Moses Posted March 15, 2024 Posted March 15, 2024 54 minutes ago, Marc in Calif said: The actual definitions, child, are these I expect you to be smarter. My phrase means: it is translation by Google. So, you may write your claims to Google, dear. Quote
Marc in Calif Posted March 15, 2024 Posted March 15, 2024 4 minutes ago, Moses said: My phrase means: it is translation by Google. So precisely WHAT did you write here that was translated by Google? What exactly was it? Was it the following sentence? -- “We both” are supporters of justice and retribution. So you had to rely on Google to translate that into English? 😮 This is an extremely sad day for you, child. Now we can confirm that you don't understand any of the English comments that you make on these forums. You don't understand any of the Google translations. stevenkesslar 1 Quote
Moses Posted March 15, 2024 Posted March 15, 2024 52 minutes ago, Marc in Calif said: You don't understand any of the Google translations No dear, I just don't bother with it and use the Google translator built into the browser when I type my answers. Quote
Marc in Calif Posted March 15, 2024 Posted March 15, 2024 6 minutes ago, Moses said: No dear, I just don't bother with it and use the Google translator built into the browser when I type my answers. Thanks, child. Now you've again admitted that you don't understand everything that you write here in these forums. 🤡 If you don't understand the meaning of specific English words that you type, all of your comments and "answers" (itself not the right word) are highly suspect. This is yet another new LOW for you, child! 🔽 ⏬ ⬇️ Quote
Moses Posted March 15, 2024 Posted March 15, 2024 By the way, when you start making comments about this or that word, it makes me happy. Because it shows that you have nothing to object to the facts that I am setting out here. And yes, mistakes and typos don’t bother me much: in any case, I speak your language much better than you speak mine. This is also a Google translation. For speed. Quote
Marc in Calif Posted March 15, 2024 Posted March 15, 2024 3 minutes ago, Moses said: And yes, mistakes and typos don’t bother me much. Saying that both of the Russian children in this forum are in favor of "justice and retribution" was NOT a mistake or a typo. You know that and everyone else knows it. You're just trying to backpedal -- very unskillfully! 🚳 That phrase "justice and retribution" accurately represents your misunderstanding of words and, therefore facts. The fact is that Russia does not have a true system of (real) justice. But Russia most definitely has a true system of retribution. So you were only half correct. ⬇️⏬ ⏬ Quote
Moses Posted March 15, 2024 Posted March 15, 2024 8 minutes ago, Marc in Calif said: That phrase "justice and retribution" accurately represents your misunderstanding of words and, therefore facts. The fact is that Russia does not have a true system of (real) justice. But Russia most definitely has a true system of retribution. So you were only half correct. Once again for the remote areas of Arizona, or wherever you live there: I type in Russian and then just press “send” without checking what Google translated - I don’t care if there is an error or not. Therefore, if there is an error in what you are reading and you want to let someone know about it, then go here: Quote
Marc in Calif Posted March 15, 2024 Posted March 15, 2024 9 minutes ago, Moses said: I type in Russian and then just press “send” without checking what Google translated. Yes, we already understand that. You don't check to make sure. That's obvious from your many misunderstandings of facts. So what is the Russian word that you typed to mean "justice"? I'm sure that you're very proud of the fact that Russia holds the 113th rank in true justice systems in the world. It is less just than Guatemala, Niger, the Kyrgyz Republic, Lebanon, and the Philippines. That's pretty low! I know that this is something that both of you Russian children want to celebrate! 🙌🥳🎉 👬 Quote
Moses Posted March 15, 2024 Posted March 15, 2024 One small piece of advice: I advise you to think about whether you should use the word “child”, because it may say more about your inclinations than you would like others to know about it. Quote
Marc in Calif Posted March 15, 2024 Posted March 15, 2024 14 minutes ago, Moses said: One small piece of advice: I advise you to think about whether you should use the word “child”, because it may say more about your inclinations than you would like others to know about it. One small piece of advice: I advise you to think about whether you should use the word "dear," because in English-speaking countries we use it only to refer to our spouse or another family member, like our son or daughter. Why do you think I started using the word "child" in the first place? This particular joke is on you, my DEAR. 🥰 stevenkesslar 1 Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted March 16, 2024 Members Posted March 16, 2024 5 hours ago, Moses said: One small piece of advice: I advise you to think about whether you should use the word “child”, because it may say more about your inclinations than you would like others to know about it. You're right about that, dear. The US is trying to protect Ukrainian children. That is our inclination with children. The Russian inclination is to kill Ukrainian children, or steal them. That is a big difference. Marc in Calif 1 Quote
