Kostik Posted March 23, 2024 Posted March 23, 2024 The United States sponsored terror in Russia. The United States is sponsoring the genocide of the Palestinian people The USA is a country that should not be on the map! The United States is the world's top terrorist The United States is the world's top terrorist The United States is the world's top terrorist The United States is the world's top terrorist forky123 1 Quote
Kostik Posted March 23, 2024 Author Posted March 23, 2024 I'm waiting for another nonsense from stevenkesslar! He is the one who justifies terror, genocide, and false propaganda. And all this is the USA. The USA is a world of genocide, the USA is a world of terrorism forky123 1 Quote
Kostik Posted March 23, 2024 Author Posted March 23, 2024 I see another joy for fans of American propaganda! You are always happy about the deaths, terror, and genocide that the United States is doing all over the world video_2024-03-23_13-51-12.mp4 forky123 1 Quote
Kostik Posted March 23, 2024 Author Posted March 23, 2024 And I hope that even in this forum, where moral freaks like stevenkesslar or Markin Calif. I believe in people's sanity and sympathy for the tragedy document_5474445575535478982.mp4 Marc in Calif and forky123 2 Quote
KeepItReal Posted March 23, 2024 Posted March 23, 2024 Is there an echo in here?? stevenkesslar 1 Quote
Kostik Posted March 23, 2024 Author Posted March 23, 2024 On 3/23/2024 at 3:52 PM, KeepItReal said: Is there an echo in here?? Expand There is a truth here. This is what all US propagandists are afraid of. forky123 and Marc in Calif 1 1 Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted March 23, 2024 Members Posted March 23, 2024 On 3/23/2024 at 3:26 PM, Kostik said: I believe in people's sanity and sympathy for the tragedy Expand So now Genocide Fan # 2 is playing the victim card? The Oscars are over. And you're not really good at playing the victim. You support genocide. Quote “If it is established that these are terrorists of the Kyiv regime, all of them must be found and ruthlessly destroyed as terrorists,” Medvedev wrote. “Official representatives of the state” wouldn’t be immune, he added. Expand Quote Kyiv fired back against Moscow and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Ukraine’s HUR military intelligence agency accused “Putin’s special services” of mounting Friday’s shooting of concert-goers by gunmen dressed in camouflaged uniforms, saying it was a “deliberate provocation” intended to justify “even tougher attacks on Ukraine.” Expand Quote “The public execution of people in Moscow should be understood as Putin’s threat of an even greater escalation and expansion of the war,” HUR warned. “Putin has extensive experience in organizing such terrorist attacks to strengthen his own power,” the agency added. Expand Genocide Man is about genocide. Genocide Man is about death. Genocide Man is about lies. It is who Genocide Man is. It is what Genocide Man does. Now Genocide Man and his surrogates want more genocide, death, and lies. Marc in Calif 1 Quote
Goober Posted March 23, 2024 Posted March 23, 2024 On 3/23/2024 at 2:32 PM, Kostik said: I'm waiting for another nonsense from stevenkesslar! He is the one who justifies terror, genocide, and false propaganda. And all this is the USA. The USA is a world of genocide, the USA is a world of terrorism Expand So, Steven Kesslar pushes your buttons? That's hilarious. forky123, Marc in Calif and stevenkesslar 1 1 1 Quote
vinapu Posted March 24, 2024 Posted March 24, 2024 On 3/23/2024 at 6:35 PM, Goober said: So, Steven Kesslar pushes your buttons? That's hilarious. Expand unbuttoning would be more pleasant exercise Marc in Calif and stevenkesslar 1 1 Quote
Kostik Posted March 25, 2024 Author Posted March 25, 2024 It is obvious to all sane people that the United States is involved in this terrorist attack, it is the United States that sponsors terrorists in Ukraine. They are the ones who are planning and preparing all terrorist attacks in the world! For this, the United States is despised and hated all over the world Marc in Calif and forky123 1 1 Quote
Kostik Posted March 25, 2024 Author Posted March 25, 2024 Even if you believe the nonsense that the United States is spreading that ISIS is responsible for the terrorist attack, then you should remember that it was the United States that created Al-Qaeda and ISIS. These are US projects for launching terrorist attacks around the world. Hillary Clinton _ We created Al-Qaeda.mp4 forky123 1 Quote
Kostik Posted March 25, 2024 Author Posted March 25, 2024 Yesterday was the 25th anniversary of the start of the illegal bombing of Belgrade. In general, the United States has committed a huge number of war crimes. Almost every day you can remember the victims of the terrorist regime ruling in the United States. IMG_7363.MP4Fetching info... sputniklive.mp4 Marc in Calif and forky123 1 1 Quote
Members Pete1111 Posted March 25, 2024 Members Posted March 25, 2024 Putin is just a wannabe top-terrorist when he sends missiles into apartment buildings. stevenkesslar and Marc in Calif 2 Quote
