Members stevenkesslar Posted February 10, 2024 Members Posted February 10, 2024 27 minutes ago, Goober said: Maybe Stinky had a good reason to have the nuclear codes: like the very sane reason of dropping a nuclear bomb in the eye of a hurricane. People don't always give Stinky the credit he deserves for his big brain. True. Life has been so unfair to Trump. But Nancy Pelosi - the real one - did nail what Trump is good at in that Newsweek interview I posted above. Quote "This is a slob. He doesn't believe in science. He doesn't believe in governance. He's a snake oil salesman. And he's shrewd. Give him credit for his shrewdness," she added. Happily, Pelosi was mostly wrong about something else she said: Quote Pelosi gave an interview to the new book's authors and expressed concerns about a future president following in Trump's footsteps. "We might get somebody of his ilk who's sane, and that would really be dangerous, because it could be somebody who's smart, who's strategic, and the rest," Pelosi said. I think at the the time she said that, many thought Ron DeSantis might be that guy. Turns out he was even worse at strategery than W. So we're just stuck with Stinky again. And he's not a strategeric genius, either. Quote
Members unicorn Posted February 10, 2024 Members Posted February 10, 2024 As much as I despise Trump, and think that he also probably has dementia, it seems pretty obvious at this point that Biden almost certainly does as well. One of the challenging aspects to caring for people with Alzheimer's, in particular, is that they usually don't have any insight into their own cognitive decline. So, unfortunately, since I doubt anyone would dare confront him (not that any confrontation would likely be successful), I doubt Biden will bow out. Yes, alas, it looks as though it'll be two men whose minds are slipping away battling each other. The question is who would be more dangerous. Obviously, best-case scenario, someone is able to convince Biden to let someone else run in his place. I do see that as unlikely, however. Only sure-fire way to know for sure would be to administer each a cognitive assessment test such as the Montreal Cognitive Assessment test. Trump described it as "very hard" (it's not, if you don't have cognitive impairment) 4 years ago, and I can't imagine he'd pass it now. Nor, I don't imagine, would Biden. stevenkesslar and Marc in Calif 2 Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted February 10, 2024 Members Posted February 10, 2024 55 minutes ago, unicorn said: So, unfortunately, since I doubt anyone would dare confront him (not that any confrontation would likely be successful), I doubt Biden will bow out. Correct. Two people come to mind. David Axelrod, who is the Democrat with the most credibility who has publicly taken on Biden. Which resulted in Biden biting back. And Dean Phillips, who many Democrats call a traitor for recently pointing out on Twitter that ... ahem .... Kohl and Mitterand died ages ago. So the media seems to be playing the wrong game. There's all this speculation about how either Biden or Trump might bow out. It's all stupid horse race shit based on this Hail Mary pass notion that somehow Biden or Trump will NOT do exactly what they plan to do. There are some more thoughtful voices saying that ........... duh ............ unexpected health problems can easily happen to anyone in their 80's. A.B. Stoddard and Bill Kristol in Kristol's conversations series come to mind. So either Biden or Trump could just suddenly die any day now. Biden had a few close calls already as a much younger man. Technically, Trump did too with COVID. His first wife died at 73 from something as simple as falling down stairs. (Maybe that's why Trump walked slow and held the rail in the famous video.) The problem with this scenario is of course we can't game out either's completely unexpected death during the campaign. But if one of them is not alive in November 2024, that actually seems like the most likely scenario to me. Neither one will bow out. That's a media fantasy, I think. Trump may be convicted. But he'll still be running for President. 1 hour ago, unicorn said: The question is who would be more dangerous. Also correct. But I think the way that will play out is not which one is more dangerous as a candidate. It's which one is more dangerous as a second term President. That is what Americans will decide this Fall. We have been there and done this before. I'm not great at history. Someone smarter than me can list the sitting Presidents who were basically a basket case before their ultimate death. The most obvious example that comes to mind is FDR. Because his health was seriously failing at least as early as 1943. Arguably, he had it easier than Biden because he didn't start his campaign until Sept. 1944. But that was because he had to run World War II in the meantime. So, if America could get through that, we can probably get through Biden being re-elected as well. I don't think he looks any worse than this, which was FDR in 1944. So if you buy these assumptions, dementia is NOT the health problem we should be talking about, necessarily. Yes, you are right. Either may be demented. Even today. But they will still be President. And Biden and Trump are both proof that the aging process normally happens slowly. The five