Popular Post KJ1993 Posted February 12, 2023 Popular Post Posted February 12, 2023 Hi guys, I'm on the plane heading back to London with 11 hours to kill so thought I'd use the time to share my thoughts on my first ever trip to Brasil. I hope it proves useful to someone who may soon be going for the first time, or anyone who cares to read it. Sorry if it's a bit long-winded but feel free to stop reading if you lose interest haha! For context I spent 5 days in SP and 4 days in Rio. Consider this trip an early 30th birthday present to myself lol. Sao Paulo Arriving in Guarulhous was straight-forward and without issue. Despite countless Taxi offers, I couldn't resist paying 4.40 reals for a train ticket to downtown Paulista. Plus the weather was great and I got to see the surroundings. FYI, the ticket offices for the metro only take cash or Brazilian debit cards. On average Brazilians are much better looking than your average westerner (no offence) and within an hour of landing I was already drooling over some heavenly specimens. l don't know if its the genes, the food, the weather, the mix of indingenous cultures or all of the above, but they"re clearly doing something right. Alot of Brazilians also seem to have very good teeth, both natural and veneers. After checking in to my airbnb in Avenida Paulista, I took a shower and explored the local surroundings. In the sunshine Paulista Avenue really is a sight to behold. I'd made prior arrangements with a hunk from garotolocal, potentially risky I know, but along with all the positive reviews and the security measures at the Airbnb I decided to go for it. Despite not having any issues myself, I would recommend sticking to saunas initially until you have some trustworthy connections. A few Brazilians here told me about the potential risks of using sites, even trusted ones. If you must use sites, check reviews, instagram, only fans, etc for evidence of an online presence. I booked an airbnb that was ok with visitors so I would have no awkward issues. Being super paranoid, I also removed any potentially dangerous items out of sight - sharp cooking utensils, irons, broomsticks etc I would also recommend hiding your passport and other belongings or putting them in a safe if available. I also let the garoto know beforehand that the apartement has security and is full of cameras for both our protection just in case they try anything dodgy. Security out of the way, Mr X arrives. Beautifully proportioned muscular frame with tanned caramel skin, arms and pecs bulging through his tight army tshirt. He was perfect for me as I'm into muscle but not overblown steroid-type muscle e.g. Simeon Panda or The Rock etc. He slowly removes his shirt to expose the perfect amount of chest fuzz before moving closer to touch me, what a sight to behold. I won't go into the nitty gritty but let's just say it was a good first night haha. To make it even better, he accepts card! FYI the Pound GBP £ goes a veryyy long way here, I think it's around 6 reais to 1. And that's with the pound being weak at the minute. I would highly recommend Chase banking as they guarantee the mastercard rate of exchange on all card payments, as well as 1% cashback on all purchases, no withdrawal fees either although some Brazilian banks will charge you a small amount. Also FYI, if you're going to be 'passivo', make sure its clean down there as I've noticed a fair few Brazilian GPs have a habit of checking the condom after sex haha. Brazilians in general tend to be very clean and hygienic, the ones I came across at least. All of them to smell great and use mouthwash etc, especially if they smoke. The next day after doing a few touristy bits, I decided to head to Lagoa. If you're a foody and enjoy the arts, culture, restaurants, bars, museums etc then you really cannot beat SP. I enjoy sex but it wasn't the only reason for my visit to Brasil. Beyond Paulisita, SP is not the most aesthetically pleasing city but its full of charm and has something unique to do around every corner. I wouldn't have it any other way. Check out Ibirapuera park on a satuday morning/afternoon to see lots of white topless, hunky, sweaty middle-class brasilians going for a morning run lmao. I was really nervous heading into Lagoa as I'd never been to any kind of sauna before and had no idea what to expect. I got changed into a towel and began to explore. At first it wasn't explicity obvious to me who was a GP and who wasn't (except for the guys stroking their dicks in a corner for all to see). Without trying to brag - I promise - I am in pretty decent shape and was approached by guys who either thought I was a GP, or they knew I was a client like them but wanted to try their luck regardless. And to be fair, there were some sexy customers too! Next tip, as you probably know, learn some portuguese before you come here, at least the basics. Ideally, invest in a language course, I definitely will get some lessons before my next trip. I can't emphasise this enough, especially for emergencies as google translate may not always be available, nor will it always be safe to pull your phone out. English really does not cut it here in around 85% of situations. I am by no means fluent but I spent about 3 weeks beforehand learning the basics. I do speak French so this was a massive help in terms of vocab and sentence structure etc, lots of words are very similar. Knowing Spanish is better than knowing English, but again invest in learning portuguese. Plus, I get the vibe Brazilians don't really like it when you expect them to speak Spanish - so yeah, learn Portuguese. It will also make your experience 10x more enjoyable. In terms of Lagoa, due to previous posts on here I had lowered my expectations. However as it was my first time I had nothing to compare it to and went with an open mind. I was pleasantly surprised, there was a mix of everything from muscular brazilian jocks, to bodybuilders on steroids to athletic swimmer body guy next door types, to slim twinks. There really was something for everyone. If you're into pure muscle then it doesn't beat 117 in Rio (will discuss Rio in a separate post hopefully) but you'll still find a few decent studs here to make it worthwhile. I am quite shy and had no intention of approaching anyone. The best I could muster was a smile and an extended gaze when walking past someone hot. I got myself a drink and made my way upstairs and awkwardly sat in a small side area where some straight porn was playing on a big-screen TV. One or two average GPs approached but I politely declined. Then after about 15 minutes, I made eye contact with a stunning muscular beauty, dark brown maroon skin, about 6 ft 2, looks around 25 - 30 years old, abs with some fur that could literally grate cheese, beefy pecs that you could squeeze and kiss for eternity, perfectly proportioned arms - amazing. For me this was the peak of muscular beauty - not too steroidy - just right. My absolute limit would be Joao Humberto, the gogo dancer who frequents Lagoa, even though he is clearly juicing I still find him insanely sexy. After making eye contact with the guy and smiling, he smiles back and comes to sit next to me. He doesn't actually say anything initially for about 2 minutes. I work out that we're both quite shy. After a couple of minutes he speaks.... 'how are you doing?'... in English. Either he knows I'm a foreigner or he's overheard me speaking broken portuguese somewhere in the sauna lmao. We chat for around 5 minutes with a mix of basic english, portuguese and google translate. Then the moment of truth, he starts bouncing his bulging pecs and asks me if I like what I see. I was sold at this point and there was no going back. This guy is very smooth. Some Brazilians guys really are naturally very charming. He is top and asks for 200 reals. I agree without hesitation and we make our way to a room. Again I'll leave the nitty gritty to your imagination but lets just say he took my number and we had another a session the following day haha Brazil really is amazing! After the session he heads home as he has a fair way to go. I go back to the bar feeling a bit more relaxed. I'm approached by an athletic mixed guy, not my type at all but he's persistent and I'm happy to entertain his chat. Btw I am being deliberately vague as to the personal details of the guys purely out of respect and their discretion. Long story short, me and the guy end up chatting for about an hour like two old friends. We're of a similar age and have similar interests. He's actually straight and only does sauna work to help support his family. I tell him that we're buddies and a programa isn't going to happen but I give him some money to help him out with some personal things. We exchange numbers and he becomes my defacto tour guide of SP over the next few days. He even drives me to a (straight) whorehouse in downtown Republica, very seedy lol. Be very careful if you go to Republica in the evening, or even getting into cars of unknown people. I took a risk here. I hate labels but if we have to use one, you could call me bisexual. We both enjoy