bucknaway Posted November 29, 2022 Posted November 29, 2022 https://extra.globo.com/casos-de-policia/garotos-de-programa-roubam-agridem-dopam-vitimas-em-golpe-do-boa-noite-cinderela-no-rio-veja-video-25617860.html bangdom 1 Quote
bucknaway Posted November 29, 2022 Author Posted November 29, 2022 Translated using Google Translate. Kids steal, attack and dot victims in 'good night, Cinderella' scam in Rio; watch video The program boys, who were arrested for stealing, assaulting and doding victim in blow of 'Good night, Ciderela' Photo: Reproduction The Civil Police of Rio investigates a gang of male prostitutes specialized in robbing, assaulting and doping victims in the Good Night, Cinderella scam, in neighborhoods in the city's South Zone. This Tuesday morning, agents from the 14th DP (Leblon) carried out an operation to arrest five of the criminals who, after meeting a businessman on a dating app, entered his apartment on Avenida Borges de Medeiros, slapped him and punches and took electronic equipment, jewelry and money. In the property, the victim was still forced to ingest a liquid. Hours later, she suffered seizures and spent two days in a coma at the Miguel Couto Municipal Hospital. In Copacabana: Call boy is arrested after threatening to share videos of sex with businessman South Zone of Rio: Prostitute linked to kidnapping of American judge claims 'love relationship' when asking for house arrest In the photo, Fábio de Brito da Silva, who would have participated in the crime against a businessman in Leblon Photo: Reproduction According to the investigations, around 16h of September 30, the businessman set up a meeting with Pedro Paulo Neto da Silva, known as Kaio Pantera, in an apartment on Avenida Nossa Senhora de Copacabana. After the two had sex, four more men left the room, who began threatening, assaulting and asking for pix wire transfers to him. Pedro Paulo Neto da Silva, known as Kaio Pantera, who would be the head of the gang Photo: Reproduction After the criminals fled the apartment, the businessman staggered down the stairs. On one of the floors, he convulsed and hit his head on the steps. At 11:09 pm that same day, the victim was rescued by a team from the Mobile Emergency Care Service (Samu), called by his neighbors. According to Miguel Couto's medical care bulletin, where she was admitted at 11:43 p.m., she had a new convulsive crisis and had to be intubated and placed on mechanical ventilation. — It is a dangerous gang, which dots victims during encounters after meeting the victims through relationship applications. The person does not know who he is meeting with, arrives at the scene and realizes that he is a criminal with the intention only to dot it to take all the belongings of the house and also make PIX - explained delegate Daniela Terra, holder of the 14th DP. So far, pre-trial arrest warrants have been served against Pedro Paulo Neto da Silva, the Kaio Pantera; Marlon Bouchud Falco; Gabriel de Souza Assis and Maurício Vinícius Antunes da Conceição. In the house where they were, drugs and materials such as syringes were found, used to apply the blow of good night, Cinderella to the victims. reader 1 Quote
Phoenixblue Posted November 29, 2022 Posted November 29, 2022 This is disturbing. How frequent does this sort of thing happen and what can one do for protection? Quote
Members msclelovr Posted December 1, 2022 Members Posted December 1, 2022 This sort of crime (drugging and robbing the male victim) has been happening for several years in Brazil and other cities in Latin America. It also happens in other parts of the world. I’m aware of it happening in Cape Town and other cities in Africa. A few years ago, I was surprised to find that it happens fairly often in cities in the US. Then, it was most prevalent in Chicago. If you’re meeting strangers, it’s always sensible to take precautions. Meet first in a public place. If you’re going clubbing, try to go with friends and look out for each other. In bars, watch your drink at all times. Trust your instincts and don’t take undue risks. SolaceSoul 1 Quote
Members scott456 Posted December 5, 2022 Members Posted December 5, 2022 I told you so. That's why, for sex, I only go to Brazil in all central/south America, and only to GP saunas there. sydneyboy1 1 Quote
TotallyOz Posted December 5, 2022 Posted December 5, 2022 I do not know how many years ago, but @floridarobtook me to a bar / pub in the downtown area and showed me how to keep my hand over the top of my drink because this is so common. I think that may have been 15 or 20 years back and to this day, when in Brazil, my hand does not leave my glass as bars/pubs/discos. floridarob 1 Quote
