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Cam Frog Directions for those in wanting Gay action in Thailand

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I found these two posts interesting and wanted to be sure all saw them and could find them easily. Gaybutton has asked for some instructions on CamFrog and here is what was advised.


From Fountinhall:

I assume you have registered with camfrog and have a sign-in name. So, when you click on the camfrog icon, it should open up a small window with a 'click to start' box. This will then open another window which has a list down the left side and one across the top. Forget the left side ones and instead click on the third box on the top (think it's the third one!). This then opens up a new list of dozens of rooms in Thailand, and you will see that some have as many as 500 members on line, others as few as 10 or 12.


Click on any room to enter it. Yet another window opens up. Some windows will give you immediate access to the room and those in it. Others will require you to click on 'Yes' - presumably meaning you agree to abide by the room regulations (all of which are in Thai). Once in the room, this room window has the main general chat section, two smaller windows at the top - one for your camera image and one for the person you want to chat with. Down the right side is the list of names of those presently in the room. This list has two groups, the first of which are guys who are happy for you to see their camera images, the second called "Lurkers" who are invisible to you. Place your cursor on any name (don't click) and within a second or two it will tell you if the person is a paid-up member (which means he can open up lots of images at the same time) or a non-paying member (which means he can only open one person's window at a time). It also tells you the guy's stated age. But don't be put off by an "88 year old" - it's almost certainly an 18 year old having his idea of fun!


To see someone's camera image, click on the name. In most cases, this will give you his image alongside yours. If you like someone and want to chat, drag your curser along the top of the guy's photo and four little icons open up in sequence. Click on the one which looks like a bubble with some words in it. That will open up a separate dialogue chat box - probably on the right of your screen - and you can then chat individually to that guy.


When you are chatting with someone, another guy in the room may also wish to chat with you. In that case, his 'name' will appear at the top of this dialogue box - a bit like the tab at the top of a file. You can then click back and forward on those tabs to chat with more than one guy if you wish. And if you are fed up chatting to a guy, you can close his dialogue box by clicking on the little 'cross' on the right side of his tab.


If you have not opened up any chats, you may sometimes hear a sound and a little box with a name will appear elsewhere on the screen for about 5 seconds. This is someone wanting to chat with you. Click on that and the dialogue screen opens up to enable you to chat. Usually I don't agree to the chat until I see the guy's photo. So I make a note of the name, let the little box disappear and then check on the guy's name and photo. If I like his photo, then I'll move the cursor along the top of the photo to open up the dialogue box.


I hope all this is making some sort of sense. The only other thing to note is that you can tell when someone is looking at you because a pair of funny spectacles will appear alongside his icon in the list of names of guys in the room. If you note someone is spending a lot of time looking at you, it generally means he is kind of interested, but may be shy starting a chat. You can then click on his photo to see if he is your type, and then start a chat if you so desire.


You can also request to have a private chat, meaning others cannot see the two of you - and then you can get up to anything you wish. To achieve this, you have first to be chatting with someone and then click one of the icons at the top of the dialogue box - but I am sorry I cannot recall which one. Trial and error will solve that problem, though.


Hope this works. If not, let me know and I'll see if I can find a friend here in Chiang Mai with camfrog on his computer.


The only other point is that I find interest from camfrog members is much less direct than those on gayromeo. It also comes in 'spurts' :D with a lot of guys wanting to chat one evening and then no-one being interested for days thereafter. But from my experience, there are lots of young guys around the country extremely interested in getting to know older farangs! And there are quite a few randy guys anxious for you to see their wares!


From MrBill:

I would like someone to explain, step-by-step and very clearly, how to use CamFrog. I can't figure out how to chat with anyone. Nothing I try works. I can send messages to the main screen, but how do you start a chat with a specific user?


"Explain it to me, like I'm a four-year old." -Denzel Washington, 'Philadelphia'


Like a 4-year-old eh? OK, I'll give it a try. Today's lesson is brought to you by the letters C A M F R O and G and the numbers ... well, you get the picture.


