Members Popular Post unicorn Posted October 29, 2023 Members Popular Post Posted October 29, 2023 9 hours ago, Moses said: How does this refute the fact: Putin has votes of the majority of citizens of Russia? It is clear: Biden has approval rate below 30%. It is clear Putin has approval rate above 60%. And this is problem for Western propaganda - approval rate shows: president has votes of majority. With that is not possible to say "he isn't legitimate"... Absolutely absurd. Since Putin controls all of the press, obviously Russians are only going to hear great things about him. If Trump were also able to be the dictator he wished he could be, we'd only think great things about him as well. Even though Trump only controls Fox News, those who listen to Fox believe Trump's a victim rather than the fraud, liar, thief, and cheat that he is. At least he's not a murderer, as far as I know. Of course, you may say that most Russians are already aware that Putin's a mass murderer, liar, cheat, and thief, and I suppose that Russian admiration for murderers does say something about the Russian people. That being said, as you well know, any credible opponent of Putin's will find himself either dead or incarcerated. Only a fool would say that Putin's support is legitimate. alvnv, Ruthrieston, floridarob and 2 others 4 1 Quote
Moses Posted October 30, 2023 Posted October 30, 2023 1 hour ago, Marc in Calif said: That's because Putin and his party It shows clearly: you have zero knowledges about Russia. Putin isn't member of any party. Surprise. Moreover: United Russia is party of Medvedev, who was president in Russia in 2008-2012. United Russia has been created when Putin was president of Russia already. unicorn, vinapu and Marc in Calif 3 Quote
vinapu Posted October 30, 2023 Posted October 30, 2023 19 hours ago, PeterRS said: Purely convenience. I don't read Russian and so have to look back at what a specific post refers. I suppose @vinapu will not mind if i start occasional posts in Chinese 🤣 I wouldn't , promise ! PeterRS 1 Quote
vinapu Posted October 30, 2023 Posted October 30, 2023 17 hours ago, floridarob said: Maybe Gayinpattaya has returned, lol everybody welcomed as long as they behave Quote
vinapu Posted October 30, 2023 Posted October 30, 2023 16 hours ago, Moses said: Putin is leader for majority in Russia. Nobody can tell the same about American president. Each president is leader for minority and US even hasn't direct elections. 1. nothing to be proud of if majority support is true 2.without reliable way of verifying how we can say that he is supported my majority ? I suspect that much more people in Russia support Putin than believes election of there are fair. Chances are most prisoners in Auschwitz when asked what they think about Dr. Mengele would answer it's best doctor they ever had. 3.In most countries whoever is in charge is leader of minority when we count those who did not vote and those who voted against. World strives to be North Korea but it's long march I venture to say before most societies reach such enviable lever of adoration of their leaders. floridarob, Marc in Calif and alvnv 2 1 Quote
vinapu Posted October 30, 2023 Posted October 30, 2023 15 hours ago, PeterRS said: \As is stated in wikipedia - "Elections in Russia have not been free and fair Peter, relax. One doesn't need Wikipedia to know what day is coming after Sunday alvnv, unicorn and Marc in Calif 2 1 Quote
Popular Post vinapu Posted October 30, 2023 Popular Post Posted October 30, 2023 4 hours ago, floridarob said: Same way Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Madero....etc. Pure love of their citizens, 😝 You're not THAT stupid are you?????? of course Moses is not stupid. He is smart and knows what it takes to live and prosper in his country. Very few people want to share Navalny's fate and everybody knows that solyanka and salo tastes much better than bullet or polonium floridarob, alvnv, Ruthrieston and 3 others 6 Quote
vinapu Posted October 30, 2023 Posted October 30, 2023 4 hours ago, floridarob said: Same way Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Madero....etc. Pure love of their citizens, 😝 they could have been . Problem is that in dictatorships or countries where one can be jailed for "offending head of state " , ahem there's no way of verifying that love. It could be real , it could be fabricated. Recall October 1989, whole East Berlin is celebrating 40th anniversary of DDR waving and smiling at Honecker. Three weeks later wall was opened and Erich send packing to Chile, no doubt few tears were shed. reader, floridarob, Marc in Calif and 1 other 4 Quote
vinapu Posted October 30, 2023 Posted October 30, 2023 48 minutes ago, Moses said: It shows clearly: you have zero knowledges about Russia. Putin isn't member of any party. Surprise. Moreover: United Russia is party of Medvedev, who was president in Russia in 2008-2012. United Russia has been created when Putin was president of Russia already. Moses, relax . We know all that already. Medvedev wasn't warming seat for Putin when he was president , he was elected by loving Russian population who somehow 4 years later lost that love and decided they love Putin even better. alvnv, Marc in Calif and unicorn 3 Quote
reader Posted October 30, 2023 Posted October 30, 2023 From CBS New Hundreds of people stormed into the main airport in Russia's Dagestan region and onto the landing field Sunday, chanting antisemitic slogans and seeking passengers arriving on a flight from Tel Aviv, Israel, Russian news agencies and social media reported. Russian news reports said the crowd surrounded the airliner, which belonged to Russian carrier Red Wings. Authorities closed the airport in Makhachkala, the capital of the predominantly Muslim region, and police converged on the facility. Dagestan's Ministry of Health said more than 20 people were injured, with two in critical condition. It said the injured included police officers and civilians. Video on social media showed some in the crowd waving Palestinian flags and others trying to overturn a police car. Antisemitic slogans can be heard being shouted and some in the crowd examined the passports of arriving passengers, apparently in an attempt to identify those who were Israeli. vinapu and Ruthrieston 2 Quote
