Kostik Posted March 18, 2024 Posted March 18, 2024 Another nonsense from a madman - @stevenkesslar! He lives in shit https://www.gayguides.com/forums/topic/46479-joes-dementia-is-killing-us-cities / and believes that it is so everywhere. No, the world is not as shit as many U.S. streets are becoming And in the meantime: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-03-17/grocery-prices-are-up-25-in-four-years-that-s-hurting-biden-s-economic-pitch The USA is a world of genocide! The whole world hates and despises the USA forky123 and KeepItReal 1 1 Quote
Kostik Posted March 18, 2024 Posted March 18, 2024 Since the start of the war in the Gaza Strip, about 300 aircraft and 50 ships with 35,000 tons of American ammunition have arrived in Israel. More than ten thousand dead children The USA is a world of genocide! The United States is the main sponsor of genocide in the world document_5458838656519262254.mp4 forky123 1 Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted March 18, 2024 Members Posted March 18, 2024 Nowhere To Go: Children in Iraq trapped in cycles of violence and poverty as conflict reaches unprecedented levels Genocide Fan # 2 posted something about Iraq and UNICEF above. Genocide Fan # 2 does not negotiate with terrorists. So I found it interesting that he is saying, "This is what the horror of genocide looks like. Let's do it in Ukraine!" All the same things that happened in Iraq are happening in Ukraine. I took out the specific numbers numbers of children impacted in Iraq from the report and put in general statements for children in Ukraine: Quote • Thousands of Ukrainian children have been killed by Russia • Thousands of children have been maimed and injured by Russia • Tens of thousands of children have become separated from their families by Russia • There have been countless attacks on schools and hospitals by Russia • Millions of Ukrainian children don’t attend Ukrainian school because they had to flee the country thanks to Genocide Man • The war has impoverished many children Genocide Fan # 2 is saying, "The US did this in Iraq. This is horrible! So let's do it in Ukraine!" That's what being a Genocide Fan means. Genocide means never having to say you're sorry. You're not going to get a debate from me that the US opened Pandora's Box in Iraq, and genocide came out. The only thing I'll debate is, having seen the horrible consequences of it for both Iraq and the US, why are you trying to fuck things up even worse in Ukraine? The US did not have to turns hundreds of thousands of Americans into fertilizer. Genocide Man is building a perpetual war machine to process Russians into fertilizer during his genocide. There are a few huge differences, of course. Quote For nearly four decades, Iraq has faced violence, war, sanctions and instability. But in the last three years alone, conflict has displaced 3 million people - half of them children. UNICEF is correct. The bloodbath and horror in Iraq existed long before the US did a thing. In fact, this is one of the reasons Bush 41 said, in writing, he did not go to Baghdad. He knew it would divide the US and our allies, and divide Iraq and open an uncontrolled bloodbath. Bush 41 was right. Ukraine is completely different. What preceded and caused Genocide Man's invasion was a movement to democratic capitalism, which Genocide Man and his kleptocrats can't stand. They would rather destroy Ukraine than see it prosper and be free. Freedom and prosperity in Ukraine would be a threat to Genocide Man. The report all these Iraqi horrors are taken from, which reference "the last three years", was written in 2017. The US was more or less out of Iraq by 2011. So this is not describing the rape, torture or murder of children by US soldiers. That's what Genocide Man's soldiers do in Ukraine. Here's one example of the Iraq horror in 2017: Quote In west Mosul, children are being deliberately targeted and killed to punish families and deter them from fleeing the violence. In less than two months, at least 23 children have been killed and 123 have been injured in that part of the city alone. There's no exact analogy in Ukraine. At least Russian soldiers are not doing that. They just steal the children and move them to Genocide World. Ukrainians welcome help from around the world, including the US. Thankfully, children are being deliberately moved to Poland and many other countries, with family members, where they can go to school, thanks to the global reaction to Genocide Man's horror. But it is still a horror even for the children living in safety. Again, I agree with the fact that the US opened up a horrible genocide when it invaded Iraq. We didn't even have to plan or conduct a genocide, like Genocide Man is doing. As the report outlines, all we had to do was topple a dictator who kept some kind of lid on a horror that had been going on for decades. These are all reasons for Genocide Man to not do the same things in Ukraine. The outcomes for his country are predictable, as well. They will be even worse than what happened to the US. But Genocide Man is doing it, anyway. And Genocide Fan # 2 wants us to know he supports this kind of genocide, as long as it is his own. Having read a report like this, it's very easy to imagine why people all over the world, especially in Iraq, lost trust and confidence in the US. It ended our unipolar moment. Arguably for the good, if that's what a unipolar power does. So it's mystifying why people in Genocide World don't seem to get that their genocide is making pretty much every nearby nation despise them for similar reasons. And think that peace with Genocide Man is impossible. It's not just Ukraine. Most European nations are committed to seeing Russia gradually weaken and crumble. The nearer you are to Genocide World, like Poland, the more you are committed to the idea that peace with Genocide Man is impossible. It's a problem for the US and Genocide World. The problem for the US is nobody