resurface the day after the election to support the Insurrection 2.0 ? These white nationalists are all busy "polishing their muskets"... and getting ready to circle the wagons as soon as Trump gives the word..... Marc in Calif 1 Quote
Marc in Calif Posted August 18, 2024 Posted August 18, 2024 2 hours ago, Suckrates said: Does anyone wanna place a bet that EmmetK will resurface the day after the election to support the Insurrection 2.0 ? These white nationalists are all busy "polishing their muskets"... and getting ready to circle the wagons as soon as Trump gives the word..... He'll start repeating all of Drumpf's claims of "voter fraud" and "stolen ballots" and "deep state interference." He'll cite whatever pre-election polls he can find to show that the voting was "rigged." He'll point to all the (Repub-installed) county clerks who refused to certify their election results. He'll finally have something to live for again! 🤡 Quote
RockyRoadTravel Posted August 18, 2024 Posted August 18, 2024 15 minutes ago, Marc in Calif said: He'll cite whatever pre-election polls he can find to show that the voting was "rigged." Polls. Real Clear Politics includes junk polls in their averages, unaccounted for, in a way that 538 doesn't. Hence the difference between their voting averages and RCP. This election cycle there seems to be more hunk polling being done. I've brought this up in a previous post. HarrisX and Rasmussen seem to be churning out a lot of polls, and they are the best of the right wing biased agencies. Has anyone seen any actual documentation of this? It's just an anecdotal impression I have at this point. But, to your point, this feeds into the defeated former President pointing to some poll some where that showed he should have won. Marc in Calif 1 Quote
Members Suckrates Posted August 18, 2024 Author Members Posted August 18, 2024 6 minutes ago, RockyRoadTravel said: Polls. Real Clear Politics includes junk polls in their averages, unaccounted for, in a way that 538 doesn't. Hence the difference between their voting averages and RCP. This election cycle there seems to be more hunk polling being done. I've brought this up in a previous post. HarrisX and Rasmussen seem to be churning out a lot of polls, and they are the best of the right wing biased agencies. Has anyone seen any actual documentation of this? It's just an anecdotal impression I have at this point. But, to your point, this feeds into the defeated former President pointing to some poll some where that showed he should have won. I LOVE that hunk polling, but I wish they would do it in jock straps ! 😍 Quote
Members Suckrates Posted August 20, 2024 Author Members Posted August 20, 2024 Disgusting, slanderous media MISinformation......... THIS is what people Believe ! Today's front page.... If they think Bidens speech was angry & bitter, WTF do they call Trumps speechs ? SCUMBAGS 1 Quote
Members JKane Posted August 20, 2024 Members Posted August 20, 2024 stevenkesslar and unicorn 2 Quote
Members Suckrates Posted August 30, 2024 Author Members Posted August 30, 2024 Dont believe your EARS either..... Oops he's lying again.... Aware that his poll numbers and fan base are dwindling, Trump resorted to what he does best, LYING ! on the hot topic issue of abortion and IVF. He has been the ultimate flip-flopper on this issue, and as public fervor escalates, he moves more to the left on it..... Now, in the biggest BULLSHIT claim of his campaign, Trump is claiming he is IN FAVOR of IVF, and if he is elected will make sure THE GOVT WILL PAY FOR IT..... If you gagged on this, so did I.... Its another desperate attempt by Trump to trick voters into voting for him, he will say ANYTHING he has to to win public support. But DONT BELIEVE YOUR EARS... Privately, Trump is laughing at ALL the gullible voters out there that believe his LIES ! Too bad he doesnt burst into flames every time he tells one..... Quote
Members Suckrates Posted August 31, 2024 Author Members Posted August 31, 2024 I hope Trump is at least planning for a "refreshments table" at November 2024 Insurrection 2.0 ? Those rioters need to stay fed and hydrated. 🥰 Quote
RockyRoadTravel Posted August 31, 2024 Posted August 31, 2024 I'm beginning to think that Fred Trump told young Donald that every time he lies his penis would grow, and young Donald believed him. Now he's just mad and hasn't figured out that it shrinks instead. Bingo T Dog 1 Quote
Members Suckrates Posted September 15, 2024 Author Members Posted September 15, 2024 What the Fuck...Its becoming ROUTINE that anytime Trump creates a debacle for himself, he creates a diverse to take media attention off it and focused elsewhere. In response to all the negative press Trump has been getting over the "pet eatting" craziness, he creates a diverse today of another shooting attempt on his life, this time at his golf course while he was golfing.... This has SETUP all over it, but it succeeded in its goal to get the media to talk about it INSTEAD of his crazy animal eatting fetish or his love fest with Looney Loomer..... DONT BELIEVE ANY OF IT..... And immediately after, a FUNDRAISING email from Trump went out.... SCAM SCUMBAG NOW, Trump will start a dialog that its the Dems hateful rhetoric about him that has now caused 2 attempts on his life, and that HE is the one that is under siege...... Victim, victim, victim.... If any of this is REAL, ill eat my tiara, but if it is, I hope that all potential future shooters KEEP TRYING ! Quote
