Popular Post Peter Parker Posted January 10, 2023 Popular Post Posted January 10, 2023 Vistied the Relax Men Video Club and Isicus Cali Baños Turcos sauna on the first Wednesday of January. Both establishments are located close to each other. Relax Men Video Club is a cursing bar with a number of dark areas and private both. Found the place to be clean and a nice place to relax, especially in the patio are on the upper level. When I visited in the afternoon, there were around 15 customers and two rent boys. Had full service with one of the guys in a private room - 100 MIL COL for a 30-minute service including kissing, oral and anal sex. He was a really good-looking local guy and an excellent bottom. With negotiated I'm sure he would have been available for a lower price, but I was more than happy with the price offered. https://www.instagram.com/relaxmen01/?hl=en https://www.google.com/maps/uv?pb=!1s0x8e30a66c5aaaaaab%3A0xf7ca750379bf928a!3m1!7e115!4shttps%3A%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipNtL0CF6grgWzqvY6JCJS5q53w6aoFvKssV3Mjz%3Dw172-h174-n-k-no!5sgay%20bars%20in%20cali%20colombia%20-%20Google%20Search!15sCgIgAQ&imagekey=!1e10!2sAF1QipNtL0CF6grgWzqvY6JCJS5q53w6aoFvKssV3Mjz&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjSg_f8nrv8AhUOjqQKHc6oBAAQ7ZgBKAV6BAgZEAc Later in the afternoon I popped into Phisicus Cali Baños Turcos sauna as it's located around the same block. https://www.facebook.com/banos.turcos.12/ There were around 40 in the buff customers as it was the venue's weekly naturist day. The sauna has great facilities including swimming pool, sauna, steam room and several play areas. Sex between client was rampant at times. There was one active rent boy with a huge dick available for 100 MIL COL and two good looking massagist offering services. Price ranged for 100 for message only, ranging up to 250 MIL COL for a full sex service. Went with one of the massagist as he was very good looking. There was some pretence at a message for 5 mins before it turned into a full sex session lasting 30 mins. Later on, I was approached by the clearing boy, a 20-year-old Cali lad, asked if I wanted to have sex with him for 100 MIL COL. Unfortunately, I was completely spent at this time so was unable to take him up on his offer. Thought he was the best-looking guy I had seen in both venues. Relax Men Video Club and Phisicus Cali Baños Turcos sauna venues are connected by one room on the higher floor of the building. There are prison style cage bars in the room to stop anyone transferring between the two venues, however perfectly designed for customers to have sex thought the iron bars. Lots of guys were engaging in this area throughout the afternoon. Latbear4blk, Half-vaccinated, ChristianPFC and 4 others 7 Quote