reader Posted March 25, 2024 Posted March 25, 2024 On 3/25/2024 at 4:59 AM, Kostik said: It is obvious to all sane people ... Expand Thank you for self-eliminating. Marc in Calif, stevenkesslar and KeepItReal 1 2 Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted March 25, 2024 Members Posted March 25, 2024 Poor little Genocide Fan #2 is fucked., fucked, fucked. He whines and whines and whines like a bitch. Forget Belgrade. I'm wondering how long until Ukraine starts bombing Belograd, the Russian city that is an important part of Putin's Genocide Machine supply chain. Belograd also plays a key role in Genocide Man's Glorious Project To Turns Millions Of Russian Men Into Fertilizer. Genocide Fan #1 claimed that Ukraine is different than US and USSR losses in Afghanistan, or VietNam, or Iraq, because it is flat and right next door. True! That makes it even easier for Ukraine to retaliate in ways that none of those other countries could. Russia Faces 'Serious' Threat as Ukraine Attacks Refineries Quote Bloomberg said refineries that stopped operations last week because of the strikes were responsible for 12 percent of Russia's national oil refining capacity. Expand Ukraine can and will fuck with and weaken Russia for as long as they are occupied. (See Afghanistan, occupation for details.) And they speak Russian. And, if we are talking about occupied Ukraine, they have the sympathy of most of the people who live there, who witnessed the mass murder and rape and killing of women of children. And have said time and time again in polls, before they were occupied, that they do not want to live in Genocide World. So the possibilities for grinding Genocide Man down and turning Russians into fertilizer and blowing up Russian critical infrastructure are endless. The horror and death is only starting for Genocide World. And, to be clear, that's not meant with cruelty. That is meant with empathy. Including empathy for the innocent Russian women and children who will die in these attacks. As an American, I know what the Iraq genocide did to America. The number of soldiers the US and our allies lost was small compared to massive Russian losses already. ISIS could not cross the border or fire up a missile or drone and take out US oil refineries in Texas. Genocide Man has set Russia up for decades of being ostracized and shunned and targeted for slow bleeding by many of the most powerful economies in the world. Worse, Genocide Man has set up his own people for death, death, and death. And he just proved, again, that he can't stop it. He can't stop terrorists. He can't win a war against Ukraine. All he can do is whine like the evil murderous bitch that he is and ramp up the genocide some more. And Genocide Fan # 2 now wants to whine like a sad little bitch about the horrors unleashed on Russia because of the mass murder of men, women, and children started by the sadistic butcher he praises? Give me a handkerchief, please! Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted March 25, 2024 Members Posted March 25, 2024 Sorry to interrupt Genocide Fan's screeds with a very thoughtful debate. But this one is worth an hour of your time. It made me think a lot. Look out below! I'm a big fan of John Mearsheimer, who anti-Putin writer Anne Applebaum has described as "Putin's useful idiot". Unlike Tucker Carlson, Mearsheimer makes an incredibly cogent case about how the US is fucking up horribly both in Ukraine and Gaza. I agree with most of his points about how we got where we are. Through stupidity, and not taking Putin seriously. I've watched at least 20 hours of his lectures or interviews in the last few years. And it is almost always him talking, or him being interviewed by people who mostly share his views. So I thought this would be a good one. Because it was obvious that Piers and John were going to strongly disagree. So before I get to the substance of Ukraine, a paragraph on the two things that surprised me the most. Piers came across as surprisingly critical of Israel. He said the slaughter of Palestinian women and children seems endless. It's a "mess", to quote him. And there is nothing more than a vague plan for what happens when the slaughter ends. Other than more occupation, which created the problem. If Piers Morgan is saying these things, it confirms Mearsheimer's point that Israel is badly losing the global battle for hearts and minds. Including in America. The last ten minutes or so is mutual congratulations for having had a surprisingly thoughtful and respectful debate. It would be good if there were more debates like this. On Ukraine, Mearsheimer is extremely effective in any forum he speaks in by calmly repeating factual and logical points. He often starts with Bucharest 2008. If we stipulate that humans have things called ears, all you have to do is listen to Putin spend about 15 years saying that expanding NATO to Ukraine or Georgia was unacceptable. Merkel opposed it because, presciently, she said Putin would see Ukraine joining NATO as "an act of war". How can anyone be surprised? Mearsheimer argues NATO simply thought