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Guest taylorsquare

Do you still bother?

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Guest taylorsquare

Most of you who read this are middle aged or older.


My question is,how many of you try to exercise daily and keep yourself or try to keep yourself in good nick?


It doesnt matter where you live,in Pattaya,Detroit,Auckland or Tasmania.


Do you walk,run,or go to the gym,or have you gave up.


How many of you lift weights anymore?


I'm soon to be 61. I walk 3 miles on each occasion of about 4/5 times a week, depending upon my schedule. Additionally, I've altered my eating habits considerably...both from the standpoint of how much I eat and what. I've diminished the consumption quite a bit and primarily now eat fruit, vegetables, nuts (yes, I hear the snickering!) and I try to drink a glass of red wine and a cup of green tea daily.


So, the legs get pretty good exercise. I'd like to do something for upper body, but I've a bad lower back (as most of us, perhaps!)and find most of those type of exercises debilitating.


So, I'm happy with the walking routine and the diet alteration.


I used to bother - 3 times a week gym workout + swimming and walking - but eased up


now I weigh more and have less energy


getting back to a decent level of fitness once you've 'let go' isn't easy, hence the temptation to make excuses about those extra pounds piling on bit by bitter bit


If I decide to take action, it will be swimming and walking, rather than jogging or heavy weight-work


Diet as dapitt mentions is important, the main threat that I see it is to avoid upsetting your blood sugar / insulin balance at the risk of becoming diabetic. Everyone had their own ideas about diet, what's good and what's bad so a bit of a minefield for those out to give advice. I would stick my neck out and make a gross generalisation that if your weight, or more precisely your BMI, is in the normal range for your age group then, whatever you eat, you are probably better off than somebody who's overweight and watches what they eat. 'Drink' is another matter entirely of course!


I do exercise daily or at least 5 times a week. I also eat good food and sweets. My downfall. :)

Guest taylorsquare

dapitt,do you walk the same route the times you walk,and do you use a ipod to listen to music.?

I found walking was a bit boring for me.

Interesting about the green tea,they say drinking tea is a antioxidant.


ah Rogie,you gave up,imagine how you would look now if you continued.

Mind you i tend to join a gym with high hopes and then dont go back after a month.


They say walking is the best exercise as you get older.

I think its important when your older to get exercise.


Imagine having a great body at 60yo,then you would be proud to go to a gay sauna,i actually dream of that,probaly wont happen unless i continually went to a gym.


I mean how many of us have that motivation to have a great bod in our later years.

  On 9/9/2009 at 5:56 AM, taylorsquare said:

dapitt,do you walk the same route the times you walk,and do you use a ipod to listen to music.?


I found walking was a bit boring for me.


Interesting about the green tea,they say drinking tea is a antioxidant.


They say walking is the best exercise as you get older.

I think its important when your older to get exercise.

I have several different routes that I take. Plus there's an exercise park with walking trails here in my town.


When I first started, in addition to it being extremely difficult stamina-wise, I also thought that it would be boring. But, I've found just the contrary. I really look forward to that time...separated from all other concerns. And whenever the scenery isn't holding any fascination for me...I let my mind wander to Thailand, and all the puchai I'm trying to stay in shape for! 555!


Yes, I've heard that green tea is good for you...as is the red wine. Hence, I try to have some each day.


I agree completely. It was only a few years ago that I was a bit over weight, had high blood pressure, not good cholesterol, and my knees ached constantly. Now all that is better. I see my GP and cardiologist twice a year, and both are quite pleased with my progress. I feel better now than any point in the last number of decades! And, all I've done is cut way back on what I eat and I walk a lot.

  On 9/9/2009 at 5:56 AM, taylorsquare said:

....and do you use a ipod to listen to music.?


Oh sorry, I forgot to answer this. Nope.... no ipod. I just listen to the birdies as I walk along. That or, as I said in the previous answer, I let my mind wander to visions of the stunning and frisky puchai waiting in LOS. Occasionally, I happen along a Western puchai that gets a second glance from me! 555

Guest zzrichard

When I retired here in Thailand at the ripe old age of 62 I started to walk and changed to an almost 100% Thai diet. At that time I was 235# and now about 160#.


I walk about three or four times a week from my apartment which is close to Soi Khopai and Threpasit Road to Jomtien Beach and back.


The results of the walking are slow, in one and one half years since I have started I have lost close to 75 pounds (appx 34 kilos), but it is nice to put on one of my old t-shirts and look like I am wearing a sundress!

  On 9/10/2009 at 12:05 AM, zzrichard said:

When I retired here in Thailand at the ripe old age of 62 I started to walk and changed to an almost 100% Thai diet. At that time I was 235# and now about 160#.