wants to fund another forever war. But nobody, other than Trump, is going to hand over Ukraine to Genocide Man to devour. And 90 % of people in Ukraine don't want to make peace with Genocide Man by letting him devour them. The problem for Genocide World is far worse. It's reasonable to think at some point Russians might get tired of out of control inflation, soaring interest rates, and an economy that depends on turning Russian men into fertilizer. But even if Genocide Man wants peace, it's hard to see how he gets it. The lessons of Iraq are incredibly clear. You can open Pandora's Box, but you can't close it. Russia can't undo the hurt and hatred and mistrust Ukraine - and Europe - has for Russia, based on genocide. Ukraine will never NOT want to be part of the EU. It will never NOT want to be part of NATO. Russia lost the war of hearts and minds with their genocide, just like the US did in Iraq. The outcome will be the same. Eventually the Russians will just leave. Not under Genocide Man, of course. It's really a matter of how bad things in Genocide World need to get. But if you compare the power of the USSR to the pathetic weakness of Genocide Man, I'm pretty sure it won't take decades. Long live Genocide Man! Marc in Calif 1 Quote
Members JKane Posted March 18, 2024 Members Posted March 18, 2024 stevenkesslar and unicorn 1 1 Quote
Kostik Posted March 19, 2024 Posted March 19, 2024 Due to the fact that the lying propagandist No. 1 is not able to stop, let's continue. I will assume that he has mental problems related to delusions of persecution. This is not surprising, he has been living in the world of the US genocide and false American propaganda for many years. Propagandist No. 1 continuously justifies the genocide by the United States. The United States is the only one in the world that has used nuclear weapons against civilians. Over the past 30 years, the United States has killed more than 10 million civilians. The United States has abducted tens of thousands of children from Afghanistan and Iraq. US soldiers are constantly killing civilians in many countries of the world, constantly abducting, raping and killing children! Only a complete freak can justify these crimes. And propagandist No. 1 of this forum is continuously engaged in justifying and glorifying these war crimes In the United States, grocery store prices are rising at a high rate. Those children who were illegally abducted by the US army from other countries are now doomed to starvation and it's a pity for them!!! But I do not feel sorry for the citizens of the United States, whose lives are constantly deteriorating, who cannot afford food, who are massively robbed and killed every day. Under the fear of persecution by the US authorities, they are forced to endure such a life. As you know, the United States has the largest number of political prisoners in the world. These political prisoners are constantly being tortured and killed by the US authorities! The USA is a world of genocide, violence and child abduction forky123 1 Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted March 19, 2024 Members Posted March 19, 2024 Sheesh! Such grumpiness! Isn't anyone else feeling festively genocidal? I'm feeling festively genocidal! Genocide Man won! And not just a wimpy Dementia Joe victory or a steal votes in the middle of the night victory. Genocide Man won 187.3 % of the vote! Genocide World loves him. It's time to feel festive ! It's time for genocide! Marc in Calif 1 Quote
Moses Posted March 19, 2024 Posted March 19, 2024 16 hours ago, stevenkesslar said: That's Russians saying it. Piece of shit economy. Soaring inflation. 30 % inflation. 50 % inflation. Can't buy food. in 20th century? Russian Central Bank is genius in fighting with inflation. For that Nabiullina - head of CB - got "Central Banker of the Year" twice - in 2015 and 2017. You are writing lie after lie. Pure propaganda. Just visit World Bank data and see real facts: https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/FP.CPI.TOTL.ZG?end=2021&locations=RU&start=2000 In 2023 Russian economy is #1 by GDP growing in Europe and #5 in World. Marc in Calif 1 Quote
Moses Posted March 19, 2024 Posted March 19, 2024 By the way, speaking about Biden. Looks like nobody in EU already don't expect his election victory. Today Politico.EU main "news-politic" page. 1 news about Biden. 3 news about Trump. And guess who makes EU politic headlines now... Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted March 19, 2024 Members Posted March 19, 2024 7 hours ago, Moses said: Today Politico.EU main "news-politic" page. 1 news about Biden. 3 news about Trump. And guess who makes EU politic headlines now... Which is SO Genocide Fan of you. You just can't get enough of your genocide, can you? How much death do you want? How much genocide do you want? What are the headlines about? How Putin rigged an election, and every leader in Europe thinks it's a farce. Even Trump got the memo that he can't just get down on his knees, bow down, and suck Genocide Man's cock. He has to talk about how Genocide Man probably killed Navalny. Woo hoo! Some democracy! Some victory. 187.3 % of the vote! Will there now be a 187.3 % increase in the number of Russians turned into fertilizer? If Genocide Man being in the news for a farcical election, killing his political opponents, and moving into a totalitarian phase of his rule is what makes you proud, that tells us a whole lot about life in Genocide World. 