Kostik Posted March 16, 2024 Posted March 16, 2024 13 hours ago, stevenkesslar said: The US is trying to protect Ukrainian children. That is our inclination with children. The US right to steal children is exclusive! Only the United States can steal children from Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and other countries by the tens of thousands. The United States wants to exclusively steal children from Ukraine. Russia is hindering her. Corrupt committees immediately start writing reports and all for bribes from the US government. The USA is the country that has kidnapped the most children in the world! The USA is the country that has kidnapped the most children in the world! stevenkesslar, forky123 and Marc in Calif 1 2 Quote
Kostik Posted March 16, 2024 Posted March 16, 2024 The United States threatens sanctions against all international organizations that do not repeat the false propaganda of the United States! The USA is a country of lies, propaganda and censorship! stevenkesslar, Marc in Calif and forky123 1 2 Quote
reader Posted March 16, 2024 Posted March 16, 2024 Go Fund Me page has been started to keep our Kostik from--yes, you guessed it--falling off yet again. In keeping with his expressed wishes that all things be American, restraints will be manufactured in Detroit and endorsed by presidential candidate. stevenkesslar and Marc in Calif 1 1 Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted March 16, 2024 Members Posted March 16, 2024 1 hour ago, Kostik said: The US right to steal children is exclusive! Only the United States can steal children from Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and other countries by the tens of thousands. The United States wants to exclusively steal children from Ukraine. Russia is hindering her. Corrupt committees immediately start writing reports and all for bribes from the US government. The USA is the country that has kidnapped the most children in the world! The USA is the country that has kidnapped the most children in the world! You're so funny. Stealing children is not a funny topic. But you're making it funny. It's also telling us just how stupid and superficial Genocide Man's propaganda is. And why you are losing on every level. And Genocide World is becoming more and more of a tragic mess, with soaring inflation and soaring interest rates and a soaring need to find Russians willing to be turned into fertilizer to avoid a military defeat. Your response to documented genocide by international bodies like the UN and global public opinion is to say, "No. The US is Genocide World. The US steals children." How childish. I'll state again that I agree that the US led a genocide in Iraq. It was a horrific mistake. Most Democrats opposed it. Had Al Gore won in 2000, it never world have happened. And most of the slaughter was Iraqis killing Iraqis. But the relevant point today is that it is Exhibit A (Afghanistan is Exhibit B and C, for both the US and USSR) that your invasion is fucked. And it has already dramatically weakened Genocide World. But instead of dealing with that, you want to be stupid and childish and say, "No, the US steals children. Not us." UN committee urges Russia to end ‘forcible transfer’ of Ukrainian children Kyiv claims 20,000 children have been taken from Ukraine to Russia without families’ or guardians’ consent. I've documented every argument I have made with current facts. I've used data and reports from international bodies, like the UN, saying it. Rather than some American politician, where you can say that's just Western propaganda. So where are your facts? Show me the UN report or even Genocide Man's report from Genocide World, that the US is currently stealing tens of thousands of Ukrainian children, and slaughtering thousands more? Show us the facts, Mr. Genocide Fan. In most of your posts you are supporting genocide, Mr. Genocide Fan. You are either denying Putin's genocide, or supporting it by saying we need to kill as many Ukrainian men, women, and children as it takes to win. If we are dealing with facts, not your genocidal sickness and horror and stagnant, inflationary fucked up economy, this comes closer to describing what the US policy on non-US children is: Record 3.2 million migrants to cross in, take US jobs As the headline suggests, this is a big political problem. We don't have the housing and jobs for 3.2 million people. But it's not new. As that article documents, similar peaks happened under Reagan and Clinton, when about 2 million