Members BlkSuperman Posted June 28, 2023 Members Posted June 28, 2023 OK, I hope i can get through this without there being a part 4. @Axiom2020 i apologize that the font from the last post was so small. i see you're like me, "THE BIGGER THE BETTER!" again, this post will probably have misspelled words and grammatical errors so if that matters then "stop reading now." ok, now that weve gotten all that out the way, let me continue from part 2. I wanted to mention another great source to find hot guys in sdq and its Marlowes. WE walked in the club Sunday. Now some of you fact checking SL-ORES (slut-whores) are probably saying, "Bitch, didnt you say you were at the airport on Sunday?" I was, but i wasnt leaving. it was to drop one of my buddies off. The couple stayed behind with my hubby and i and around 1115 we had gone to marlowes. the owner actually saw us walk in and approached us. as usual, the outside of the bar had a lot of guys, but ive never seen the inside so crowded. the owner is a very nice, welcoming guy. he greeted us and you know me, the minute i stepped in the club my eyes was cruising the room for dick. while talking to the owner i saw a very sexy guy against the wall and asked the owner about him. the owner replied, "why dont you buy a drink and go over to talk with him." I did just that. gave this hot stud my phone and scanned the room while he put his number in my phone. there were lots of working guys in the club so my husband and i got a few numbers, told my buddies good night and walked out the club. when we walked out the club we made a right into a crowd of sexy dominican men. we spoke and within seconds were surrounded by about 5 or 6 guys. one guy in particular stood out from all the guys because he pulled out his phone and showed a video of his fukcing amazing body and dick. i just checked my phone and i have his video in my phone that i will attach. unfortunately, i will have to edit his face out but when you see the video, you will be blown away. so we got his number, but never hit him up because it was our last night and between my barber husband = bh, manaconda and master penis, my hole couldnt take anymore dick. as a matter of fact the last dick i took was manaconda. i guess the FUK JUICE poppers i was using had me thinking that i was going to fukc him until he nutted. not this time. no matter how much of that ish i sniffed, his strokes were deep and more powerful than the sensation i got from that small bottle. he actually did some damage and when i say damage i mean when he pulled out i was hurting and my husband asked was i ok. to put it nicely, lets just sayyyyyyyyyyyyy, "i should change his name from Manaconda to Phlebotomist. Manaconda is the guy from the video i posted in part 2 of the story. hes sitting on the bed in the white tank and the hard dick. listen, when he gets his dick hard it is a sight for sore eyes, will have your hole sore and should be deemed a weapon of mass destruction. now youre probably thinking, "bitch, i thought you were in love with your bh. chile, i am but some whores cant be reformed. Alright, there is still a lot to unpack from this last trip because honey i havent even gotten to saturday nights sex party. now lets go back to friday because i think i ended the story with me sucking my bh dick while he watched straight porn. wow. this guy has a big thick delicious dick and i enjoyed sucking every inch of it. he knows that my nipples are key to me giving him the most amazing bj i can possibly give. while he watched his porn my left hand played with his balls while my right hand was clinched in a fist around his dominican dick and i sucked his dick while expelling spit from my mouth unto the hole at the top of my fist. i made sure to get his dick nice and wet and used my spit as lube while i stroked his dick with my clinched dick. hearing him moan with pleasure made me suck a lot longer. the more he made noise, the more spit i created and the more i used that spit to massage his dick. after about 5 minutes i stopped, lifted my head and reached for the condom. he grabbed the back of my head and out it back on his dick so i went back down on him again. all this time, my husband is in the room with his guy as well. when i was done sucking him, he put the condom on, i got on the bed on my hands knees and was ready to receive him. when i heard him finally put the condom on, i took a whiff of my fuk juice. i knew his dick wasnt going in one the 1st, 2nd or 3rd attempt. even as we used more lube it seemed harder and harder to take him completely. after about the 5th time he got most of his dick in me, but i still wasnt comfortable because of the pain. finally, he slowly inserted himself in me, i hit the fuk juice and went to work on his dick. while we were fucking he did something he never does and began to bite my neck and ear. it was so passionate and made fukc his dick even harder. he and i are always in sync when we fukcs. when his stoke is in the outward im moving my ass to the tip of his dick and when he thrusting forward, my ass is sliding to the shaft of his amazing dick. we went at it in that same position for about 20 minutes