7 hours ago, Moses said: Russian Central Bank is genius in fighting with inflation. For that Nabiullina - head of CB - got "Central Banker of the Year" twice - in 2015 and 2017. In 2023 Russian economy is #1 by GDP growing in Europe and #5 in World. You are not interested in facts. You are interested in defending Genocide Man and Genocide World. That's surprising, only in that Genocide Man - even though he ain't what he used to be - can take care of himself. Poison always does the trick. Or a bullet in the head. My point was not about the 20th Century. I've said repeatedly that back in the day, like from 2000 to 2012 or so, Genocide World was consistently outgrowing Germany every year. My comments were about how how Genocide Man is now building an inflationary war economy with an unsustainable budget, unsustainable interest rates, and - most important - the goal of turning Russians into fertilizer. Genocide Man's goal, of course, is to be powerful and rich, really. But now in racist, homophobic Russia Genocide Man's unchecked and unchallenged power and wealth does depend on turning Russians, especially poor ethnic minorities, into fertilizer. You are Genocide Fan #2 really don't seem to give a shit about any of this. All you communicate is your support for Genocide Man, Genocide World, and genocide. You want more retribution. You want to remove the Nazi Jews from power. Russia’s inflation accelerates to 7.7% in February Hey. 7.7 % is better than 17.8 %. No doubt this is why Genocide Man won 178.3 % of the vote! I'm sure interest rates will be down from 16 % in no time. That's the part your chart about the past leaves off. Talking about how something something something 2015 2017 has nothing to do with the horror of Genocide World today, under Genocide Man. Maybe you have to actually block it out of your own mind. Maybe you can't even admit to yourself that Russians bitch in polls about 30 % inflation, and how they can't afford groceries. At least Genocide Man gives them the freedom to do that. Maybe you can't admit to yourself that Genocide Man's authoritarian rule now depends on his ability to turn Russia's ethnic minorities into fertilizer. Or maybe you are just a fervent and dedicated supporter of Genocide Man and genocide, because you are personally benefitting from the genocide economy. Marc in Calif 1 Quote
Marc in Calif Posted March 19, 2024 Posted March 19, 2024 9 hours ago, Moses said: In 2023 Russian economy is #1 by GDP growing in Europe and #5 in World. You obviously choose to "forget" that you were schooled and owned on the topic of Russki GDP numbers. To remind you: The current state of the Russki GDP is due to military spending and defense production. None of it trickles down to poor little Ivan and Ivana. The same was of course true of the failed Soviet Union. stevenkesslar and forky123 1 1 Quote
Members unicorn Posted March 19, 2024 Members Posted March 19, 2024 I don't know if our two Russian posters actually believe the ridiculous crap they put out, but it's a waste of time to present actual facts to them. They'll always come back with the same absurd BS: "the truth comes from the place where journalists are murdered, and propaganda from places where's there's a free press," "fair elections comes from the place where journalists and opponents are murdered," and so on. I have no idea whether or not they actually believe that BS or not, but they're clearly not going to change their tune, and it's a waste of time to argue with people who ignore, or seem to ignore, the obvious. stevenkesslar and Marc in Calif 2 Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted March 19, 2024 Members Posted March 19, 2024 That's actually a really interesting chart. At first I just scratched my head. I did some research that helped me understand what it might mean. But it still is kind of a head scratcher. This post, by the way, will be more like one of the six emails my data geek nephew and I have exchanged in the last 24 hours. Very boring and data geeky. We're having a nice debate about the US stock market, which we are both heavily invested in. It just made this nephew a millionaire in the last year. That's how fucked up America is for young people. In Genocide World, young people get to be fertilizer. In America, they have to become millionaires. It sucks! Long live Genocide Man! My nephew thinks the 15 year bull market is headed to a top and will end this year. I disagree. The bullish guy I listen to the most, Glenn Neely, who has called every bull and bear market pretty much right since the 1980's huge bull market, was recently thinking the bull market might correct last month and go down for a few months. And then go to new all time highs later this year. When that correction didn't happen in February, Neely switched to saying we may be headed to S & P 5700, and quickly. Who knows. But all these macro numbers enter into it. If you think the US is teetering on the edge of some unsustainable economic abyss, that would end a 15 year US and global bull market. So this is all going to be data geek stuff about the underlying strength of the US and Russian economies. There are a few fundamental things I am 100 % sure of. First, most Americans and Russians own their own homes. I was surprised to just learn that the percentage of home ownership in Russia is higher than in the US. At least on paper. I'm a huge fan of homeownership. It is the primary mode of wealth creation for the middle class in the US, including me and everyone in my family. So it is a very good thing for both Russia and the US to have high rates of homeownership. That said, Russia has the same affordable housing crisis the US does. Especially for young people whose salaries aren't enough to buy pricey homes in the cities they want to live in. So they rent. My guess is that's the biggest reason young voters are pissed at Biden. Even though they despise Trump. It's that rents and home prices are sky high. Especially in the expensive cities young people live in. That is, of course, a sign of prosperity. Speaking of which, American net worths are up 37 % since 2019, a record high. The average middle class American's net worth surged to $192,000 by the end of 2022. Some of that is stock bull market. But the biggest reason why is home ownership. 