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Thailand known as a place of sin?

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I have 3 friends from Kuwait. All 3 are ladies. I have been in great conversations with them about sex and the younger generation. They are all in their early 20's. They have traveled the world and have money to keep traveling for life. They have visited Bali, Singapore, Japan, Malaysia and many other places in Asia. When I asked them why they have not visited Thailand, they all said that in their country if someone says they visit the kingdom, it is a shame for the family as it is known that the place is a center of sex workers and that many men from their country go there for only that reason.


Being open minded, they are willing to change their minds and visit with me one day. I wonder if the LOS conjures up some harsh reactions from people from other countries?

Guest lvdkeyes
I wonder if the LOS conjures up some harsh reactions from people from other countries?

Yes, although not to such a degree, but even in the US, the first thing people talk about regarding Thailand is the sex industry. At least that has been my experience.

Guest Jason105
Yes, although not to such a degree, but even in the US, the first thing people talk about regarding Thailand is the sex industry. At least that has been my experience.


When I told one couple that I was traveling to LOS they began spreading the rumor that I was only going so that I could molest young boys! They knew I was gay, but their assumption was not that I would enjoy either the scenery, the shopping, the entertainment, or even other gay men---it had to be because I wanted sex with underage boys. It was maddening and I no longer speak to these people since they obviously have such a low opinion of both LOS and me. :angry:

Guest thai3x

Be fair to Thailand. Sin is everywhere, every country and is dependent upon what you do not where you are. Everyone can choose to do the good things or the bad ones.


Land of Smiles :)


Guest Oogleman

I get similar remarks from straight people when i tell them how wonderful Thailand is for a holiday and advice them to go.


I reply that there are many more paedos in the UK & USA than Thailand and that their kids would be much safer in Bangkok or Pattaya than London/New York.

Guest laurence

All of my gay friends have only one opinion, and that is, any man who visits Thailand is for sex. And for sex with younger guys. Of course they had nothing at home so are jealous.

Guest fountainhall

It's a sad fact that for rather obvious reasons Thailand has the reputation of sun, smiles, sex and sin. For many years the country has been trying to change its image to more of a family destination, but this takes a long time and much more cash than the TAT has available. Plus, like it or not, every story about paedophiles in the foreign press etc. just reinforces old stereotypes.

Guest hayase

It's not only Thailand. Any country in Asia walked/will walk the same path as LOS.


For example, in Japan there were thousands of bars/prostitutes just after WW2 catering mainly US soldiers like Pattaya. With its economic growth, those business eventually disappeared and shifted to Korea or Taiwan where life standard was much lower than Japan. After the economic success in Korea and Taiwan, there came Philippines. Now it's Thailand. It quite depends on the economy of the nation. Yes, it's a sad fact but the sad fact could let the poorest mothers send their children to the university and made Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, etc as they are now....well of course there are many other factors as well but at least this is one of the factors of their economic success.


I am sure soon or later Thailand will be taken over by her neighbors.

Guest fountainhall
For example, in Japan there were thousands of bars/prostitutes just after WW2 catering mainly US soldiers like Pattaya


I don't agree with your scenario that poverty is largely to blame. From Americans in Japan after WWII to UN workers in Cambodia in the last decade, it's true that Asian countries have progressively catered for the sexual excesses of westerners. But it is inaccurate to suggest that economic progress shifts the 'business' across the region and, by extension, reduces the impact of the sex industry in countries - and hence the number of sex workers.


Since you cite Japan, I am not sure if you have been to Japan recently, or even just looked at the plethora of Japanese porn sites on the internet. Not only has Japan a massive domestic sex industry of Japanese for Japanese, there is a huge underground sex industry fanned by the illegal import of tens (maybe hundreds) of thousands of Thai, Filippina and other 'hostesses' - and not a few young 'hosts'.


I believe the sex industry is far larger in Japan now than it ever was in post-WWII, and certainly proportionately larger than it is in Thailand. But because it is geared almost exclusively to Japanese, westerners are hardly aware of it.


The difference here is that Thailand is a far more open and welcoming society. Whilst economic development will gradually change things in Thailand, it will take much more than an improved economy and increasing educational choices to rid the country of its sex tourism image.

I don't agree with your scenario that poverty is largely to blame.


If you're talking about the lower class providing prostitutes, I certainly do....they're there for the money. And so are the so-called imports from the Phillipines and Thailand in Japan.


Wealthy or middle-class kids don't show up as prostitutes in the boybars or ladybars....and they also aren't imported to other countries for prostitution. It's the poor and there surely wouldn't be so many Isaan boys in the Pattaya bars if there were any jobs that paid the same as what they can make (or, perhaps, perceive they can make) in the bars. Pornography may or may not be a different cup of tea but, in my view, poverty and prostitution go hand in hand and always have.





1. Go to almost any major city in the United States and open the phone book under escorts. You will see dozens of pages filled with ads for those services.


2. The school where I use to teach at, had a group of 30 students who saved their money for 2 years to visit Thailand on a school trip. There are many great places to visit and many things to do where you never even come close to the sex trade. Most of us know where to find "it" so to some it may seem that is all there is to Thailand.


3.As I read some of the posts (so it may have to do with my reading) some posters seem to have disdain for the sex and those that are involved. If this is so I think it is too bad that they feel that way about themselves.