Marc in Calif Posted October 30, 2023 Posted October 30, 2023 1 hour ago, Moses said: It shows clearly: you have zero knowledges about Russia. Putin isn't member of any party. Surprise. I'm sure it's not a surprise to you that Vladimir Putin has run as a United Russia candidate in every federal election since 2003. In that year, the party's name was changed to United Russia from Unity and Fatherland - United Russia. You know that too. In the 2007 Duma elections, Putin was the only name on United Russia's national list. Here's a tip for you: In English, the phrase "Putin's party" doesn't necessarily mean that Putin is a MEMBER of that party. Indicating possession with "his" has other meanings. For example, you can look up the term association. Got it? 😄 floridarob, unicorn and reader 3 Quote
KeepItReal Posted October 30, 2023 Posted October 30, 2023 On 10/28/2023 at 8:20 PM, vinapu said: Perhaps world would be served better if he had Ex-president Pinocchio was in Iowa at a rally a few weeks ago. He was visibly confused on stage, slurring all 5 of the buzz words he could remember. Not looking good. As he is so fond of saying: Sad! Has a date for Putin's visit to Thailand been confirmed? Asking for a friend. reader, floridarob and Marc in Calif 3 Quote
reader Posted October 30, 2023 Posted October 30, 2023 Feb. 31st. 🙂 vinapu, unicorn and KeepItReal 2 1 Quote
reader Posted October 30, 2023 Posted October 30, 2023 Have no problem with posting in language other than English so long as they have courtesy of also providing English translation. Otherwise their potential wisdom (or absence of it) is lost to vast majority of readers. PeterRS 1 Quote
PeterRS Posted October 30, 2023 Posted October 30, 2023 6 hours ago, floridarob said: Yes, I'll talk about you.... because you are what my cousin used to refer to as an intelligent idiot. You think what you read is all there is, no common sense or real life experience... fucking idiot's like you is what's wrong with this world. I do not think @Moses is an idiot - intelligent, yes. I assume he is Russian and has lived in Russia most if not all of his life. Naturally therefore his views are skewed towards Russia. I know several Americans and British whose views are similarly skewed towards that of their own governments even with a more or less free press pointing out that their views are wrong. But then is the press really free? Much of the news is manufactured in the US by a right-wing Australian nonagenarian whose primary objective is to make loads and yet more loads of money, even at the expense of the truth - and even by promoting a man whom he claims to loathe! Let's face it. It seems half of Republican voters in the USA are still in Trump's pocket despite all the publicity given to his many, many crimes. But then how he would act during a future Presidency was pretty much known before he announced his candidacy in 2016 - for anyone prepared to delve seriously into his background, that is. With the ghastly Roy Cohn as his mentor, his massive ego and his determination to outdo his father's achievements, he surely owed his ascendency to the near total failure of the American poitical system with so many of its voters desperation for a change. Russia, along with its pals in China, may well do its best to help Trump win again. After all, the voters' choice may well be beween an octogenarian incumbent who is presently disliked as a candidate by many in his own party and a near octogenarian criminal who is still loved by many. Something is very wrong with the state of so-called democracy IMHO. PS: the post was edited to change the ages of Biden and Trump which were inaccurate in the original. Ruthrieston, vinapu, Marc in Calif and 1 other 3 1 Quote
floridarob Posted October 30, 2023 Posted October 30, 2023 10 hours ago, Moses said: Then tell me: who of us is more idiot - me, who is talking about facts and about life what I see around me while I'm living in Russia, or you - who is pretending to be expert and trying to talk about me while have zero knowledges about me? Your rose colored glasses don't mean that they are Facts, you don't speak for everyone....or in seclusion, is this the only attention you get?? Marc in Calif 1 Quote
Moses Posted October 30, 2023 Posted October 30, 2023 7 hours ago, reader said: chanting antisemitic slogans That's fake from CBS. There weren't antisemitic disorders, there were anti-Israilian disorders. And participants chanted "Allah Akbar" - takbir Here is page with most long video from airport, it is in Russian Quote
Marc in Calif Posted October 30, 2023 Posted October 30, 2023 13 hours ago, PeterRS said: Much of the news is manufactured in the US by a right-wing Australian nonagenarian... What statistics are you referring to? I don't know of any source that compares the actual quantity of "news" produced by particular TV stations or websites, such as Fox News in the US. Quote
PeterRS Posted November 1, 2023 Posted November 1, 2023 There are some elected politicians who make me cringe every time I see then on television, even before they open their mouths because I know what is coming. This morning, though, on CNN, the awful Senator Lindsay Graham took things to a ridiculous level. He stated that had Trump been President Russia would not have invaded Ukraine and Hamas would not have committed its atrocities in Israel. It reminds me of an old joke originally about a different group of people but let's assume for a bit of fun that they were the three senator amigos - the weird friendship between Graham, John McCain and Joseph Lieberman. The three are on a park bench and discussing the state of the Middle East. McCain: I had a dream last night and in my dream I saw God who said to me: "John McCain you are a true Christian and I believe your views on Israel are correct." Lieberman: How strange! In my dream I also saw God who told me: "Joe, pay no attention to John McCain, Your views on israel are the only ones that matter." Graham: What did I say? splinter1949, Ruthrieston and vinapu 3 Quote