2 in 3 Americans own their homes. Close to half have no mortgage. For those with a mortgage, the average rate is about 3.5 % fixed. It is a bedrock of stability. I'm pretty sure based on the surging stock and real estate markets average middle class net worth has to be well over $200,000 now. I'm guessing most Russians would love to have the equivalent in rubles. Except for murderous kleptocrats like Genocide Man and his Genocide Pals, who are super rich. If Genocide Man could figure out how to help young Russians (or Ukrainians) buy homes at 3.5 % fixed rates, instead of oppressing them and killing them and forcing them to flee or turning them into fertilizer, maybe they'd actually want to vote for him. But he still won by 187.3 % of the vote. So why complain? Again, I am a huge fan of affordable homeownership. If I lived in Russia, I could have been turned into fertilizer in my 20's. Instead, I spent my 20's (the 1980's) getting to know the CEO of GE Capital, the Chair of the Senate Banking Committee (I miss Prox) and beating the shit out of Fannie Mae. My boss, Gale Cincotta, was the mother of the anti-redlining movement. And I was her general. All this fun stuff resulted in billion dollar programs that were small ball compared to what Clinton did with home ownership in the 1990's. Which led to huge surges in net worth for working class Whites, Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians by helping open up mortgage lending and building net worth in homes. It all worked great until W. came in, started the Iraq war, and let mortgage lending predators run free. America fucked the world twice thanks to George W. Bush. We fucked the world with the Iraq War. And we fucked the world by driving the global economy off the cliff with our predatory Wall Street crooks. The Big Short is one of my favorite movies. So that chart above is actually mostly great news for America. Being a data geek, the first thing I noticed is that mortgage interest payments are STILL lower today in the US than they were in 2008. When millions of Americans lost their homes in the predatory lending crisis, brought to you by Wall Street and W and Alan Greenspan. 2008 was America at its worst. Today is America at its strongest. Home ownership and net worth is an absolute bedrock of US middle class financial stability. We are NOT being turned into fertilizer by Genocide Man, and we are better off and more financially stable than ever. Only 5 % of Americans have mortgage debt that exceeds 80 % of what their home is worth. Only 15 % have debt that exceeds 60 % of what their home is worth. Almost half have no debt. Even if home prices plummeted, most home owners would still be above water. It is bedrock financial stability. This is why we can easily afford to defend Ukraine, and send them the weapons that will turn hundreds of thousands more young Russians into fertilizer. See the difference? And don't blame it on me, you cynical fuck. You are a Genocide Fan of Genocide Man, who is turning Russians into fertilizer. Blame it on yourself for supporting Genocide Man and his genocide. You want retribution. You want dead Nazi Jews. You will get many more dead young Russians and a stagnant, inflationary economy. That is a problem for Genocide World. So sorry. What problems does the US have? Interest payments by US households are surging in that chart above because, duh!, interest rates are higher than in a generation. That sucks. Any young American with a student loan and high rent, or a mortgage they just got in the last few years, will tell you that. Like I said, it's still a bit of a head scratcher. How can interest on consumer debt have risen so quickly? But the broad numbers kind of make sense. Total mortgage debt in the US is $12.2 trillion. Total consumer debt in the US is $17.5 trillion. That right there explains a lot. There is less fixed rate mortgage debt, and more adjustable rate consumer debt as rates have risen. So it makes sense that consumer debt interest rate payments would skyrocket. My data geek nephew and I debate what this means in emails a lot. Because in theory this is why the US economy and stock market could go to shit. Americans are just too strapped with unsustainable debt. The media helps drive this idea, by focusing on superficial stuff that makes a good headline. Like credit card debt recently topped $1 trillion in the US for the first time ever. And it was made to sound as bad as Genocide Man's 20 % inflation. Or Genocide Man turning hundreds of thousands of Russians into fertilizer. But I think that is 99.9 % bullshit. Or fertilizer, if you prefer. Good Russian fertilizer. Overall household debt as a percentage of income is at historic lows in the US, not highs. Household debt was at a record low of 8 % of personal income during the pandemic, because people were basically forced to save. Now it's back to about 10 %, where it was during Obama II and Trump's Presidency. Still low by historical standards. Right before the GFC, it was 13 %. So this is a sign of strength, not weakness. Just like all that net worth and all that home equity and all those fixed rate mortgages. Americans could take on a lot more debt if they want. But incomes are now exceeding inflation, so they don't need to. The people who have it hardest are young Americans. But it ain't like they are ruled by Genocide Man, and he is turning them into fertilizer. Which is why young Americans (and Europeans) go to Ibiza or Venice, not Moscow. Average credit card debt for a Millennial (aged 26-41) was $6,274 in 2023, up from $5,309 in 2022. So, yeah. That kind of sucks. More debt, higher rates. Meanwhile, median family income for adults under 35 went for $56,400 in 2019 to $60,500 in 2022. Median net worth for those under 35 more than doubled, from $16,100 to $39,000. So which is worth: $1,000 more in debt, or $20,000 more in net worth? And these are the people who are worst off, only because they are young. Average net worth for a Baby Boomer over 65 went up over $100,000 in three years from 2019 to 2022. And it has gone up more since. The US is stronger than ever, and