most likely causes of death for White men their age are: 1) heart disease, 2) cancer, 3) stroke, 4 ) COPD, 5) pneu/influenza. Dementia or Alzheimer's is not even on that list, at least as a cause of death. How likely is it either will die in office? Pretty likely, actually. Social Security actuaries say that at 82, on inauguration day, Biden has about 7 more years to live. He has an almost 40 % chance of dying in the next four years. Trump, at 78, would have an average lifespan of a whopping nine years left. He only has a 25 % chance of dying in the next four years. I guess one positive way to look at it is that odds are either would still be alive to complete a second term. Speaking of the dead, my former client and deceased friend Epigonos, who never posted here but was a regular on Bill's site, loved to say this: "We don't elect a President. We elect a gang." To the degree that people think that way in November, it means Biden will win. Biden has always been a team player. Politics is a team sport. And to survive and thrive in it for as long as Biden has, you have to be a pretty good team player. And it shows right now. Yes, maybe Biden is demented. But he has a team around him who covers his ass. Just like FDR and all the other Presidents who had health problems before him did. Trump is not a team player. And everyone knows it. It's why some of his cult loves him. He is NOT part of that whole mess. That helps explain why he was a one term President, I think. And why he will likely remain a one term President. If we have to be stuck with one old man who is demented, would you rather have the guy with the strong team? Or the guy whose team is always an unstable house of cards, even when he is at his best? Again, we have been here and done this before. In 2020 Americans decided to hire Biden and fire Trump. Because they felt Trump was too dangerous. So if the question is 2024 is which old man is more dangerous, odds are that the decision of 2020 won't change. Bingo T Dog, Marc in Calif and floridarob 2 1 Quote
Popular Post forky123 Posted February 10, 2024 Popular Post Posted February 10, 2024 5 hours ago, unicorn said: The question is who would be more dangerous. The other question is who has the best team around them. stevenkesslar, unicorn, Marc in Calif and 2 others 5 Quote
Members unicorn Posted February 10, 2024 Members Posted February 10, 2024 15 hours ago, stevenkesslar said: ...How likely is it either will die in office? Pretty likely, actually. Social Security actuaries say that at 82, on inauguration day, Biden has about 7 more years to live. He has an almost 40 % chance of dying in the next four years... Social Security actuaries are a pretty lousy way to predict life expectancy for any given individual, especially in older age. A person's health, demographics, and habits play a huge role. Obviously, social security can't go into details, nor, probably, should it. We certainly don't want social security to say "We're going to give you a bigger monthly check because you're a smoker, boozer, and a fat couch potato, and probably don't have long to live." I don't know the details of his health history, but my guess is it's unlikely Biden would survive a 2nd term, and even less likely that he'll make it without obvious behavioral manifestations of dementia. Hearing him say that he spoke to Mitterrand in 2021 was particularly cringe, since Mitterrand died in 1996. Mistaking Angela Merkel for Helmut Kohl was even more cringe. This is not his (nor Trump's) pretty blatant evidence of overt confusion, which can be a pretty late sign of dementia. I suspect he may show signs of agitation and even worse confusion in the next 2 years. (Both candidates already show some of those signs) (I don't see the resemblance): There are online calculators which are much better predictors of life expectancy in older people: 15 hours ago, stevenkesslar said: ...The five most likely causes of death for White men their age are: 1) heart disease, 2) cancer, 3) stroke, 4 ) COPD, 5) pneu/influenza. Dementia or Alzheimer's is not even on that list, at least as a cause of death... I think you're giving too much credit to death certificate statistics. Death certificates are often completed by physicians who might not even know the patient. Autopsies are very rarely performed. My legal (not biological) father's cause of death was listed as pneumonia, which certainly was the immediate cause, but the reason he aspirated into his lungs was advanced dementia. My mother's cause of death was listed as "Multi-infarct (hypertensive stroke) dementia," although in her 84 years, she never had high blood pressure. My sibs and I did pay for a private autopsy, and found out she died of a very rare form of cancer (angiosarcoma). Whoever put that diagnosis on her birth certificate had not only never laid eyes on my late mother, but he hadn't even bothered to look at her medical records. Unless there's an obvious cancer or drug overdose/violent death, coroners put tremendous pressure on physicians to write down an MI (heart attack), stroke, COPD, or pneumonia (obviously influenza if the patient tested + for that). Quote
xpaulo Posted February 11, 2024 Posted February 11, 2024 I think my mother died sometime between 1995 and 2005. Time to send me to the glue factory. I guess to be fair, I have no intention of being the President of the United States, nor would I accept such an offer if it were made. stevenkesslar 1 Quote
