forky123 Posted August 5, 2023 Posted August 5, 2023 1 hour ago, EmmetK said: the fact is, they seek to silence Trump That's the last thing they want to do since Trump incriminates himself further every time he opens his mouth. joizy, alvnv, EmmetK and 1 other 2 1 1 Quote
EmmetK Posted August 5, 2023 Posted August 5, 2023 Meanwhile, Smith’s office “leaks” like the titanic.. multiple times a day, there will be “breaking news” from “anonymous” sources with no sanctions on the prosecutors office. That entire demokkkrat dept of “justUS” violates the Hatch Act almost daily. But smith is desperate to maintain his tainted jury pool. “Judge! Don’t let Trump speak the truth!!! He might counter the government’s propaganda with the truth and ruin the persecution.. wait strike that, the prosecution .. that will make your (and my) career! Waaaaaaahhhhhh!” Everyone knows the case is bs, the jury pool tainted, the prosecutors are jizz-swilling demokkkrat operatives and the Clinton-appointed “judge” is going to ignore the Constitution, SCOTUS precedent, any “inconvenient” law, is going to muzzle Trump or jail him for the slightest reason, ensure every ruling is against him, bar evidence, both personally exculpatory and showing 2020 election illegality and unConstitutional acts by State executive and Judicial branches that violated the plain language of the US Constitution to enable demokkkrat ballot fraud. Judge will also only ensure the jury is just sober enough to sign the “guilty” forms when required. (Prior to the trial most likely, just not dated) And of course, deny and fight against any attempt for a change of venue, especially anywhere he might get an actual fair trial. There is absolutely NO reason for the prosecution to have been releasing their spurious and ever growing grasping at any charge and allegation they can pile on, made up and/or spun “facts”, staged photos, misapplied laws, omissions of SCOTUS precedent and actual plain language of the Constitution. Nor is there any reason to have press conferences to continue to malign, libel and defame a political opponent of their regime except as a disgusting attempt to maintain their propaganda line and an overt and blatant use of their office to destroy the main political opposition to their political party leading up to an election. They see everyone as sheep that bleat and bawl, but never actually do anything about their corruption. And they are most likely correct.. Heck, a protest that was miniscule compared to daily nationwide leftist tantrums, which included arson, looting, assaults, and murder while also stopping the “functions of government”, resulted in absolute tyranny and jailing of actual mostly peaceful protesters, exercising their 1st amendment rights to protest and demand redress of wrongs, while ignoring government agents and their antifa and racist BLM allies actually committing violence and inciting a riot. Meanwhile, left-wing media has a total blackout over biden corruption. If you watch only legacy media, get your news from CNN, MSNBC, WaPo, the NYTimes, etc, then you are a government bot barking clapping seal know nothing. forky123, stevenkesslar and alvnv 1 2 Quote
forky123 Posted August 5, 2023 Posted August 5, 2023 EmmetK, KeepItReal, stevenkesslar and 2 others 1 3 1 Quote
Members Popular Post JKane Posted August 5, 2023 Members Popular Post Posted August 5, 2023 stevenkesslar, EmmetK, KeepItReal and 4 others 3 3 1 Quote
EmmetK Posted August 5, 2023 Posted August 5, 2023 26 minutes ago, forky123 said: Thanks! When the left can only reply to facts with stupid, meaningless GIFs (@jkane wrote the book), instead of countering with intelligent dialog, it means that they have nothing. Waving of the white flag. Once again, thanks for proving the left is full of hot air, platitudes, and of course an endless supply of stupid GIFs. stevenkesslar, forky123 and alvnv 1 2 Quote
EmmetK Posted August 5, 2023 Posted August 5, 2023 Just now, JKane said: PERFECT! you must have read my mind! ROFLMAO! alvnv 1 Quote
forky123 Posted August 5, 2023 Posted August 5, 2023 8 minutes ago, EmmetK said: Thanks! When the left can only reply to facts with stupid, meaningless GIFs (@jkane wrote the book), instead of countering with intelligent dialog, it means that they have nothing. Waving of the white flag. Once again, thanks for proving the left is full of hot air, platitudes, and of course an endless supply of stupid GIFs. 1) I'm on the right of centre. I am definitely left of Hitler though. 