the same girl at the brothel for only 40 reais each. A cute carioca from Rio with a big bunda (ass)! Another word of caution, especially in the context of GPs both inside and outside the sauna, they will always have a sob story and will continue to beg for your financial aid. It did become really onerous (especially in Rio) so just be careful and don't let people take advantage of you. I had to block one or two GPs from Rio because the begging just got more and more ridiculous, not to mention rude. It was clear they were only interested in money. A part of me feels sorry for them as life is tough over there. I went to a friend's place in Ipanema and his living conditions honestly broke my heart. I believe he was paying alot per month for the luxury of a shoe-box room with a shared bathroom and toilet. Tbf the view of Ipanema beach was great. I'm told by Brazilians that the average monthtly salary in Brazil is around 1000 to 1500 reals for blue collar work, and around 3000 reals for a working professional. Lots of them seem to have side hustles to supplement their income. From a money perspective we in the west sometimes don't realise just how fortunate we are. On the other hand, there is a correct way of asking for things - to be clear I have no issue helping out GPs in genuine need if it's done with respect and good grace - don't take the piss and try to take advantage of me. Any decent GP asking for money outside of their services will do so respectfully and is often embarrased to ask. They'll often say something like 'i'd appreciate anything you can help me with for X reason etc' In terms of GPs, I made some amazing new connections/friends in Brazil but only a small minority of these are not underpinned by a financial dynamic. Yes you can get free sex online, at bars, beaches etc but obviously its way more effort and is not guaranteed. Furthermore, I am told (by Brazilians) that Grindr in Brazil is becoming increasingly dangerous so again be careful using it. The following day and another trip to Lagoa - after some more touristy stuff. This time I've got my GP buddy with me as a wingman haha. Obviously I will tip him lol. Today I take a seat in the bar and watch some football (soccer) on the big screen upstairs. Brazil's under 21s are playing. I nip downstairs quickly to check something in my locker when I see the most delicious slice of white Brazilian hunk known to man. About 6 ft 1, massive shoulders, pecs, arms, creamy white skin and big full juicy red nipples, no signs of steroid use, what more could you ask for? His face isn't the best in the world but for that body I honestly don't care. We make brief eye contact but he seems to be chatting to another client. For now, he is the only guy on my radar. It's about 9pm and a few minutes later I see him putting his clothes back on in the changing room, my heart sinks as I think he's leaving. I head back upstairs to meet my GP buddy who seems to be struggling for clients recently. I tell him about the GP downstairs and he jets off to try and help me out. A few minutes later, my buddy comes back with the white hunk who could rival Hercules himself, my heart is racing. 'Obrigao irmao' I whisper to my wingman and tip him 50Reals. Hercules pulls me to one side and begins to chat in portuguese, I do my best to understand him but google translator is definitely needed. After brief small talk, I ask him how much he wants. '300?' he replies. I was hoping for less but no way was I about to negociate with this hunk and risk losing him. I agree and we head off to a cabin. The sex is decent, not amazing but it fulfills my fantasy of the hunky white personal trainer at the gym I've always wanted to bang. He's also a good kisser, as are all the Brazilian guys Ive been with, even the ones who are straight/Bi/top only etc. After a steamy session he tells me about his life and we discuss the gap between rich and poor in Brazil. He asks me if I'll be back tomorrow to which I reply 'yeah I should be' even though I was undecided at that point. We bid each other farewell and he leaves Lagoa for the night. After my encounter with Hercules, My GP buddy comes back to greet me. I thank him again for helping me out and we have a chat about gogo boys. He says it is possible to get one if you know the right people and he seems to be confident he can arrange it for me if the specific gogo boy was at the sauna. Other GPs also told me that gogo dancers are available for programas if approached discreetly and in the right way, but it goes without saying you will pay