Bingo T Dog Posted March 12, 2024 Posted March 12, 2024 7 minutes ago, EmmetK said: All of the gun laws in the world wouldn't have saved poor Laken Riley. Her murderer, a guest of Dementia Joe Biden, used a blunt instrument to kill her. Dementia Joe Biden has blood on his hands. His open border policies are killing innocent Americans. As Trump would say. "MOVE ON. GET OVER IT" unicorn 1 Quote
EmmetK Posted March 12, 2024 Posted March 12, 2024 6 minutes ago, Bingo T Dog said: As Trump would say. "MOVE ON. GET OVER IT" Try saying that to Laken Riley's family. They had to bury their daughter who was brutally murdered by a criminal who was an invited guest of Dementia Joe Biden. forky123 1 Quote
Bingo T Dog Posted March 12, 2024 Posted March 12, 2024 17 minutes ago, EmmetK said: Try saying that to Laken Riley's family. They had to bury their daughter who was brutally murdered by a criminal who was an invited guest of Dementia Joe Biden. DONALD TRUMP'S WORDS. HE CAN TELL THEM. Marc in Calif and unicorn 2 Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted March 12, 2024 Members Posted March 12, 2024 2 hours ago, EmmetK said: Dementia Joe Biden created this mess. Facts, anyone? Your own chart: In 2017, when Trump was President, accidental drug deaths soared to all time highs. In 2018, when Trump was President, accidental drug deaths soared to new all time highs. in 2019, when Trump was President, accidental drug deaths soared to even higher all time highs. In 2020, when the American public ended the failed Presidency of this incompetent crook, accidental drug deaths soared by 20,000 deaths in one year alone, to a staggering new all time high. Altogether, based on your own chart, which only goes to 2020, accidental drug deaths soared under the crooked incompetent Trump at an unprecedented pace. Under Biden, they are rising at a much slower pace, and may be starting to flatten out. You are literally blaming the horrific rise in deaths under Trump on Biden. Literally. All your chart does is extrapolate the horrific rate of increase of the tens of thousands of additional deaths that happened under incompetent Trump, and blames it on Biden. Even though those rates flattened out under Biden, and declined in many states. What did facts do to you, @EmmetK? Did facts abuse you? Because you are very abusive to facts. unicorn, Marc in Calif, forky123 and 1 other 2 1 1 Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted March 12, 2024 Members Posted March 12, 2024 39 minutes ago, EmmetK said: Try saying that to Laken Riley's family. Exactly. Cult thinking. Murder declined in every major city in America in 2023, based on that chart I posted twice now. But instead of caring about fewer murders - thousands less murders - you just want to engage in cult blame. It doesn't matter to you that murders spiked - by the thousands - under Trump. Your duty is to worship him. The cult does not know the names of the thousands who were murdered during Trump's murder spike. The cult does not care about them, or their families, or their stories. The cult does not care about the tens of thousands of innocent women and children being killed in Ukraine by the genocidal monster Trump wants you to bow down to. All the cult wants to do is engage in its ritualistic blame and hatred of Joe Biden. floridarob and JKane 2 Quote
floridarob Posted March 12, 2024 Posted March 12, 2024 2 hours ago, EmmetK said: All of the gun laws in the world wouldn't have saved poor Laken Riley. You care so much for 1 person yet nothing, absolutely nothing about these 600+ people last year alone????????????? Talk about being an asshole 🙄 stevenkesslar and Bingo T Dog 2 Quote
floridarob Posted March 12, 2024 Posted March 12, 2024 2 hours ago, EmmetK said: who was an invited guest stop the shit....change the channel. stevenkesslar 1 Quote