migrants a year were trying to get in. Why? Why are millions of people trying to get into the US, even as Russia's best and brightest and ethnic minorities flee Genocide World? The best and brightest are fleeing Genocide World because they want a future. Ethnic minorities are fleeing your sick, murderous Genocide World because they want a life. Genocide Man is targeting Russian ethnic minorities to be turned into fertilizer, whether they like it or not. Genocide World is a dark, murderous, bigoted, racist, homophobic and ugly place with a stagnant and inflationary economy. No one wants to live in Genocide World. That's a dated chart of the number of children trying to get into the United states, by country. It shows that even under anti-immigrant Trump, they were trying desperately to get in. Including Russians who are desperate to get out of dark, stagnant, murderous, racist, homophobic Genocide World Ukraine war sparked dramatic surge of Russians fleeing homeland for New York, adding to migrant crunch In Genocide World, Genocide Man is stealing tens of thousands of children and forcing them to live in Genocide World. Genocide Man is also killing thousands of Ukrainian children. The UN and the world (except Master Xi) is calling on Genocide Man to stop. But Genocide Man wants his genocide. And you support it. Most Russians support Genocide Man's genocide, if only passively. The US, as fucked up as we are, is still the beacon of liberty and freedom it has always been. We have a huge problem helping children desperate to flee malnutrition, poverty, and death. Unlike your bigoted snipe, we don't discriminate against them because they speak Spanish. Mis vecinos hablan español. So what? We are the strongest economy in the world, with middle class net worths and stock market valuations soaring to record highs. Children wanting to get in is a nice problem to have, compared to the dark, murderous, racist, homophobic hell of Genocide World, where children are stolen and slaughtered. No wonder anybody who can is getting the fuck out! Quote
Kostik Posted March 16, 2024 Posted March 16, 2024 13 minutes ago, stevenkesslar said: You're so funny. Stealing children is not a funny topic. But you're making it funny. Forcibly removing children from their countries of permanent residence is absolutely not funny. The United States kidnapped and forcibly got out tens of thousands of children from Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan! But!!! Any international organization that dares to investigate these crimes by the United States risks being sanctioned or worse, imprisoned in U.S. prisons and tortured there! The United States has the largest number of political prisoners in the world! The United States openly threatens all international organizations that if they do not repeat the false propaganda of the United States, there will be sanctions! Child abduction, violence against abducted children is US policy! Marc in Calif, forky123, stevenkesslar and 1 other 3 1 Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted March 16, 2024 Members Posted March 16, 2024 Russia Is Sending Its Ethnic Minorities to the Meat Grinder On top of all the other sickness and horror and mass murder and genocide being exported by Genocide Man, there is also the internal genocide in Genocide World. Genocide Man knows affluent and ethnically "pure" Russians don't want to be turned into fertilizer. So he is targeting poor ethnic minorities to be turned into fertilizer in Ukraine. So Genocide World is hosting both an external genocide, and an internal genocide. The children of all these ethnic minorities will grow up without fathers. Because Genocide Man turned them into fertilizer. You people are sick fucks. Explain to me how racism and homophobia are NOT Russian values. The Russians who abhor Genocide Man's sick and murderous values, or simply do not want to be processed into fertilizer, are trying to get out. If they were not prisoned, assassinated, or poisoned first. Marc in Calif 1 Quote
Kostik Posted March 16, 2024 Posted March 16, 2024 The USA is the main sponsor of genocide and terrorism in the world! forky123 1 Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted March 16, 2024 Members Posted March 16, 2024 10 minutes ago, Kostik said: The United States kidnapped and forcibly got out tens of thousands of children from Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan! Show me the data, Mr. Genocide Fan. All you keep proving is you can scream and support genocide. But I do feel sorry for you. Who wants to have to live in Genocide World? For that matter, who wants to be a woman or girl in Afghanstan? The problem for women and girls in Afghanistan is that the US left. Life was clearly better for women and girls in Afghanistan when the US was trying to make it less sexist. That is what global humanitarian organizations are saying. Letter from Afghanistan: A Slow Death Quote I am writing this letter from prison. I am in a prison ruled by the Taliban. I am an Afghan girl, and I have been in prison for more than two years, deprived of all basic rights like education and work. Like hundreds of millions of girls around the world, I had hopes — hopes for a better life and for a better tomorrow. I did not just think of myself but of all the women in this country who suffer similar pain, and I understand their suffering. Millions of women and girls in Afghanistan would rather live in the US. But they have to live in horror. Many Ukrainian girls won't have this problem. Because Genocide Man slaughtered them. Marc in Calif 1 Quote