Bingo T Dog Posted February 11, 2024 Posted February 11, 2024 5 hours ago, unicorn said: Whoever put that diagnosis on her birth certificate Don't you mean death certificate? unicorn 1 Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted February 11, 2024 Members Posted February 11, 2024 6 hours ago, unicorn said: I think you're giving too much credit to death certificate statistics. I don't disagree with anything you said. You're looking at it as you should: as a doctor, with precision. My point is broad and political. The most likely adverse medical outcome with either Biden or Trump is NOT what happens on the campaign. It's what happens after one of them is elected. And that problem is not likely to be dementia. It's likely to be death. Again, I'm not predicting it. But I would go with the Social Security numbers as in the ballpark. So I'll simply restate what I said above. One positive way to look at it is that there is less than a 50/50 shot they will die in office, in both cases. But with Biden it's not a whole lot under 50 %. And with Trump saying there is a 1 in 4 chance he'll die in office sounds realistic to me. Simply given Trump's weight I would say that offsets his slightly younger age. But, again, all that is totally speculative. BOTH are too old, neither should be the candidates, and it will be good in 2024 if we have younger people running. I'd be more than happy with Kamala v. Nikki. Pick a woman of color, conservative or liberal. And a hell of a lot younger. That would be a good place for America to be, in my mind. But not this. Someone posted these two videos of Biden, four years apart, on the evening of his South Carolina victory. It is the best compare and contrast I have seen so far. If I want to make excuses, I'd argue that in 2024 he was actually in a more informal setting, in Delaware, among friends. So he wasn't dressed for, or making, a political speech in the way he was in 2020. When he was in South Carolina, and had just come back from the political dead. Regardless, watching the videos it is very clear to see that one Biden looks and feels a lot older than the other. Neither seem demented, at least from my non-medical perspective. But one definitely looks and feels a lot older. Quote
Bingo T Dog Posted February 11, 2024 Posted February 11, 2024 Have no idea what's going on here. Feel sorry for any elderly person who's mind begins to betray them. unicorn 1 Quote
Members unicorn Posted February 11, 2024 Members Posted February 11, 2024 2 hours ago, Bingo T Dog said: Don't you mean death certificate? Yes, obviously. 😆 Quote
Members unicorn Posted February 11, 2024 Members Posted February 11, 2024 2 hours ago, stevenkesslar said: ... But I would go with the Social Security numbers as in the ballpark. So I'll simply restate what I said above. One positive way to look at it is that there is less than a 50/50 shot they will die in office, in both cases... As I tried to explain previously, the Social Security numbers are very poor estimates, and intentionally designed to avoid penalizing those with good health habits, by treating all people equally from a financial standpoint. (For example, my best friend's domestic partner was a couch potato who spent his days drinking and watching TV. He was wise to start collecting social security as soon as he was able, 60, and died of pancreatic cancer at the age of 63). While we have incomplete data, I believe it's unlikely Biden will still be alive in 5 years, much less alive and able to make the least bit of sense when talking (almost certainly unable to complete his duties as POTUS). I also don't think Trump/Putin would be able to complete his term, though that would end up as a bigger mess. Alzheimer's patients lose memories like an onion that's being peeled. The oldest memories are the last to be lost. This is why Biden remembers Mitterrand, not Macron, and Kohl rather than Merkel, and also why Trump remembers Pelosi rather than Haley. It's only a matter of time before they even lose their ability to recognize even the most familiar politicians and even close family members. Yes, other people will take on the POTUS duties (as was the case for Reagan and FDR), but neither candidate is starting in a good place. stevenkesslar 1 Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted February 11, 2024 Members Posted February 11, 2024 2 hours ago, unicorn said: While we have incomplete data, I believe it's unlikely Biden will still be alive in 5 years, much less alive and able to make the least bit of sense when talking (almost certainly unable to complete his duties as POTUS). I also don't think Trump/Putin would be able to complete his term, though that would end up as a bigger mess. So you're actually MORE alarmed than I am. I figured you meant the opposite. Again, Social Security's average says Biden has a 40 % chance of being dead by 2028. You are saying it's likely higher. I'll now take it one more even more speculative step. I Googled Reagan and Alzheimer's to see what I could find. This is interesting: Tracking Discourse Complexity Preceding Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis: A Case Study Comparing the Press Conferences of Presidents