floridarob Posted March 12, 2024 Posted March 12, 2024 2 hours ago, Bingo T Dog said: As Trump would say. "MOVE ON. GET OVER IT" watching him read from a teleprompter is so painful.....but even worse when he goes off script, no wonder the drugs were out of control at his white house. Going to be funny when he loses AGAIN to senile, sleepy Joe....or how Fox news calls him now "Jacked up Joe", they're pretty good at marketing, even for their opponents, lmao stevenkesslar and Bingo T Dog 2 Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted March 12, 2024 Members Posted March 12, 2024 7 hours ago, EmmetK said: NOTHING! Dementia Joe Biden created this mess. It is not the job of the Republicans to bail him out of the mess that he created. 7 hours ago, floridarob said: What fucking civics classes did you ever take, wtf is wrong with you people??? He took no civics class, obviously. That's the problem. Actually, it's worse. His civics class is being taught by Donald Trump and his Cult. You get extra credit for lies, and breaking the bones of cops to destroy democracy. Needless to say, it is tragic. Much is being lost. First, @EmmetK, I'll state again that your own chart shows that accidental drug deaths soared under Trump, and are slowing under Biden. Fentanyl trafficking across the border soared under Trump. So it is a bipartisan problem. Trump let it fester and get worse and worse. Your own facts prove it. But, hey. Why bother with facts? Seemingly, Sen, Katie Britt ignored the civics classes, too. And the facts. She must have gone to Trump U. Sex trafficking survivor slams Britt for inaccurate story in SOTU response Quote The story Britt was referencing occurred during President George W. Bush’s administration, when Biden was still a senator. Romero testified before Congress back in 2015 about her experiences a decade earlier with sex trafficking in Mexico. Quote Romero also told CNN that Britt told an inaccurate story of Romero’s experience. Romero said that she was trafficked by a pimp who operated as part of a family that entrapped vulnerable girls to force them into prostitution, not by Mexican drug cartels. Romero also said that she was never trafficked in the United States, as Britt suggested. Sure, go ahead. Get it all wrong, and blame it on Biden. That's a Cult thing to do. It's his fault. Here's what's being lost by this asinine, uncivil behavior: actually doing something. Two of the most significant bills to protect women from sex trafficking are the Violence Against Women's Act, and the Trafficking Victims Protection Act. I think they are viewed as the landmark and cornerstone protections that have both been very effective. Both depended on strong bipartisan support to actually do something. The Violence Against Women Act was introduced in the House by Dem. Rep. Jack Brooks. But Biden did the heavy lifting in the Senate, and appropriately takes credit for it. The TVPA is acknowledged by most advocates as the single most effective piece of legislation in cracking down on sex trafficking, where it has been fully funded and enforced. That was liberal Democratic Sen. Paul Wellstone and conservative Republican Sen Sam Brownback. Very bipartisan. Sen. Britt went to the Mexican border, met the trafficking victim above, and then did nothing - other than attack Biden for something that did not happen in the US, and happened while W. was President. By comparison, Sen. Brownback went to Nepal, met victims of trafficking, was moved to do something, and joined Wellstone on bipartisan action. Perhaps that is why Brownback had a distinguished career as both a US Senator and Governor. Much like Bob Graham of Florida, who with Sandra Day O'Connor was an advocate for teaching civics in school. All very honorable public servants. Too bad they weren't able to help Sen. Britt. She could use some civics. And some facts. The fun fact about the TVPA for those who knew and loved Paul and his wife Sheila is that she was one of the forces behind the bill. She organized the wives of other Senators she was friends with, both Democrat and Republican, to get their husbands to make protecting women from sex trafficking a priority. That is civics. That is actually doing something. But don't ask me. Ask Republican Ken Buck, who just announced he's had enough of the bullshit and won't even serve out the rest of his term: Quote “This place has just devolved into this bickering and nonsense,” the conservative Colorado Republican said in an interview on CNN shortly after his announcement. "It’s the worst year in 40, 50 years to be in Congress.” Marc in Calif, floridarob and Bingo T Dog 2 1 Quote
