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Biden To Drop Out Tomorrow, July 4th

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The vibes have changed, and now even the Washington Post has editorialized on Biden dropping out. I think they have it right,imagining this July 4th speech:

My Fellow Americans,

Today, we celebrate not just the birth of our nation but the life it has lived.

How have we lasted this long? How have we endured, grown, prospered? Our extraordinary framers were steered by a revolutionary premise: Our union would never be perfect. We would not be governed by an all-powerful king or sovereign. We would always be a work in progress as a nation and as individuals. Each generation would build on the efforts of its predecessors. This was essential for an enduring republic.

The framers were shaped by hardship — they carried out a revolution at the edge of a wild frontier. They knew there are seasons to a life — and seasons of service. They knew, too, that relying on a single individual, a king, might create the illusion of strength but would be at its core fragile.

Over the past few days, I have been reflecting on all this. My season of service is nearing its close. This was a hard truth to face. But it is the natural course of things — as evident as the progression from spring to summer, from fall to winter. This is why I have decided to withdraw from the campaign for president of the United States.

This moment echoes one George Washington faced as he approached the end of his second term. Fear of instability and of the unknown, of who would come next, counseled against risking a premature departure. John Adams was pugnacious. Thomas Jefferson was radical. But Washington stood aside, though the Constitution at the time did not require it. He looked past ambition and self-regard to what the nation needed most at that moment, declaring through his actions that the United States would not depend on one indispensable man. Power would be transferred regularly and peacefully.

A large part of me still wants to stay in the fight. But, at this moment, the nation needs something I cannot provide: a leader with the energy to run a vigorous campaign and then to work for America, at all hours, for the next four years.

I’ve often spoken about how I began my career in public service as a senator at age 30. During this time, I have seen the end of the Cold War, the invention of the internet and more; in so many ways, unimaginable scientific and social breakthroughs have become real. I have also witnessed the sharpening of partisan divisions and the coarsening of our nation’s politics.

These regrettable trends did not start with Donald Trump. But the former president has exploited and exacerbated them, encouraging Americans to diminish their fellow Americans, even to rise against our democracy, as they did on Jan. 6, 2021. Mr. Trump’s unique danger lies in his claim that only he can lead the nation. I will not make the same mistake. Nor will I do anything that would ease his return to power. Staying in the race could do just that.

The question on American minds when Washington stepped aside was: What now? I owe Americans an answer to that question, too. The Democratic National Committee, senior Democratic leaders and I have agreed on an orderly process to select our next nominee, which will include debates between now and our convention in August. My vice president, Kamala Harris, has graciously and courageously agreed to participate. Though Democratic primary voters cannot be included at this late date, their delegates will make the final choice.

What if Biden spoke these words?

Between now and November, I will do all I can to support the next Democratic nominee — and to encourage Americans to rediscover the optimism and energetic spirit that built this nation. Last week, Mr. Trump described a country in deep and unprecedented crisis. His story of America was fiction. This is not the country I see.

Four years ago, the pandemic was raging. More than 10 million Americans were out of work. Many businesses and schools were closed. People were exhausted by Mr. Trump’s chaos. Today, our economy is the envy of the world, thanks to 15 million new jobs, extraordinarily low unemployment and a start-up boom. Record numbers of Americans have health insurance, and we have made historic investments in our infrastructure and in the fight against climate change. Our allies respect us again, as we have rallied the free world against Russian aggression.

Americans, I invite you to search your soul as I have. Are we so unsure of ourselves that we will empower a would-be king, one who has been given expansive powers by an activist Supreme Court? Or will we look back on Washington’s example, in the spring of American life, and recognize that our independence is built on service, sacrifice, a willingness to assume the best in one another and the belief there will be better seasons to come?


The Post’s View | About the Editorial Board

Editorials represent the views of The Post as an institution, as determined through discussion among members of the Editorial Board, based in the Opinions section and separate from the newsroom.


When you lose support of the Post, it’s the political equivalent of having the rug pulled from under you. 

Owned by Jeff Bezos, the Post has won 73 Pulitzer awards and remains one of the top four newspapers in the U.S. it was among Biden’s staunchest supporters. 

It will be interesting to see what other publications do in the coming days. 

Political winds are blowing strong and in Europe, too

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All Biden needs is to win Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan.

How will he do that?

1st, fire whoever talked him into a June debate.  At least do that much so the media will start to calm the F down.

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2 hours ago, Lucky said:

The Democratic National Committee, senior Democratic leaders and I have agreed on an orderly process to select our next nominee, which will include debates between now and our convention in August. My vice president, Kamala Harris, has graciously and courageously agreed to participate. Though Democratic primary voters cannot be included at this late date, their delegates will make the final choice.

