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Our dear friend Mick - May He Rest in Peace!

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Guest Lapos

Here is the latest update on Mick's condition, received Thurs. afternoon, 25/06/09.


Dear Friends,


Mick has been resting comfortably today. Kan went in and saw him for about a half an hour and said he was responsive and alert. Things are very much the same as yesterday. There are no tests scheduled for the next few days and it is hoped that Mick spends a lot of time resting and sleeping.


If there is nothing new to report tomorrow we will be sending our next update on Saturday.


Tim & Tom


Guest Lapos

Here is a further update on Mick's condition, received today 26/06/09 at 1 p.m.



Dear Friends,


We have some good news to report today. They took Mick off the respirator last night and he has been off of it and breathing on his own ever since. This is obviously a good sign.


The doctor also said that once the treacheotomy tubes are removed and the hole heals up (about 2 to 3 days after removal of tubes) that he expects Mick to be able to resume speaking.


It is nice to be able to report some good news to everyone.


Tim & Tom


Guest Lapos

When appropriate, I hope you will let Mick know how much support he has from the forum members.


Hopefully, this good news will continue.


Guest Lapos

Here is the latest update on Mick's condition, received today, Saturday 27/06/09, at 2.40 p.m.



Dear Friends,


Mick has now been off the respirator since Thursday evening and there seem to be no problems. The doctors want to keep the tracheotomy in place as a security precaution for a few more days.


There are no new tests or procedures scheduled for the next few days and the hope is that Mick will continue breathing without assistance and that he can be moved into a private room with natural sunlight by the end of the coming week.


If there are no further developments to report we will send our next update on Tuesday afternoon. Should there be anything new to report we will, of course, e-mail you all right away.


Tim & Tom


Guest Lapos

Here is the most up to date information on Mick Cockroft's medical condition, received Tuesday 30/06/09 at noon.


Dear Friends,


Mick has remained stable for the past few days with no new problems. He remains off the respirator and the doctors feel that he is continuing to gain strength. They have told us that they will be transferring him out of ICU and into a private room either tomorrow or Thursday. We are pleased with this development.


As some people have not received all of the updates and some have been newly added to the list we would like to clarify a few things. From talking with many of you and receiving e-mails from others, it seems that there may be some inadvertent misinterpretation about his progress. While Mick seems to be gaining strength it is important for all of us to realize that Mick's prognosis has not changed and is not encouraging. The doctors have advised us that there will be no way of knowing anything definite about Mick's future recovery potential until the first 6 weeks have passed and they do an evaluation at that time. They have told us that there is some permanent damage but at this point it is too early to tell what irreparable damage has occurred.


Should at any time, anyone need any clarification on our updates please feel free to contact either of us and we will respond by e-mail.


Your thoughts, prayers, e-mails, and messages for Mick are greatly appreciated.


Tim & Tom


Guest Lapos

Here is the latest update on Mick's condition, received Wednesday, 01/07/09 at 8 p.m.


Dear Friends,


We have seen Mick today and unfortunately there are no new developments to report. He remains in ICU and off the respirator. He is receiving daily therapy to move his arms and legs and has spent most of the rest of the days sleeping. He was awake for only a brief period of time during today's visits and was very groggy at those moments.


We will be meeting again with the doctors tomorrow and we hope that we will have some news to report at that time.


Tim and Tom

Guest HeyGay

I know some of Mick’s friends are trying to paint a more rosy picture of him getting a bit better and progress is happening, but I’m afraid my information is not good at all, I can tell you he is paralyzed down one side and even if by some miracle he did get to a stage (to put it mildly as one doctors said), where he was compass mentis, the doctors think there may be many other complications, so I would not get your hopes up to much.


But miracles do happen, lets all hope Mick is one of them.


You could not find a nicer guy.




I wish we would let Lapos be the sole source of information on this as he is posting the approved updates from Tim and Tom.


I am not saying that others have not heard other stories which may or may not be true. But I do hope those of us that are hearing things will let Tim and Tom, through Lapos, make the updates.

Guest HeyGay
I wish we would let Lapos be the sole source of information on this as he is posting the approved updates from Tim and Tom.

No your in the wrong country, is its Russia or China where your told what to do or on in your case what we cant do, I can tell you what I say is from the doctors. and not told with rose tinted glasses. sorry to say.

Guest Lapos

Here is the latest update on Mick's condition, received today Saturday 04/07/09 at 2 p.m.



Dear Friends,


Mick continues to stay in ICU and probably will be there for another week or two. It was felt that the care that he is receiving in ICU is better for him than on a general ward for the time being. This being said, the doctors feel he is gaining strength. For the past two days they have moved him into an armchair for a few hours each day. This, along with the daily physical therapy, seems to be good for him.


For those of you who are interested in visiting Mick the doctors have said that short visits (only about 5 minutes) would be ok as long as they are scheduled so that Mick is not tired out. They have asked that we arrange the times and dates so that people do not show up unannounced. Should you want to visit Mick please let either Tim or Tom know so that they can notify the nursing staff in advance. Just for your information, Mick seems to be awake for a few hours most afternoons after about 2:00pm. It is fairly difficult to wake him during the morning hours.