EmmetK Posted March 13, 2024 Posted March 13, 2024 16 hours ago, floridarob said: stop the shit....change the channel. You need to stop the shit and stop repeating MSNBC talking points. Dementia Joe Biden, thru his actions and policies, has thrown out the welcome mat to every fentanyl dealer, sex trafficker, and criminal in the world. Dementia Joe Biden has blood on his hands. He is responsible for the death of Laken (not Lincoln) Riley and all the other victims of crimes committed by Dementia Joe's invited guests (aka newcomers). Why do you think that every poll shows Trump leading Biden? You may find it painful to see Trump read the teleprompter; however, clearly you are in the minority as more Americans find it more painful to watch Dementia Joe try to piece together a comprehensible sentence. If it's painful for you to watch Trump read from a teleprompter, you'll need a dose of Xanax to watch the Trump forky123 and stevenkesslar 1 1 Quote
forky123 Posted March 13, 2024 Posted March 13, 2024 On 3/12/2024 at 1:04 AM, EmmetK said: Joe's dementia is killing US cities.... And Joe's policies are killing US citizens: Laken Riley. Killed by a "newcomer" invited into the country by Dementia Joe Biden and his open border policy. Fentanyl deaths are skyrocketing under Dementia Joe Biden's open border policy Thank you Joe Biden for inviting murderers, drug dealers, sex traffickers, and other criminals across the border. Thank you for instituting catch-and-release. Thank you for ending the Remain-in-Mexico policy. The end of this rampage of allowing illegal migrants to: cross the border, murder innocents, assault police officers, and traffic fentanyl will soon be over. You understand that the black line going vertical was during Trump's golffest right? Bingo T Dog, floridarob, stevenkesslar and 1 other 2 2 Quote
floridarob Posted March 13, 2024 Posted March 13, 2024 1 hour ago, EmmetK said: Why do you think that every poll shows Trump leading Biden? You're going to cry when Biden wins, AGAIN! I don't watch MSNBC btw, can't stand Maddow.....BBC and Al jazeera America seem to report the news without bias...where do you get your cultish news from? People get serious walking into the voting booth....Jacked Joe opened people's eyes during the State of the Union address...and Trump keeps getting into deeper shit ... It's the Republican congress that's responsible for not doing anything on the's Biden's economy doing for ya, do you pay rent to live in the basement?? Bingo T Dog and stevenkesslar 2 Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted March 13, 2024 Members Posted March 13, 2024 4 hours ago, EmmetK said: Why do you think that every poll shows Trump leading Biden? Because every poll does not show Trump leading Biden. Two recent polls showed Biden leading Trump. But, facts aside, if the polls make you feel better, good for you. I would not bet on them in March of an election year, though. Remember all those "red wave" polls from 2022? But let's talk about why Trump has a small lead over Biden now, in March 2024. First, the cult hates Biden. So start with hate and this fact-free cultish environment. That's your base. Second, a lot of people who see Trump for the dangerous crook he is are pissed at Biden: inflation, Gaza, etc. So they say I won't vote. Or I will vote for RFK, or Stein, or West. That's lowering Biden's numbers overall, and in four or five way polls. The thing we know from every single election - every single one - is that won't hold. That's a fact. Which means it does not permeate the cult brain. Third, as @floridarob said, people get serious walking into the voting booths. Or, as that guy Trump complimented said - what's his name? You know, that guy Trump really admired. That guy Trump sent a note to, complimenting? Shit? Who is it? Trump really likes him Oh, Allan Lichtman That's right. Trump admires him. Lichtman says when people get serious, they vote based on fundamentals. That's why Carter was leading Reagan in the polls. Until he lost in a landslide. The misery index was sky high in 1980. Now it is lower than when America fired Trump. That's how Biden is going to win in November, @EmmetK. You heard it here first. I'm going to explain it. But, please. Stop reading, @EmmetK. Stop reading now. These are facts. The cult brain feels abused by facts. And I don't want to abuse you with facts. That first "better off" poll is what people told Mark Penn in a recent Harvard Harris poll. You can see this question is polled a lot, and the findings are reliable. And there is a trend. Here's an important fact. Penn's polls always skew toward Trump. His latest poll showed Trump beating Biden by 6. Emerson shows Biden beating Trump by 1. The RCP average right now shows Trump beating Biden by 2. So we're using a data set that skews a bit toward Trump. The second set of numbers are how people actually voted in 2020, based on how they felt about their