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GOP- Nice Boys

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I hear Gop of Nice Boys has succumbed to an infection (TB?) in a hospital in Suphanburi Friday. The cremation is to be Wednesday.

He was the boyfriend of Kong, a waiter there. He cared and lived with him until his passing from TB in 2019 (during CoVid).

From the pictures of GOP, it just looked like bad acne and I didn't think it was serious.

(And now his friend dumps gambling advertisments above the Facebook announcement- how rude!)



What is going on?

This succumbing to TB thing is occurring way more than it should be.

Wasn't TB supposed to have been eradicated back in the 1930s or 1940s ?


Do any of you in the know understand why this is occurring several times each year to our guys ??

Please illuminate us - as I find it very disturbing and when I ask my Thai friends about why this is happening frequently, they just shrug their shoulders.....



Very sad. Golf was very nice guy. He was a great pool player. I spent time with him in the bar whenever he was there. 
The other boys told me he was positive. I was surprised they told me as usually they don’t get involved with informing falangs about personal Thai matters.


TB is often the first indication of Hiv+.  I don't know whether this is the case now but I recall  reading about strains of TB that are resistant to the usual medications across the world. I remember a  Thai guy some years back who made zero progress while under the common (perhaps cheap?) medication at his hospital but was able to find the money to buy a more effective one which worked quickly.





Hello, this is Golf. I apologize for everything I lied to you about. I went to work abroad. I was deceived into working abroad. I let my friend talk and asked for money from you to give to me to pay for the expenses. Going abroad is required.It costs a lot. The person who took me to work said that the money was good but they didn't give me anything first. I sincerely apologize. Can you come back and talk like before? I beg you, I won't lie to you again.

Great. Now bring back KONG.


Honestly?! What dicks, presumably they were in it together. I know there is a level of desperation etc, but they had clearly established a positive reputation which must have been with more than just the posters here and they have just trashed that without consideration for the upset that it has caused those who were fond of them(and might have helped them if they had just been honest).


This is shocking to me. But I’m glad he’s alive. I found it hard to believe he would go downhill so quickly. Now it makes more sense that he was lying.

I wonder if his boss at Nice boys would have told me the truth of his situation.


I’m still a bit confused.

T0ol1, did Gop only post on his Facebook page? It says content not available.

Or did he message you personally?  Who lent him money to go abroad?

Will he be working at Nice Boys again? So many questions but are there any answers?

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