more. I did try contacting one or two on instagram but they have so many followers it's tricky getting them to even see your message. Alas, my dream of bedding Joao Humberto or Lipe remains alive, hopefully next time now that I have my wingman and some new tips. The following day, I'm all sexed out and I needed to get Ready for Rio. A GP/friend (a guy from a site i'd met a couple days ago for a quick session - yes risky I know) invited me to his place to smoke some weed in Vila Madalena. Under no circumstances would I ever suggest going back to a guy's place in Brazil unless you are 100% sure you know them well, especially in light of recent events at 117 in Rio. In hindsight this was probably a lapse of judgement but ironically this GP is now one of my few genuine friends where money doesn't dictate our relationship. He did have ID the first time I saw him and has a stable job, after sex we ended up speaking like old friends for hours. I trusted him somewhat then but now I trust him completely and we've made plans to travel to other parts of Brazil together next time. But I reiterate, under no circumstances should you go back to a guy's place unless you are 100% sure they can be trusted or you know them very well. It's just not worth taking the risk. Furthermore, make sure their building has security cameras and a concierge. I'm not really a smoker, but we had some weed at his place, some drinks and a bit of foreplay all before I headed off to the coach station to catch a bus to Rio! Another word of caution, there are young guys on Avenida Paulista riding around on bicyles stealing phones, bags, hats etc. I saw it happen to a gringo right outside Mcdonalds so be sure to keep your valuables out of sight and secure. I used a fanny pack which works pretty well. If you really need to use your phone, e.g. to check on an uber etc - do it quickly and keep your wits about you, ideally go into a shop, restaurant, shopping area etc. If none of these are nearby then stand up against a wall so you have no blindspots. You will get into the habit of being careful with your phone in Brazil. It's such a contrast to London or other big western cities where you can safely be on your phone at every given moment in practically any given location. Most places take card but I would recommend having some cash to hand, especially because ATM/cash machines in SP are few and far between and they tend to close around 8pm (the ones inside the banks). Also most GPs only take Cash or PIX ( a Brazilian money transfer service which only Brasilians can use). Lastly, unless you want to destroy your Uber rating, don't slam the Uber doors lmao. The Ubers are also dirttt cheap out there. To sum up, I had a blast in SP and will defo be back either this year or early next year God willing. I hope somebody finds this report useful, when I get some time I will try and do one for Rio. Currently waiting for a connecting flight to London in Lisboa, damn they have some seriously hot Portuguese immigration officers here haha. dingo, pauleiro, SolaceSoul and 14 others 12 5 Quote
babybear2 Posted February 13, 2023 Posted February 13, 2023 very well written, kudos to you! KJ1993 and Axiom2020 1 1 Quote
Members Riobard Posted February 13, 2023 Members Posted February 13, 2023 Glad you packed a lot in (teehee) within such a short time. Nice account. Just a few minor comments, though you are hardly hard up for self-efficacy. I am quite sure who your ‘Hercules’ is and the rate was likely somewhat higher than could be had. Not to cast aspersions, but this may have been partly an artefact of the middleman brokering and your initial hesitancy. Also, when at Lagoa recently I noted, though been there dozens of times, that the suites were 55 (or 60?) minutes; hence, programas almost rounded up to an hour. IDK why this contrast with Rio (ie, usually 30 minutes) did not draw my attention before; perhaps because I typically book an hour at any venue because I find 25 minutes too rushed. In any case, I suppose a price differential might be built in to this time difference and defies a head to head (teehee) comparison. That said, I have volunteered up to 300 for the hour with some GdePs, particularly when underspending budget due to disappointing selection, and I don’t obsess much over cash. A word to the wise viz João and Lipe. While gogos at Lagoa are slippery in terms of getting even a few words exchanged, both of these fellows dance regularly at Hot House where interaction between their sets is much easier to pin down, ie, with a view to chasing a date. João, unfortunately has been beset with steroidal acne, so Thomas Harris’ Buffalo Bill’s previously keen interest has waned. Quote