Members Suckrates Posted September 15, 2024 Author Members Posted September 15, 2024 TWO assassination attempts and 2 escapes... (and 2 Donation requests) WOW Trump IS the ultimate Strongman, his supporters are Right !! 😡 But then again, IF any of this is REAL..2 assassination attempts will DEFINATELY get Trump elected !! ( I am waiting to see if @stevenkesslar weighs in on this, with facts, figures and graphs ? ) stevenkesslar 1 Quote
Members Pete1111 Posted September 15, 2024 Members Posted September 15, 2024 Trump was golfing!!! Perhaps his party was planning their next f*cked up election strategy. @Suckrates here's a figure. Poor Donnie is more and more unpopular with some of the gun owners. 🫣 Quote
Members Suckrates Posted September 15, 2024 Author Members Posted September 15, 2024 THIS guy is like a just cant get RID of it ! Quote
Goober Posted September 15, 2024 Posted September 15, 2024 I wonder how much Melania paid the gunman? Just like Donnie, she was probably too cheap to hire a professional. unicorn 1 Quote
Members Pete1111 Posted September 16, 2024 Members Posted September 16, 2024 It's Florida. Lotta Ruskies there. Maybe the Kremlin wants a clean slate. Or revenge. Trump has a few enemies. Quote
Stable Genius Posted September 16, 2024 Posted September 16, 2024 Well Laura Loomer is off the front page... Quote
Members Suckrates Posted September 16, 2024 Author Members Posted September 16, 2024 50 minutes ago, Stable Genius said: Well Laura Loomer is off the front page... Yes, amazing coincidence ? HUH !!! Either Trump is the smartest person that ever lived, OR the Luckiest ? Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted September 16, 2024 Members Posted September 16, 2024 7 hours ago, Suckrates said: ( I am waiting to see if @stevenkesslar weighs in on this, with facts, figures and graphs ? ) I'll take the bait. No charts, but here goes: 1. Sounds like the Secret Service did their job this time. Whereas the Pennsylvania very close call does sound like they fucked up. I don't get how sharp shooters on other nearby roofs, who killed the guy, did not see a guy with a gun on the roof. 2. That said, Trump is reaping what he sows. He speaks the language of political violence, and then denies it. Republicans don't want to do a thing about assault weapons, which were two potential assassins' weapons of choice. I'm not saying this is Trump's fault. But it's hard to have much sympathy for a guy who has been preaching the language of violence and stirring the pot of extremism for a decade. 3. Nothing I've heard so far sounds like a well thought out conspiracy. We know nothing about Florida Dude, yet. But these seem like random kooks. Now, that said, I'll talk about what would be weird. What would be truly weird is if the nut in Pennsylvania turned out to have a best friend who was a Russian immigrant who was anti-Communist, and a former Nazi, and a CIA asset. And it would be truly weird if that Russian immigrant, who was close friends with a Presidential assassin, turned out to also be friends with the Director of the CIA, who within a decade or so would be POTUS. That would be truly weird. For those of you who have gone deep down the JFK conspiracy rabbit hole, I am of course referring to George de Mohrenschildt, the Russian immigrant and CIA asset who was buddies with Oswald in 1963. Then later George wrote a personal letter to another George, H.W. Bush, an old pal and fellow member of the Dallas Petroleum Club, when he was head of the CIA. Small world. Shortly after this, on the day an investigator from the House Committee on Assassinations knocked on his door, poor George ended up dead of a bullet in the head, apparently a suicide That happened a lot back then when you happened to know something about a possible conspiracy. The part I find most interesting is just very weird conincidences. The Texas School Book Depository was owned by right wing Texas oil baron DH Byrd. The DalTex building, the other ideal building for a rifleman, was where Abraham Zapruder worked, who was also a right wing Russian emigre and Dallas Petroleum Club member. Zapruder's co-worker became de Mohrenschild's second wife. Byrd founded the Civil Air Patrol, which Lee Harvey Oswald was a member of as a teenager. Maybe it was a coincidence that Oswald just happened to get a job at Byrd's building before the motorcade route was known. Then again, the woman who arranged it, Ruth Paine, has a Dad and sister that worked for the CIA. Just a coincidence, no doubt I could go on forever. My point is that Trump and MAGA make weird bedfellows in all this. The theology of Trumpism is that there is this Deep State of dark forces that starts endless wars, like Ukraine. And will do whatever it takes to stop guys like Trump from draining the swamp. Oliver Stone's version of JFK is actually similar in broad outlines. With a Deep State of CIA assets who assassinate leaders all over the world, and rich right wingers and oil men and military hawks who are happy to fund them. Add Allen Dulles and J Edgar Hoover, mix, and stir. Presto! You have a conspiracy. I don't think the CIA or Secret Service is out to get Trump. I think the guys are kooks. But Republicans helped create this environment, and won't do a thing about assault weapons. Quote