I don't think whoever wrote this has run a national campaign, or talked with anyone who has.  This is basically saying, "Let's make extra sure Donald Trump wins.  The #1 job of Democrats is to make absolutely sure Trump wins."

There is a huge battleship at sea called the Biden/Harris campaign.  Right now, even after an awful debate (by Biden, not Harris, who shone in her own interviews) that warship is still pretty close to beating Battleship Trump.  To replace a juggernaut with a toy boat would be truly suicidal.  That's what replacing Biden or Harris with (name a human being other than Biden or Harris) would do.  Some lawyer would likely think of ways to skirt campaign finance and other laws.  But it would put any Democrat not named Biden or Harris at a huge disadvantage.  All the people who have worked on Presidential campaigns are saying this.  Even people like Jim Clyburn, who is talking about a sort of pseudo-primary, are making it clear they think Harris will win the delegates, no doubt with Biden's help.

While it would be a bridge too far for Biden, if he is going to step aside Biden should resign.  Kamala would be President, and it would be a done deal without a party fight.  By voting for Biden in the primary, Democrats actually did vote for Kamala as the #2 that would replace him if needed.  If party leaders now decide it is needed, and Biden agrees, Kamala is the one.  More important, if the problem to be solved is beating Trump, she would be better off being able to run as an incumbent.  Lots of Republicans are saying Biden should resign.  They should be careful what they wish for.



If Biden drops out, and the human cackle machine is the party standard bearer, it will be a Trump landslide.

Cackling Kamala was a DEI hire. Everything with the dems is about race and gender. Qualifications take a back seat. 
Biden/Harris  =  Dumb & Dumber

No need for the GOP to waste time discrediting Cacklehead. She does that al by herself when she opens her mouth.




For Reagan, the age issue faded in his first term as any health questions focused on his recovery from a nearly fatal assassination attempt in 1981. He seemed headed for an easy reelection. And debates seemed natural settings for the smooth-talking former Hollywood actor. But his performance in the first showdown with Mondale in the 1984 campaign brought the age issue roaring back.

The president, then 73, rambled and hesitated. He seemed to lose his train of thought at one point, and appeared tired at others. No one had seen him perform publicly in such a way, recalled Jaroslovsky, who co-authored a story headlined: “New Question in Race: Is Oldest U.S. President Now Showing His Age?”

The WSJ poll matches the CNN and NY Times polls with a Trump +6 lead. Virginia, New Mexico and Minnesota have suddenly become battleground states.
All of the momentum in the race has shifted to DJT.
Now that Dementia Joe's cognitive decline can't be hidden anymore by White House aides and the fake news media, Trump's lead will only grow.

Trump 2024

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1 hour ago, EmmetK said:

The WSJ poll matches the CNN and NY Times polls with a Trump +6 lead. Virginia, New Mexico and Minnesota have suddenly become battleground states.
All of the momentum in the race has shifted to DJT.
Now that Dementia Joe's cognitive decline can't be hidden anymore by White House aides and the fake news media, Trump's lead will only grow.

Trump 2024

I'll say this ad nauseum.  Be careful hat you wish for.

Trump lost by millions of votes in 2016.  He was President solely due to a quirk in our election system - the electoral college - that was in large part designed to support slavery.  It was a legal victory, for sure.  But hardly a mandate.  He spent his term showering wealth and tax cuts on billionaires like himself.  And seeking retribution by gutting a now popular health care law that keeps millions Americans from being sick and broke.

Trump and MAGA led Republicans to defeat in 2018.

Trump and MAGA led Republicans to defeat in 2020.

Trump and MAGA led Republicans to defeat in 2022.

Trump and MAGA led Republicans to defeat in 2023.

The one bright exception was Kevin McCarthy's smart and disciplined effort to recruit and elect non-White and non-male conservatives to the US House, which helped him achieve the slimmest of Republican majorities.  That happened despite Trump's frequently racist and sexist bile.  And his inability to keep his gross old disgusting hands off women and their pussies.  Ugh!

So go ahead and continue to be brilliant, @EmmetK.   You have a perfect track record of hating facts, and backing losers who lead you to more losses.  Just be careful what you wish for.

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52 minutes ago, Bingo T Dog said:

With trump his decline is masked by his stupidity.  

Regardless of his incompetence and ineptitude , criminal record, abhorrent behavior and plans for Democratic destruction, if you believe the polls, HE is man the majority of this country seems to want.  And thats harder to swallow than a mouthful of Semen....😬..