floridarob Posted February 13, 2023 Posted February 13, 2023 Very good review, you became well versed after 1 trip , did this board help you prepare at all? The slamming uber car doors is too funny, my friend that I travel with a lot is known to slam doors and I make it a point to say something when we get in and the driver immediately agrees with me, making my friend feel like an ass.... So my sarcasm/arrogance isn't only on this board, it's worse in real life 😝 KJ1993 1 Quote
Members SolaceSoul Posted February 13, 2023 Members Posted February 13, 2023 You did a very good job for a first time visit to São Paulo, all things considered. But please, for the love of God, don’t take the huge risk of visiting a stranger’s / garoto’s home / apartment ever again. I’m glad that, against all odds, it worked out for you, though. But I can fill up this page with true stories in Latin / South America / Caribbean where this ended up poorly or worse yet, deadly. KJ1993, msclelovr, floridarob and 1 other 2 1 1 Quote
Members SolaceSoul Posted February 13, 2023 Members Posted February 13, 2023 8 hours ago, KJ1993 said: … I see the most delicious slice of white Brazilian hunk known to man. About 6 ft 1, massive shoulders, pecs, arms, creamy white skin and big full juicy red nipples, no signs of steroid use, what more could you ask for? His face isn't the best in the world but for that body I honestly don't care. Oh Em Gee. This “Hercules” seems like the garoto at Lagoa that I always call “the one that got away”. This was late 2021, like November or December, so a bit over a year ago. What tipped me off that it might be him is your description of his “unfortunate” character face. For two days straight, he was very friendly and personable with me and was clearly very available, even offering to spot me when I was at working out upstairs at the gym. In every other way, he was everything I would’ve wanted in a brief companion, right down to being a great conversationalist. But I was being particularly selective and thought he was a bit too…. “facially challenged”. Then, on the third day in SP on that trip, I finally came to my senses and told myself, “are you crazy? You’d better grab that man the next time you see him!” But I went back to Lagoa every night on that trip, and never saw him again. I also went back on another week’s stay in São Paulo and, again, no sighting of this facially-challenged but otherwise perfect “Hercules”. I even remember the first name he gave me. But I was playing “hard to get” and never even asked for the WhatsApp… so I wound up playing myself! Lesson learned: grab them while the getting’s good! If it is one and the same, then that’s good to know that I have a shot at redemption. KJ1993 1 Quote
KJ1993 Posted February 13, 2023 Author Posted February 13, 2023 11 hours ago, Riobard said: Glad you packed a lot in (teehee) within such a short time. Nice account. Just a few minor comments, though you are hardly hard up for self-efficacy. I am quite sure who your ‘Hercules’ is and the rate was likely somewhat higher than could be had. Not to cast aspersions, but this may have been partly an artefact of the middleman brokering and your initial hesitancy. Also, when at Lagoa recently I noted, though been there dozens of times, that the suites were 55 (or 60?) minutes; hence, programas almost rounded up to an hour. IDK why this contrast with Rio (ie, usually 30 minutes) did not draw my attention before; perhaps because I typically book an hour at any venue because I find 25 minutes too rushed. In any case, I suppose a price differential might be built in to this time difference and defies a head to head (teehee) comparison. That said, I have volunteered up to 300 for the hour with some GdePs, particularly when underspending budget due to disappointing selection, and I don’t obsess much over cash. A word to the wise viz João and Lipe. While gogos at Lagoa are slippery in terms of getting even a few words exchanged, both of these fellows dance regularly at Hot House where interaction between their sets is much easier to pin down, ie, with a view to chasing a date. João, unfortunately has been beset with steroidal acne, so Thomas Harris’ Buffalo Bill’s previously keen interest has waned. I think your aspersions are correct lol. Looking back, the addition of the wingman did likely the raise the cost somewhat! Not that I'm complaing hehehe. Re Joao and Lipe, thanks for the tips. Will endeavour to check out Hot House next time! Shame about the acne but for me Joao remains the exception to my 'excessive steroids' rule. I could never turn him down 😋 Quote
