Popular Post Stable Genius Posted January 28, 2024 Popular Post Posted January 28, 2024 Trump on 'poisoning the blood' remarks: 'I never knew that Hitler said it'. reader, Marc in Calif, Bingo T Dog and 3 others 5 1 Quote
Members Pete1111 Posted January 29, 2024 Members Posted January 29, 2024 6 hours ago, RockHardNYC said: Not only is it NOT WRONG, I would highly recommend it, until further notice. These are NOT normal times, and nobody should pretend otherwise. Mainstream media is FAILING us. In normal times, I invited opposing, intelligent, respectful, political debate. For decades, I was a loyal contributor to PBS's The News Hour, a committed watcher of Jim Lehrer, Gwen Iffil, Mark Shields, and others. The News Hour was one of the few news sources on TV who offered opposing debate in a civil, respectable manner. Today, in a Trump/maga world, one has to be VERY CAREFUL when trying to find reliable news sources, otherwise known as the truth. Trump and his minions are SERIAL LIARS. They compile lie upon lie, continually feeding the Fascist cult movement that chooses to live in their ignorant and racist bubble. The RACISTS have complete support from the Fox (and others) eco chamber. It's never been more us-versus-them, with maga (and Putin) begging for another civil war. I made the decision last year to end any and all association with Trump supporters, especially anything to do with money. That means, most of my Midwest family are now gone, properly excommunicated from my life. You can't talk or reason with cult members. Either they drink the poison that ultimately ends their lives, or they face a long and scary process of deprogramming. Trump is facing 91 criminal indictments. There was a time when only one would kill a campaign for president. These are not normal times. The magas in Congress DO NOT WANT a border deal, because they NEED the issue to run on, and they'd rather hurt more human lives because of perceived political "wins." How do you define evil? In a court of law, to nine jurors who went through voir dire with the highly respected Judge Lewis Kaplan, Alina Habba actually argued that E. Jean Carroll got what she wanted from her association (the rape) with Donald Trump. She acquired fame. How evil does a U.S. lawyer need to be to make such an argument in a U.S. court of law? The jury voted that degree of evil is worth about 83 million. Maga is a dangerous CANCER. If we are not careful, if we are not diligent, we risk losing EVERYTHING to Fascism, especially the rule of law. Trump called Robbie Kaplan a CUNT in code during a deposition. For more on the future ACN case that Robbie Kaplan is pursuing against Trump, here is a fascinating interview with Robbie by former Republican Tim Miller: For most legal discussion of Trump's cases, I now rely on Legal AF. Lawyers Ben Meiselas, Michael Popok, and Karen Friedman Agnifilo (former #2 to Cy Vance in the Manhattan District Attorney's Office) know how to explain complex legal matters to non-lawyers: I'm a big John Favreau, Tommy Vietor, and Dan Pfeiffer fan, so I try never to miss a Pod Save America episode. Here is their most recent discussion with Liz Cheney: America is worth saving. Let's put an end to the Trump cult. It's democracy or Fascism. I vote democracy: Joe Biden 2024! Tell maga to go fuck themselves. I'm also a big fan of Pod Save America. I love Tommy Vietor. He's a no-nonsense honest guy. I also follow Legal AF. They are good at reminding how the lamestream media "both-sides" reporting MAGA's lies rather than fact checking and debunking them. If I may suggest another. David Feldman is good. His humor is biting, and on target concerning Trump and his minions. Marc in Calif, Mavica and stevenkesslar 1 1 1 Quote
floridarob Posted January 29, 2024 Posted January 29, 2024 2 hours ago, EmmetK said: He is unable to put two coherent sentences together without a teleprompter. you must not be too critical of this guy, yet he is much worse than Biden, much much worse. Can you imagine giving this guy a briefing....ever hear from the people that worked for Trump, you know the ones that say he should never be president?? https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxL4xRgoTi6dvqYQ-veBfK_3JK9pisGiZm?si=lrchMyeTcVBuzYDA Marc in Calif, stevenkesslar and Mavica 2 1 Quote