Kostik Posted March 16, 2024 Posted March 16, 2024 19 minutes ago, stevenkesslar said: That is what global humanitarian organizations are saying. These organizations speak exclusively on pain of sanctions or imprisonment in American prisons and subsequent torture, as is customary in the United States The United States illegally took many children out of Afghanistan The United States is the main sponsor of genocide in the world The USA is the country that has abducted the most children in the world from Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan! stevenkesslar and forky123 1 1 Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted March 16, 2024 Members Posted March 16, 2024 1 hour ago, Kostik said: The USA is the main sponsor of genocide and terrorism in the world! First off, this is a post about Biden's supposed dementia. So let's talk about Israel in that context. Biden is proving to be what he claims to be: old, and wise. Add Chuck Schumer to that list. I can not tell you how grateful I am that Joe Biden was President when the horror of Oct. 7th happened. If Trump were President, or if Trump is President, there is no question. He will back Bibi The Butcher, and his genocide. Trump would be fine with killing hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, mostly women and children. That's genocide! No wonder Trump and your sadistic Genocide Man understand and respect each other. In some fantasy world, maybe Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren could be President, and US policy would be different. But they ran and lost, badly. So in the real world it is Biden or Trump. That's a choice between being against genocide, or being for it. Biden and his allies like Schumer are taking the gloves off. And they should. Because whats become clear is the genocide in Gaza is perhaps the most likely thing that will hand Trump a second term. although in March 2024 what has really not been factored in yet is that all these young voters and Arab Americans who are deeply pissed at Biden will figure out that letting Trump win says, "Let the real genocide begin!" Biden did two very smart things. First, he went to Israel and literally hugged a leader he can't stand. The polls are fickle, but interesting. In December Israelis said they would rather see Biden win than Trump, 40/26. That no doubt reflects Biden going to Israel after a genocidal horror and saying, "I have your back," Any country in the world would want that after their 9/11. By March that has now flipped to Israelis wanting Trump to beat Biden, 44/30. No doubt that reflects the fact that Biden and his allies are starting to lash out at Bibi The Butcher and his genocide. Second, Biden realizes he is running for POTUS, not PM of Israel. So he is speaking out about the genocide, without actually calling it a genocide. So is Kamala, who is now being positioned as the non-White woman speaking to the concerns of young non-White Americans and Arab Americans in particular. I said a few months ago that Biden is the last Democratic President who will more or less unconditionally back Israel. I was wrong. Biden is now the first Democratic US President who will NOT unconditionally support Israel. For that matter, Schumer is the first Jewish Senate Majority Leader, ever, and the first Democratic Senate Majority Leader to NOT unconditionally back Israel. It's all very fluid. And, if I had to guess, genocide will win. Genocide will certainly win if Bibi The Butcher manages to survive, and Trump wins. That's a prescription for the genocide of as many Palestinians as possible, both in Gaza and the West Bank. It is also a prescription for the genocide of Ukrainians, which Trump will passively support. But even if Biden is re-elected, genocide is my favorite to win in Israel. Those poll results above are a sign of it. Israelsi support Biden when he sends them arms to kill Palestinians. When he starts talking about a two state solution, they flip back to Trump. Importantly, there's not an Israeli majority for anything. There's not a majority for Bibi The Butcher. There's not a majority for Gantz. But there is a majority of Israelis who are basically against a two state solution. So i ain't holding my breath. Now, all that is about Israel, not the US. The bottom line is that either Trump or Biden will win in November. If Trump wins, more genocide in Israel is almost a sure thing. If Biden wins, there may be a way to give peace - a two-state solution - a chance. So don't go blaming Biden for Bibi The Butcher's genocide. Marc in Calif 1 Quote