it could shove this down Putin's throat. He rejects Morgan's claim that Putin is an imperialist, arguing Putin has never said he wants to take over Poland or win back East Germany. Which of course no longer exists. He argues, correctly I think, that Putin doesn't even want to take over all of Ukraine. Maybe close to half, which speaks Russian. Because Genocide Man realizes what long term occupation of a nation of people who hate you involves. Lest Putin forgot, that's why Islamic terrorists just slaughtered a lot of people in Moscow. All this is factual and logical, I think. This is a war that is a tragedy, and could have been avoided. All that said, it's a bit like saying if I were not Gay, my life would be different. But I am Gay. If Putin were not Genocide Man, this all might be different. Ukraine might be Kissinger's neutral bridge of peace between East and West. The best technical minds in the world might be in Russia, a flourishing democracy, where they are leading the global build out of electric cars or AI. Instead of fleeing to anywhere else in the world, to get away from a genocide economy that will eventually turn them into fertilizer. So we are where we are. And this is where I just disagree with Mearsheimer. His argument is that Putin will win, and eventually make Ukraine a landlocked failed state, Because Putin has far more people and far more guns. It's a great point. Mearsheimer, in addition to being an eminent historian, served in the military for a decade during VietNam and graduated from West Point. He knows way more about winning wars than I do. That said, it doesn't change the obvious fact that the US lost in VietNam, anyway. Despite being a far bigger and richer country, with more guns and more nuclear bombs. And the same failures happened everywhere else it tried to occupy. As they did with the USSR and Russia, mostly. It's all goes back to the Powell Doctrine. What works best are limited military objectives where you can get in and get out and sustain what you do win. Bush 41 proved it worked in Iraq. Putin proved it worked in Syria. Mearsheimer often cites Genocide Man's Dec. 2021 letter to NATO as proof that Putin wanted negotiations over NATO, not war. Many would disagree with his assessment. But even if we stipulate Putin wanted peace, what you have to conclude is Genocide Man is just plain stupid. Mearsheimer argues that Putin actually trusted the West too much, because he thought the West would want to avoid war. Maybe. Either way, if you just go by that document it spells out how badly Genocide Man is losing. Putin wanted agreements to not expand NATO. What did he get? Sweden and Finland joined NATO. All of Europe is preparing to destroy Russia economically and even militarily, if necessary. Most important, Genocide Man did not want Ukraine to join NATO. And 15 years ago Ukraine did not want to join NATO. Now 90 % of Ukrainians want to join NATO. Why? To stop Genocide Man's genocide, mass murder, rape, and torture. How did Genocide Man get what he wanted? Ukrainians will not suddenly decide they trust Genocide Man. In 200 years Ukrainians will still think of this as Putin's genocide. If Trump wins and defunds Ukraine, it will be a disaster for Ukraine and for the United States. But it won't end the war, which Europe and NATO will continue to fund. Even if there is a cold peace, as Mearsheimer argues, it sets the stage for Ukrainians to slaughter Russians and sabotage Russia as much as they can. So the best case scenario for Genocide Man seems to be a permanent occupation, where the occupied have 1000 times more options to wreak havoc on the occupying power than Afghans did resisting either the USSR or the US. I'm not Mearsheimer. And I agree with him that this war is a humanitarian tragedy that could have been prevented. And that can be blamed in part on the stupidity and arrogance of the US and NATO. But it doesn't change the fact that if you look at Putin's demands of Dec. 2021, he is already losing badly on all his most important strategic objectives. And now the question is how many Russians is Genocide Man willing to process into fertilizer to create the conditions for a long-term quagmire that will eventually end in Russia losing. Here's what one historian who has studied the issue says about that: Quote The crux of my argument is that military occupations usually succeed only if they are lengthy, but lengthy occupations elicit nationalist reactions that impede success. Further, lengthy occupation produces anxiety in impatient occupying powers that would rather withdraw than stay. To succeed, therefore, occupiers must both maintain their own interest in a long occupation and convince an occupied population to accept extended control by a foreign power. More often than not, occupiers either fail to achieve those goals, or they achieve them only at a high cost. Expand I can see how Genocide Man can become more totalitarian still and process millions of Russians into fertilizer, if that's what it takes. "High cost" is an understatement in describing what that does to Genocide World