NIrishGuy Posted December 5, 2022 Posted December 5, 2022 Although the below is a UK website the products on there are now being sold widely globally it seems and I've noticed that girls here ARE now starting to use the glass cover sticker ( or variations of those) around various nighttime venues now. While the stickers and the like are perhaps a bit much for the average guy to be seen using stlill the drink testing strips could well be a useful addition to a gay mans "travel kit" if you're having visitors back to your room or feel there's something not quite right in a bar you're in ! Sad what the world seems to be becoming eh 😞 https://www.drinksafe.uk vinapu 1 Quote
Tomtravel Posted December 5, 2022 Posted December 5, 2022 I had in Bogota case where I chatted with a nice guy few days and then he proposed he would visit me and would bring bottle of wine to share and chat. I said, sure, but bring ID with you, there is a registration process for security and I have to meet you in the lobby. He got nervous, why we meet in the lobby and why he cannot come directly to my room. Then the profile dissapeared. Later I thought few red flags were there: dissapearing grindr pics, proposal to drink wine which he would bring (unusual; they guy did not look like „wine guy“); reaction to the security procedures. Other guys presented their IDs without hesitation. I felt Bogota mostly safe (I am from Europe) and was not too concerned. Its a misleading feeling, one must think of safety even if you dont feel threatened. Riobard and floridarob 2 Quote
bucknaway Posted December 5, 2022 Author Posted December 5, 2022 From what I got from the story, they forced him to drink something. They didn't sneak it in his drink. I guess they racked his nuts while forcing him to swallow the liquid. Quote
Members Vanbcanthony Posted December 12, 2022 Members Posted December 12, 2022 I think the 1st guy in the 2nd post is a porn actor called Arthur Reizinho on Hotboys.com.br, and the website already erased his profile! I thought a porn actor would have fewer incentives to participate in this type of scheme to protect future employment opportunities and income. Watching your drinks at all times and drink soft drinks or just water are the safest bets. Quote
Mavica Posted December 12, 2022 Posted December 12, 2022 When I lived in Mexico City in the 1990s, several individuals I knew were drugged. A friend of a friend was drugged, and died as a result. he never awoke. I was victimized there, too. I was always careful not to leave a bottle of beer on the bar when I went to the bathroom. All but one time. I'd met a stunningly handsome young man in a bar notorious for it being a hang-out for soldiers. It was a deep dive into hardcore underground bars in the city. Soldiers were my specialty. He wasn't a soldier, though. He slipped something into my beer and, not knowing this I drank it. I don't remember leaving the bar and going home, but home I went ... accompanied by the young man ... and I awoke (thankfully) 18 hours later when awakened by a telephone call from someone else I'd made dinner plans with ... and didn't show. My assailant packed my desktop computer into a suitcase, together with many of my clothes. I had very little money on me and that was gone, too. The building night watchman didn't think there was anything strange about the arrival / departure. These types of incidents occur worldwide, I believe. I don't accept a drink from anyone ... unless I know something about the individual, I'm in a reputable bar/restaurant and I see the drink made or poured by a bartender. I haven't invited anyone home to have sex with in more than a decade. When I visit Rio my sexcapades have been limited to saunas with GP. No matter the extent of our precautions, sometimes we let our guard down. All it takes is one time. All we can do is be vigilant and if victimized hope and pray we survive the incident. BrazilianBoiChaser and vinapu 2 Quote
Members scott456 Posted December 13, 2022 Members Posted December 13, 2022 2 hours ago, Mavica said: When I lived in Mexico City in the 1990s, several individuals I knew were drugged. A friend of a friend was drugged, and died as a result. he never awoke. May God rest his soul. BrazilianBoiChaser and Mavica 2 Quote