KJ1993 Posted February 13, 2023 Author Posted February 13, 2023 4 hours ago, SolaceSoul said: You did a very good job for a first time visit to São Paulo, all things considered. But please, for the love of God, don’t take the huge risk of visiting a stranger’s / garoto’s home / apartment ever again. I’m glad that, against all odds, it worked out for you, though. But I can fill up this page with true stories in Latin / South America / Caribbean where this ended up poorly or worse yet, deadly. I couldn't agree with you more and appreciate your concern. In hindsight I had some regretful lapses in judgement. 100% won't be making the same mistakes twice! SolaceSoul and Tartegogo 2 Quote
KJ1993 Posted February 13, 2023 Author Posted February 13, 2023 6 hours ago, floridarob said: Very good review, you became well versed after 1 trip , did this board help you prepare at all? The slamming uber car doors is too funny, my friend that I travel with a lot is known to slam doors and I make it a point to say something when we get in and the driver immediately agrees with me, making my friend feel like an ass.... So my sarcasm/arrogance isn't only on this board, it's worse in real life 😝 This forum has been an invaluable resource, thank you!!! It was only right that I gave something back to hopefully help others in the same way 😊 Lol I do love a good Brazilian Uber story haha! floridarob, Axiom2020, Tartegogo and 1 other 4 Quote
Members Lucky Posted February 13, 2023 Members Posted February 13, 2023 @KJ1993 Sorry that I had to stop reading what looks like an interesting report. May I suggest that you break up those long paragraphs? White space is good, especially for geezers like me who get lost without it. The words just run together. davet 1 Quote
KJ1993 Posted February 13, 2023 Author Posted February 13, 2023 10 minutes ago, Lucky said: @KJ1993 Sorry that I had to stop reading what looks like an interesting report. May I suggest that you break up those long paragraphs? White space is good, especially for geezers like me who get lost without it. The words just run together. I think I accidentally deleted my spaces when posting! Sorry!! Will remember for next time. Axiom2020 1 Quote
floridarob Posted February 13, 2023 Posted February 13, 2023 3 hours ago, Lucky said: @KJ1993 Sorry that I had to stop reading what looks like an interesting report. May I suggest that you break up those long paragraphs? White space is good, especially for geezers like me who get lost without it. The words just run together. Too much white space, Not enough spaces, no vowels..... gotta concentrate here 😄 alvnv 1 Quote
Members Vanbcanthony Posted February 13, 2023 Members Posted February 13, 2023 Excellent report. I guess the safest way to do things is to keep the sex in the sauna. Looking back, I did invite a few guys back to my hotel in Colombia. Maybe I was lucky or because I always insisted on seeing them outside first and the boutique hotel always had someone at the front desk checking who was coming in and leaving. Quote
Members Riobard Posted May 28, 2023 Members Posted May 28, 2023 On 2/13/2023 at 9:55 AM, KJ1993 said: I think your aspersions are correct lol. Looking back, the addition of the wingman did likely the raise the cost somewhat! Not that I'm complaing hehehe. Re Joao and Lipe, thanks for the tips. Will endeavour to check out Hot House next time! Shame about the acne but for me Joao remains the exception to my 'excessive steroids' rule. I could never turn him down 😋 I never got to ‘Hotch’ House, as they say in PapoMix, during my April visit. They are good at posting the lineup but none moved me. At a certain point after visiting for years one sometimes just gravitates to a cadre of tried and true entertainers on one’s so-called roster rather than the laborious intensity of new negosh. If you are lucky and work at it you can land release repeat with guys that look better and gyrate well enough in small spaces, like your bed, to get your blood racing. One strapping guy I first met at one of the massage spas still makes my knees buckle when he steps out of the Über with his high wattage smile advancing to the gate, or Renaissance lobby when I’m slumming there. Maybe he can’t dance for shit; who knows? He needn’t care, inn’t? (He’s not the painfully cute one cross-affiliated with the sauna venues I mentioned elsewhere.) Quote