militarily, economically, politically, and demographically (nations do need young men to grow). But who cares? Genocide means never having to say you're sorry. Including to the millions of your own people you kill, or jail, or torture, or suppress. Where I think Mearsheimer's argument falls apart is that it overlooks most of the history of the last century in terms of how occupations worked out in practice. The US has more people and more weapons than (fill in the name of a country the US tried to occupy). So what? We lost anyway. And it destroyed the US as a unipolar power. I'd be the first to argue we fucked up, and we got what we deserved. Hopefully we learned something. Genocide Man is now making all the same mistakes. Quote Three factors, however, can make a successful occupation possible. The first factor is a recognition by the occupied population of the need for occupation. Expand Just stop right there. Anyone can figure out why this ones fails. As Piers Morgan noted, millions of women and children in Afghanistan will tell you today that the US occupation of Afghanistan was welcome. And they were better off when the US was in Kabul, as opposed to the misogynist men who rule it now. The US lost, anyway. By that standard, Genocide Man doesn't stand a chance. Where are the Ukrainian women and girls that welcome Putin's mass murder, torture, and rape? There are none. And there never will be. Mearsheimer commented in another recent interview that serving in the military really makes you realize the limits of military power. It is a blunt force, that is mostly good at wrecking things. I agree. If I could interview him, I'd ask him why he doesn't simply apply that principle to Ukraine. Genocide Man excels at wrecking things. And getting the world to despise his genocide. I'd bet money that in 10 or 20 years this will go down as one of the best examples of the limits of military power, even when you have way more people and way more guns. It is already that. It just gets worse for Russians from here, thanks to Genocide Man. If I want to be sympathetic to Vlad, sweet and kind as he is, I could argue the US and NATO set a trap for him. And he walked right into it. Even if I look at it that way, maybe the US was not so stupid after all. No one forced Ukraine to want to join the EU and NATO, until Genocide Man invaded. And no one forced Genocide Man to invade. Marc in Calif 1 Quote
vinapu Posted March 25, 2024 Posted March 25, 2024 On 3/25/2024 at 4:59 AM, Kostik said: For this, the United States is despised and hated all over the world Expand American's consolation is that their currency is lowed all over the world stevenkesslar 1 Quote
vinapu Posted March 25, 2024 Posted March 25, 2024 Kostik said "Yesterday was the 25th anniversary of the start of the illegal bombing of Belgrade. In general, the United States has committed a huge number of war crimes. Almost every day you can remember the victims of the terrorist regime ruling in the United States." before you lit a candle for their victims, lit few for Politkovska, Litvinenko, Nemcov and Navalny , just to name iconic few , victims of their own government , not foreign forces. stevenkesslar 1 Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted March 25, 2024 Members Posted March 25, 2024 On 3/25/2024 at 5:12 AM, Kostik said: Even if you believe the nonsense that the United States is spreading that ISIS is responsible for the terrorist attack, then you should remember that it was the United States that created Al-Qaeda and ISIS. These are US projects for launching terrorist attacks around the world. Hillary Clinton _ We created Al-Qaeda.mp4Fetching info... Expand Genocide Fan #2 so deeply supports Genocide Man and has so much blood spurting from his eyes and ears that he actually seems incapable of understanding the very simple words coming out of Hillary Clinton's mouth. So let's try to make this simple for Genocide Fan #2. Although support for genocide probably has deeply fucked up his brain. Not to mention his capacity for empathy. The main point Clinton made is that US support for what became the Taliban led to the collapse of the Soviet Union. From a realist perspective it was, to quote her, "a good investment". One could debate how much of a role Afghanistan played. I'd argue the collapse of the USSR had a lot more to do with the collapse of the Soviet economy. In part based on the fact that they just couldn't keep up with the US and NATO in building a military/industrial complex. Being smaller and having a shittier, less innovative economy does matter. But however you view it, the key point is that the Soviet Union did collapse. So the parallel is incredibly clear. And even a guy who has a deep abiding tolerance for genocide should be able to see it. Defending Ukraine is "a good investment". It may well result in the eventual collapse of the Russian Federation as well. If I had to bet on that, I wouldn't. But if Genocide Man said I had to bet or I would be sent off to become fertilizer, I would bet on the eventual collapse of the Russian Federation. Years from