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Paris is no more

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Years ago when I was a kid ,it was Paris ,Rome,Naples etc  to go to .....now I'm just reading the news again ....Paris is burning !!

Who the fuck would want to go to this place ?

Absolutely sad ,I feel sorry for the French people , imagine living your days in places like this .

I have now no reason to ever go to France ,I'm sure there is some lovely places but a work colleague just come back from Europe and said the Eiffel Tower was horrendous for beggars .

4 hours ago, forky123 said:

I'm sure they'll miss you.

I might consider it if there was a free ticket ,but I think I will give the whole of Europe a miss ! 


A western society with a long and glorious history in culture, music, architecture, the arts, etc. allows millions of uncivilized third world immigrants into its borders, and these savages behave as one would expect savages to behave, by burning down the country when their hosts do something they don't like, why should anyone be surprised.

39 minutes ago, EmmetK said:

A western society with a long and glorious history in culture, music, architecture, the arts, etc. allows millions of uncivilized third world immigrants into its borders, and these savages behave as one would expect savages to behave, by burning down the country when their hosts do something they don't like, why should anyone be surprised.

Sad .....but very very true 👍

22 minutes ago, Latbear4blk said:

I may be misinformed, but Paris has been in flames many, many times since the French Revolution, and the arsonists were most times not savage immigrants. 

So, to the Racist, the Xenophobic, the Muslim-phobic, and all the diverse array if ignorants, go back and take a read to History 101. 


I must admit I am "Muslim phobic" ,no use denying that.

I don't like how their religion treats and punishes gay people.

Maybe that's not the PC thing to say nowadays,but I'm sorry it's true 

26 minutes ago, Latbear4blk said:

I may be misinformed, but Paris has been in flames many, many times since the French Revolution, and the arsonists were most times not savage immigrants. 

So, to the Racist, the Xenophobic, the Muslim-phobic, and all the diverse array if ignorants, go back and take a read to History 101. 


Care to cite a few examples when the entire nation has been under siege like this? 40,000+ gendarmes had to be called out to try to restore calm. I won't hold my breath waiting.

Most civilized and intelligent people are on their best behavior when they are uninvited guests in someone's home. A host that took them in from impoverished and unspeakable conditions. These savages show their appreciation by burning down the home of their hosts.....

If Macron had any guts, he would deport those without citizenship, and return them to the hellholes from whenst they came. Secondly, revoke the citizenship of the others, and then work to have them deported. If they aren't happy in France, let them go elsewhere.

As far as your childish name-calling, it speaks volumes of yourself, unable to engage in a dialogue without debasing yourself.


Enough! French police unions condemn 'savage hordes,' forcing Macron into action


The statement posted on social media from Alliance Police Nationale and UNSA police seems to have gotten their message across as more police have been sent to stop the unrest:

"In the face of these savage hordes, calling for calm is not enough, we need to impose it, to re-establish order in the republic and put those arrested beyond where they can act up," the translated statement read.

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3 hours ago, EmmetK said:

As far as your childish name-calling, it speaks volumes of yourself, unable to engage in a dialogue without debasing yourself.

You just started posting here, at least under this name. Your remark is out of line.

This is a community with a long and glorious history that has allowed you in only to see you trash whole peoples and individual posters.

9 hours ago, Lucky said:

You just started posting here, at least under this name. Your remark is out of line.

This is a community with a long and glorious history that has allowed you in only to see you trash whole peoples and individual posters.

Really? Out of line? Are you saying that diversity of opinion is "out of line"? And the only thing that is being trashed is the proud nation of France.

And if you think referring to mobs of immigrants looting and burning down businesses and property, causing billions of dollars/euros in damages, as "savages" is out of line, frankly that is the mildest reaction I can think of. Also, your argument is with the head of the French National Police Union. I suggest you take it up with him. Or, with the thousands of hard-working, innocent business owners whose shops have been looted, destroyed, or burned to the ground.

I was called racist, xenophobic, Muslim-phobic (is that even a word?), and ignorant. I responded with FACTS. Not third grade name calling.

And I'm still waiting for all of the examples of similar savage mob riots in France. The only historic examples were perpetrated by like-minded so-called immigrant groups.