Ronald Reagan and George Herbert Walker Bush So two big caveats. This study proves nothing about Reagan. And I am not a doctor. I have no special expertise at diagnosing anything. That said, this study suggests Reagan was in fact showing subtle signs of Alzheimer's by the end of his second term. Whereas Bush 41, who was never diagnosed with Alzheimer's, never showed similar early signs as POTUS. We know Reagan was diagnosed - at least officially - in 1994. We know he died in 2004 at the age of 93. And we also know this is an N of 1. But just going off this N of 1, it does suggest that Biden or Trump could have a long way to go before they are diagnosed, if they in fact are showing signs of dementia. It was a long time from 1989, when Reagan left office, to 2004, when he died. Historians would mostly agree that it did not prevent him from having a successful Presidency. Those two videos comparing Biden winning SC in 2020 and 2024 are scary. Given the obvious change in four years, I can only speculate what the picture in 2028 would be. But it for sure won't be better. Same with Trump. That said, if they are like Reagan - which is a huge if - I still think that if they actually die in office it will be of something else. If they don't die, they would have to be increasingly managed by staff. Which is not how it is supposed to work. I think we all agree that Team Biden is in fact that: a team. So the idea that Biden could be managed in his decline seems way less than optimum, but possible. The idea that Trump could be managed in his decline .................... well, we can just stop at the phrase "Trump could be managed." He can't be. Even his supporters know that. So an unhinged Trump with dementia is an even more frightening thought. unicorn 1 Quote
EmmetK Posted February 11, 2024 Author Posted February 11, 2024 Overwhelming majority of Americans think Biden is too old for another term: POLL According to the poll, conducted using Ipsos' Knowledge Panel, 86% of Americans think Biden, 81, is too old to serve another term as president. This poll from ABC News, not a friend of Donald Trump, shows that 86% of Americans, including 72% of democrats believe that Dementia Joe Biden is too old to be President. 86%!!. Two important takeaways from this poll. First, that Dementia Joe Biden is heading for a landslide defeat of unprecedented proportions this fall. Second, it shows how totally out-of-touch the leftist posters are in this forum. This forum's lefties are nothing more than delusional apologists for a stumbling, bumbling, addled, creepy old pervert who should be in a nursing home, NOT the White House. Since 86% of dems think Dementia Joe is too old, yet the Biden supporters here refuse to acknowledge the obvious, they are totally unrepresentative of democratic voters and speak only for a tiny fringe element. Quote
Members unicorn Posted February 11, 2024 Members Posted February 11, 2024 16 minutes ago, EmmetK said: ...Biden supporters here refuse to acknowledge the obvious... On the subject of dementia, you can't seem to remember what was just written in recent posts on this string. Few people, including on this forum, believe Biden is fit for the Presidency. Certainly neither SK nor myself. The issue is that Trump isn't either. And the question is who would be more dangerous. Bingo T Dog and stevenkesslar 2 Quote
Members unicorn Posted February 11, 2024 Members Posted February 11, 2024 6 hours ago, stevenkesslar said: ...We know Reagan was diagnosed - at least officially - in 1994. We know he died in 2004 at the age of 93. And we also know this is an N of 1. But just going off this N of 1, it does suggest that Biden or Trump could have a long way to go before they are diagnosed,... Well, we are not privy to either's medical records, so we cannot know what diagnoses either may have. You are also right that people with AD can live a long time, especially if they have healthy lifestyles. Part of my estimates relies on the rate of decline in mental function of the two candidates. But this study in the prestigious British Medical Journal shows that healthy lifestyles do make a difference. I believe the yellow and purple are mislabeled on the graphs. How long can a 70-year-old live with dementia? People can live for many years with an AD diagnosis. Dementia is a symptom of the later stages of Alzheimer’s disease. In one 2022 studyTrusted Source, people lived an average of 1.4 to 4.1 years with dementia, depending on gender and healthy lifestyle factors. The study: stevenkesslar 1 Quote
