Kostik Posted November 5, 2023 Author Posted November 5, 2023 19 minutes ago, alvnv said: The only comparison that is valid is that between Hamas and Russian government - they both use terrorist strategies and, in the process, are failing their countries and peoples. The most brutal murderers and rapists are Americans. It is they who arrange a "safari for people", kill civilians under fictitious pretexts alvnv, Lucky, KeepItReal and 2 others 1 4 Quote
Kostik Posted November 5, 2023 Author Posted November 5, 2023 Do you understand Chinese? Speaks well and correctly! And you are learning Chinese, when Coca-Cola will be sold for 5 yuan in New York, it will come in handy! document_53305.mp4 Quote
Moses Posted November 5, 2023 Posted November 5, 2023 31 minutes ago, forky123 said: You might want to look up the term genocide. Nope. Because Japan is known as monoethnic country. So I'm correct. Quote
Kostik Posted November 5, 2023 Author Posted November 5, 2023 2 hours ago, EmmetK said: Hamas terrorists entered Israel for the sole purpose of slaughtering, butchering, beheading, raping, and massacring as many innocent civilians as possible stevenkesslar and vinapu 2 Quote
forky123 Posted November 5, 2023 Posted November 5, 2023 3 minutes ago, Moses said: Nope. Because Japan is known as monoethnic country. So I'm correct. No, you're not. Genocide - the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group. If that had been the aim, the US would not have been trying to get the Japanese to surrender. unicorn 1 Quote
EmmetK Posted November 5, 2023 Posted November 5, 2023 11 minutes ago, Kostik said: Gaza is an autonomous self-governing territory. The only prison guards and wardens are the Hamas butcher masters they elected in 2007. Kostik and Marc in Calif 2 Quote
Moses Posted November 5, 2023 Posted November 5, 2023 19 minutes ago, EmmetK said: Gaza is an autonomous self-governing territory. Gasa is part of state of Palestine and that fact is recognized by 138 of 193 UN countries Just to compare: Taiwan is recognized by 12 countries only. Kostik 1 Quote
KeepItReal Posted November 5, 2023 Posted November 5, 2023 15 hours ago, stevenkesslar said: Guilty as charged. But at least I don't inhale. Or swallow. 😉 That said, he is the only US President in my lifetime who almost brokered a true peace deal between Israelis and Palestinians. So smoking does have its virtues. Actually, I need to correct you there, if you will indulge me. 😁 George H W Bush actually made the most progress by making it clear to Israel's leadership that their 'bad behavior' at the time was unacceptable and would have consequences. Had Clinton followed through, we shouldn't be where we are today. You may find thus article interesting. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/george-hw-bush-israel-palestinians-progressives_n_60a6d388e4b0a25683107530 stevenkesslar and Latbear4blk 2 Quote
EmmetK Posted November 5, 2023 Posted November 5, 2023 11 minutes ago, KeepItReal said: Actually, I need to correct you there, if you will indulge me. 😁 George H W Bush actually made the most progress by making it clear to Israel's leadership that their 'bad behavior' at the time was unacceptable and would have consequences. Had Clinton followed through, we shouldn't be where we are today. You may find thus article interesting. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/george-hw-bush-israel-palestinians-progressives_n_60a6d388e4b0a25683107530 An article by the far-left, Israel-hating Huffington Post? lol/ Interesting? I would call it biased. Marc in Calif 1 Quote
KeepItReal Posted November 5, 2023 Posted November 5, 2023 15 minutes ago, EmmetK said: An article by the far-left, Israel-hating Huffington Post? lol/ Interesting? I would call it biased. Did you actually take the time to read it? How about you start there...then bring your comments. 🤓 Latbear4blk, vinapu, stevenkesslar and 1 other 2 1 1 Quote
EmmetK Posted November 5, 2023 Posted November 5, 2023 4 hours ago, Moses said: Sure. What else it may be? Do you have another name for to targeting civilians and wipe 2 cities by nuclear strike? Yes. It is called survival. After Japan bombed Pearl Harbor and killed 3,000 sailors and their families, Truman said that the US would accept nothing less than an unconditional surrender. Japan refused. The US nuked Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Japan surrendered immediately. They have been basically demilitarized for 80 years. End of story. Israel is in a more precarious situation. The surprise attack that took place against Israel was not from a land 5 thousand miles away. Gaza is 5 feet away. Netanyahu will accept nothing less than Truman did. Either the unconditional surrender of the enemy and permanent demilitarization or Gaza will be wiped away. It's up to Hamas to decide. Quote
Members Pete1111 Posted November 5, 2023 Members Posted November 5, 2023 On 10/31/2023 at 8:10 PM, vinapu said: nothing wrong with that, when we were young we got our political ideas from barbers and taxi drivers. The fast pace of the information flowing on TikTok and the number of views per post might not be a fair equivalent to Dad's barber shop. stevenkesslar, unicorn and vinapu 1 2 Quote