now, after old and weak Genocide Man finally dies. I wouldn't wish for that, for all kinds of reasons from A to Z. Starting with atomic bombs. But the fact that it happened to a much stronger Soviet Union suggests it could also happen to a weaker Russian Federation. For some strange reason, millions of people just don't like being turned into fertilizer. Who knew? It's a reason to hope maybe Russia and NATO could come to terms. But name the country in Europe that trusts Genocide Man now more than they did two years ago? The second thing Clinton said is that you reap what you sow. So in funding the Taliban the US unwittingly set itself up for 9/11. And a twenty year quagmire in at least two nations we occupied: Afghanistan, and Iraq. If you want to stretch the point, you could add Hillary's own brilliant idea of adding Libya to that list. So, yeah. The US got an "F" as a unipolar power. It goes to the point Mearsheimer makes: military power is a blunt force. It is better at wrecking things than building or sustaining them. Even if you are the US, or USSR. So Genocide Man, a weak mass murderer from a weak country, has zero chance. Let's apply the principle to today, in Ukraine. The US will reap what we sow. So what we are sowing in Ukraine is like what we sowed with the Taliban, right? We want theocracy. We want misogyny. We want a society where male soldiers rape and shoot girls who don't submit in every way. Nah, not really. What the US and Europe and allies all over the world are actually sowing, this time, is a capitalist democracy. We are defending a sovereign nation that wants help, badly. Europe in particular is sheltering their women and children so Genocide Man and his soldiers can't murder, torture, or rape them before they are processed into fertilizer. So it is just a completely different thing. We are sowing the principle of strong alliances in the defense of sovereignty. What are we reaping? NATO is stronger and more unified than it has been in half a century. Ukraine can't wait to join NATO and the EU. Even if I assume Russia can grow as fast as the US, which has a GDP over ten times larger, that means every year the US economy grows ten times as much as Genocide World, in absolute terms. And Russia can only do that by growing a genocide machine that turns Russians into fertilizer. This is why and how the US beat the Soviet Union, which was bigger and more powerful. Genocide Man must suck at math. A racist nation that turns ethnic minorities into fertilizer to defend old kleptocrats like Genocide Man is asking for trouble. Let's see what Genocide World reaps in a decade. If what the US and allies all over the world reap from Ukraine is defense of a multipolar world order based on democracy, capitalism, and sovereignty, I'm good with that. I think China is going to be the one that eventually helps control Genocide Man. Even though it may take years. Because their economic self-interest lies with pretty much every economic powerhouse in the world not named Russia. Which is not an economic powerhouse, anyway. This is why liberals who opposed VietNam, opposed Iraq, and were ambivalent about Afghanistan (which started because we were defending ourselves from the worst terrorist attack in US history) feel very differently about Ukraine. Oh. And I voted for Hillary Clinton. Marc in Calif 1 Quote
Kostik Posted March 26, 2024 Author Posted March 26, 2024 On 3/25/2024 at 8:58 PM, vinapu said: Politkovska, Litvinenko, Nemcov and Navalny Expand You are mourning 4 thieves and bandits, and the whole world is mourning the millions of innocent victims of the American army forky123 1 Quote
Kostik Posted March 26, 2024 Author Posted March 26, 2024 On 3/25/2024 at 9:02 PM, stevenkesslar said: Oh. And I voted for Hillary Clinton. Expand Yes! We see how much you adore terrorism. You are just a moron justifying terrorism and genocide organized by the United States all over the world I am very pleased with how you twist, how you write sheets of false American propaganda that no one reads. You are the #1 terror fan on that forum. The USA is a world of genocide and terrorism forky123 1 Quote
Kostik Posted March 26, 2024 Author Posted March 26, 2024 On 3/25/2024 at 6:04 PM, stevenkesslar said: 12 percent of Russia's national oil refining capacity. Expand You should get to gas stations in the USA. Whereas the cost of fuel in Russia does not change The terrorist man No. 1 on this forum, as usual, fucked up with his false American propaganda forky123 1 Quote