personal financial situation. So the math is simple. If everything stays the same, and nothing changes, Biden wins. Here's the math. If this is like 2020, the 45 % of people who feel worse off will break 77/20 for Trump. They want change. Just like in 2020 the "worse off" crowd voted overwhelmingly for Biden. So Trump wins that slice overwhelmingly. So if Trump gets 77 % of that chunk it's 35 %. With the better off crowd, the opposite. Trump only wins 26 % of those votes. That's 8 %. In 2020, people who said they are about the same voted 34 % for Trump. That's 9 % of that chunk. So if nothing changes and this is like 2020, Trump gets 35 + 8 + 9. That's 52 %. Trump wins. Woo hoo! But wait! I said Biden wins. Why? Because people are feeling better about their financial situation every month. That's extremely clear. When inflation peaked, almost 2 in 3 Americans said they felt worse off than a year before. Because they were right. Inflation sucks. That's down to 45 %. If nothing changes and the declining trend stays the same, it looks about like this in November. 38 % of people, a plurality, will say they feel worse off than a year ago (meaning last November). The additional 7 % who shift off "worse off" split between "better off" and "the same". This is what has been happening consistently since Summer 2022. So in November 2024 the numbers are 38 % worse off, 32 % better off, 30 % the same. Do the math. If Trump gets 77 % of the worse off, that's 29.3 %. If he gets 26 % of the better off, that's 8.3 %. If he gets 34 % of the "feels the same" crowd, that's 10.2 %. Add the numbers up and it's 48 %. Do the same for Biden and it's 52 %. Biden wins. Woo hoo! Could this happen? Fuck yeah! It DID happen in 2020. Of course, some people will vote for RFK and Stein and West. But these numbers are very similar to what happened in 2020. It's not cultish fact denial to think that people who voted for Biden in 2020 will do so again. Including people who view Biden as the lesser of evils, because they can't stand Trump. Even among Democrats, polls show up to half of Democrats are voting for Biden as a vote against Trump. Will the economy keep improving? Anyone making money in the stock market? Why? Anyone notice inflation is 3 %? Anyone think interest rates are going to go down, not up? (Except in Genocide World, aka Russia, where interest rates are sky high and going up.) Biden will remind people that the misery index is LOWER than when they fired Trump in 2020. And he'll remind people that Trump is for Genocide Guy, aka Putin. I know I am going heavy on facts, which are abusive to the cult brain. But these are really important facts. There's two things in particular in that Harvard/Harris poll that are very bad news for Trump. The first is that 57 % of people in that poll say they approve of Trump's Presidency. That's horrible news for Trump. Because it has nothing to do with reality. During every single day from 2017 to 2021, Trump never get 50 % approval. Let alone 57 %. So he is unquestionably set for a fall. Everything people don't like about Joe Biden is in their face every day. Like his age. What people hear about Trump right now is, "He won". That's about to change. Trump cut taxes for the rich, which blew up the deficit. Trump tried to take your health care protections away. Trump sent his thugs to the Capitol to break the bones of cops when you fired him. Murders spiked when Trump was President. Murders are down 10 % in 2023. Fentanyl deaths spiked under Trump. Trump is a crook. Trump is a rapist. Trump is a liar. Trump is a loser. These are all facts. If this is as good as it gets for Trump, while he is on a roll with his primary victories, it ain't nowhere good enough. If this is as bad as it gets for Biden, that's good news to me. Remember that in early 1980 Carter was beating Reagan. In 1983 Mondale was beating Reagan. The even more devastating thing for Trump is that Harvard/Harris poll actually says the youngest voters, under 25, support Trump over Biden by a 20 point margin. Penn is telling us voters aged 19-24 will vote for Trump over Biden 55/34. That is what is baked into Trump's 6 % lead over Biden. Meanwhile, this Economist poll says voters aged 18 to 29 will vote for Biden 55 to 32. And they show a dead heat, 44/44. Biden won "the youth vote" almost 2 to 1 in 2020. Which seems more likely? I think this one is a no brainer. Many older 2020 Trump voters have died. The youngest voters voting for