Moses Posted November 5, 2023 Posted November 5, 2023 3 hours ago, KeepItReal said: Did you actually take the time to read it? Read? Hahaha... First step is always deny. Quote
vinapu Posted November 6, 2023 Posted November 6, 2023 18 hours ago, Moses said: So you said US made two nuclear strikes and wiped 2 Japanese cities for to stop Russians? no, they wanted to stop Japanese and they did. I said if they wait week or two more Mother Russia could possibly be richer or Hokkaido Quote
vinapu Posted November 6, 2023 Posted November 6, 2023 17 hours ago, Moses said: So my question is: should Russia use nukes as well? ........... Should Israel to nuke Palestine? no, comparison to USA /Japan situation is not good one as it was Japan who attacked USA , not other way around. American war was or at least started as defensive, Russia's is pure imperialistic adventure .................... and again no because closeness of both territories. Radioactive fallout and all that. nuke is not an option, not only because next step is great unknown but also possibility that by time nuked rocket reaches enemy's territory may explode over own or friendly one. alvnv 1 Quote
vinapu Posted November 6, 2023 Posted November 6, 2023 16 hours ago, Moses said: Aha. So now we have: leaders who ordered to drop nuclear bombs are heroes leaders who threatened to drop nuclear bombs are "lunatics dictators" Is it correct? change 'lunatic dictators" to " pathetic losers" and we can agree Quote
vinapu Posted November 6, 2023 Posted November 6, 2023 15 hours ago, Moses said: Iuppiter iratus ergo nefas You are the victim of the Western propaganda, "history is written by the winners". that's not propaganda, that's reality and always had been , losers can't write history because at worst they are dead , at best nobody buys their story because they are, well, losers Quote
vinapu Posted November 6, 2023 Posted November 6, 2023 15 hours ago, reader said: Arguing with someone with different views on these matters never causes another to change their mind—no matter how compelling we believe are arguments to be—and is a bonafide waste of time and bandwidth. not waste at all as we can show how belligerent or peace loving we are. helps to regulate blood pressure without cofrfee, hand specially late in the evening Quote
Popular Post vinapu Posted November 6, 2023 Popular Post Posted November 6, 2023 13 hours ago, EmmetK said: Needless to say there is NO equivalence between Hamas and Israel. And that's the mother of all problems and tragedies in Holy Land. There's no equivalence between prisoner and guard and none between an ass and a whip. Israel has every right to defend itself and avenge it's losses but this will create only relatively short reprieve no matter if they eliminate i.e. kill 3 or 333 Palestinians for every one killed Israeli. Hamas behavior was animal like but Palestinian cause is not. Latbear4blk, Phoenixblue, stevenkesslar and 2 others 4 1 Quote
vinapu Posted November 6, 2023 Posted November 6, 2023 11 hours ago, Moses said: 70% of victims are kids and woman. this is what wars are about, remind Putin next time you talk to him stevenkesslar, alvnv and Marc in Calif 3 Quote
vinapu Posted November 6, 2023 Posted November 6, 2023 11 hours ago, forky123 said: No, you're not. Genocide - the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group. If that had been the aim, the US would not have been trying to get the Japanese to surrender. and would bomb Tokyo bay area not some provincial backwaters Quote
vinapu Posted November 6, 2023 Posted November 6, 2023 10 hours ago, Moses said: Gasa is part of state of Palestine and that fact is recognized by 138 of 193 UN countries Just to compare: Taiwan is recognized by 12 countries only. and Doneck People's Republic by just 1 forky123 and alvnv 2 Quote
vinapu Posted November 6, 2023 Posted November 6, 2023 10 hours ago, Moses said: Gaza is part of state of Palestine 10 hours ago, EmmetK said: Gaza is an autonomous self-governing territory. That's the issue there. If Palestine would be independent country and attacked Israel way they did on Oct 7 then world would give Israelis free hand and tell Palestinians 'that's misery your brought upon yourselves". now sympathy is divided and that piece summarizes it neatly 11 hours ago, Kostik said: stevenkesslar 1 Quote
vinapu Posted November 6, 2023 Posted November 6, 2023 7 hours ago, EmmetK said: Japan surrendered immediately. They have been basically demilitarized for 80 years. End of story. not quite, there were no American settlers en masse in Japan and no Japanese were enclosed in bantustans in their country Latbear4blk, Marc in Calif, EmmetK and 1 other 3 1 Quote
alvnv Posted November 6, 2023 Posted November 6, 2023 12 hours ago, Moses said: Tell us dear, why started war Hamas, but Israel punishing Palestine? 70% of victims are kids and woman. Who do you think gets punished because of the war that Vovka Putin started? reader and Marc in Calif 1 1 Quote