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Biden stumbles, Trump lies

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  On 7/2/2024 at 2:01 AM, EmmetK said:

I'm slowly metamorphosizing into @JKane



The cackling village idiot has no abilities to lead. To laugh inappropriately and create word salads are her best jobs.

Cackling Kamala  is the most inept and incompetent VP in history! After being appointed border Czar she’s visited the border twice! Everywhere she goes around the world she is ridiculed and laughed at! It was quite the surprise when Dementia Joe put her in charge of artificial intelligence when you consider how ignorant she is! Every time she speaks it’s just a bunch of word salad! Dementia Joe and Cacklehead cannot even string together one coherent paragraph!

Trump 2024

Dazed Biden Blank Template - Imgflip


Biden could of had a very successful one term president. He's done a good job with some real achievements, much like LBJ. 

Infrastructure - finally happened. Trump was an on-going joke announcing infrastructure week and nothing happened for four years.

Better job growth and lowest unemployment rates for 40 years.  Trump sucked the fumes of the Obama recovery for his first two years, and then completely bungled the pandemic.

Fighting climate change with the biggest investment in non-fossil fuels while at the same time achieving energy independence. Trump failed at both - windmills cause cancer he said. 

In many ways Biden was a more progressive president than Obama was. Am I a Biden supporter?  Not particularly. I wasn't a big fan of Obama legislatively either - where's the public option? It was only in his last two years he started to fight the complete obstructionism of the GOP to anything and everything with more executive actions.  Obama came late to the GOP strategy of being the party of not governing and only sowing chaos.

Whether we like it or not, the presidential race isn't only about competence and actual legislative achievements. It's also about charisma. Biden is lacking in that essential quality. Obama picked Biden as his VP because of Biden's history and cross the aisle relationships in the Senate, and his ability to be bi-partisan to move legislation along. Not for his charisma. 

Whether Biden drops out or not, and whether Biden is as competent as he's been over these last four years, the election is still a choice between someone who wants to govern and the GOP's candidate who is a hate mongering, incompetent man who needs to lie about anything and everything.


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  On 7/6/2024 at 7:37 PM, RockyRoadTravel said:


Whether Biden drops out or not, and whether Biden is as competent as he's been over these last four years, the election is still a choice between someone who wants to govern and the GOP's candidate who is a hate mongering, incompetent man who needs to lie about anything and everything.



And lest not forget, Trump is running to clear ALL his convictions and stay out of jail.....   If he prevails, he will be so busy clearing his own slate, and putting his critics and enemies in jail, he aint gonna have any time to do anything for the "PEOPLE"    Trump and his clowns will have upgraded the Clown Car to the Retribution Train.    Lets see if any of ya'll is gonna care about the price of eggs when King Trump starts swinging his scepter around, and you lose some more shit thats important to you and your life...Once you get Trump, theres NO going back.   And when he dies, you get Trump light, crackhead DJ Trump Jr.......   

  On 7/11/2024 at 1:30 AM, RockyRoadTravel said:

At the NATO Summit today, Biden didn't push anyone out of the way to get to the front row.  The defeated former President was constantly embarrassing with his fragile ego.


Yes Yes. Everyone avoided him because they were afraid he would call someone else "President Putin" or "Vice President Donald Trump."

Biden's every public appearance now looks like a national shame.

  On 7/12/2024 at 7:14 PM, Moses said:

Yes Yes. Everyone avoided him because they were afraid he would call someone else "President Putin" or "Vice President Donald Trump."

Biden's every public appearance now looks like a national shame.


What is it you are hoping for in November 2024?  I haven't been on this board long enough to figure out whether you are a complainer in general, or if there is an objective you have for the USA government and who you want to win.  Thanks, 

  On 7/12/2024 at 8:37 PM, RockyRoadTravel said:

What is it you are hoping for in November 2024?


To me? Nothing. I am not American. My position has been clearly stated for a long time: the United States is a victim of political polarization and the interests of political clans.

Look at this subforum - none of the participants have any real arguments in favor of their candidate and everyone is simply posting propaganda against a candidate from the opposite “camp”. One candidate, being in Cambodia, believes that he is in Colombia, shakes hands with ghosts that no one but him can see, believes that his vice president's name is Donald Trump, and the president of Ukraine is Putin. The second is an unsympathetic clown with authoritarian habits from a human point of view, and Project 2025 is a document that exists despite almost all amendments to the American Constitution.

So, in my opinion, the situation is this: no matter who wins out of these two, America will lose either way, the clan gerontocrats will win. But when I voiced this for the first time 2 years ago, when I said that nation needed a plan B, otherwise everyone would end up quoting Shakespeare with his “a plague on both your houses,” both “camps” attacked me. Therefore, it gives me pleasure now to periodically “throw guano on the fan.”