getting stronger. As long as we decide we don't want to elect a lying cock sucker who bows down to Putin, the US and Europe can easily pay as much as it takes as long as it takes to defend Ukraine from Genocide Man's mass murder, torture, rape, and stealing of children. Unfortunately, we can't help all the hundreds of thousands of Russians Genocide Man will have to turn into fertilizer. That's your problem. He's a sick fuck Subsidised mortgages in Russia are gradually feeling the squeeze That said, that is a nice thing I just learned about Russia with this latest data dive. It's easy to understand why subsidized mortgages are a popular program in Genocide World, given the global affordable housing crisis. Genocide Man has clearly been bribing Russians with subsidies in every way he can. At a very general level, it seems clear it is unsustainable. Murderous Vlad can run a genocide economy that builds a genocide machine for a very long time. And it will make some Russians, like his Genocide Pals, crazy rich. Many average Russians seem to be fine with retribution, murdering Nazi Jews, racism, homophobia, and sending Russians who are not "pure" Russians off to become fertilizer in Ukraine. And they like subsidies. As long as Genocide Man can keep up the racism and homophobia and send minorities to go be turned into fertilizer in Ukraine, it works. I don't think that's Genocide man's biggest problem. Powerless minorities have no choice other than to flee Genocide World. Poor Vlad's biggest problem is that all the subsidies it takes to get people to tolerate Genocide Man just become unaffordable. And at some point Russians will get sick and tired of it, just like with Afghanistan. Quote Within the conditions of tight monetary policy, maintaining government-supported programmes requires a fourfold increase in budget expenditures on subsidies. According to the current budget, subsidies for preferential mortgages were projected to amount to 46.5 billion rubles in 2024, and to 72.9 billion rubles for family mortgages. The budget for 2024–2026 anticipates expenditures of 230 and 223.8 billion rubles, respectively, i.e. a total of 454 billion instead of the initially budgeted 119 billion. That's one small example of how this could become unsustainable, referring to Genocide Man's mortgage subsidies in the paper above. But Genocide World is increasingly dependent on these kinds of subsidies. And one in three Russians still say they can't afford the groceries they need. This is a big problem for Genocide Man. In terms of the digs at Americans on food stamps or other government subsidies, it's true. I can tell you why I hope hundreds of thousands of Russians are turned into fertilizer. Honestly. I think it's going to happen. Before this ends, Genocide Man will turn hundreds of thousands more young Russians into fertilizer. And the sooner, the better, IMHO. Does that sound cruel? Is it cruel to say Genocide Man is a sick, evil, murderous fuck? Biden cut the US child poverty rate in half for one year. In was an amazing achievement. It helped working class Whites, Hispanics, and Blacks. The kind that are now tempted to vote for Trump. And you don't cut US child poverty in half cheaply. It took child tax credits to working class families that cost a lot of money. So the bottom line is all the money the US will have to spend to stop Genocide Man from killing Ukrainian children, or stealing them, could be spent to cut child poverty in the US in half. Many Americans of course say, "Who gives a shit about Ukrainian children?" But most Americans think Genocide Man's genocide is abhorrent, and must be stopped. So if Genocide Man needs to turn lots more Russians into fertilizer, thanks to weapons the US makes profits on that kill young Russians, so be it. If you don't like it, stop being Genocide Fans of Genocide Man. Stop the genocide. But if you don't want to do that, or can't, you are getting what you deserve. You have no idea how fucked you are. This kind of genocide has never worked. The world abhors it and will end it. The fun part for me, which is years in the future, will be seeing when and how Master Xi has to pull hard on the noose he now has tied around Genocide Man's testicles. It's going to happen. China simply can not choose Russia over the US, Europe, and all the powerhouses of Asia. I can't wait to see how Genocide Man's testicles take Master Xi's abuse. Meanwhile, Long Live Genocide Man! Congratulations on your glorious victory! Quote Almost half of global strategists think Russia could become a failed state in the next 10 years. Marc in Calif 1 Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted March 19, 2024 Members Posted March 19, 2024 57 minutes ago, unicorn said: but it's a waste of time to present actual facts to them. For the record, I totally agree. For the record, I just assume few if any people read the stuff I post. I'm not doing it to persuade anyone. Least of all Genocide Fan #1 or Genocide Fan #2. I just learned a lot in the last 24 hours about homeownership in Russia, some innovative mortgage subsidy programs there, and some of the ways Genocide Man buys off Russians to support his genocide. If no one else is interested, that's your choice. The Genocide Fans are skillful at repeating Genocide Man's bullshit. So it is interesting fact checking while I'm researching stocks and figuring out what to buy and sell. If you think this is bad, try PE ratios and RSI divergences. That is what my data geek nephew and I make money comparing notes on. Ugh! Too bad we can't live in Russia and be turned into fertilizer. Marc in Calif 1 Quote