xpaulo Posted February 11, 2024 Posted February 11, 2024 On 2/9/2024 at 3:43 AM, stevenkesslar said: I was never thrilled with Hillary I'm not American, so no expert, but my impression has been Americans elect the candidate they find the most likeable. Obama is very likeable, Bush has a good sense of humour and never mind qualifications and politics, he was more likeable than Kerry and Gore. The Clinton one is more difficult because she's nasty (think of the nasty attacks on Obama during the primaries), but so is Trump. A lot of Americans had a longstanding hatred for her though. Supposedly no incumbent has ever lost during a good economy and I believe the American economy is doing well..... but we seem to be in the upside world right now. stevenkesslar 1 Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted February 11, 2024 Members Posted February 11, 2024 37 minutes ago, EmmetK said: Two important takeaways from this poll. First, that Dementia Joe Biden is heading for a landslide defeat of unprecedented proportions this fall. Second, it shows how totally out-of-touch the leftist posters are in this forum Did facts bully you when you were a kid? Did facts beat you? Did facts rape you? What did facts do to you, @EmmetK? Clearly, you hate facts. You simply can't be trusted to use facts. What did facts do to you? The article says nothing about how Biden is heading for a "landslide defeat". In fact, Trump is leading Biden by 1.9 % right now in the RCP average. That's not a landslide, @EmmetK. That's within the statistical margin of error. What did facts do to you? Did they harm you? Did facts bully you? To your second "important takeaway", the article actually confirms what most posters -BUT NOT YOU - have been saying. Both Biden and Trump are too old. 59 % of voters say that, including the vast majority of Democrats and Independents. The people who are out of touch are MAGA Republicans. What is it about facts with you people? In addition to denying that Trump lost in 2020, and in addition to all the cop bone breaking and denial about that, now you are in full denial about Trump being too old. And perhaps demented. What did facts do to you, @EmmetK? Why do you hate facts so much? 73 % of Democrats agree Biden is too old. About the same percentage of Independents say Trump is too old. So the only people who are out of touch are Republicans. Only 35 % of them are willing to admit Trump is too old. And too dangerous. And probably demented. That's not a shocker, of course. The cult has to believe Donald Trump won the 2020 election. The cult has to believe "patriots" were being taken "hostage", when they were mercilessly beating the shit out of cops and trying to steal an election. And hang Mike Pence, too. So the notion that MAGA Republicans can admit to themselves that Trump is an old, demented fascist is clearly beyond the pale. It doesn't really help you win an election. Because the third or so of Americans who are in denial about Trump are going to vote for him, anyway. He could be dead, or in prison, and they'd vote for them. Everyone else? They think Trump is too old. And the election will remind everybody just how dangerous he is. That didn't work so well for Trump or Republicans in 2020. Or 2018. Or 2022. So you might want to wait before you plan your landslide party. Poor @EmmetK. What did facts do to you? Bingo T Dog 1 Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted February 11, 2024 Members Posted February 11, 2024 9 minutes ago, xpaulo said: Americans elect the candidate they find the most likeable. Well. 2 out of 3 ain't bad. 😉 11 minutes ago, xpaulo said: Supposedly no incumbent has ever lost during a good economy and I believe the American economy is doing well..... I hope you are right. Quote
Members unicorn Posted February 11, 2024 Members Posted February 11, 2024 39 minutes ago, xpaulo said: I'm not American, so no expert, but my impression has been Americans elect the candidate they find the most likeable.... I think it would be more accurate to say the candidate who's a better public speaker, not more likable. I would also point out that H. Clinton received 3 million more votes than Trump did (a full 2 percentage points more). Trump was only elected due to the tragedy of the ridiculously outdated electoral college system. Mavica 1 Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted February 11, 2024 Members Posted February 11, 2024 David Brooks probably stated the best bumper sticker for Biden's campaign. He said he's interviewed Biden for 30 years. He isn't as quick as he used to be, he said. And maybe his memory isn't what it used to be. But his judgment is sound, Brooks said. I think Trump will do what he did in 2020. It's already starting. He'll remind voters how shitty his judgment is. Trump says he would ‘encourage’ Russia to attack NATO allies who don’t pay up White House blasts the former president’s comments as “appalling and unhinged.” What the fuck is wrong with Trump's judgment? After Vlad's genocide in Ukraine, Trump says this? What the fuck is wrong with Trump's judgment? I'd like to think Trump is demented. Because for a sane person to say this is not only unhinged and stupid. It's cruel. unicorn 1 Quote
Bingo T Dog Posted February 11, 2024 Posted February 11, 2024 On 2/8/2024 at 10:11 PM, EmmetK said: The Special Counsel's report showed that Dementia Joe Biden didn't know when his son Beau died, and didn't know when he was Vice President, among other memory lapses. From the Special Counsel's Report: Robert Hur said in his report that the president has suffered from cognitive decline, which has affected his memory. Hur even used this as a basis to recommend that he not be prosecuted for “willfully” retaining classified documents. Per the report: The report says the investigation “uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen” but does not establish guilt “beyond a reasonable doubt.” Yet Hur’s assessment of Biden’s “significantly limited” memory also played a part in his decision not to prosecute. “We have also considered that, at trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory,” the