the first time may not like Biden. But do we really believe they want Trump to win, so he can ban abortion and make climate change denial federal policy? Don't bet on that. I have no idea why these polls showing Trump leading have such unbelievable numbers about how young voters love Trump. They don't. This may be one where polling methodology with young voters who don't answer phone calls is skewing reality. I don't know. I do know Gen Z is not Trump's base. They despise him. If I made one questionable assumption, it is this. You can see that in 2020 almost 2 in 3 voters who felt the same as four years ago voted for Biden. That is unprecedented. In every other election since 2000, where we have exit polls, voters who felt the same as four years ago tended to split their vote about 50/50. So why did 65 % of this group vote for Biden in 2020? And will they do it again? That's the most interesting question about the 2024 election. And no one knows. But we do know they voted for Biden in 2020. Often because they could not bring themselves to vote for Trump. So when Nikki Haley says, and the polls confirm, that she would have attracted voters that don't really want either Biden or Trump, she is probably right. I think this is why the cult just fucked up fatally by choosing the crooked person a majority of America will not vote for, just like in 2020. The cult brain doesn't care about these things. The cult brain wants to chant the name of one dead American. And make America great again by pushing all kinds of lies and blame and hate and negativity. The cult is led by a lying crooked loser. The cult is not going to win. Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted March 13, 2024 Members Posted March 13, 2024 6 hours ago, EmmetK said: stop repeating MSNBC talking points. Oh. Do you mean facts? What did they do to you? How did facts abuse you? You poor thing! A new poll just out reinforces what I have been saying about third party voters. It is even better for Biden than I thought. This polls shows Trump leading 40/38, a two point margin just like the RCP average. Here's what else it says: Quote With the election still eight months away, about a quarter of respondents said they may change their minds before November — including 15 percent of Trump voters and 14 percent of Biden voters. Quote Those supporting a third-party or independent candidate were greatly open to changing their minds, the poll found, including 94 percent of Stein supporters and 75 percent of Kennedy supporters. If 15 % of Biden or Trump voters change their mind, that could go either way. But with Stein and West, it actually can't. In this poll, 2 % of voters back Stein, and 2 % back West. If many of them shift - which they are saying they are open to doing - guess where they will go? You think Stein and West voters will vote for Trump? That alone would give Biden a small lead, if that is the only thing that changes. If there is a recession that is about to hit, that is the main thing that could change people's mind negatively against Biden. But, as I documented above, the momentum is going the other way. People are feeling better, not worse, about their personal financial situation. The good news for Biden is it's almost impossible for more people to say his age is a concern. That is now baked into the cake. Meanwhile, 57 % of voters say they approve of Trump's Presidency. So we know at least 7 % of Americans that NEVER approved of Trump's Presidency FOR ONE DAY while he was POTUS are open to being reminded about why the fired Trump is the first place. They will be reminded. Sorry for being abusive by stating facts, @EmmetK. floridarob 1 Quote
EmmetK Posted March 15, 2024 Posted March 15, 2024 On 3/13/2024 at 10:08 AM, floridarob said: You're going to cry when Biden wins, AGAIN! I don't watch MSNBC btw, can't stand Maddow.....BBC and Al jazeera America seem to report the news without bias...where do you get your cultish news from? People get serious walking into the voting booth.... Jacked Joe opened people's eyes during the State of the Union address...and Trump keeps getting into deeper shit ... I "I don't watch MSNBC btw, can't stand Maddow.....BBC and Al jazeera America seem to report the news without bias...where do you get your cultish news from?" That in itself speaks more about you than anything else.... "Jacked Joe opened people's eyes during the State of the Union address." Really? Is that why the post-SOTU polls haven't moved Dementia Joe Biden's approval one iota? Still in the toilet in the high 30's. Quote