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  On 7/13/2024 at 12:03 AM, Moses said:

So, in my opinion, the situation is this: no matter who wins out of these two, America will lose either way


And Putin, your beloved Genocide Man, wins.  That's what you want.

  On 7/13/2024 at 12:03 AM, Moses said:

Therefore, it gives me pleasure now to periodically “throw guano on the fan.”


And Russian blood on the fields of Ukraine. 

Good thing Genocide Man can buy the still living bodies of Russian criminals and ethnic minorities for cheap.  The Russian Federation will still collapse in the long run, as the GDP of the US outpaces Genocide Man's war economy by tenfold or so every year.  But at least Putin can feel like he's winning.

  On 7/13/2024 at 12:03 AM, Moses said:

To me? Nothing. I am not American. My position has been clearly stated for a long time: the United States is a victim of political polarization and the interests of political clans.

Look at this subforum - none of the participants have any real arguments in favor of their candidate and everyone is simply posting propaganda against a candidate from the opposite “camp”. One candidate, being in Cambodia, believes that he is in Colombia, shakes hands with ghosts that no one but him can see, believes that his vice president's name is Donald Trump, and the president of Ukraine is Putin. The second is an unsympathetic clown with authoritarian habits from a human point of view, and Project 2025 is a document that exists despite almost all amendments to the American Constitution.

So, in my opinion, the situation is this: no matter who wins out of these two, America will lose either way, the clan gerontocrats will win. But when I voiced this for the first time 2 years ago, when I said that nation needed a plan B, otherwise everyone would end up quoting Shakespeare with his “a plague on both your houses,” both “camps” attacked me. Therefore, it gives me pleasure now to periodically “throw guano on the fan.”


That didn't answer the question of what do you want, and I'm happy to let that question drop.

I read this sub-forum and see there are people trying to work through various opinions and trying to figure out, in their own minds, how to move forward, as well as the odd Russian bot. It's a dangerous time, particularly for the queer community, with these right-wing Christians legislating from their Supreme Court bench. It's essential to have an alternate goal.  

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  On 7/13/2024 at 6:04 AM, Moses said:

Is this thread about Putin and Russia?


The thread is about how Trump lies.

It is about Trump's lies and treachery sucking the cock of Genocide Man and betraying American values.

It is about how Trump encourages Genocide Man to attack NATO and kill, while Trump the loser basks in Putin's praise.

The thread is about how Trump and Putin are both sick human beings.

  On 7/13/2024 at 7:19 AM, stevenkesslar said:

It is about Trump's lies


and "Biden stumbles", correct

exactly that I wrote:

  On 7/13/2024 at 12:03 AM, Moses said:

One candidate, being in Cambodia, believes that he is in Colombia, shakes hands with ghosts that no one but him can see, believes that his vice president's name is Donald Trump, and the president of Ukraine is Putin. The second is an unsympathetic clown with authoritarian habits from a human point of view, and Project 2025 is a document that exists despite almost all amendments to the American Constitution.


The only “Putin” relevant to this discussion, according to Biden, is the president of Ukraine. Are you again, having no facts to support the topic, trying to throw the discussion off course?


But OK. Let's talk about Russia. And Biden.

“As a result of these unprecedented sanctions, the ruble almost is immediately reduced to rubble,” President Joe Biden said in Poland in the middle of March 2022.

"Biden administration officials have repeatedly pointed to the deteriorating currency as a sign of the swift and devastating impact of Western sanctions, which included a coordinated effort to cut off Russia’s access to its war chest of foreign reserves." https://www.politico.com/news/2022/03/31/ruble-recovery-russia-biden-sanctions-00021850

Barely a month later, the ruble has staged a dramatic recovery — putting pressure on the Biden administration and its allies to deploy even tougher measures to undercut the Kremlin’s ability to finance the war. Also March 2022.

"Ruble is still strong because Russia sales oil" said them and imposed oil sanctions in the middle of autumn 2022. Smart decision. After one year of oil sanctions Bloomberg wrote in December 2023: "Moscow’s monthly income from oil exports is greater now than before the invasion of Ukraine, highlighting the failure of measures to curb its war chest" https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2023-12-06/oil-prices-how-russia-punched-an-11-billion-hole-in-west-s-sanctions-regime

And now, after more than 2 years of sanctions, 14 packs of sanctions have been imposed. GDP of Russia grew 5.6% in first half of 2024, Russian ruble was 84.75 in the February 2022 before conflict started, and today it is 87,74. 

And on the top of this cake is Putin's opinion on result of election 2024: Putin says he prefers Joe Biden over Donald Trump in the White House. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/15/world/europe/putin-biden-trump-us-election.html


  On 7/4/2024 at 3:13 PM, Bingo T Dog said:

For Reagan, the age issue faded in his first term as any health questions focused on his recovery from a nearly fatal assassination attempt in 1981. He seemed headed for an easy reelection. And debates seemed natural settings for the smooth-talking former Hollywood actor. But his performance in the first showdown with Mondale in the 1984 campaign brought the age issue roaring back.