4. For me and my Thai friend, things have worked out fine so far (10 years)


None of my acquaintances here have ever cast aspersions on me for visiting Thailand. My close friends know I visit the sex venues but I also visit lots of tourist sites as well. And I take a lot of pictures of the tourist-y things which never fail to impress people. So maybe that helps cover for me. :D

Guest fountainhall
If you're talking about the lower class providing prostitutes, I certainly do


Yes, of course there will be many from the "lower class" providing sexual services. The point I was addressing was hayase's comment that as an economy improves, the sex industry tends to move to other more impoverished countries. As I pointed out, Japan has as thriving a sex industry as any country in the third world. It just happens to be much more organised - and far less noticeable to non-Japanese. So I don't agree with that premise.


Wealthy or middle-class kids don't show up as prostitutes in the boybars or ladybar


If you are referring to Thailand, my answer to that is - not yet to any degree! Again taking Japan as an example, there are thousands of examples of rich kids - male and female - working in hostess/host clubs and as escorts. But when we talk about the sex industry, we all tend to focus too much on the "lower" - and therefore cheaper - class of establishment. Thai friends tell me there are already plenty of ways of enjoying the company of top students from the best universities, TV starlets etc. - provided you pay the going rate.


In NYC, there has always been places for hookers to hang out. I was in LA recently and visited a nice bar/restaurant/gentleman's club called Numbers. It is a bit upscale but that is where the hookers hang as well as wealthy older gentlemen.


Any city in USA has Craig's Lists ads and it is pretty well-know. Not sure of anyplace I know that doesn't have hookers. But, none of these cities or places seem to have the reputation that Thailand has.

Guest hayase

fountainhall, let me make my point a bit clearer. What I meant was a “sex industry for foreigners” which makes a country known as a place of sin for overseas visitors.


In a very poor country, for some people, especially uneducated woman from poor family, prostitution targeting rich foreigners could be an only way to make living as there is almost no domestic market, compatriots had not enough money to spend for entertainment including sex. When that country gets richer, they can pick up more decent job and have no need to work for foreign market. I understand sex industry in Japan today is quite huge, maybe far bigger than Thailand but it’s for Japanese only no gaijin allowed, that’s why Japan does not have such reputation as Thailand. When Thai economy catch up Japan, Korea, or Taiwan, soi Twilight will no longer be desperate for hard foreign currency.


I’m Japanese living in Japan, born in early 1950s when Japan was so poor. There was a US Base in my home town and the main street was quite like Walking Street so I could have a natural education of instant cross country romance and money.


One more thing I want to tell you if you are American. I have several friends who could have proper education/life because of their mother’s boyfriend ( I cannot call them a customer. They were all warm, gentle, and responsible just like a father.), and many of us are still very much grateful for that. I believe many Thais too.


I understand sex industry in Japan today is quite huge, maybe far bigger than Thailand but it’s for Japanese only no gaijin allowed, that’s why Japan does not have such reputation as Thailand. When Thai economy catch up Japan, Korea, or Taiwan, soi Twilight will no longer be desperate for hard foreign currency.


The heterosexual Japanese brothels have a reputation for only allowing Japanese customers, but I've always found the gay establishments are perfectly happy to let a gaijin like me off their guys.


Obviously at 15,000 yen for an hour they are about 5 times as expensive as Thais, which must restrict demand. In Thailand you get more than an hour too, although the service in Japan is uniformly good.


I was in LA recently and visited a nice bar/restaurant/gentleman's club called Numbers. It is a bit upscale but that is where the hookers hang as well as wealthy older gentlemen.


Actually that is only one place in LA that has hookers. There are several other bars with different class of hookers and a different look. I've been in Fubar in LA and been hit up by college age hookers, who are far more real then the beachboys in Numbers. For more of a street lower class hooker you have the Gold Coast. Hookers are everywhere and not necessary poor or low economic status. I think the trade and who is in it depends more on law enforcement, or lack there of, and culture rather then economics.


By the way, people are vary poor in the Philippines, but it is not really a good gay destination because of the strong catholic culture. But female hookers are out in the thousands.

Guest fountainhall
What I meant was a “sex industry for foreigners” which makes a country known as a place of sin for overseas visitors


Yes we have been talking about slightly different aspects of virtually the same subject. Here I do agree with you. And perhaps I should add I lived in Japan for some years and still visit regularly.


99% of the Japan sex industry is certainly only for Japanese, despite z909's comments about gay life there. Of the many hundreds of gay bars in Tokyo, I think not much more than a dozen in Shinjuku ni-chome actually welcome foreigners, and even less than that number in Ueno. The same is true of saunas and the expensive host bars. Go outside Tokyo and the numbers are even less! Never tried the hetero establishments ;)


people are vary poor in the Philippines, but it is not really a good gay destination because of the strong catholic culture


I find KhorTose's comment quite surprising because the Philippines was THE gay destination in Asia even before Thailand. Throughout the 1980's, I had amazing times at places like Coco Banana, 690 Retiro Strip and a host of even raunchier venues. Poverty certainly played a much greater role in that scene than the influence of the Catholic Church. Has it really changed that much?



The Philippines has some excellent places to meet those looking for pay for play.

Almost all understand and speak english. Because it is more discreet, don't think

that it doesn't exist as it did in the 80's. The internet has made it easier to satisfy

those cravings! :-P

I find KhorTose's comment quite surprising because the Philippines was THE gay destination in Asia even before Thailand. Throughout the 1980's, I had amazing times at places like Coco Banana, 690 Retiro Strip and a host of even raunchier venues. Poverty certainly played a much greater role in that scene than the influence of the Catholic Church. Has it really changed that much?


I did not get there until the very early 2000s, and I may stand corrected on the PI. Wes on another board has had very good luck in the PI, but I found many of the men I met had a bad image of gay even when they would admit they were gay. The other extreme was the loudly out or butch ladyboy.

I also discovered hostility in the farang community towards gays and some hostility from the straight Pinoys, but maybe I was unlucky.

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