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21 minutes ago, Suckrates said:

Regardless of his incompetence and ineptitude , criminal record, abhorrent behavior and plans for Democratic destruction, if you believe the polls, HE is man the majority of this country seems to want.  And thats harder to swallow than a mouthful of Semen....😬..

Sorry to be a total bitch, my dearest and most darlingest Sister In Cock.  But you know me.  

Some political pundit was on TV last night saying that, for the first time, Trump is approaching 50 % in polls.  The figure the pundit used was that, previously, Trump was limited to 46 % or so of the vote.  To be precise, he "won" with 46.1 % of the votes in 2016, compared to 48.2 % for Hillary.  He lost with 46.8 % of the votes in 2020, compared to 51.3 % for Biden.

Those percentages of course depend on a shifting turnout base, that increased by close to 20 million votes between 2016 and 2020.  Regardless, so far it has been an axiom of US politics that a majority of Americans reject Trump, his lies, his narcissism, and his gross old pawing and molesting and pussy grabbing hands.

That has not changed.  In the current RCP average, which includes lots of post-debate polls, Trump is still stuck at exactly 46.7 % of the vote.  Try as they might, Team MAGA can't spin a gross old pussy grabbing asshole as anything other than a gross old pussy grabbing asshole.  Voters are smart.  They just don't like gross old pussy grabbing assholes. 

The Democrats' biggest problem now is Biden's age.  That is part of what is holding Biden down to 43.8 % of the vote.  Their second biggest problem is voters don't like inflation (problem solved) or higher prices (problem unsolvable) either.  So what we don't know is whether switching out Harris for Biden will help or hurt.  Either way, we need someone who can argue passionately that the solution to 2022 inflation is NOT 2025 tax cuts to billionaires, skyrocketing deficits that will result, and a war on women and their bodies.

Trump, as felon, is not getting any more popular.  A majority of Americans reject his old pussy grabbing hands.  Ugh!  The problem is that Biden is getting quickly and alarmingly less popular.


The Economist: Time for befuddled old man Biden to withdraw

"The Presidential debate was awful for Joe Biden, but the cover-up has been worse. It was agony to watch a befuddled old man struggling to recall words and facts. His inability to land an argument against a weak opponent was dispiriting. But the operation by his campaign to deny what tens of millions of Americans saw with their own eyes is more toxic than either, because its dishonesty provokes contempt."


Trump 2024

Dazed Biden Blank Template - Imgflip

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7 hours ago, EmmetK said:

But the operation by his campaign to deny what tens of millions of Americans saw with their own eyes is more toxic than either, because its dishonesty provokes contempt."

I agree with that. 

That older WSJ article you like to cite about Biden's alleged mental frailty mostly named Republican sources like Mike Johnson and Kevin McCarthy.  They are hardly disinterested medical professionals qualified to diagnosis dementia - in either Biden or Trump.  It's possible that some of the unnamed sources in that older WSJ article were Biden staff members.  But we will never know that for sure. 

The idea of having a June debate was either really stupid, or diabolically genius on the part of Biden's staff.  Stupid if it rested on the assumption that somehow Biden would just kick Trump's ass.  Diabolically genius if the hidden agenda was to expose Biden's weaknesses to 50 million viewers.  Either way, regardless of what is going on with Biden, it is way better to have this debate now than in October.

1 hour ago, EmmetK said:

Harris' approval rating is in the toilet with his. Both at 39%.    https://d3nkl3psvxxpe9.cloudfront.net/documents/econtoplines_1ZQDEgl.pdf

What I'd pay more attention to in the poll you cited is that 47 % of Americans view Trump very unfavorably, and 45 % view Biden very unfavorably.  44 % view Harris very unfavorably.  That is actually very good news for Kamala. 

I think it is reasonable to assume that anyone who will actually vote in 2024 knows and has an opinion about these three individuals.  The 2016 and 2020 elections were won at the margins - especially in the key swing states.  So what 47 % v. 44 % means is that all three candidates start with close to half of America probably dead set against voting for them.  But if we assume one of these three needs 50 % to win, the math is simple.  Trump can only turn off 3 % of the voters who are not already dead set against him and still get to 50 % of the vote.  Harris can turn off 6 % of the voters who are not already dead set against her, and still get to 50 % of the vote. 

That means Harris has a lot more room to maneuver among the small part of the voting population - maybe 10 % or so - who are really up for grabs and will decide who wins the election.  It's also true that if Kamala were suddenly POTUS, she'd be younger, newer and more exciting.  Trump would still be the same old lying narcissist with his criminal and old pussy grabbing hands to gross Americans out.