Kostik Posted March 16, 2024 Posted March 16, 2024 2 minutes ago, stevenkesslar said: If Trump were President History does not presuppose a particle of being (Here I am not sure about the correctness of the translation. I have my doubts) Biden has dementia, to deny it means dementia in the objector. Now, with the full political, financial and military support of the United States, Israel is carrying out genocide. The scale is unprecedented, there has been nothing like it for more than 30 years forky123 1 Quote
Kostik Posted March 16, 2024 Posted March 16, 2024 9 minutes ago, stevenkesslar said: The bottom line is that either Trump or Biden will win in November. A moment of humor, if I may. Perhaps, if this happens, there will be real democratic elections in the United States. But unfortunately it's fantastic. The USA and democracy are incompatible. document_5451985486442677980.mp4 forky123 and stevenkesslar 1 1 Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted March 16, 2024 Members Posted March 16, 2024 3 minutes ago, Kostik said: The United States illegally took many children out of Afghanistan Thank you for proving my point. This is not even a debate. You are so fucking stupid. It really is amazing. I don't even have to make my argument. You are making it for me. Thank you. I do at least give you credit for trying. i asked for facts. So your argument is based on what Genocide Man's Foreign Ministry says. But of course that's not Russian propaganda. 😉 This is a joke. But let's go with it. There's something something something about 234 children taken to the US, supposedly without their parents' consent. There's no proof of that whatsoever. Then Genocide Man's propagandists say this: Quote The department also drew attention to the fact that only 4.5 out of 82 thousand “rescued” Afghans received refugee status in the United States. “The rest of the evacuees, according to a recent decision of Congress, were given the right only to a two-year stay in the United States, which, by the way, ends literally in six months,” the ministry added. So Genocide Man is saying that the problem is that the US "rescued" 82,000 Afghans, presumably including lots of children, but not to Genocide Man's satisfaction. What a joke! All Genocide Man is qualified to talk about is genocide, and slaughtering and stealing children. That is who your sadist is, and what your sadist does. Killing children. Stealing children. He leaves the raping of children to Russian soldiers. So Mr. Genocide Rapist Mass Murder is complaining that only a small percentage of the "rescued" Afghans were given full refugee status, as opposed to a two year stay in the United States. Which tells us that tens of thousands of Afghans want to be Americans. No Afghans are rushing to live in Genocide World. Do you ever wonder why? But that grossly understates the problem. As I said above, there are probably millions of Afghan women and girls that would rather be Americans. I feel sorry for them. It's a tragic example of how the US tried to do two things, only one of which worked. First, we tried to defend ourselves from a horrific unprovoked attack. Just like Ukraine is trying to defend itself from your genocidal sadist. There is a silver lining in this cloud. Bin Laden is fish food at the bottom of the ocean. The Taliban were out of power for 20 years. So that lesson was clear. If you fuck with the US or our allies, you are fish food. The Taliban is probably not going to fuck with the US again. For any country in the world that does not want terrorists engaging in mass murder, that was a victory. Second, we tried to impose US values on Afghanistan, as your propaganda written by Genocide Man's employees states. It didn't work. So the problem isn't 234 children who probably wanted to get out. Or 82,200 Afghans that the US "rescued" who want to live in the US permanently. The problem is that the Taliban is still cruel, and still misogynist. Every humanitarian organization in the world says that. Don't blame that on the US. We tried. What is Genocide Man trying to do in Ukraine? He's trying to win by genocide, and slaughtering and stealing children. Your own bullshit proves my point. The US wanted to rescue women and girls. Genocide Man wants to slaughter them. Quote
Kostik Posted March 16, 2024 Posted March 16, 2024 1 minute ago, stevenkesslar said: You are so fucking stupid. This is a great phrase to start any dialogue with you. Only a moron can believe the false propaganda of the United States. It's you! 4 minutes ago, stevenkesslar said: 82,000 Afghans There are traitors in every nation. For the money of the United States, they are ready to betray, kill, rape. These people have no place in their homeland, they will not be forgiven. forky123 1 Quote