3 minutes ago, caeron said:


Um, how about the French Revolution? I guess all the mad peasants were really Tunisians?

But if you'd like to know about all the French riots it took me less than 30 seconds to find this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_incidents_of_civil_unrest_in_France

The French have been rioting for centuries.

Not that anybody needs to provide you with the evidence you demand when it is crystal clear that you aren't interested in the evidence, only in the racist story you want to tell yourself so you can be mad at the brown people.

Many, if not most, of those "incidents" cited in your link were due to immigrant riots. And none of them compare to the level of damage caused by the arson, looting, rioting, and thuggery committed by these ungrateful cretins.

Also, you do not know me. Is it possible to refrain from second grade name-calling when responding? Or is that de riguer amongst the forum's radical element?

Perhaps France is just getting what it deserves. That's what it gets for letting them all in.

“If Europe disappears, and with it the invaluable values of the old continent, Islam will invade the world. And we will totally change culture, anthropology, and moral vision."

Robert Cardinal Sarah (April 2019)

“The womb of the Arab woman is my strongest weapon.”

Yasser Arafat



You consider it name calling. I consider it descriptive, since in fact many of the riots in the link are by white citizens, and you immediately dismiss that to return to your preferred narrative about brown people.

You may be blind to what you are doing, but those you are talking to aren't.


PS. The Yassar Arafat quote has been the Catholic Church's strategy for many, many centuries.

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19 minutes ago, caeron said:


Um, how about the French Revolution? I guess all the mad peasants were really Tunisians?

But if you'd like to know about all the French riots it took me less than 30 seconds to find this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_incidents_of_civil_unrest_in_France

The French have been rioting for centuries.

Not that anybody needs to provide you with the evidence you demand when it is crystal clear that you aren't interested in the evidence, only in the racist story you want to tell yourself so you can be mad at the brown people.

Do not waste your time. Racists and xenophobes do not process evidence, they only process confirmation of their bigotry.

4 minutes ago, Latbear4blk said:

Do not waste your time. Racists and xenophobes do not process evidence, they only process confirmation of their bigotry.

You always hope for the one in a thousand who actually wants to understand rather than wallow in their self-righteous rage and sense of superiority.

After that, it's just it's just for the humor value of poking the roaring bear.


How telling that other than Olddaddy and myself, not one poster condemned the looting, arson, vandalism, etc. Not one! Instead, they point fingers at the truth-tellers, and behave like third graders:  You're a racist, a Muslimphobe, a xenophobe....   WOW.
When the facts aren't on your side, call your opponents names.

I am proud to stand with the people of France; and with the police in France, as opposed to those whose sympathy lies with the ungrateful vermin committing these atrocities. Btw, should these immigrants ever gain control of the government, you can say good bye to gay rights in France.

“We have 50 million Muslims in Europe. There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe—without swords, without guns, without conquest—will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades.”

Muammar Gaddafi Speech (April 2006)

"Can you cite one speck of hard evidence of the benefits of "diversity" that we have heard gushed about for years? Evidence of its harm can be seen — written in blood — from Iraq to India, from Serbia to Sudan, from Fiji to the Philippines. It is scary how easily so many people can be brainwashed by sheer repetition of a word". - Thomas Sowell

Yet there is a profit to be made from this violence. In the USA, leaders of racist groups that promote violence like BLM certainly profited from all of the rioting and "charity" donations from corporate idiots. They were able to buy multiple multi-million dollar mansions in predominantly white, upper-class neighborhoods. Yet, they are seldom called out on this hypocrisy.

3 minutes ago, caeron said:

We don't need to perform for you.

We aren't actors in the masturbatory racist fantasy you play in your head. If you go find a racist board, you can have a circle jerk of outrage.

A lot of people here actually like brown people (and fucking them).


Thank you for that intelligent, discerning, and perceptive response. And thank you for proving my point with your response.

It speaks for itself.

16 hours ago, EmmetK said:


“We have 50 million Muslims in Europe. There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe—without swords, without guns, without conquest—will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades.”

Muammar Gaddafi Speech (April 2006)


poor Muammar , somehow he missed such a victory 

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