vinapu Posted December 13, 2022 Posted December 13, 2022 4 hours ago, Mavica said: These types of incidents occur worldwide, I believe. I don't accept a drink from anyone ... on another hand we can't be paranoid. On my last trip one of patrons, elderly lady, offered me a drink in Space Hair bar in Phnom Penh. I found it weird as we did not even exchange glances, she was sitting at different table with her crowd. I gulped it anyways and only then thought about spike possibility but no, all was good . When I was leaving and thanked her again she told me that she liked way I was interacting with guys I was drinking with and said the same I heard before from waitress in Happy Beer restaurant on Surwong " we are the same , I like boys and you like boys". so sometimes we are watched not even knowing that Latbear4blk and reader 2 Quote
Members SolaceSoul Posted December 13, 2022 Members Posted December 13, 2022 Instances like this occur quite often in Brazil — especially in Rio and São Paulo. They only make the news when reported to the police. Here’s a similar recent one from Rio. As I am here half to most of the year, I have plenty more of these stories I can share. (And before you ask, yes, you absolutely SHOULD be concerned for your own safety.) Call boy arrested after threatening to share videos of sex with businessman in Copacabana A luxury escort boy was arrested red-handed for the crime of extortion against a client, in Copacabana, in the South Zone of Rio, this Wednesday, the 6th. According to investigations by the 12th DP (Copacabana), Victor Rodrigues Assunção , aged 22, was hired by a businessman on a website for escorts and demanded payment of BRL 2,000 from the client not to publish sex videos. According to delegate Natacha Alves de Oliveira, holder of the 12th DP, after the meeting between the two took place last Thursday, Victor Rodrigues revealed that he had recorded part of the sexual intercourse that had taken place and said that he would send the images to the victim's husband. As a condition of leaving the premises and preserving his marriage, the client was required to pay the sum demanded by the call boy. Last Wednesday, Victor, even in the face of payment, continued to demand more money in order not to publish the videos on social networks. The client looked for the police station and the police were able to locate the prostitute on Avenida Nossa Senhora de Copacabana, around 6 pm. — This type of extortion generally presents high underreporting of criminal occurrences. People sometimes do not report the fact to the police stations for fear of exposing their privacy. Our orientation is that they do not fail to register the cases, precisely so that these criminals are identified and punished and do not make new victims - highlights the delegate Natacha Alves de Oliveira. At the police station, Victor confessed to the crime. Against him, there was already a record of occurrence in the 2nd DP (Rio Claro), in São Paulo, on November 30 last year. At the time, a 60-year-old retiree went to the police station to report that, after paying BRL 480 for a sexual program with the suspect, he began to demand, via WhatsApp messages, bank transfers of BRL 100 in PIX so as not to disclose an intimate video of the two. In the statement given at the 12th DP, Victor reported having learned to practice this coup with a friend. He will be sent to the José Frederico Marques Public Prison, in Benfica, where he will have to undergo a custody hearing. https://m.extra.globo.com/casos-de-policia/garoto-de-programa-preso-apos-ameacar-divulgar-videos-de-sexo-com-empresario-em-copacabana-25585498.html vinapu and floridarob 1 1 Quote
Members SolaceSoul Posted December 13, 2022 Members Posted December 13, 2022 …. and here’s another published incident. This arrest happened in September. I actually met the one on the left before. Call boys are arrested for theft in the South Zone of Rio; police claim they doped victims One of the injured said, in testimony, that criminal made seven transfers on Pix. By Eduardo Tchao and Leslie Leitão, RJ1 09/06/2022 11:52 am Updatedhá 3 meses Two male prostitutes are arrested suspected of robbery in the South Zone of Rio The Civil Police of RJ arrested this Monday (5) two men for robbery in the South Zone of Rio. According to investigations by the 14th DP (Leblon), Brian Quaresma Ferreira , 31, and David Alves Simões Rosa , 34, are male callers and dope people they met on dating apps. Brian was arrested in Gávea; David, who performed as Bruce , in Copacabana. “Brian is a call boy and explores sexuality; he posts his profile, arranges dates, and takes advantage of a careless moment. Then he practices property blows ”, said delegate Camila Lourenço . Bruce, according to Camila, “exercised leadership”. “The investigations showed that he was the one who attracted the victims through the social network. 