Mavica Posted January 29, 2024 Posted January 29, 2024 1 hour ago, Pete1111 said: I also follow Legal AF. They are good at reminding how the lamestream media "both-sides" reporting MAGA's lies rather than fact checking and debunking them. I don't know the country where you live or spend most of your time, but the above comment if it refers to mainstream media in the USA .. . is uninformed. On a daily basis, the lies of Mr. Trump are refuted. How many people listen to the debunking is out of the control of the media. Pete1111 1 Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted January 29, 2024 Members Posted January 29, 2024 10 hours ago, RockHardNYC said: I vote democracy: Joe Biden 2024! Tell maga to go fuck themselves. Okay. They're fucked. It was a heavy lift. But I did my job for 2024. Can we maybe just move on to 2028 and skip the ugliness of 2024? Maybe Kamala v. Nikki? That would be fun. By the way, thanks for being the long-winded one here. It takes pressure of me to have to write something verbose yet brilliant.. 😉 Quote
Members RockHardNYC Posted January 29, 2024 Members Posted January 29, 2024 For decades, I have preached my intolerance for liars. Several assholes from the other site enjoyed calling me one for years to troll me. The problem with being a chronic liar, which maga and Trump are, you CAN NEVER BE TRUSTED. And, you prove to the world that you have NO SHAME. Maga was hellbent on "locking up" Hillary, yet, even with endless hatred and determination, there wasn't a court in America able to charge her with any crimes. Now that America and the maga Party are faced with a true criminal, maga wants to deny the facts and make excuses, because Trump, the true criminal, is their guy. The hypocrisy is astounding, and normal voters are seeing the BULLSHIT for what it is. If you make LIES and HYPOCRISY your game in politics, voters eventually wise up and reject you. The diehard cult members are lost forever. The Republican Party as we knew it is finished, at least for now. Conservatism is a joke (except in the Supreme Court), because most have proven they are corrupt for power (especially in the Supreme Court). Donald Trump was NEVER a conservative, but they know he can get the most votes as a fake conservative, so they're willing to turn a blind eye, especially for the courts. Evangelicals are a laughing stock because they chose the devil as their leader. Rick Wilson said it best: "Everything Trump touches dies." The trail of dead bodies and seriously damaged souls is piling up. His remaining days are numbered. Marc in Calif and TotallyOz 1 1 Quote
Members RockHardNYC Posted January 29, 2024 Members Posted January 29, 2024 On 1/22/2024 at 10:09 AM, Lucky said: I did support the end of the Politics forum at the other site.Now it is argument free but I can't help but think that the overall intelligence level of the posts in other forums also declined. There is only ONE BOARD owner who has the guts to write this: "Is it wrong as a board owner to just fucking ban anyone who supports Trump as they often bring down the intelligence level of the board?" I believe racism is at the heart of the Fascist maga movement, and there has always been the stench of racism lingering on the other board. I never knew Bill's true feelings on the subject, but it seemed to me he had much tolerance for questionable speech. Bill was a terrible moderator, and I had serious questions about his political leanings. I did not trust him. Unless you're a gay billionaire asshole, like Peter Thiel, who will do anything for his precious tax cuts, I never could understand or accept middle-class gay men wanting to be associated with a Party that hates gays. The simple concept is way too self-hating for me. There are plenty of Republicans on the other board, and in order to appease them and their continuing closet cases, it's difficult to see how a Politics Forum could be managed there. Marc in Calif 1 Quote
Members RockHardNYC Posted January 29, 2024 Members Posted January 29, 2024 12 hours ago, Pete1111 said: I'm also a big fan of Pod Save America. I love Tommy Vietor. Had I gone to college with Tommy, and found my way to a friendship with him, I don't see how I would have been able to avoid falling in love with him. Even though I have little patience for fidgets, I feel the same about John Favreau. 7 hours ago, stevenkesslar said: By the way, thanks for being the long-winded one here. It takes pressure of me to have to write something verbose yet brilliant LOL. I've been away, so I had to make up for lost time. Pleased to see you are still going strong. Pete1111, stevenkesslar and lookin 3 Quote