floridarob Posted March 15, 2024 Posted March 15, 2024 2 hours ago, EmmetK said: That in itself speaks more about you than anything else.... That's a compliment...100 times better than the shit you're spewing..... Here is what is going to win the elections, the independents, Trump is the extreme of the extremist: Worries about political extremism or threats to democracy have emerged as a top concern for U.S. voters and an issue where President Joe Biden has a slight advantage over Donald Trump ahead of the November election, a new Reuters/Ipsos poll showed. Some 21% of respondents in the three-day poll, which closed on Sunday, said “political extremism or threats to democracy” was the biggest problem facing the U.S., a share that was marginally higher than those who picked the economy - 19% - and immigration - 18%. Biden's Democrats considered extremism by far the No. 1 issue while Trump's Republicans overwhelmingly chose immigration. Extremism was independents' top concern, cited by almost a third of independent respondents, followed by immigration, cited by about one in five. The economy ranked third. During and since his presidency, Trump has kept up a steady drumbeat of criticism of U.S. institutions, claiming the four criminal prosecutions he faces are politically motivated and holding to his false claims that his 2020 election defeat was the result of widespread fraud. That rhetoric was central to his message to supporters ahead of their Jan. 6, 2021, assault on the U.S. Capitol. Overall, 34% of respondents said Biden had a better approach for handling extremism, compared to 31% who said Trump, the frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination. The poll helps show the extent to which Biden's re-election bid could rely on voters being motivated by their opposition to Trump rather than enthusiasm over Biden's candidacy. Bingo T Dog and stevenkesslar 1 1 Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted March 15, 2024 Members Posted March 15, 2024 3 hours ago, floridarob said: The poll helps show the extent to which Biden's re-election bid could rely on voters being motivated by their opposition to Trump rather than enthusiasm over Biden's candidacy. It's an amazing thing. The latest Economist poll shows Trump 44/Biden 42. That two point spread is the same as the RCP average. Of Trump's supporters, 73 % say they are voting FOR Donald Trump, and 25 % say they are voting AGAINST Joe Biden. Of Biden's supporters, 52 % say they are voting FOR Joe Biden, and 47 % say they are voting AGAINST Donald Trump. Since most Biden supporters voted for him in 2020, the percentage of 2020 Biden voters is the same. Almost half of people who voted for Biden in 2020 and plan to in 2024 are voting against Trump, not for Joe Biden. It's possible this will hurt Biden. Because support for him in lackluster, whereas Trump's base is strong. More likely, it will be like 2018, 2020, 2022, and 2023. Because Trump and his base are viewed as extreme and anti-democratic, a lot of people who aren't really fans of Biden will vote for him. Just like in 2020. The fact that so many are willing to vote for Biden because they don't want Trump is an asset to Biden. At least it has been so far. Trump's never been able to get over 47 % of the vote. Right now 3 % of voters are in the Stein or West column. Most of them say they are open to changing their minds. So it's a good bet that many, maybe most, of them will vote AGAINST Trump in November by voting Biden, even if they are not FOR Biden. There's obviously a bunch of undecided voters who weren't crazy about Biden in 2020 and are less crazy about him now. But, when push came to shove, they did vote for Biden in 2020. That's likely more votes the end up going against Trump, even though they are not for Biden. I take it as great news for Biden that the economy is now #3 on the list for Independents. If inflation were 20 %, I'm pretty sure the economy would be all Republicans talked about. And they probably won't blame Biden for the stock market being at an all time high. So they have to make it about criminal migrant hordes. Just like they did in 2020. I mean, it worked for Trump in 2020. Why not run the play again? 