A couple things about camfrog to know... you increase your chances of chatting and connecting if you have a webcam. In some looms if you are a "Lurker" (without a cam) you will be "kick out", and if you try it multiple times, you can be permanently barred from participating in that room. Trust me on this one, if you have a cam just sit tight, boys will be coming to you!


Next... you can pay a one-time fee for camfrog pro that allows you to open multiple winows (100 cams the Thais call it) within a room and carry on multiple conversations at the same tme. Otherwise, with free camfrog, you can chat with one person at a time in any given room. Some Thai moderators don't like falang with "100 cams" others will users might ask you for your code if you are a pro user, "I give you good show if you give me code."


I'll assume, like most 4-year-olds you can figure out how to sign on/in :) So, if we start with the chat room list, at the top you'll see a drop down menu, left click on it and find "Thailand" further down you will see 4 tabs in green, select "18+". There you will find a list of adult looms, most of the ones you will want to visit have Gay in the title and all are written in English, so it's pretty easy for us Falangs.


Alternately, you can select "join chat" to go to a specific room if you know where you want to go. One I would recommend is "Gay_Chonburi_Club_Za"


When you enter a room some will ask you to agree to the terms of the room which are all written in Thai, I automatically click "yes" and hope to hell I haven't signed my life away. On the far right side you will see 3 gategories: "Visble Users" lists the parson(s) whose cams you have opened, if you have done so, "Hidden users" lists people with a cam in the room with whom you can chat, and "Lurkers" people just hanging out without their own cam. "Sorry my cam broke today."


Scrolling your mouse over any of the names will give you basic info: User Name, Sex, Cam/No Cam, Status, age and Pro/No Pro user. To open someone's cam, just left click your mouse on their name.


If you want to chat with someone, right click on their name with you mouse, a pop-up menu will give you several options: View Webcam, Add to (your)Contact List, IM User, View Profile etc. Left Click you mouse on "IM User" and a chat window will open. The rest is just like any chat program - Windows Live, Gay Romeo etc.


Users have the ability to block other users from contacting them. If you are blocked 3 times within a certain time period, you can be kicked off the board temporarily.


And that boys and girls is how you use camfrog and live happily ever after.


Seriously though, I use it a lot. I find more and more boys with their own computers and Internet who are students or employed in some way. Many of the bar boys use Internet cafes like on GR. Some give you a little look see, others will do a complete no holds barred show. Some will ry the same bull they do in person, "Water Buffalo just die, mama in hospital..." Some ask for money for rent or food, but mostly it's a good time, I think.


Hope this helps!


Yesterday afternoon I tried Camfrog. I wasn't on there more than 5 minutes when a young gentleman, who just happened to be very much my type, chimed in. His English was good and it turned out he is a massage boy at one of the local gay massage places. It also turns out that he lives only a few minutes from my place.


I'll be meeting him early this afternoon.


Thank you again, guys, for making it clear how to use Camfrog.


Anyone else want to ask me why I love living here so much . . . ?

Guest fountainhall

Yesterday afternoon I tried Camfrog. I wasn't on there more than 5 minutes when a young gentleman, who just happened to be very much my type, chimed in. His English was good and it turned out he is a massage boy at one of the local gay massage places

I've met a few great guys on camfrog whose very limited English would deter them from going on to, for example, gayromeo. However, it is important to realise that GB's experience in quickly finding one with good English is probably the exception and not the rule.


Often, you have to persevere on-line with a guy you like and then put up with a few very halting conversations by phone. When it comes to an assignation, two I met last week-end brought along friends who were much better English speakers. The 'interpreters' eventually disappeared - although one was as cute as the guy I was meeting and I thought a little threesome might be in the offing :p (it wasn't!).


Anyone know if there are more English speakers in the afternoon than in the evening?


it is important to realise that GB's experience in quickly finding one with good English is probably the exception and not the rule.

Maybe I've just been lucky, but for me so far it has been the rule rather than the exception. I'm getting to really like Camfrog! I can't believe what's been going on. The other day I did meet the boy I referred to in my post above. He was wonderful. I'll definitely be seeing him again.


