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Guest luvthai

Hair Removal

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Guest luvthai

Just read an article dealing with a new process called Sugaring. It is supposedly painless and has very good long term results. There is an office in Manila and the price seems really good.

Has anyone tried this process?

Guest lvdkeyes

According to Wikipedia Sugaring has been in use since 1900 BC.


I have not tried it.


I would like to know what the theory is that suggests it should give longer term results than using an electric epilator or waxing.

You have mechanically removed the hair, so it's equally likely to grow back again. Of course there is more profit in some treatment repeatedly applied at a salon than a 1 off sale of an electric appliance.


Presumably the pain level is the same, unless the sugar is very soothing to the skin.




Yeh I've tried it in London....same pain level as waxing. I myself found no real benfefit over waxing.

Guest tdperhs

I might try it. Tried clipping, tried waxing. The only thing that seems to work is balding, and that works only where I don't want it to work.

The only time I ever got waxed was on the first day of my first trip to Bangkok at Cutey and Beauty. Those boys were cute and they were beautiful until about the third pull of the wax strip. Then they got uglier with each progressive pull, proving, I suppose, that ugly can be skin deep, too.


I am rather hirsute. Back home before the first day of hunting season I would receive a flier from the department of fish and game reminding me not to leave the house without a shirt on.

Guest fountainhall

Funny! I thought most posters would be more interested in how to grow hair back than in getting rid of it!

Guest luvthai

For more info you can go to the sticky rice site and click on the country philippines and at the bottom of the pages is the Sugaring info.


Wouldn't you just stump up for some waxing sessions, then buy an electric epilator for ongoing maintenance?

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