Marc in Calif Posted March 19, 2024 Posted March 19, 2024 1 hour ago, unicorn said: ... it's a waste of time to argue with people who ignore, or seem to ignore, the obvious. I don't argue with them. I mock them. And I mock the foolish "data" that they try to present. stevenkesslar 1 Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted March 19, 2024 Members Posted March 19, 2024 2 hours ago, Marc in Calif said: None of it trickles down to poor little Ivan and Ivana. The same was of course true of the failed Soviet Union. Actually, some of it does trickle down. Mortgage subsidies. Big increases in pensions and minimum wages, which still don't keep up with the inflation the genocide is creating. Pensions go up 10 %, groceries go up 20 %. What's Genocide Man gonna do? Duh! Turn more Russians into fertilizer. But then he has to pay off their families. That costs money, too. Fertilizer ain't cheap these days. Putin is good at genocide. Part of being good at genocide is never having to say you're sorry. But part of being good at genocide is paying people off to support it. Or at least passively tolerate that. Putin is actually very good at that. But it is getting harder and harder. I'm not Alan Greenspan. Thank God. But I don't think you have to be Greenspan or Einstein to figure out this is just not sustainable. Genocide Man's strategy is to scare Europe, hope he breaks their will, and hope America fucks up and elects Trump again. Who for his own weird psychological reasons is predisposed to bow down and suck the cocks of tyrants and dictators like Genocide Man. (I mean Vlad, not Kim.) If Biden wins and Europe holds, which is what I'd bet on, I think Genocide Man is under enormous pressure to make his inflationary, stagnant economy work. And I mean "stagnant" in the way you are talking about. The genocide economy is growing by leaps and bounds. But it requires Russians to become fertilizer. Not to build out AI, like the US, or electric cars, like China. So the booming genocide economy is a dead end. Literally. The genocide machine requires hundreds of thousands of dead Russians and Ukrainians to work. All the stuff that works well in the economies of the US and China - innovation, technology, productivity, real growth, not just bombs and turning people into fertilizer - is not going well at all. Genocide Man has to buy most people off. And turn the unlucky ones into fertilizer. The best case scenario for Vlad is Trump wins and Genocide Man and Trump cut a deal in 24 hours. Ha ha. It's not that simple, of course. But it would just freeze the conflict for a long time. 90 % of Ukrainians would rather die than be part of Russia. Under any circumstances, they won't get Crimea back and be part of NATO anytime soon. I could make a good argument for this scenario. It costs the US and Europe and Asia less money, and Ukraine less lives. The conflict goes on. But at a lower level. Genocide Man doesn't have to distort and subsidize his genocide economy to quite the same degree. If I had to bet money, Biden will win. In part because the US won't elect a cock sucker who will bow down to Putin. I think Trump, who is sick but not stupid, has figured this out. Or listened to someone smart for once. That's why he's calling out Genocide Man for murdering Navalny, not quite as bluntly as I just said. He understands he does not want to look like a submissive cock sucker for Genocide Man. But it is a problem for Trump. He says Biden is weak. But Trump is the weak cock sucker who bows down to Putin. The polls do not suggest Americans want to appease Genocide Man, and cut deals with him. Had to revisit this poll. It made me laugh my ass off. Marc in Calif 1 Quote
Members unicorn Posted March 19, 2024 Members Posted March 19, 2024 Unless you subscribe to NYT, it's behind a paywall, but an interesting read: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/18/business/media/russia-fake-journalists.html?te=1&nl=the-morning&emc=edit_nn_20240319 "A young man calling himself Mohamed al-Alawi appeared in a YouTube video in August. He described himself as an investigative journalist in Egypt with a big scoop: The mother-in-law of Ukraine’s president had purchased a villa near Angelina Jolie’s in El Gouna, a resort town on the Red Sea. The story, it turned out, was not true. Ukraine denied it, and the owner of the villa refuted it. Also disconnected from reality: Alawi’s claim to being a journalist. Still, his story caromed through social media and news outlets from Egypt to Nigeria and ultimately to Russia — which, according to researchers, is where the story all began. The story seemed to fade, but not for long. Four months later, two new videos appeared on YouTube. They said Mohamed al-Alawi had been beaten to death in Hurghada, a town about 20 miles south of El Gouna. The suspected killers, according to the videos: Ukraine’s secret service agents. These claims were no more factual than the first, but they gave new life to the old lie. Another round of posts and news reports ultimately reached millions of internet users around the world, elevating the narrative so much that it was even echoed by members of the U.S. Congress while debating continued military assistance to Ukraine. Ever since its forces invaded two years ago, Russia has unleashed a torrent of disinformation to try to discredit Ukraine’s leader, Volodymyr Zelensky, and undermine the country’s support in the West. This saga, though, introduced a new gambit: a protracted and elaborately constructed narrative built online around a fictitious character and embellished with seemingly realistic detail and a plot twist worthy of Netflix. “They never brought back a character before,” said Darren Linvill, a professor and director of the Media Forensics Hub at Clemson University, who has extensively studied Russian disinformation. The campaign shows how deftly Russia’s information warriors have shifted to new tactics and targets as the war in Ukraine has dragged on, just as Russian forces on the ground in Ukraine have adjusted tactics after devastating battlefield losses...". stevenkesslar 1 Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted March 19, 2024 Members Posted March 19, 2024 24 minutes ago, unicorn said: Unless you subscribe to NYT, it's behind a paywall, but an interesting