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Guest blkinkorea31

Input on Indonesia (Bali)

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Guest blkinkorea31

Hey guys,


Has anyone traveled to Bali in the most recent past, and if so could you share your experiences.


things to see?


how are the locals?


have you met guys in bali off gayromeo? were they cool people or money boys?


best places to stay?


to tour or not to tour?


thanks for any input you can provide.


Have been there quite a few times-but last time was now some time ago. Booked for late may the next trip. You ask a lot of questions- and I think (too lazy to check now) that either on this forum or the other well known Thaui-gay, like tingtong or sawatdee there have been numerous reports-the scene does not appear to change as fast or that much as here in LOS.

First; Indonesia is lovely (IMHO), much more as Thailand brown, friendly, rice-eating people-nation, I call it a warm human bath. Sadly Bali is about the most touristy-commercialised part of it, and then the Kuta/Legian beach area the very most. But alas-thats where the ''action'' is.

For what to see-juyst flip oppen any guidebook.

Locals-Bali is quite mixed-it seems the original Balinese are the guys constantly pestering you for trrransporrrt, misterrrr, make you good prrrrrrice, misterrrrr, cool drrrrink, etc. But Bali is also the ultimate holiday-destination for any Indonesian who can afford it. And its like a smaller Pattaya-in that it has the same fame for partly closeted Indo gay guys.

If you ask others-who dont know you and nothing of your level of budget-about tours and places to stay-tell at least the minimum you expect. I for me try to go by myself as much as possible, forfeiting tours. But then I speak a fair lot of bahasa. It is-BTW-very easy and quite cheap to hire car for the day-driver included-to do your own privatised tour. Your newly found temp. friend will be quite happy to tag along.

In those bars listed-try utopia-asia etc-youll find willing boys who expect some renumeration. The general advice they always gave me-this is utter tawar=bargain country-to make a deal beforehand. Prices will be much lower as what they are said to be here in LOS-less as half is still a good prrrrrice. Most is done in US or AU$-the rupiah is very cumbersome to count (1US$ about 10.000).

The other action place is after sunset at the beach-Kuta end. No need to be told where-they''ll find you. I never used gayromeo and the like-just do a dummy search to see how many are on, pretty obvious to me. There are probably more Indo sites in their language.

But the real hidden gems of Indo are not on Bali-oh, those kasar East Jawa (Java timur) boys- and the Bataks, and that Dayak student in Malang (son of headhunter), etc.....

Selamat jalan, yah! dan kembali lagi.


and now that I have a few more secs of time onhand-most/nearly all of your Qs are answered-as I pretold above-even on this very forum/part-just scroll down a very few lines. GAY BALI is the super-obvious name-I wont make a link for that.

  On 2/9/2010 at 2:08 AM, pong said:

GAY BALI is the super-obvious name-I wont make a link for that.

Why not? There are many web sites that refer to Gay Bali. If you have a particular favorite, what's wrong with letting us know what it is?


Pong means the thread in this Asia Forum where atri1666 gives plenty of advice. Okay, OP is a newbie, but didn't take the trouble to check the listings. Things don't change very quickly in Bali so even if there wasn't a recent thread all that's needed is to use the search function. Takes a few seconds to type in 'Bali' and see what comes up.

Guest blkinkorea31


I have done research re: this site and others on the web, however I posted here in hopes to gain individual feedback and insight from people who have recently traveled to Bali and who cared to share.





Guest xiandarkthorne

I agree. I have been thinking about going to Bali, too, and the info I found on the web wasn't particularly relevant to what I wanted to know, e.g. daily expenses, etc. Most of it was promotional stuff for various travel agencies or hotels. Luckily for me, some very kind gentlemen at GB's forum provided me with the information I sought.

Guest greg_is_normal

Spartacvs is a good place to stay (Google it). It is clothing optional and obviously men only. 12 rooms and 24 staff (only ~5 are gay). Very friendly (all staff are great) and in a good position near the gay beach, Calego. You can bring anyone back but the security will check ID's so behave. All the normal - pool, bar, restaurant.


Nightife - Mixwells, Bali Joe and Face Bar are literally three bars next to each other. They are all a short cab ride from Spartacvs. There is a mixture of tourists (many mixed straights dancing away), gay guys, couples, money boys and guys just looking for friends. The latter say that they are not money boys BUT if they go to your room they may ask for some "petrol money" - hey everyone has to make a living OK?


Massage - a new massage place called Banana Spa has opened and is all male. Not many Spa's in Bali offer ++ but Banana gives you a nice feeling - if you know what I mean. Just rib the guys leg or ass as he massages you and he will get the message....no need for words! M Spa (at Pauls Place) I found a bit expensive and they guys can be a bit pushy - but what the hell; if you are after a 'sexy' massage they will oblige. Bonita, Antique and Aromas, whist all good, i have found to be professional massage only. All depends on what you are looking for.

Guest xiandarkthorne

Thanks for the info, Greg. Unfortunately, work commitments have forced me to cancel all my vacation time until next year (again!) but I'll certainly want to check all this out at the first opportunity.

Guest spadventure

Hi guys

I just wanna share you my experience with http://gay.buddhagardenvilla.com/taman_laut_spa_bali.html

Having not being touched (tantrically) for quite sometimes, I was excited to see the explanation on the website of the program.

I booked my time (through a rather ignorant operator lady) and spent a good amount of money taking cab to the remote villa.

Well, all I can say is that it is a complete scam as the fancy website is just an excuse of charging you three times the normal rate of a massage followed by a mediocre handjob.

I was really disappointed and will advise everyone to avoid wasting their time and money visiting the premise.

If you ever go to Kuala Lumpur, visit the Senjakala spa for a total bliss spa experience.

Have fun in Bali!

Guest snapshot

Thanks for the heads up.


  On 12/29/2011 at 3:29 PM, spadventure said:
Kuala Lumpur, visit the Senjakala spa

Yes...Been there a couple of times and I agree Senjakala in Kuala Lumpur is good.

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