Goober Posted January 29, 2024 Posted January 29, 2024 17 hours ago, EmmetK said: These are NOT normal times. We have an incumbent President with clear cognitive problems that will only get worse over time. He is unable to put two coherent sentences together without a teleprompter. He has opened up the southern border to allow an invasion of millions of unvetted migrants who we know nothing about. Many are drug dealers, many are sex traffickers, many are criminals, etc. These are NOT normal times. America needs Donald Trump more than ever! I notice you very rarely if ever mention trump's qualifications or policies. Is it because you don't know what they are in 2024? He used to be pro-choice and when his slutty mistress became pregnant in the early 1990s, he was not only pro-choice, he became pro-abortion. Even now, he claims if he's re-elected he can have someone killed with impunity. Tiffany better be careful. She could be a victim of post-birth abortion if trump becomes president. Marc in Calif and Bingo T Dog 1 1 Quote
forky123 Posted January 29, 2024 Posted January 29, 2024 1 minute ago, Goober said: Even now, he claims if he's re-elected he can have someone killed with impunity. I'm just waiting for Trump and his parasitic followers to understand this would also apply to Biden. Marc in Calif and Goober 2 Quote
Members RockHardNYC Posted January 29, 2024 Members Posted January 29, 2024 14 minutes ago, forky123 said: I'm just waiting for Trump and his parasitic followers to understand this would also apply to Biden. Better yet, Biden should just have Trump "cancelled," and then blame it on Trump's "absolute immunity" argument. That would be a GREAT day for me. Goober 1 Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted January 29, 2024 Members Posted January 29, 2024 9 hours ago, RockHardNYC said: The problem with being a chronic liar, which maga and Trump are, you CAN NEVER BE TRUSTED. There are a lot of smart people, both R and D, who say this is why Trump will lose in 2024. That, when push comes to shove, he is just so much of a big awful smelly piece of shit that people won't be able to vote for him. As much as they don't really want four more years of Biden. You can probably put Biden himself at the top of the list of people who feel this way. He has never said running against Trump gives him his best shot at winning. But everything he has said and done makes it seem like he wants to run against Trump. Who wouldn't want to run against a big awful smelly piece of shit? I know what the polls say. Mostly, they say the election is close, with Trump in the lead. But every election is about a decision to throw the bums out. The only time that really worked in Trump's favor is 2016. When people had no idea what he would actually be like as POTUS. Once that became clear - that he CAN NEVER BE TRUSTED - "throw the bums out" worked against Trump in 2018. And 2020. And 2022. People didn't really want what Trump and his devoted cult were offering. So it's not hard to imagine 2024 could end up the same way. I don't think it's something the polls can predict. Because people don't quite know whether Biden, who is unpopular, is worse than a big awful smelly piece of shit. The ace in the hole the MAGA crowd think they have is that the Biden economy sucks. I'm reading more and more articles about how Trump is the new Reagan. And Biden is the OLD and SENILE Jimmy Carter.. And all Trump has to keep asking is, "Are you better off than four years ago?" This confirms to me that MAGA types truly are fact free. And that they can't be trusted with truth, and ideas. The fact is, people are better off than four years ago. When Reagan asked that question, in 1980, the misery index peaked at 22. By the time Trump beat Hillary in 2016, it was a measly 6.4. By the time Biden beat Trump in 2020, it was a little higher, 7.9. Now it is 7. So the misery index is about one third of what it was when Reagan used it to club Carter to death. And it is lower than it was when Trump lost. And yet, somehow, a big awful smelly piece of shit who brought America more misery and CAN NEVER BE TRUSTED is still better? Somehow? Oh. And home prices and stock markets and average middle class net worth are at an all time high. Meanwhile, what Trump excels at is fleecing fools and giving tax breaks to rich people, including himself. So we're going to throw the bums out to get back a big awful smelly piece of shit we fired in 2020? Who we know for sure CAN NEVER BE TRUSTED? It doesn't make sense. MAGA folk are believing their own fact free bullshit, I suspect. TotallyOz and Marc in Calif 1 1 Quote