read: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/18/business/media/russia-fake-journalists.html?te=1&nl=the-morning&emc=edit_nn_20240319 "A young man calling himself Mohamed al-Alawi appeared in a YouTube video in August. He described himself as an investigative journalist in Egypt with a big scoop: The mother-in-law of Ukraine’s president had purchased a villa near Angelina Jolie’s in El Gouna, a resort town on the Red Sea. The story, it turned out, was not true. Ukraine denied it, and the owner of the villa refuted it. Also disconnected from reality: Alawi’s claim to being a journalist. Still, his story caromed through social media and news outlets from Egypt to Nigeria and ultimately to Russia — which, according to researchers, is where the story all began. The story seemed to fade, but not for long. Four months later, two new videos appeared on YouTube. They said Mohamed al-Alawi had been beaten to death in Hurghada, a town about 20 miles south of El Gouna. The suspected killers, according to the videos: Ukraine’s secret service agents. These claims were no more factual than the first, but they gave new life to the old lie. Another round of posts and news reports ultimately reached millions of internet users around the world, elevating the narrative so much that it was even echoed by members of the U.S. Congress while debating continued military assistance to Ukraine. Ever since its forces invaded two years ago, Russia has unleashed a torrent of disinformation to try to discredit Ukraine’s leader, Volodymyr Zelensky, and undermine the country’s support in the West. This saga, though, introduced a new gambit: a protracted and elaborately constructed narrative built online around a fictitious character and embellished with seemingly realistic detail and a plot twist worthy of Netflix. “They never brought back a character before,” said Darren Linvill, a professor and director of the Media Forensics Hub at Clemson University, who has extensively studied Russian disinformation. The campaign shows how deftly Russia’s information warriors have shifted to new tactics and targets as the war in Ukraine has dragged on, just as Russian forces on the ground in Ukraine have adjusted tactics after devastating battlefield losses...". That's the way I feel about Genocide Man's interference in US elections, in a nutshell. Let him give it his best shot. We'll survive. And, by the way, one of Genocide Man's legitimate gripes is that the US does the same, both in Russia and Ukraine. He wanted payback against Hillary for what he thinks she did in Ukraine. And he got it. None of this is new. I think the Mueller report was a net positive. My view of it is Republicans chose a Republican, Mueller, to try to ferret out whether there really was some secret thing going on between Genocide Man and Trump. And I think Mueller found the answer was no. Mueller did find lots of Russian 2016 election interference, but could not tie it directly to Trump. Meanwhile, he found that Trump is an asshole who obstructed his investigation. But just being a garden variety asshole is something we already knew about Trump. So Mueller left Trump's obstruction up to Republicans in Congress or Trump's DOJ to act on. Shockingly, they did nothing. But all of that is the best answer we'll probably ever get on whether Trump is a willing pawn of Putin. No, he's not. It's incredibly easy to come up with a huge list of reasons Genocide Man would rather Trump be POTUS. But Schumer just said he'd rather Netanyahu not lead Israel. These things happen, and are basically fair enough. I'll add one other point I simply take as fact, even though it is not. Lichtman predicted in September 2016 Trump would win. In 2020 he predicted Trump would lose. He was right both times, as he has been since 1984 every time. Point being that it's probably a fact - or close to a fact - that Trump would have won anyway, in 2016. For reasons that had nothing to do with Putin. And he lost in 2020 despite (or perhaps because of) how good he was at sucking Genocide Man's cock in public. My opinion is that it will hurt Trump in 2024 that he is still one of Genocide Man's best cock suckers in the whole world. Putin knows this, which is why he insults Americans by thinking we actually believe he would rather Biden be POTUS. Trump knows this, since he has to pretend he is not a Putin cock sucker by saying Genocide Man perhaps killed Navalny. It all gets very complicated, like spy games Which, again, is nothing new. So I think America will come out fine. Putin's actions, including whatever he is doing to influence the 2024 election, probably tend to help Biden, I think. Because everyone hates Putin and thinks he's an evil shit. Nobody particularly respects Trump for bowing down to Putin. There's a whole different level of this that has nothing to do with Putin: AI. But I think the answer is the same. That which does not kill us makes us stronger. One of the most interesting conversations I had last year was at a family gathering. The question was whether the US will be better when Millennials and Gen Z take over. So it was Boomer parents and aunts and uncles, and their mostly Millennial kids and nieces and nephews. One of my nieces said that Ai will be a huge challenge, especially for her generation. But in the end she said they'll figure out how to use the good parts of AI and control the worst. That can be taken on many levels. AI is already probably resulting in net job losses at the big tech companies. My niece, a graphic artist, has the kind of job AI could probably eventually replace. But then there is the level of Deep Fakes. Like AI Genocide Man saying or even doing things Real Genocide Man didn't do. It could get very complicated. Now let's add Kissinger, before his death, saying if we don't get this under control in a brief window, like maybe a decade, AI when applied to warfare could almost inevitably lead to nuclear war. Because we'll give AI too much control over decisions on very rapid response times. All of this goes way beyond Genocide Man's disinformation about the mother-in-law of Ukraine's President. But it is all part of the same challenge. If you believe Kissinger, it could kill us. If it doesn't, it will make us stronger. I think Genocide Man and Trump are huge challenges that history will show ultimately made democracy stronger. Marc in Calif 1 Quote