Then I tried it again today. Lo and behold, once again I wasn't on there for more than five minutes when another boy, extremely attractive to me, chimed in. He wanted to meet me too. His English was very good and so, by the way, was his spelling, grammar, and punctuation. I know a few posters around here who could benefit from that lesson.


Then, in the middle of making arrangements to meet he asked me if I would like two boys, for a three-some. That sounded good to me, and the second boy was just as attractive to me as the first. The first boy has his own motorbike. We met halfway between their place and mine and he followed me back to my place, with the second boy riding as a passenger. Both of these boys were awesome! It was one of the best experiences I've ever had! They couldn't have been any nicer. They even had great personalities and were a lot of fun to be with.


Between Gay Romeo, Camfrog, the beach, the bar scene, and just chance encounters, I think I'll stay put in Pattaya. I have so many boys constantly trying to come over to my place that I can't keep track of them all. I can remember the days back in the good ol' USA when I would have murdered my mother to have this kind of a problem. The rest of you are welcome to the freezing temperatures and shoveling snow.


I'll let you guess for yourselves whether I'll be taking a look at Camfrog again tomorrow . . .

Guest fountainhall

Maybe I've just been lucky, but for me so far it has been the rule rather than the exception. I'm getting to really like Camfrog!

I'm wondering if you have been restricting yourself mostly to the Chonburi Room (if there is a Pattaya room, i have yet to find it!). When I have popped in there, I have found the overall standard of english to be higher than in many of the other rooms - especially the much larger ones. But, like you, I find camfrog an exciting new addition to the on-line scene.


I'm wondering if you have been restricting yourself mostly to the Chonburi Room

The room I have been using is called Gay_Chonburi_Club_Za.


By the way, I've spent a year trying to figure out what "Za" is supposed to mean and where it comes from. Does anyone know?

Guest fountainhall

By the way, I've spent a year trying to figure out what "Za" is supposed to mean and where it comes from. Does anyone know?

Whilst we are at it, what does "Zeed" mean? I have noticed many rooms have this word attached to them.


I've met a few great guys on camfrog whose very limited English would deter them from going on to, for example, gayromeo. However, it is important to realise that GB's experience in quickly finding one with good English is probably the exception and not the rule.


I would respectfully disagree with English speakers being the exception rather than the rule. Sometimes it does matter what room you enter, but I have chatted with many college students and hotel/service workers who chat there to improve their English skills (among other things).


I haven't been able to get back to Thailand in over a year due to some family concerns, but I have never had a hard time finding more than a few guys in each room to (easily) converse with. There's 12 hours difference between US Eastern and Thai time. I'm mostly on in the (my) mornings before work - 7 Am-12 Noon USA East time.


I've never been good with pickup lines, but if I see someone I would like to chat with I usually IM with, "Sawasdee krab, how r u?" If they reply totally in Thai I know I am in trouble. If it takes 3-4 minutes for a reply and there are strange words in the reply, assume they are using some translation software, on the other hand, I find more than a few who reply in good basic English. I've even had more than a few IM me first asking if I would speak English with them. English speaking Thai boys may not be the rule on Camfrog, but neither are they the exception in my experience. I do find that if I use little Thai language, the boys seem to open up more and become friendlier. I use it as a small show of respect for them and their country, and that I'm not just a ugly falang user. :blush:

Guest shebavon

I had tried it yesterday for the first time, and couldn't get past a mix of men and women, mostly trying to meet each other.



Thank you all for the Camfrog basics. I have found the world of Gay Chonburi cam users.


Applying your lessons, I can now see why Camfrog is so popular amongst you guys. :)

Guest fountainhall

I would respectfully disagree with English speakers being the exception rather than the rule . . . I have chatted with many college students and hotel/service workers who chat there to improve their English skills . . . English speaking Thai boys may not be the rule on Camfrog, but neither are they the exception in my experience. I do find that if I use little Thai language, the boys seem to open up more and become friendlier

I have recently found one or two of the room moderators/owners have quite good english and like to chat with me in the room board. Oddly, though, I have not yet come across anyone saying they want to practice their English. No doubt that will come sooner rather than later. Still, it has certainly not prevented me hooking up with a number of really nice guys

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