2) Sometimes someone creates a lengthy post that has so little basis in fact or truth that a GIF is the only response it deserves. EmmetK, stevenkesslar, JKane and 1 other 2 1 1 Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted August 5, 2023 Members Posted August 5, 2023 45 minutes ago, EmmetK said: Thanks! When the left can only reply to facts with stupid, meaningless GIFs (@jkane wrote the book), instead of countering with intelligent dialog, it means that they have nothing. Waving of the white flag. And thank you for helping me to understand why people in the MAGAverse are always so angry. Everything is always the opposite of what it is, and what you want it to be. It must be wretched. I feel for you guys. I mean, let's take the Biden crime family. It's so obvious that Biden took a $5 million bribe from Chinese fraudsters to get the FBI and Crooked Joe's buddy Xi to arrest them. He even put the $5 million bribe on his taxes. And yet, somehow, a majority of Americans actually buy this idea that Trump tried to steal the 2020 election. Which is clearly a fabricated distraction. And yet Trump is the one who keeps being indicted. WTF? It must enrage the good citizens of the MAGAverse. And you guys are patient. Frankly, it's the kind of tyrannical bullshit that would make me think about wanting to bust open the head of some cop at The Capitol. Speaking of saying nasty things, I do have to say that Trump warned you guys, fair and square. He said point blank that in the MAGAverse I can shoot someone, and get away with it. So the point we are at now, to complete the analogy, is that he did shoot someone. And when it is pointed out that before he shot them, he said, "I can shoot them and get away with," the good citizens of the upside down MAGAverse are arguing there can be no crime. Because Trump can say whatever he wants. The fact that he shot someone is absolved by the fact that he said he way going to do it. So if these things - like the law - frustrate you deeply, which they obviously do, you only have Trump and yourselves to blame. 3 hours ago, forky123 said: Trump incriminates himself further every time he opens his mouth. Precisely. Of course Trump has the right to lie about how he won the election. Of course he can believe he was the greatest President ever. And that every woman in America wishes they'd be so lucky as to be raped or grabbed in the pussy by him. That's just free speech. And the more freely he speaks, the more he repels the majority of Americans. So please, Donald, keep speaking. Tell us what you really think. But it sure has to be a bitch. For those of us outside the MAGA fun house, there is no evidence of Joe Biden taking a $5 million bribe. But there is evidence on Page 2 of the indictment that Jack Smith says right out of the gate that Trump has the right to lie all he wants about the 2020 election. As well as most other things. It's when he uses those lies with intent to steal an election that his lies become an issue. Just like his speech becomes an issue when he actually does kill someone on Fifth Avenue. It has to be a total fucking bitch that everything is the opposite of what it seems to be in the MAGAverse. My sense from the polls is that most Americans, even though we are not all lawyers, actually get these distinctions. Asked whether a given anti-democracy Trump fuck up is criminal, or simply unethical, I think the biggest majority see Mar A Lago as criminal. Because that indictment is very detailed and very specific about how he lied and covered up. Alan Derschowitz is correct that the potential weakness of this particular indictment (it's getting hard to keep track) is the absence of an undeniably smoking gun. Based on what we know so far. "I just want to find 11,780 votes." Hmmm. What could that mean? Maybe Trump intended to coronate Joe Biden as The Big Guy who runs The Crime Family Of The Year. So he was just grubbing for votes in Georgia to give Crooked Joe the respect he deserves. That must be it. Then again, if we just put aside alternative facts, a jury could take it to mean he specifically intended to get Republicans in Georgia to steal the Georgia election for him. Crazy idea, I know. But these suckers that have been duped into ignoring the $5 million bribe Crooked Joe reported on his taxes are going to disappoint you every time. So just get ready. I'm so sorry life is so complicated for you. And that it leaves so many in the MAGAverse feeling enraged. Oops! There I go again. Lying leftists and their GIFs! They'll even try to turn a patriotic cop beating into a crime. Ugh! forky123 1 Quote
Mavica Posted August 5, 2023 Posted August 5, 2023 1 hour ago, forky123 said: 2) Sometimes someone creates a lengthy post that has so little basis in fact or truth that a GIF is the only response it deserves. Agreed. The poster - any of us posting - has the right to post whatever he/we want in conformance with the terms of participation of the website owner. Not everyone expresses themselves in the same way. stevenkesslar 1 Quote