Kostik Posted March 20, 2024 Posted March 20, 2024 While three crazy American propagandists are caressing each other's ears with tall tales, let's get back to the topic. Joe has dementia and he constantly confirms it. 🤣🤣🤣 And yes, I repeat what is an absolute truth for all sane people: the United States is a world of genocide, lies and propaganda. The number of civilians killed by the US army is measured in tens of millions. The number of abducted, murdered and abused children by the U.S. Army is measured in the hundreds of thousands video5463101213992043307.mp4 forky123 1 Quote
Kostik Posted March 20, 2024 Posted March 20, 2024 I remember how two years ago, on these forums, fools raised by American propaganda said that Russia would face an economic collapse within a couple of months. Meanwhile, there is a huge food inflation in the United States Emotion: forky123 1 Quote
Moses Posted March 20, 2024 Posted March 20, 2024 20 hours ago, stevenkesslar said: Russia’s inflation accelerates to 7.7% in February Dear, inflation from 5 to 10% is normal here. For that we have interest rate up to 17% in banks on deposits. So, nobody cares. stevenkesslar 1 Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted March 20, 2024 Members Posted March 20, 2024 3 hours ago, Moses said: Dear, inflation from 5 to 10% is normal here. For that we have interest rate up to 17% in banks on deposits. So, nobody cares. Is this something about Genocide World? Genocide Man is great at genocide. But he sucks at bullshitting. And you do, too. Genocide Man says he is for Biden winning. It's just laughable. It would be better if he just kept his genocidal mouth shut. Because anybody who hears his bullshit in the US who is not deep into cult think is gonna say, "What a fucking joke." It's even the same with nuclear war. Genocide Man is all talk these days about how he's gonna nuke Europe and nuke the US and I'm Genocide Man and I can nuke you and I will nuke you because I am Genocide Man and I am strong and I can nuke you. All it says to me is he is a genocidal losing weak piece of shit, and he knows it. If he starts a nuclear war the likely outcome is more Russians die than anyone else. And as weak and fucked up as his genocide economy is now, his nuclear war economy will be worse. Genocide Man is the world's bully who is weak and losing and bad at bullshit. So I guess it makes sense that you just follow the same pattern of bullshit on inflation. First you try to deny that genocide economy inflation is a problem by posting a chart that ends before the genocide started, and saying something irrelevant about 2015 or whatever. It's like Genocide Man saying he wants Biden to win. It just sounds transparent, stupid, and like total bullshit. Now you are saying people don't care about the fact that they can't afford groceries. It's just normal. That sounds like total bullshit and denial, too. But when your economy is a stagnant piece of shit that functions by turning your own people into fertilizer, what are you gonna do? Levada's polls of Russians say you are totally full of shit, and this is not normal, and Russians do care. So of course your reaction is that anything bad about Genocide Man or Genocide World is propaganda. It just makes Genocide World even more a pathetic joke. Like we're supposed to believe Genocide Man won 187.3 % of the vote simply because everyone loves Genocide Man. Everyone is lining up, not only to vote for genocide man, but to be patriotically be turned into fertilizer by Genocide Man. It's all bullshit and genocide from losers who suck at bullshit, but excel at genocide. That poll of Russians, which you also dismiss as propaganda, suggests Russians and Americans are similar in this sense. They care a lot about inflation. And they think it is worse than it actually is. Genocide Fan # 2 posted a chart above saying groceries in the US are up maybe 25 % or so since 2020. That sounds right. The right wing here calls it "Bidenflation" and of course blames it on him. I think it's the main reason Trump is ahead in the polls, barely. Everyone is focused on Bidenflation. And that's true all over the world. Most leaders of democracies that were around in 2020 and 2021 are unpopular. People remember the inflation, and don't like it. For whatever reason, inflation in the US - while bad - has been lower than in most nations. Including Genocide World. But Americans definitely do not like it. Russians don't either. What is interesting about that second chart is that 30 % inflation or 50 % inflation exaggerates what actually happened, in the minds of Russians. The reports from Genocide World say maybe close to 20 % inflation at peak, overall. And of course there were specific items where inflation was much higher, just like in the US and every planet in the world. We also know many Russians are not like you, in that they are not really fans of genocide. And they can just be honest, rather than constantly bullshit like you do. Marc in Calif 1 Quote
Marc in Calif Posted March 20, 2024 Posted March 20, 2024 On 3/18/2024 at 10:01 PM, Kostik said: The number of civilians killed by the US army is measured in tens of millions. The number of abducted, murdered and abused children by the U.S. Army is measured in the hundreds of thousands You were previously asked to provide verified evidence for these statements. You never did, troll clown! 🤡 You cannot find any verified evidence because there is none. Yet you'll keep trying -- because that's what attention-seeking troll clowns always do. 🤣 stevenkesslar 1 Quote