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Guest shebavon

Church-goers support Torture more than non-cg's

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Guest shebavon

From CNN.Com


:huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:




The more often Americans go to church, the more likely they are to support the torture of suspected terrorists, according to a new survey.

The Washington Region Religious Campaign Against Torture rallied on Capitol Hill in March 2008.


More than half of people who attend services at least once a week -- 54 percent -- said the use of torture against suspected terrorists is "often" or "sometimes" justified. Only 42 percent of people who "seldom or never" go to services agreed, according to the analysis released Wednesday by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life.


Read the whole story: cnn.com


Guest lvdkeyes

Does this really surprise anyone?

Guest Soi10Tom

No surprises here. They are the same folks that brought us the Spanish Inquisition, Puritan dunking stools, and the butchering of tens of thousands of Native Americans in both North and South America in the name of god. And if you do a little investigation you will also discover that the mormon leader ordered the cold blooded murder of an entire wagon train heading west...to a new life in California.



you will also discover that the mormon leader ordered the cold blooded murder of an entire wagon train heading west...to a new life in California.


Sorry Soi10 but Mormans (who did the Mountain Meadows Massacre) are not considered Christian by the vast majority of non-Morman Christians. The Mormans believe that God and Christ are two seperate and distinct individuals. Sine the Council of Nicea in 325AD the mainstream Christian faith has believed in the three aspects of the one God. God the father, God the son, and God the holy ghost. What the Mormans believed was called the Arian heresy and after 325 and its believers are called heretics not Christian. The Mormans also believe that they will all be Gods when they die with their own planet to rule. Several passages in the old testement and some in the new call this belief wrong and anti-Christian.


On your list of church sins you left out the following:

1. A complete distortion of the message of Christ, with whole parts of the new testement edited and important scriptures left out.

2. The assumption of power after the fall of Rome, which lead to a rigid structure of society in which nothing changed for hundreds of years.

3. The failure to recognize truths of science, even when, they themselves could see the proof.

4. The complete lack of morality in the upper levels of the church that lead to the reformation.

5. The religious warfare after the reformation that tore Europe apart for years, and years.

6. The present day hypocricy of the most of the leaders of both the Catholic and Protestant faiths.

i.e. Priest screwing Choir boys, ministers preaching against homosexuality and then doing meth with their gay boy friends, etc. etc. etc

Guest Soi10Tom

I don't see anywhere in my post where I called the mormons christians or implied that they were christians. I do think that most would agree that they regularly attend a church, temple...or what ever else you would call a place where one goes to hang out and be spoon fed the belief system of a particular cult. I do agree with your list of crimes against humanity, and believe that the list of crimes against humanity committed by religious nut cases would nearly infinite.

Guest lvdkeyes

Do other Christians, other than Catholic, believe in the Holy Trinity?

Guest Soi10Tom
Do other Christians, other than Catholic, believe in the Holy Trinity?


Yes. basically they all believe in the holy trinity made up of the father, son, and holy ghost. They all seem to feel that their belief in a three way is a free ride to eternity with the cosmic teddy bear.


Guest GaySacGuy

Scared insecure people support torture! I rest my case.

Guest fountainhall
They are the same folks that brought us . . . the butchering of tens of thousands of Native Americans in both North and South America in the name of god


Must be a '0' or two missed out somewhere as I believe the butchering must have been in the many hundreds of thousands at the very least!

Does this really surprise anyone?

Certainly not I. I always enjoy the people who have convinced themselves they know what God wants.


"If God wanted Man to fly, he would have given him wings."


I have two responses to that bit of sage wisdom. I either say, "Unless God told you that personally, how do you have any idea what He wanted?" or "If God didn't want Man to fly, He wouldn't have given him brains enough to figure out how."


I remember when AIDS was "God's punishment to homosexuals." Whoops! Looks like God was a little annoyed with the heterosexual group too.


These people who enjoy justifying torturing others have a special place in my heart, right up there with Torquemada! Sure, torture is just fine . . . . . as long as you're not the victim of it yourself.

Guest lvdkeyes

When people hear God talking to them it is a spiritual experience; when other voices are heard it is schizophrenia.

Guest lvdkeyes

Sorry for the multiple posts. I don't know how to delete the extras.

Guest xiandarkthorne

Dear Lvdkeyes,

I think " When I hear God talking to me it is a spiritual experience; when others hear voices it's schizophrenia" would be truer where a lot of God-fearing people are concerned.


As for how to delete multiple posts, go to FULL EDIT - you can delete your post there - at least it worked for me last time.




Sorry for the multiple posts. I don't know how to delete the extras.

That's because only the moderators have access to deleting posts. I took care of it for you.


As for how to delete multiple posts, go to FULL EDIT - you can delete your post there - at least it worked for me last time.

I don't think that's quite correct. You can, I believe, erase the contents of the post as an edit, but I don't think you are able to fully delete the post. If you can, fine. If you can't, just let me know and I'll handle it for you.

Guest lvdkeyes
That's because only the moderators have access to deleting posts. I took care of it for you.

I don't think that's quite correct. You can, I believe, erase the contents of the post as an edit, but I don't think you are able to fully delete the post. If you can, fine. If you can't, just let me know and I'll handle it for you.

I tried to edit and erase the whole post, but I got an error message.

Thanks for deleting the extras.

I tried to edit and erase the whole post, but I got an error message.

You can't delete the post. When you try to erase a post, you can erase all but one letter or character. At least 1 character has to be there. Even a period will do. The best bet is to simply notify me and let me delete the message for you. It's not hurting anything for it to sit there until I can get to it.

Guest xiandarkthorne

Sorry I got the DELETE information wrong, guys. It's either age or the fact that I haven't been able to have a good, raunchy, no-holds barred sex holiday in Thailand for four years that's catching up with me. I don't know about the rest of you but the lack of dirty sex does baaad things to my brain.

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