Kostik Posted March 26, 2024 Author Posted March 26, 2024 On 3/25/2024 at 11:30 AM, Pete1111 said: missiles into apartment buildings. Expand Russia has destroyed the next Patriot complexes. Now there will be fewer drops of low-quality American missiles on residential buildings forky123 1 Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted March 26, 2024 Members Posted March 26, 2024 Genocide Fan #2 is funny. He said he doesn't negotiate with terrorists like me. And he said he will no longer address me. I'm fine with him saying whatever he wants about me. Pretty much everything he posts underscores that he wants more genocide, and more death. This is why Genocide World is fucked, and the horror only gets worse. It's not that I want Russia to experience deepening horror. I don't. It's just that it so obvious that so many people are going to have to die for Genocide Man to give up. Because he'll never give up. So millions of Russians, especially ethnic minorities, will need to be processed into fertilizer by Genocide Man. Ian Bremmer made an interesting comment recently about why many innocent Russians will be slaughtered for years and maybe decades to come. Simply because they live in Genocide World and are ruled by Genocide Man. The whole 90 minute interview on geopolitics is really interesting. But he said this at 1:12:00, regarding what happens EVEN IF UKRAINE WINS. Quote "Even if you give them [Ukraine] a state that works, and it's reconstructed, they are still going to hate the Russians for a very long time. And I mean, hate in a genocidal sort of way. Hate the way the Armenians hated the Turks after the genocide. When you radicalize that many people, that's a dangerous environment. Like what's the likelihood that in five year's time, there's gonna be an IRA-style Ukrainian paramilitary organization that's just trying to blow up Russians? I think it's really high that's gonna happen." Expand I do, too. Bremer is right. I think Ukrainians hate Russians so deeply that they will not want to make peace. It's a problem. The US might shift toward conditioning future aid on some effort to make peace, regardless of who is winning. But I don't think Bremer is a sadist. Nor am I. I think he is just a realist, being honest about what genocide and mass murder does to people. Absent a solution, it is why of course Palestinians will want to kill Jews. Simply because they are Jews. And Ukrainians will kill Russians, just because they are the people that started the genocide. As Hillary said, you reap what you sow. Russians are sowing genocide. What do they expect? If Ukraine does win, whatever "win" means, I think it reduces the likelihood that Bremer is right. The government of Ukraine, as Bremmer says in the interview, will take the "win" - even if they have to de facto concede some of the land Putin took - and turn West and join NATO and the EU. The children Genocide Man stole and the Ukrainians forced to live in Genocide World against their will will be worse off. But the rest of Ukraine will rebuild, with NATO security, and be better off. But even then they will hate Russians and want to kill them. To the degree that Genocide Man "wins", meaning he occupies large chunks of Ukraine for years like in Afghanistan, that it is a guarantee that Bremer is right. And the only good Russian is one that is dead. Not only Russians in Ukraine. Also Russians in Russia. The terrorism at the concert hall is small ball. Ukraine will have every reason to kill as many Russians as they can is as many horrific ways as they can. I'm not a psychologist. But I think Genocide Fans #1 and #2 do exhibit a sickness or weakness in the genocide-wired brain. I think they actually believe what Genocide Man has told them. They have said that it will be easier to beat Ukraine because they are right next door, on flat land, and we have hospitals nearby. It's hard for me to believe the genocide-wired brain can actually be this weak and defective. That's like saying Israel is safer because Hamas lives right next door, and it is easy for them to get to us. Oct. 7th sure proved that theory wrong. Russian missiles killing mothers and babies in Ukrainian hospitals in Mariupol sure disproved the idea that Russia is better off having hospitals nearby. I think Iraq, and the genocide the US started there, is a good analogy. We opened Pandora's box, and sectarian and ethnic and terrorist genocides of all kinds flew out. If that were happening in every neighborhood of America, they would have happily killed as many Americans as they could. Instead, the radicalized people had to work very hard to pull off one 9/11, which they have failed to repeat since. The good news for the US is it was NOT happening right next door. So if Russians think somehow it is a good thing to radicalize an entire nation right next door, so they want to kill all of you, there is really something sick and defective about what Genocide Man has done to the brains of Russians who think this way. I don't blame Genocide Fans #1 and #2 for not wanting to believe they are fucked, for decades to come, ESPECIALLY if things go relatively well for Putin. Who really wants to be doomed? Quote
Kostik Posted March 26, 2024 Author Posted March 26, 2024 There are so many false slogans from terrorism fanatic No. 1. He's always babbling, but in fact he's constantly shitting himself. Here, above, is another wall of text consisting only of false American propaganda. The whole world hates the United States for the terror, genocide, violence and deaths of innocents that the US army constantly creates. video5465151107393146508.mp4Fetching info... And this happens in almost any country forky123 1 Quote