report states. “Based on our direct interactions with and observations of him, he is someone for whom many jurors will want to identify reasonable doubt.” “It would be difficult to convince a jury that they should convict him — by then a former president well into his eighties — of a serious felony that requires a mental state of willfulness.” Hur’s report is riddled with examples and assessments that Biden’s mental faculties and memory have deteriorated, saying, “Mr. Biden’s memory also appeared to have significant limitations.” Shockingly, the report says, “He did not remember, even within several years, when his son Beau died.” For Hur to have included that special detail about his inability to remember when Beau died in his report, " he did not remember when he was vice president, forgetting on the first day of the interview when his term ended ("if it was 2013 - when did I stop being Vice President?")...He did not remember, even within several years, when his son Beau died." It is no longer a secret. Biden suffers from Dementia. Quotes from the Special Counsel's report will be on every TV ad this fall. The President is supposed to be in charge of protecting our Borders, our Economy, our Society, and entrusted with our Nuclear Codes. Keep an eye on the polls the next week or two. Dementia Joe has told the story of Beau dying in countless battles, it is no wonder he can't keep his story straight. Dementia Joe is too addled to stand trial yet he controls the nuclear football, try to get a good night's sleep thinking about that. This is a man who confuses his sister with his wife, confuses Macron with Mitterand, confuses the Mexican President with the leader of Egypt, and recently spoke with Helmut Kohl who has been dead for years.... The Special Counsel's report confirms what was obvious to most of us - Joe Biden is a stumbling, bumbling fool. A pathetic Mr. Magoo. "I've had more than a dozen phone conversations, extended phone conversations with President Biden," Netanyahu said. "He also came on a visit to Israel during wartime, which is a historic first, and I found him very clear and very focused. We managed to agree on the war aims and on many things. Sometimes we had disagreements, but they weren't borne of a lack of understanding on his part or my part. So that's what I can tell you." Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pushed back on Sunday against the characterization of President Joe Biden in special counsel Robert Hur's recent report, calling him "very clear and very focused." Quote
EmmetK Posted February 11, 2024 Author Posted February 11, 2024 2 hours ago, stevenkesslar said: The article says nothing about how Biden is heading for a "landslide defeat". In fact, Trump is leading Biden by 1.9 % right now in the RCP average. That's not a landslide, @EmmetK. That's within the statistical margin of error. Do facts bully you? First of all, as we have seen twice in the last 5 elections, thanks to the electoral college, a GOP Presidential candidate can lose the popular vote by millions and still get elected President. So Trump leading in the popular vote by 1.9% is a landslide, However, this is NOT a 2-person race. There are 3 other declared major candidates: Jill Stein, Cornell West, and Joseph Kennedy. And in a 5-person race, Donald Trump leads by 7.5%. And another democrat, Joe Manchin, may or may not enter the race. That would pull more dems away from Dementia Joe Biden. This is the week that Dementia Joe lost the election: The scathing Special Counsel's report, mistaking Mitterand for Macron, Helmut Kohl for Angele Merkel, and not knowing Hamas. And then the news conference where he thoroughly embarrassed himself, mistaking the President of Mexico for the President of Egypt. All of the above in just a few days!!!!!!! This is a 5-alarm fire for the dems. Watch the polls that will come out in a few days. They will be devastating. Quote
EmmetK Posted February 11, 2024 Author Posted February 11, 2024 30 minutes ago, Bingo T Dog said: "I've had more than a dozen phone conversations, extended phone conversations with President Biden," Netanyahu said. "He also came on a visit to Israel during wartime, which is a historic first, and I found him very clear and very focused. We managed to agree on the war aims and on many things. Sometimes we had disagreements, but they weren't borne of a lack of understanding on his part or my part. So that's what I can tell you." Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pushed back on Sunday against the characterization of President Joe Biden in special counsel Robert Hur's recent report, calling him "very clear and very focused." Do you even bother to read the headline of your own link. I'll make it easy for you: Joe Biden's Reelection Odds Plunge After Bruising Special Counsel Report Quote
Bingo T Dog Posted February 11, 2024 Posted February 11, 2024 17 minutes ago, EmmetK said: Do you even bother to read the headline of your own link. I'll make it easy for you: Joe Biden's Reelection Odds Plunge After Bruising Special Counsel Report The part that matters is in the words of your beloved BiBi. Quote
Bingo T Dog Posted February 11, 2024 Posted February 11, 2024 Hey Emmett - Don't get too excited. The election is a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng way off. Quote