😉 Marc in Calif 1 Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted March 15, 2024 Members Posted March 15, 2024 3 hours ago, floridarob said: Extremism was independents' top concern, cited by almost a third of independent respondents, followed by immigration, cited by about one in five. The economy ranked third. Trump thinks immigration is his ticket to get Independents to vote for him by being AGAINST Biden's "horrible" immigration policies. That may change once we actually start having a debate. Independents are more likely to listen to facts than just rally behind either Biden or Trump. For those of you who think murdering hordes of migrants is Trump's ticket to victory - like it was in 2020 - here's a pop quiz. 1. The murder rate spiked 30 % in 2020, when Donald Trump was President. Why is this a reason to vote for Donald Trump in 2024? a. Because more murder is always better. b. Because murders that are not committed by illegal aliens don't count. c. Because Laken Riley was not killed while Trump was President, and she is the only murder victim in America that will ever matter. d. Because people don't remember that murders soared 30 % in the last year of Trump's Presidency. 2. The murder rate plunged at least 12 % in 2023, the most recent year of Biden's Presidency. Why is this a reason to vote for Donald Trump in 2024? a. Because more murder is always better. b. Because we miss it when Donald Trump shoots people on 5th Ave. and gets away with it. c. Because Laken Riley was killed while Joe Biden was President, and she is the only murder victim in America that will ever matter. d. Because people don't know murder rates soared 30 % under Trump and have fallen over 12 % under Biden last year. 3. Rates of violent crimes, property crimes, and drug violations are always lower for undocumented immigrants than US citizens or legal immigrants. They know that cops and crime are two no no's if they want to stay in the United States. Why is this a reason to vote for Donald Trump in 2024? a. Because it's always fun to target the people who are most vulnerable. b. Because this isn't about crime. It's about winning an election. c. Because Laken Riley was killed by an undocumented immigrant, and that is all that matters. d. It's not a reason to vote for Donald Trump in 2024. If you answered "d" to all three questions, that's why this might not work as well for Trump in 2024 as it did in 2020 landslide. 😲 Marc in Calif and floridarob 2 Quote
Kostik Posted March 16, 2024 Author Posted March 16, 2024 The degradation of New York continues! 🤣 document_5447179864715053446.mp4 document_5449733686628993277.mp4 Quote
Kostik Posted March 16, 2024 Author Posted March 16, 2024 Degradation in the USA! document_5444928064901367689.mp4 Quote
EmmetK Posted March 17, 2024 Posted March 17, 2024 And those photos show exactly why Trump will win in a landslide in the fall. Immigration and crime... Crime and immigration. Blue cities and their soft-on-crime policies have destroyed once great cities. You can show statistics from now till the cows come home. Try telling that to the hard working citizens of Chicago, NY, LA, San Francisco, etc.. the list of crime ridden blue cities go on and on. And Biden's open border policies are nothing short of a disaster. There is a reason that almost every major poll shows Trump leading Biden in both a 2-person race and even more in a 5-person race. And Trump leading Biden in seven of the eight toss-up states. These polls haven't moved in months. Marc in Calif and stevenkesslar 2 Quote
Marc in Calif Posted March 17, 2024 Posted March 17, 2024 2 hours ago, EmmetK said: Try telling that to the hard working citizens of Chicago, NY, LA, San Francisco, etc. Yet you've never provided verified evidence that the crime rates in these cities are predominantly due to undocumented immigrants. Where's the beef? Or are you simply an undocumented hotdog salesman? 🌭 🤡 🌭 stevenkesslar and Bingo T Dog 2 Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted March 17, 2024 Members Posted March 17, 2024 9 hours ago, EmmetK said: And those photos show exactly why Trump will win in a landslide in the fall. Immigration and crime... Crime and immigration. Blue cities and their soft-on-crime policies have destroyed once great cities I know facts abused you. And I know you have found comfort and succor among your MAGA friends, where facts are viewed as abusive. Donald Trump, father of abuse and rape and lies, of course cultivates this kind of environment. But what part of the elections in 2018, 2020, 2022, 2023, or 2024 suggest to you that most Americans vote against facts? I