Of course, it's probably a given that in a race with RFK, Stein, and West no candidate will need to get 50 % of the vote to win.  Which may be why the "DEI incompetent Black woman" label stupid losing Republicans will definitely pin on Harris may help to explain why stupid losing Republicans who lost in 2018, 2020, 2022, and 2023 will lose again in 2024.  As a Democrat, it is kind of amazing to watch how a stupid loser like Trump inspires so many to act stupidly and lose so often.

In that poll you cited, Stein gets 1 % of the vote and West gets 1 %.  The fact that they only get 1 % each helps explain why Biden is only 2 % behind Trump in the poll you cite - even after his crappy debate malpractice.  The closer the election gets, the more likely that disaffected and progressive Democrats who don't like Biden will hold their nose and vote for him, anyway - just like they did in 2020.  That is partly because they learned from experience in 2016 that voting for Jill Stein in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin basically helped Trump win.

What white men in Iowa or brown lesbians in California think of Kamala Harris is irrelevant to the election outcome.  What matters a lot more is what Black men in Philadelphia, women in Madison, and Muslim Americans in Michigan think of Kamala.

So please, please, please.  If Harris is the nominee, I beg you to trash her brutally and cruelly.   I hope Trump makes it absolutely clear that he thinks this worthless Black female cackling gasbag is incompetent.  And only qualified to run for POTUS because she is Black and a woman.  Let your true colors out, so to speak.  Please.  Just do it.

Forcing Biden Out Would Have Only One Beneficiary: Trump

On the specific topic of race and gender, Charles Blow's essay makes the case for Biden by design, and the case for Harris by omission.

Blow cites my sage Allan Lichtman to argue that removing an incumbent POTUS in a way that leads to a bloodbath in Chicago would be two big nails in Democrat's coffin.

In the last day or so Lichtman has basically fact checked Lichtman's own Keys, and come up with a Plan B. If Biden resigns and Harris is POTUS, and sails to nomination as the head of the Biden/Harris ticket, the same result is achieved.  Democrats are running an incumbent, and there is no party bloodbath.  Lichtman now argues, based on his Keys, that whether it is President Biden or President Harris defending their Administration, both would be favored to win.

Blow also cites the well known suspects - sexism and racism - for explaining why Hillary lost in 2016.  And why running Kamala could be risky.  But if that's true, why is another Black woman - Michelle Obama - kicking Trump's ass by double digits in a hypothetical race?  How racist and sexist is that?  So an alternative logical explanation is what Lichtman argued in September 2016:  the governing party (Democrats) gets a thumbs down based on his Keys, and any generic Republican - even Donald Trump! - will beat whoever they nominate. He said it in September 2016 and he was right.

In the context of the current crisis, it is very important to note that two of the Keys Lichtman turned against Hillary in 2016 were the same two that matter now.  She was not the incumbent.  And the 2016 primary was a bitter and divisive fight that split the party and was not healed by November 2016 (Superpredator!)  So Lichtman is now arguing that the most important question is not whether the candidate is President Biden or President Harris.  It is how to avoid running someone who is not the incumbent President after an ugly party bloodbath.  

The good news is that Lichtman is 10 for 10 on Presidential elections.  And he says unless lots changes, either a President Biden or President Harris is favored to win.  It's now on Biden to prove quickly, if he can, why he deserves a second term.  I am fine with that.  After all, stupid losing Republicans led by Trump lost in 2018, 2020, 2022, and 2023.  If Democratic leaders are only half as stupid as losers like Trump, they ought to be able to figure this out.


5 hours ago, EmmetK said:

If Dementia Joe Biden drops out, his Vice President, DEI hire CackleHead Harris' approval rating is in the toilet with his.

Just how long have you been enjoying this passion for rummaging around in  toilet bowls, looking for news?


When, and it is when, not if, Dementia Joe drops out of the race, my choice to replace him is Hillary Clinton. She is a proven leader with a long resume of government experience. I hope the DNC takes my advice.


TRUMP 2024

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1 minute ago, Lucky said:

Damn!~ I had the date wrong!

I'm impressed that Halperin turned out to be right.  He put his ass out there on the thread I started, saying from his sources it would be as early as Sunday.  And he was right.

If any of you political whores are interested this is an instant one hour commentary podcast Halperin just did after the announcement, with lots of smart operatives including Morning Joe on board.  Smart discussion.  The audio goes out at points but it captures a lot of good initial thinking by political pros, including Halperin.


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