Terrific, zzrichard! Congratulations!! The walking is wonderful in and of itself, but I think going to almost 100% Thai diet is quite important to. It's just much much better for you, I feel.

Guest Soi10Tom

I'm 63, and have bad knees and ideopathic neuropathy (meaning that they have no idea why I have neuropathy)in both feet Here in America I swim 1,500 meters almost every day. When in Thailand I swim 1,000 meters twice a day. From the knees up I feel great...knees down, another story. The time I spend in the pool is my time to think and reflect on life;life is pretty damn good and I'm very glad to have the great life that I have.

Guest xiandarkthorne

I'm one of those who still exercise and eat properly. Health has nothing to do with it in my case, however. I am simply vain as hell and want to look good in Speedos at the beach (and in tight t-shirts at the bars). Having said that, I might also add that I have a very competitive streak and enjoy playing tennis enough to want to play in local tournaments again...though that might be a tad difficult since I refuse to give up my ciggies.


I occasionally chronicle my struggles against my lard at my blogs and post nearly naked pictures of myself fairly regularly at this and various other gay dating websites, just to motivate myself to keep going. It's hard not to try my best to look good when I secretly suspect that there might be SYTs surreptitiously checking out the old bod all over the world. But it gets better when I get messages from said SYTs asking for a date. :p





SYT - Sweet Young Thai

Guest fountainhall
I walk about three or four times a week from my apartment which is close to Soi Khopai and Threpasit Road to Jomtien Beach and back


Whatever happened to the benefits of regular sexercise? :o

Guest lvdkeyes
  On 9/11/2009 at 4:22 AM, xiandarkthorne said:

I refuse to give up my ciggies.



I always find this curious; people worrying about how they look on the outside while consciously damaging the inside.

Guest xiandarkthorne
  On 9/11/2009 at 7:03 AM, lvdkeyes said:

I always find this curious; people worrying about how they look on the outside while consciously damaging the inside.


Curious? Xian is here! So be curious no more! I can't speak for everyone but the simple fact is that people can see what's on my outside. Obvious, no?


Seriously, however, I'll confess to having spent years being the ugly duckling in my family, at school and just about everywhere I went (and a very fat and sweaty one, too). Now that just about everyone (male or female) who's ever called me Baby Whale or Hippy Hippo is fatter than me, balding and/or flabbily out of condition, I hope you can understand that rubbing their noses in it is just way too much fun to allow a few extra creeping pounds of avoirdupois to spoil.


And then there's the fact that my personal philosophy is "Grab all the fun I can because the lights are going out soon" and I expect you can see why I am sooooo reluctant to give up even the least of my vices. Besides, they wouldn't be much fun if they weren't vices, would they?


Now, perhaps you can do me a good turn and satisfy my own curiosity. Why do people who pour poison down their throats incessantly and mindlessly, worry about accidentally inhaling a little smoke? Is it because - good heavens! - you actually enjoy it?



Guest lvdkeyes

I can't answer that since I don't pour poison down my throat.

Guest taylorsquare

I am now going to the gym everyday,but its not easy.

im concentrating on cardio workouts,walking fast on the treadmill.


You said elsewhere you are past 40 Taylorsquare, so from that I take it you are but a spring chicken amongst many of us older ones. That said, the longer you leave it the more difficult it will get. May your new-found resolve not falter.

Guest taylorsquare

Well....i am trying Rogie,but somedays after finishing work ,you just dont feel like going to the gym,but,i keep thinking of many of XIANS qoutes and positive affirmations and now i go with the korean student flatmate .


Yes, good point. It also links in somewhat with the Mentally thread in that Xian mentions exercise as a good depression-buster.


I know when I exercised regularly, by going jogging in my local park in the morning before I went to work, I usually felt really good afterwards, even though it was a struggle sometimes to 'get going'. So a real stress-buster too and it set me up for the day. After work I would have been too tired (or at least I would have found plenty of excuses along those lines!).


If you can go with a friend that's great because you can help and support each other. Even though your Korean flatmate is younger than you doesn't mean he finds it easy either!

Guest xiandarkthorne
  On 9/13/2009 at 9:46 PM, taylorsquare said:

Well....i am trying Rogie,but somedays after finishing work ,you just dont feel like going to the gym,but,i keep thinking of many of XIANS qoutes and positive affirmations and now i go with the korean student flatmate .


Well, thank you, Taylor. I am glad to have been of some help. I do admit that on occasions, when I have been feeling particularly lazy, I have had to use what can only be described as negative motivation for a positive end. Quite simply, I asked myself, "Do you want to be the first ever guy turned away by a bar boy because you were too fat and ugly?"


I know that's not likely to happen (I can't imagine any guy being turned away for that reason) but it worked wonders for me :lol:

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