We will keep you posted on any new developments and will send out an update on Tuesday or Wednesday if there is nothing new to report between now and then.


Tim & Tom


Guest Lapos

Here is the latest update on Mick's condition, received Thursday 09/07/09 at 10.30 a.m.


Dear Friends,


After visiting Mick yesterday we can report that he was more active and alert than we have seen recently. He smiled at jokes and his left arm and leg movements were more controlled and purposeful.


He had a CAT scan yesterday which showed that the swelling is reducing as well as the associated pressure. The doctor feels that this is the reason he is slightly more animated.


The doctors are encouraged by these signs but are not able to commit to any more detailed prognosis at this time.


We will send another update on Monday, or earlier if the situation should change.


Tim & Tom


Guest Lapos

Here is the latest update on Mick's condition, received Thursday 09/07/09 at 10.30 a.m.


Dear Friends,


After visiting Mick yesterday we can report that he was more active and alert than we have seen recently. He smiled at jokes and his left arm and leg movements were more controlled and purposeful.


He had a CAT scan yesterday which showed that the swelling is reducing as well as the associated pressure. The doctor feels that this is the reason he is slightly more animated.


The doctors are encouraged by these signs but are not able to commit to any more detailed prognosis at this time.


We will send another update on Monday, or earlier if the situation should change.


Tim & Tom


Guest Lapos

Here is the latest update on Mick's condition, received Thursday 09/07/09 at 10.30 a.m.


Dear Friends,


After visiting Mick yesterday we can report that he was more active and alert than we have seen recently. He smiled at jokes and his left arm and leg movements were more controlled and purposeful.


He had a CAT scan yesterday which showed that the swelling is reducing as well as the associated pressure. The doctor feels that this is the reason he is slightly more animated.


The doctors are encouraged by these signs but are not able to commit to any more detailed prognosis at this time.


We will send another update on Monday, or earlier if the situation should change.


Tim & Tom


Guest Lapos

Here is the latest news from Tom & Tim regarding Mick Cockroft, received Sun. 12/07/09 at 9.30 a.m.


Friends of Mick announcement


Mick Cockcroft of Le Café Royale and formerly of Charlie Boys was admitted to hospital on Thursday June 4, 2009.

Mick is suffering from neurological damage and the prognosis is not good for a full recovery. He is currently in ICU at the Bangkok Hospital, Bangkok.


Costs are also being incurred not covered by Mick's medical insurance and the friends of Mick are holding a fundraising evening at Le Café Royale on Saturday July 25.


Anyone requiring any further information please contact:

tomkalb@yahoo.com (Tom) or guys@panoramapub.com (Tim)


Details of the fundraising evening can be found on the posters below.


As several people have been enquiring we are adding below details of a special bank account that has been

opened for this fundraising event so that anybody wishing to can send a donation.




A/C NUMBER:- 334-1-37072-9



Guest Lapos

Here is the latest update on Mick's condition, received Tuesday, 14/07/09 at 1 p.m.


Dear Friends,


There have been very few developments this past week. Mick has slept almost all of each day and has not been arousable most of that time.


This morning they removed the feeding tube from his nose and replaced it with a direct feeding tube to his stomach via his abdomen.


His chest infection seems to be clearing up as well as a urinary infection that developed late last week.


He is still in ICU and will probably remain there for the foreseeable future.


We wish we had more to report but other than the above there have been no new developments.


We will keep you posted on any new news as it occurs.


Tim & Tom


Guest Lapos

Here is the latest update on Mick's condition, received Monday, 20/07/09 at 10.40 a.m.


Dear Friends,


There have been no new developments during the past few days. Mick remains in ICU and spends most of the day sleeping. He is usually awake and aware of people in the room during the afternoons for a few hours. We have seen no new progress but have also not seen any regressions in his mental or physical state.


We wanted to let you know that it is becoming evident that Mick will need long term care that is not viable in Thailand. With this in mind we are proceeding with preliminary investigations relating to medical repatriation to the UK. This is being worked on both here in Thailand and in the UK.


Although this is not the scenario that any of us would wish, it is important that these preliminary preperations take place in order that there is no delay if this course of action proves necessary and is in Mick's best interest.


Tim & Tom


Guest Lapos

Here is the latest update on Mick's condition, received Wed. 28/07/09 at 10 a.m.


> Dear Friends,


> We wanted you to know that Mick has now been moved into a private room

> in the neuro-rehabilitation unit on the 6th floor of Bangkok Hospital

> in Bangkok. Kan is now able to stay with Mick and there is also a

> nurse attendant in Mick's room from 7:00 pm to 7:00 am whilst the

> general nursing staff is reduced during the night shift.


> As Mick is now in a private room he is available to receive visitors.

> For your information, Mick is usually more alert during the afternoon

> hours. Should anyone need directions to the hospital please feel free

> to contact either of us.