Members unicorn Posted January 30, 2024 Members Posted January 30, 2024 On 1/28/2024 at 10:15 AM, RockHardNYC said: Not only is it NOT WRONG, I would highly recommend it, until further notice... A free society should allow the viewing of all opinions, if they're genuine opinions, no matter how distasteful. However, false statements of fact, such as vaccines containing microchips, or ivermectin or bleach to treat Covid, and so on, should not be allowed. It's OK to express one's opinion, but not to spread lies. Quote
Popular Post caeron Posted January 30, 2024 Popular Post Posted January 30, 2024 My brother was a senior actor in the US intelligence community. He is a hard core republican. Even he said that Trump was a horror to brief because he was only interested in himself. He lacked the intelligence and the focus to understand what he was presented and to act rationally upon it. He will never vote for Trump. We disagree on almost everything politically, but he isn't an idiot. He sees Trump for who he has proven himself to be repeatedly. Trump has managed to persuade a large part of the US that we're in crisis. Like conspiracy lovers who want to believe that only they know "the truth", his fearful followers cannot be dissuaded because they get so much emotional satisfaction from thinking that they know "the truth". Facts be damned. They "know". While I hate to lose the Internet, Trump pulls the exact same strings that Mussolini and Hitler did. Stoke fear and then ride that wave to ultimate power... followed invariably by a horrific collapse. But these kind of leaders want their narcissism sated, no matter the cost. I've hated a lot of republicans in my time, but I look to history and see that leaders like Trump have destroyed democracies before. I think Trump would like to do it again. I wish we had an alternative to Biden, but almost anyone is a better choice than Trump. His self-obsession is a danger to every American. Mavica, stevenkesslar, TotallyOz and 2 others 5 Quote
Mavica Posted January 30, 2024 Posted January 30, 2024 21 hours ago, forky123 said: I've no doubt Trump was a "pussy boy" at university. Others mistakenly considered him a sissy, maybe gay. Send him to prison and the Secret Service will have a battle on their hands, beause the "studs" will want to stick their dicks up his ass. He just may 'spread 'em', willingly. Quote
Mavica Posted January 30, 2024 Posted January 30, 2024 1 hour ago, caeron said: I wish we had an alternative to Biden, but almost anyone is a better choice than Trump. His self-obsession is a danger to every American. Biden is and will be okay. He's the "manager" of the government and the success of managers, like Biden, rest on the shoulders of the staff chosen to carry-out the mandates. Maybe I've missed it if it's happened to the contrary, but the Biden administration is running the "railroad", on time for the most part. Southern Border excepted. What "scandal" has there been? There are those who suspect VP Harris isn't "up to the task" if she's called upon to take the reigns. I'm not worried agout that. Leaders rise to the occasion. Trump? An awful "team" around him ... then, and now. Maybe the most reminiscent of the Third Reich. Bingo T Dog 1 Quote
forky123 Posted January 30, 2024 Posted January 30, 2024 2 hours ago, Mavica said: Trump? An awful "team" around him ... then, and now. This is very much on point. Dems have a good team and ones with their own minds. Trump went through the vaguely competent republicans in his last term. What's left may seem reminiscent of the Third Reich but, if it is, it's the Third Reich run by Abbot and Costello. stevenkesslar and Bingo T Dog 2 Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted January 30, 2024 Members Posted January 30, 2024 6 hours ago, unicorn said: It's OK to express one's opinion, but not to spread lies. But if that's true, why did God create Trump? 🤔 Quote
Members RockHardNYC Posted January 30, 2024 Members Posted January 30, 2024 Utterly incompetent lawyer, Alina Habba, flaunts her Trump balls one more time. Can't wait to see what Judge Lewis Kaplan does with this one. Quote
Members JKane Posted January 30, 2024 Members Posted January 30, 2024 Bingo T Dog and stevenkesslar 2 Quote
Members JKane Posted May 12, 2024 Members Posted May 12, 2024 stevenkesslar, KeepItReal and unicorn 1 2 Quote