EmmetK Posted August 5, 2023 Posted August 5, 2023 The woke, progressive, evil, Marxist, Communist, Democrat Party government of criminals, by criminals, and for criminals has set the precedent to follow: organize and operate a subversive, seditious, insurrectionist, treasonous, Deep State coup against a duly elected U.S. President; perjure yours before the FISA Court; spy on presidential campaigns and WH administrations; prosecute everyone in the orbit of the opposition; hold Communist trials to criminalize opposition to the party in power; throw protesters into Communist gulags without due process; continue to persecute politicians after they leave office; use the Dept. of Injustice and the fake news media to shield your side from prosecution for nefarious crimes; lie every day in every way; and blame the dysfunction and dystopia on the other side! Enjoy getting what you dished out, woke, progressive, evil, Marxist, Communist, Democrat Party government of criminals, by criminals, and for criminals. forky123, stevenkesslar, Latbear4blk and 2 others 3 2 Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted August 5, 2023 Members Posted August 5, 2023 44 minutes ago, EmmetK said: The woke, progressive, evil, Marxist, Communist, Democrat Party government of criminals, by criminals, and for criminals has set the precedent to follow: organize and operate a subversive, seditious, insurrectionist, treasonous, Deep State coup against a duly elected U.S. President; perjure yours before the FISA Court; spy on presidential campaigns and WH administrations; prosecute everyone in the orbit of the opposition; hold Communist trials to criminalize opposition to the party in power; throw protesters into Communist gulags without due process; continue to persecute politicians after they leave office; use the Dept. of Injustice and the fake news media to shield your side from prosecution for nefarious crimes; lie every day in every way; and blame the dysfunction and dystopia on the other side! Enjoy getting what you dished out, woke, progressive, evil, Marxist, Communist, Democrat Party government of criminals, by criminals, and for criminals. Dude. You guys are way too patient and way too nice. "Biden" and "Stalin" are both two syllable words that end in "n." "Mao" and "Joe" and "Xi" are all one syllable words that end in evil, Communism, and mass death. Stalin deliberately killed 6 million people. Mao killed 40 to 80 million people through starvation and persecution. These evil Communists getting Trump out of the way by putting him in jail is just the beginning. What do you guys think Joe and Xi have in mind when the true nature of the Biden Crime Family is exposed? Do you really believe they will let it be exposed? Not even a great leader like Trump can prevent it, I fear. Quote
EmmetK Posted August 5, 2023 Posted August 5, 2023 The January 6th hearing was a circus. That hearing was a joke. It was all one-sided. They spliced videos and lied to make Trump look bad. Pelosi hand picked the 2 Republicans (RINOs) she wanted there. She refused to allow Matt Geatz and Jim Jordan be on the committee- why? It was all a show. Pelosi and the DC mayor should have explained why they said no to the 10-20 thousand national guards Trump offered them for that day- again why? Smith vowed long ago that he was going to get Trump no matter what. In the end, though, he will be 'gotten' and Trump will be President. Smith should will be sent to Gitmo. stevenkesslar, alvnv and forky123 1 2 Quote
KeepItReal Posted August 6, 2023 Posted August 6, 2023 1 hour ago, EmmetK said: The January 6th hearing was a circus. That hearing was a joke. It was all one-sided. They spliced videos and lied to make Trump look bad. Pelosi hand picked the 2 Republicans (RINOs) she wanted there. She refused to allow Matt Geatz and Jim Jordan be on the committee- why? It was all a show. Pelosi and the DC mayor should have explained why they said no to the 10-20 thousand national guards Trump offered them for that day- again why? Smith vowed long ago that he was going to get Trump no matter what. In the end, though, he will be 'gotten' and Trump will be President. Smith should will be sent to Gitmo. I'd love to know where you find your "facts" - the chamber of secrets at Hogwarts?? 🤭 alvnv, stevenkesslar, joizy and 1 other 3 1 Quote
forky123 Posted August 6, 2023 Posted August 6, 2023 Is Trump actually trying to go to jail awaiting trial or can he simply not help himself? Quote
forky123 Posted August 6, 2023 Posted August 6, 2023 6 hours ago, EmmetK said: The January 6th hearing was a circus. That hearing was a joke. It was all one-sided. They spliced videos and lied to make Trump look bad. Pelosi hand picked the 2 Republicans (RINOs) she wanted there. She refused to allow Matt Geatz and Jim Jordan be on the committee- why? It was all a show. Pelosi and the DC mayor should have explained why they said no to the 10-20 thousand national guards Trump offered them for that day- again why? Smith vowed long ago that he was going to get Trump no matter what. In the end, though, he will be 'gotten' and Trump will be President. Smith should will be sent to Gitmo. Kevin McCarthy refused to participate in the committee. All committees should have serious members who can view evidence objectively and both Matt Gaetz and Gym Jordan are certainly not that. As for splicing video and lying, that's the right wing cable News you're thinking of. Quote