> Plans are proceeding for medical repatriation. We have met with the

> evacuation company and have been advised that the process is now

> beginning to move forward both in Thailand and in the UK. We have also

> been advised that the tentative (yet to be confirmed) cost estimate is

> in the neighborhood of 1.4 to 1.7 million baht.


> The fund-raising party last Saturday was a wonderful success and we are

> attaching a link for you all to see pictures and a summary of the

> evening.


> http://www.gayaffairspattaya.com/gallery/micks-fundraising-night-cafe-

> royale.htm


> If this link does not work, just copy and paste it into your browser


> As many of you have inquired and some people have already sent

> donations, the bank information for Mick's fund is:


> Bank of Ayudhya

> South Pattaya Road

> Account Name: David Kerridge/John Coughtrie Account Number:

> 334-137072-9 S.W.I.F.T. Code: AYUDTHBK


> We will send more updates as things proceed.


> Tim & Tom

Guest Lapos

Here is an update regarding the link to Mick's fund-raising pictures.


Dear Friends,


It appears that the link to the fund-raising event pictures and summary did not come through correctly. If you had any problems please try this one.





It this link does not work, just copy and paste the above into your browser


Best wishes

Tim and Tom

Guest Lapos

Here is the latest update on Mick's condition and situation, received Fri.7th at 10.45 a.m.


Dear Friends,


Mick remains in a private room at Bangkok Hospital. He has a private nurse with him 24 hours a day. The nurse is there to help with the clearing and cleaning of his tracheotomy tube which must be done frequently during the day and night. Kan is also now staying in the room with Mick. There have been no new changes to his overall condition. In a small way he does appear to be getting a little bit stronger which is evidenced by some slight changes in his reactions and movements on the right side of his body. Although these movements and reactions are small, they are an improvement on his previous condition.


The above, however, does not change the overall prognosis and necessity of getting Mick home for long term care and recovery which is necessary for his current medical requirements. We have therefore been actively using all means possible to coordinate the many different factors involved in evacuation and repatriation. This has included negotiations with Lufthansa, Air France, Singapore Airlines, Emirates, KLM, BA, Thai, and others. For various reasons, both here and abroad, including lack of space, layover times, and availability of bed space in various hospitals in the UK, we are primarily looking at the first available Thai flight to London with ambulance transfer to Halifax. Although this is not perfect, it seems to us that a single flight plus transport is preferable to the other options investigated (to Manchester instead of London) which would have included 7-10 hour layovers en route.


We are hoping to hear soon from the evacuation company, Thai airways, and the hospital in the UK that an acceptable date has been found for all parties and we will let you immediately once a date has been fixed.


Best wishes,


Tim & Tom


Here is the latest update on Mick's situation, received Monday,10/08/09 at 1 p.m.


Dear Friends,


We just wanted to inform you that we were unable to get Mick on the flight that we were trying to book for the 12th of August. We are continuing to work with all parties to get an alternate date and schedule for Mick to fly back to the UK. This could be anytime within the next two to three weeks. We will let you all know once we have a confirmed departure date.


Tim & Tom


Dear Friends,


We wanted you to know that we have a confirmed flight from Bangkok to London for Mick and a confirmed hospital room awaiting his arrival.


Mick will be leaving Bangkok in the afternoon on Monday August 17th and will arrive in London that same night. He Will be transported to Halifax by an ambulance upon arrival at Heathrow airport. He will be traveling on a stretcher and will be accompanied by both a doctor and a nurse during the flight. He is being met in London by his best friend who will travel to Halifax with him and take care of details on the other end.


Once he has been admitted into the hospital and we have all the contact details we will send an update to all of you giving you details of how you can keep in contact with him.


Although nobody wanted Mick to leave Thailand, all parties concerned felt that returning to the UK and undergoing convalescence there was the best course of action for Mick's recovery.


Tim and Tom


Here is the latest update on Mick's situation, received Tues. 18/08/09 at 10.30 a.m.


Dear Friends,


We wanted you to know that Mick has arrived safely at the hospital in Halifax. He was admitted into ICU and the doctors at the hospital will begin their assessment of Mick's condition this morning. Once this is completed we should have more detailed news to report as well as a room number once they move him out of ICU.


For you information Mick is at:


Calderdale Royal Hospital

Salterhebble, Halifax HX3 0PW


Tel: 014 22357 171


website for the hospital is: www.cht.nhs.uk



Tim and Tom


Here is the latest update on Mick's condition, received Fri. 28/08/09 at 11.15 a.m.


Dear Friends,

We wanted to send an update in regard to Mick in Halifax. His friend Dave has been kind enough to keep us informed of Mick


Here is the latest update on Mick's situation, received Sun. 30/08/09 at 11.45 a.m.


Dear Friends,


We wanted to let you know about Mick's transfer out of ICU into a ward per the message below.


Tim and Tom


Good morning Tim,

I had a call from the hospital to let me know that they have moved Mick from ICU into ward 6A and that the visiting times are 2pm - 4pm and then 6.30pm to 8pm except Monday and Thursday when there is no afternoon visiting.

Best wishes


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