while hes watching his porn. i could hear my husband and his guy in the hall and out of nowhere my bh lets out a huge moan and pops a load in my ass. he wasnt the only one to let out a loud moan because when i felt the force of his cum in the condom, i grinded my ass on his dick and let out a loud moan myself. that why i love the trojan bareskin raw condoms. they are fukcing amazing. my husband opened the door when he heard the commotion coming from my room, i look up, wink at him and say, "Im in love with this man!" we both laugh, my husband says SLUT then closes the door. Here's where ish gets interesting. after my bh showers and puts on his clothes, he tells me that its his sons birthday this weekend. He told me he was having a party for his son, the party would be in the colonial zone and i should CUM. i really wasnt going to go, but when he asked for a beer then told me again that his son was having a party this saturday and i should CUM. I told him ok. So i told my husband what my bh told me and he thought that we should go. i said fine we will go for a few minutes. friday night, we get together with the boys at dinner, now i had posted on my social media that i was in santo domingo. im going to tell you why you should always post when youre there. its simple, you start getting text messages from guys who want to make extra money by busting your hole wide open and thats exactly what happened. i started getting text messages from a few of the guys. one guy in particular is a i had met 2 years ago. i was introduced to him by one of my friends in miami. my miami friend told me that he had this guy who knows a lot of big dick tops and would get me these guys for a small fee. now this isnt the same guy that ive never met, but send me guys. this is someone completely different. this other guy has actually brought guys to my apartments in the colonial zone. he charges a small fee, but always delivers. i just checked my phone again and our messages are still there so i will show you our text exchange. i dont know how or where this guy gets his guys from but he has a gallery of sexy men as you will see in the attachments. ok, im going to tell you what happened when i attended my bh sons party then i will have to finish this tomorrow. so i go to the colonial zone to grab a few nice things for the kids party. my bh sent me directions to the party. i just love the dominican culture. it so simple and they are so happy with having the basics in life. as we were walking to the place where the party was, i texted bh and told him that i would be there in a few minutes based on the my phones gps. as we approached the building, i told my husband that i wanted to go to the other side of the street so i could fix my eyes on my bh before walking in. after i spotted him in the venue, we crossed the street, walked in and i shook his hand. he didnt have to tell me who his handsome son was because the kid looks exactly like him. i wished him a happy birthday, shook my bh hand and he introduced me to the lady in his life. i smiled and in my mind thought to myself, "lord have mercy, we are both sucking the same dick" we stayed for about 5 minutes and i hadnt noticed anyone familiar at the party. i went over to tell my bh good-bye and we left. while we were in the middle of the street a voice from behind us said, AMIGO. before i turned around, i thought it was my bh, but it wasnt. remember the guy who i had to physically throw out the apartment? it was him. when i saw him, i didnt want any parts of this guy. he has an amazing body and is and amazing fukc but the last time he acted like a fool was actually his 3rd time behaving that way. when he crossed the street to speak to us, he had his hand extended for a hand shake. i threw my hands up and told him no. no. im not interested. he continued to try to talk to us but i told him no, im not interested. from across the street i could hear someone saying AMIGO again. this time it was my bh. he crossed the street and asked was everything ok. i told him yes shook both their hands and walked away. i told them both thank you and told my bh that i would see him tomorrow. as we were walking to meet our buddies to eat my husband says to me, "oh slut! your man came out his sons party to defend your honor." i told him, you are so damn stupid and we laughed. Theres still more to unpack with this story. As it gets very interesting with my bh after this encounter with his cousin/friend. I will tell you why i refer to them as counsin/friend in my next post. It's getting late and i want to add those 2 attachments to this post from my cell phone. TotallyOz, Mavica and maump 2 1 Quote
Members BlkSuperman Posted June 28, 2023 Author Members Posted June 28, 2023 InShot_20230627_232152096.mp4 The video is of the sexy guy who was standing outside of marlowes. He was clever because he whipped out his phone and played this video. IT was in that moment that I realized I had found TRUE LOVE. the screen shot is from a social media guy who follows me, sends me pics of the guys he has and brings the ones I like to me for a monetary fee. Part 4 of this story will be posted before sunday Quote