Guest Soi10Tom Posted May 2, 2009 Posted May 2, 2009 Well, I just received this link. It seems that the gay marriage cat is clawing its way out of the more time. California's initiative process is already in full swing for the next election cycle. Here's a link to a draft initiative filed today with California Attorney General Jerry Brown. This time out expect big time gay money to pour into the campaign. This will be one hell of a fight if the mormon cult and fundamentalist end timer fake chistians want to come out to California and fight. Let's hope the mormon cult decides to stay in Utah with their garments pulled up so tight around their neck's that they sound like nellie soprano queens.....if not expect the legal gloves to come off and for the mormon cult to become a bloodied punching bag. This time the gay legal community will be ready for their illegal games. They can expect spies with recorders to be at many of their meetings....I hear that the cult has already been "infiltrated." The mormons are already fighting multiple legal attacks to their IRS 501c3 tax exempt status for openly soliciting political donations at cult events and then funding a political campaign. Rick Warren, the OC fundamentalist preacher (Jerry Falwell's reincarnation) is already running for cover, attempting to redact his comments from the last time out that are already in the public record. What ever the outcome if a new proposition makes it to the polls....expect a bloody fight to the death. Quote