The president, then 73, rambled and hesitated. He seemed to lose his train of thought at one point, and appeared tired at others. No one had seen him perform publicly in such a way, recalled Jaroslovsky, who co-authored a story headlined: “New Question in Race: Is Oldest U.S. President Now Showing His Age?”

Biden made Reagan, the second oldest President. Trump made Reagan, the second worst President (although Andrew Johnson was terrible too). Okay, okay in terms of worst maybe it's Andrew Johnson, then Trump, then Reagan.  

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  On 7/13/2024 at 8:36 AM, Moses said:

And on the top of this cake is Putin's opinion on result of election 2024: Putin says he prefers Joe Biden over Donald Trump in the White House



On top of this genocidal bloodbath are a few clear facts. 

Putin and Trump are narcissistic liars.   You can't believe a word they say.

In Genocide World, it doesn't matter.  If Genocide Man doesn't like you, or you disagree, he will kill you.  If he wants your country, the solution is simple.  Start a genocide.  Kill hundreds of thousands of people FROM YOUR OWN COUNTRY and build a genocidal war economy that can only function when you kill hundreds of thousands of people FROM YOUR OWN COUNTRY.  Genocide means never have to tell the truth, or say you are sorry.

Trump does not have that luxury, and won't.  Biden fucked up as badly as any candidate can in a debate.  And America had a wake up moment where we mostly agree this guy just seems too old and can't be the leader of the free world for four more years.  But neither can the narcissistic old pathological liar.  So the polls haven't changed.  And one new one Marist shows both Biden and Harris beating Trump.  Several other new polls show Harris beating Trump.


Honesty Trumps Age

Americans are overwhelmingly more concerned about a president who plays fast and loose with the facts than someone who is too old to serve. Nearly seven in ten Americans (68%) think it is more concerning if a president does not tell the truth. Nearly one in three (32%) think it is more concerning if someone is too old to serve. Democrats (85%), independents (66%), and a slim majority of Republicans (51%) agree that dishonesty is of greater concern over advanced age.


What will Genocide Man actually do in November 2024 when his loyal cock sucking gross old lying narcissist loses, and fucks up his plan to get away with genocide?  One wonders how many more hundreds of thousands (millions?) of men FROM YOUR OWN COUNTRY Genocide Man will have to send off to be processed into fertilizer.  Poor Vlad.  This is why so many experts say in 10 years the Russian Federation will be toast.  No one really likes genocide.  Even if they have to pretend they do, since they have no choice.  And since Genocide Man will kill you if you dissent.

  On 7/13/2024 at 8:36 AM, Moses said:

GDP of Russia grew 5.6% in first half of 2024


By turning hundreds of thousands of Russians into fertilizer, and building a war economy that gets some cronies of Genocide Man rich by promising to continuously turn criminals and Russian ethnic minorities into fertilizer.  And you think the US is fucked up?  This is why the best and brightest are fleeing to (name a place on the planet that is not the hellhole of Russia) and your genocide loving leadership is laying the groundwork for the breakup of the Russian Federation.  Not the renewal of empire.  

Do the math.  The US economy is ten times bigger than Russia.  So If the US grows 3 % a year, Russia would have to grow 30 % a year to generate as much wealth.  Sure, Genocide Man can distort the economy by building a clunky war machine that depends on mass murder of both Russians and Ukrainians.  I just wouldn't count on that as a viable long term plan.  

Poor Genocide Man.  What a sorry fucking evil loser.  Trump and him deserve each other.


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  On 7/13/2024 at 8:47 PM, Moses said:

So many words... But Putin prefers Biden... surprise :)


So, remember: if you are voting for Biden - you are voting for Putin.


STOP your nonsense and ridiculous Russian propaganda.   You know damn well Putin and Biden despise each other, and theres no way in hell that having Biden in power is good for Russia....  So STOP pushing the Kremlin LIE !     You are embarrassing yourself, although Putin might give you a pat on the head for obedience.     Such an oppressive life living in Russia under killer Putin.     But I have no sympathy for you as you continue, as an educated adult to support a treacherous madness without question. 

  On 7/13/2024 at 8:47 PM, Moses said:

So many words... But Putin prefers Biden... surprise :)


So, remember: if you are voting for Biden - you are voting for Putin.


Putin wants Trump. There is no doubt about it.  The war in Ukraine was raging all through the Trump presidency, with Russian interference in Eastern Ukraine. Trump actively got in the way of the USA assisting Ukraine in defending itself.  Trump's active obstruction of assistance led to the eventual full scale invasion in February, 2022 during Biden's presidency.  Biden's government has actively supported Ukrainian defense, over the obstruction of Republicans in Congress.

Putin can "say" he wants Biden, oh wait Putin lies as much as Trump does.  

Putin wants his lap dog Trump in the White House. 

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