just don't see it. Sorry to repeat. But this will be repeated ad nauseum this Fall: Trump thinks crime is his ticket to get Independents to vote for him by being AGAINST Biden's "horrible" crime policies. That may change once we actually start having a debate. Independents are more likely to listen to facts than just rally behind either Biden or Trump. Lest you have dementia and forgot, @EmmetK, let's take a trip down memory lane. Trump tried to use crime to win in 2020. It didn't work. The most interesting comment in that brief dissection was Peter Emerson saying this is a very powerful ad. Because it plays to emotion and fear. And the two most powerful things you can scare people about are their safety, and their health. Emerson has worked on every Democratic Presidential campaign since 1972. You don't Joe Biden, who was first elected around then, has figured this out? It didn't work in 2020. I suspect part of the reason why is murder skyrocketed under Trump in 2020. Although I don't think anyone knew the annual 2020 murder yet in November 2020. But people did know crime and murder were out of control. I think it hurt Trump. Lichtman, who you dismiss, would agree with that. The riots and social unrest hurt Trump. What we know now is that murder rates went up 30 % in Trump's last year in power. And murder rates fell at least 12 % in Biden's last full year before the 2024 election. That ad said Biden would defund the police and make you less safe. There is more police funding, and less murder, under Biden than Trump. People are safer. Granted, those are facts, not fears. But if it didn't work in 2020, how is it supposed to work in 2024 when Biden has the facts even more on his side? I suspect that is why, if you listen carefully, Republicans are talking about immigration, not murder. They can't say murder rates skyrocketed when Joe Biden took over. Because they did the opposite. So all they can do is hope the 2024 election is about one woman being murdered by one immigrant. All the Democrats need to do is run some Reaganesque ad like from 1984, asking people why we would want to go back to what we had in 1980. Make it about murder rates in 2020, possibly profiling actual murder victims, and compare it to the murder rates in 2023. People may fear Biden. But they also may fear that if they bring back Trump, we'll have way more guns and way more murder. Just like we did in 2020. Emerson said your safety and your health are the two best emotional triggers. As bad as safety is for Trump, health is far worse. All Biden has to say is Trump tried very hard to take your health care and your health care protections away as POTUS. People know this is true. Even among the MAGA base, it was the thing that dropped Trump's approval rating to its lowest. Working class Whites (and Blacks, and Hispanics, and Asians) did not like that. All Biden has to keep repeating is that Trump has already said he will try again, if you let him. Biden will say he strengthened those protections, and wants to strengthen them more. Speaking of Reagan, that also worked very will in 2020. Just use Reagan's words against Trump again. It's even easier after what Trump did on Jan. 6th. Breaking cops' bones on Capitol Hill is not what Reagan meant when he talked about "the shining city on a hill". If out of control crime is you path to victory, that simply tells me why Trump is going to lose. We haven't even begun to compare Trump, the most job-killing President in US history, to Biden, the most job-creating President in US history. Marc in Calif 1 Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted March 17, 2024 Members Posted March 17, 2024 10 hours ago, EmmetK said: There is a reason that almost every major poll shows Trump leading Biden I know I'm hard about you with facts, @EmmetK. But this one, I have to admit. You're right. There's just no question about it Right about now in 2016, Hillary was leading Trump by more than Trump is leading Biden. And she was about to open up a 10 point lead in May. Needless to say, there was nothing Trump could do to stop her landslide victory. But that's nothing compared to Carter's 10 point lead over Reagan in 1980. Granted, some worrywarts were saying the gap is closing. But they were wrong. Carter's 10 point lead only grew, and he won one of the most decisive victories in US history. How could Joe Biden ever close Trump's 1.7 % lead in the polls today? It's impossible! 😉 Marc in Calif 1 Quote