🇧🇷 Sex workers, David (L) and Brian (R, in blue and coat) are arrested and taken to the 14th DP (Leblon) — Photo: Reproduction/TV Globo One of them said in a statement that, during a date, she went to the bathroom twice — when she believes that Bruce put something in the drink. The victim said that she began to feel bad, "in a lethargic state, confused and with reduced reflexes" and that Bruce took advantage of this to take her to his apartment. There, the escort took his cell phone and unlocked it. Brian showed up at the property an hour later. He and Bruce stopped the victim from leaving. In all that time, Brian was able to make seven bank transfers via Pix . The Civil Police asks that other victims of the duo go to the Leblon Police Station to file a complaint. The two are already indicted for false imprisonment and theft. Until the last update of this report, TV Globo had not been able to contact their defense. https://g1.globo.com/rj/rio-de-janeiro/noticia/2022/09/06/garotos-de-programa-sao-presos-por-roubo-na-zona-sul-do-rio-policia-afirma-que-eles-dopavam-vitimas.ghtml vinapu 1 Quote
vinapu Posted December 13, 2022 Posted December 13, 2022 9 hours ago, SolaceSoul said: after paying BRL 480 for a sexual program with the suspect I like that phrase ' sexual program' , charming and poetic indeed. I need to borrow it Quote
Members Riobard Posted December 13, 2022 Members Posted December 13, 2022 I have JO’d in the past year to a guy’s public domain solo stripper video that remains in my possession, a bit dated from when he apparently saw better days, including broader shoulder span in his mirror. Well, he and another fellow are reported, and charged?, a few months ago, as having been up to no good with clients in Rio. The subjectively hot video images obviously cost-free on multiple levels. Decent dancer, evidently moved on to Cinderella bedtime shenanigans? That GdeP duo catfishing sprang from the site fatalmodel dot com. The one I am referencing sports a Movember ‘stache. Caveat emptor. Now … everybody rush there to survey the “deadly” current inventory, inn’t. Quote
Members Latbear4blk Posted December 14, 2022 Members Posted December 14, 2022 https://extra.globo.com/casos-de-policia/garotos-de-programa-roubam-agridem-dopam-vitimas-em-golpe-do-boa-noite-cinderela-no-rio-veja-video-25617860.html This MO seems to be trending right now. vinapu 1 Quote
babybear2 Posted December 14, 2022 Posted December 14, 2022 58 minutes ago, Latbear4blk said: https://extra.globo.com/casos-de-policia/garotos-de-programa-roubam-agridem-dopam-vitimas-em-golpe-do-boa-noite-cinderela-no-rio-veja-video-25617860.html This MO seems to be trending right now. The first escort looks familiar, must also be a porn star Quote
Members Riobard Posted December 14, 2022 Members Posted December 14, 2022 1 hour ago, babybear2 said: The first escort looks familiar, must also be a porn star 1 hour ago, babybear2 said: The first escort looks familiar, must also be a porn star Yeah where did I see it twice recently? Racking my brain. Mavica 1 Quote
Members Latbear4blk Posted December 14, 2022 Members Posted December 14, 2022 8 hours ago, babybear2 said: The first escort looks familiar, must also be a porn star Correct, he is (or was). Quote
Members Vanbcanthony Posted December 14, 2022 Members Posted December 14, 2022 16 hours ago, Riobard said: Yeah where did I see it twice recently? Racking my brain. Authur Reizinho. It seems that the websites he worked for wasted no time scrubbing him off the site. Quote
Members Latbear4blk Posted December 14, 2022 Members Posted December 14, 2022 2 hours ago, Vanbcanthony said: Authur Reizinho. It seems that the websites he worked for wasted no time scrubbing him off the site. Indeed. It is weird, though, that the article mentions others' legal and porn names and not his . They include a picture of him, and name him Gabriel. So he must be Gabriel de Souza Assis in the list of criminals. Quote
Members SolaceSoul Posted December 15, 2022 Members Posted December 15, 2022 13 hours ago, Vanbcanthony said: Authur Reizinho. It seems that the websites he worked for wasted no time scrubbing him off the site. The escort / programa websites will do that with a quickness in Brazil when one of their advertised is arrested for a crime involving clients. The same happened several years ago with a prominent garoto who was arrested for blackmailing one of his clients. Netgay and all the other sites quickly pulled his ads down. Note: after he served his time, he’s been back to advertising on the various sites for a few years now. Quote