EmmetK Posted August 6, 2023 Posted August 6, 2023 5 hours ago, forky123 said: Kevin McCarthy refused to participate in the committee. All committees should have serious members who can view evidence objectively and both Matt Gaetz and Gym Jordan are certainly not that. As for splicing video and lying, that's the right wing cable News you're thinking of. ABSOLUTELY FALSE. McCarthy named 5 GOP members for the Committee. That is his right. Pelosi appoints the dem members and McCarthy appoints the GOP members. Pelosi "vetoed" two of them. Totally unprecedented. Only then did McCarthy pull out of the process, turning the Committee into a Kangaroo Court. Get your facts straight. alvnv 1 Quote
forky123 Posted August 6, 2023 Posted August 6, 2023 31 minutes ago, EmmetK said: ABSOLUTELY FALSE. Only then did McCarthy pull out of the process. So absolutely nothing false in what I said. You just think McCarthy had a reason for refusing to take part in the committee. 31 minutes ago, EmmetK said: Get your facts straight. The Irony. stevenkesslar and alvnv 2 Quote
EmmetK Posted August 6, 2023 Posted August 6, 2023 17 minutes ago, forky123 said: So absolutely true then. Wrong... AGAIN! You said, "McCarthy refused to participate in the Committee.". Your words. NOT TRUE. No surprise. McCarthy DID participate, naming the 5 GOP Committee members. Only then, Pelosi, changed the rules in the middle of the game. Upending decades of precedent. That Committee was no longer a serious Committee seeking facts. It became a one-sided Kangaroo Court with members reading from prepared scripts.. alvnv and Mavica 2 Quote
forky123 Posted August 6, 2023 Posted August 6, 2023 Right again you mean. McCarthy bailed out on the setting up of the committee. He refused to participate in the committee itself. He had every chance and chose not to nominate replacements. His choice and a huge blunder though he does make a lot of those. alvnv 1 Quote
alvnv Posted August 6, 2023 Posted August 6, 2023 Swalwell confirms that McCarthy is a p*ssy: Quote
EmmetK Posted August 6, 2023 Posted August 6, 2023 55 minutes ago, alvnv said: Swalwell confirms that McCarthy is a p*ssy: And if anyone should know about p___y, it should be Swalwell, especially Chinese p___y. Is he still sleeping with the Communist Chinese spy Ling Ling? lol. Quote
KeepItReal Posted August 6, 2023 Posted August 6, 2023 41 minutes ago, EmmetK said: And if anyone should know about p___y, it should be Swalwell, especially Chinese p___y. Is he still sleeping with the Communist Chinese spy Ling Ling? lol. Source? Quote
Members Latbear4blk Posted August 6, 2023 Members Posted August 6, 2023 OMG. He is serious. It was so stupid that I thought he was parodic. Mavica and KeepItReal 2 Quote
Members stevenkesslar Posted August 6, 2023 Members Posted August 6, 2023 6 hours ago, EmmetK said: Pelosi "vetoed" two of them. Totally unprecedented. Only then did McCarthy pull out of the process, turning the Committee into a Kangaroo Court. Two points. I guess you haven't spent much time around Congress. I've spent lots of time in House and Senate committee hearings. This is par for the course. Grassley engineered who did and did not get to testify with Dr. Ford. Why would anyone think of getting the other guy supposedly in the room when the assault occurred to testify? McConnell said we can't confirm Garland because it's an election year. He then said we can confirm ACB because it's an election year. What Pelosi did falls in the same category. I support what Pelosi did in this case. Because it's clear that the MAGAverse clones would have just spent the whole time telling MAGAverse lies. MAGAzens were free to tune The Pelosi Show out. Which they did. Everything outside the MAGAverse is fake. And truth only exists in the MAGAverse. Which leads to my second point. Trump says he will seek a recusal, venue change in Jan. 6 case So when it's a Trump-appointed judge in a red place like Florida, it's fair. When it's an Obama-appointed judge in a blue place like DC, it's the height of injustice. Truth is what Trump says it is. Fairness is what Trump wants: power and money. Everything else is shit. As true and loyal MAGAzens have been trained to believe. One of my brothers, who voted for Trump in 2016, has a great word for this: megalomaniac. I think I heard him call Trump a "megalomaniac" at least a dozen times in 2020. He was proud he voted for Joe Biden. So just be careful. Since you really do have a distorted view of life outside the MAGAverse, where most people live. My brother is a perfect example. He can't tell you who he voted for for POTUS in most elections. Although he really liked John McCain. So he's not particularly political. When I asked him if he had only voted on the economy in 2020, who would he have voted for? He immediately said Trump, because his retirement account went up a lot. But all the lies and megalomania deeply disturbed him. He can't tell you most people he voted for. But he was proud to vote against Trump. For some strange reason, that is what Trump and his lies and megalomania do to most people. So don't be surprised when the whining loser loses for a third time in a row in 2024 But then, of course, it will be because everything is always rigged against him. forky123 1 Quote